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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. I've always liked Biden, he's a strong candidate for VP. He will bring in a lot of blue collar white men voters for Obama. He has very strong background on foreign policy, we need that these days. Biden is a pretty straight shooter more honest and has some strong convictions compared to most politicians, he's a good fighter. I would like to see him as President

    This post is over at *** also and it was brought up by Jon Fife that he hopes Romney is McCains running mate......This was my responce to a Romney VP>>>>>>>

    Jon, its funny how everyone even many Conservative Republicans thinks Romney is Conservative, its very funny. Thats how he portraits himself for this election, but many of his stances in the past year or so where totally different from what he said or did most of his political career. He is just saying what the Conservatives want to hear

    Romney was Governor of one of the most liberal states (Massachusettseek.gif ) and was very popular even with democrats and even liberal democrats, WHY? Because he was and is liberal, he started a health care plan in Mass the Conservative Republicans did not want, he was liberal with gays and on many other issues. Fact is Romney is LIBERAL wink.gif and is just like any other politician, trying to do and say anything to get elected back during the primaries. Romney went Conservative during this election cycle, because he knew or thought there was a need for a Conservative candidate and Huckabee he didn't think would do well. Listen to Huckabee about Romney, he many many times brought up about Romney be liberal, not just liberal VERY LIBERAL

    So even if McCain & Romney are a team and they win it will be the most Liberal Republican President & Vice President Republican team we ever had in office.

    LOL LOL Romney was Governor Of Massachusetts, enough said biggrin.gif LOL LOL Oh ya he's a real Conservative, its amazing what a makeover, some political posturing and some TV ads can make people believe LOL LOL. Jon I thought you would of seen through his BS, Hell I even like and would vote for a liberal Democrat like Romney, he's a very smart business man and at least he's not a right wing Christian

    He used to support Roe Vs. Wade until about 2 years ago, I wonder why he changed his mindconfused.gif ..........Hmmmmmmmmmm......... to try to get elected

    Man you conservitives can be suckered easy, just like you all thought Bush was a fiscal Conservitive, hell he's spent and wasted more money than any President Dem or Rep in history. I guess we all can be suckered pretty easy.

    Romney I like, he is a very good bizman, but he didnt do it from scratch, he comes from a RICH family, he's had a silver spoon in his mouth since birth, You conservitives like those guys that are spoiled little rich boys LOL . How are the Christian right going to like a Morman running the country

  2. You don't get it do you.... I never thought to ask. It's not who I am. And quite frankly, I don't think it even works that way around here. To have an IEP, around here involves a Dr's diagnosis and test results. You don't just walk into the school office with your hand out and get one. There is Dr testing, there is school testing, there is a panel that evaluates each child...it's a huge deal. Around here, the kids with IEP need them, and the parents and teachers work together for the benefit of the student. It's not a crutch, or a meal ticket. We live in a zero tolerance area. Any kid - any at all with any weapon is gone - out. No second chance. No bullying, no harassment, no drugs - zero tolerance. Girls can't even bring a Midol to school for their period. It's pretty extreme. But...it works.


    It may work in your school, but in many inner city schools theres NO zero tolarance. Bullying, Harassment & drugs are just part of the school day. I have seen a couple inner city schools and HELL it is HELL, really.

    I have seen and known people that were very good at using the system. Go work in Ricks school for a couple years, you wont be surprised by what he is saying anymore

  3. With live demos and instruction we will be putting together the MB will be the event of the year.

    The Carolinas have never experienced and event like this one. This event will be broadcast for viewers who could not attend.

    The speaker and actual application of people getting to see how we wash and maintain the 4500 per hour techics.

    We will have some chemical applications for washing concrete and possibly graffitti removal as and ad for all expertise to ad to there tool box.

    Jeff, I would worry about going over the TOP, the carolinas have been a very popular place in the past for rallying PW contractor in the past.

    Since we have the room, have you decided to have select people brings rigs? I was curious incase we should have a best rig contest. Let the PW decide who has the best looking rig?

    Well, let me know and we will have all the stuff ready by the end of this month and in the mail to you. I will forward a test shirt to you before printing 100.

    Its going to be a great time.

    Yes we have room for rigs and when we do the post of events soon. I will do another post trying to get all that want to to bring their rigs. I know I will have mine and a few others have said they will bring theirs.

    I am going to have guys from my crew doing 24 hours security at the rigs.

    I have been working on the handout booklet and if anyone wants to send me a peice of their target advertising I may/will add it to the handout

    It is going to be a great time for sure. I'm telling you I can't wait!!!!!!

  4. I was wondering where the RONTRIP was today

    1st it was RONTABLES, NOW RONTRIPS, whats next RONWORLD LOL

    Have a good one Ron, been getting a lot of payments for the RT coming in I think we are over 50 now and a few called and said the checks in the mail. I hope we dont go over the 75.

  5. I thought you were going to speak briefly Sunday morning but I guess it was about over by the time you got over there.

    We talked about it and decided that next time we will try to keep the actual meeting to around 45 minutes (from 2:00-2:45 or so) to allow enough time for other activities. I don't know if I can manage the quarterly get-togethers that were discussed Saturday but we'll see what we can do! ;)

    45 minute speed round tables LOL

  6. this morning i will be doing some condos with Jeff. I heard thru the grapevine he was charging? .

    Anyway , Jeffs on his way. work boots are on

    Work boots and no socks

    Met Ron for breakfast and showed him & CC around a little just left him after a late lunch. Totally enjoyed meeting him. I was pleased he was real happy with the hotel for the MB RT and the location next door for partying after the RT saturday. He made some suggestions and the banquet staff totally agreed and I made some changes for table set up and some signage too. Thanks Ron

  7. You know that if you stay up late to see Ron, that you wont be able to go to sleep afterwards, dont you?

    Is that like ....Be afraid be very afraid

    I'll be catching Ron Tuesday, he was still on the road the last I talked to him

    Ron I'll Call you in the morning we start at 7:00 AM I'll have your uniform ready and a rig waiting for you. I'll give you the easy job........you can use the 40ft lift. Maybe we can do a live feed of Ron on the wand:lgbounces

  8. On the road after NOLA round Table Meeting.

    Just saw Russ in BAMA and possibly Headed for JeFF L in SC.

    Will be In indiana for a couple days visiting Brother.

    Anyone wants to meet , just call me.



    Call me if you are coming?? I might have to go clean up my house or something. Hope you make it here

  9. Are numbers are good so far this year but do have some down time. I have lost a lot of work to unqualified very LOW BALLER companies. I have had some bids where they called me and said I won the bid, but they can't do the work yet due to delinquent HOA dues, I have some PM's or HOA's that are skipping a annuall cleaning due to funds

    Constant targeting has kept my numbers up and am getting new work, but its getting tough out there

    well back to stuffing envolopes and faxing!!!!!!

  10. My name is Ken Spicer with K & R Seal Coating and Pressure Washing I do work in Delaware, Maryland, Pa. New Jersey. I would like more information for this lead please. You can contact me through email, or phone 302 530 3649 or 610 497 8399

    Thank you

    Ken Spicer

    K & R Seal Coating and Pressure Washing

    135 Willamette Drive

    Bear, De. 19701


    Ken, I already filled all the leads, thank you


  11. And the Hard Working Roof Cleaner in these Pictures.

    The first and last pictures Jeff was from a Condo Job in Pinellas County we did.

    I was a TIRED Mo Fo in the last picture, and CHLORINATED too.

    I think EVERY cleaner can relate to being Chlorinated ??

    And Jeff, the pic of Bush was JUST for you!

    Those Bush monkey babies should be extinct, soon enough I guess

    Nice Tarzan outfit Chris, you are nuts brother. I like it, sure looks like you are enjoying life

    Life is Good!
