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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Good Morning. I know it is good when I open my eyes up and don't see dirt! LOL We are very busy. The phone rings about every 10 minutes. I had 30+ calls two days ago. It will be nice when our two newest helpers start Monday. We have our plan and budget in place, helpers and equipment ready to go. It would be great if we had more then two days of no rain. Mornings are a good time for me. I get some peace and quiet. Till about 8am. Then it starts. Our new phone ads and a special ad in a community magazine came out yesterday. I know the rings will increase. It is an interesting time we live in. Thank You.

    The phone can drive you crazy, but if you're going to go crazy might as well be making the $$$$. 30 calls, way to go on your advertising

    Good luck all, Life is Good

  2. Good morning, Jeffrey.. what did you do, sleep in today?

    I'm looking at a condo complex this morning (16 decks).

    LOL, actually I went to bed at 10:30 and I woke up at 2:15 am. doing a lot of faxing and some letters I need more work, Im only booked until July LOL

    Good luck on the decks!!!

  3. Well its May 1st about 6:15am and I just figured I would say good morning to you all. How the heck are you? May is here and everyone should be getting busy. hope you all have a great day!!! AND a great season.


  4. Jeff I fail to see where we differ but,

    ..maybe it's that you don't see them on regular basis so your more free or unbiased to not group all the nuts together. I live and deal with the fruit and nut group regularly and they are not the everyday folk like you or I. They buy into anything and everything in way of current fad. Be careful as before ya know it they'll start laying claim and put words in everyday folks mouths. For instance ask the consumers if they want to spend money on cleaners that don't clean or stains that don't last. Before ya know it it won't be that the green products are available as option it wll be all that is available. Its the old give an inch they take a mile scenario.

    We could get into loss of timber jobs or land development due to the spotted this or that, or hunting and fishing rights etc. but do we dare go there... I mean just a hundred yards from where I live I have to be careful about stepping on or hurting some endangered beetles riperian area. I kid you not the looks I get from the bird watchers as I ride bike past their holier than thou walking/sighting adventure. Meetings on the hunting trail can be out of this world...Same folks, different color ribbon..

    The Beetles, I love that group.

  5. Somethings I don't really consider at all as being related to "green" as green implies wasting non renewables and being friendly to enviro. Talk of saving this or that, like water for instance is silly. Water doesn't disappear it just isn't everywhere as much as another.. that's drout..When it comes down to it I believe in partaking of what was given long as enviro is healthy.

    Jeff, yea some waterway animals surely showed benefit from less pollution at commercial level but don't that credit mainly go to earlier fed efforts and putting an end to certain agricultural use of poisons years ago?

    Let's be serious..the whole current green movement is way overcredited. It's been normal people seeing effects on animals , or on their skin, or on their respiritory systems that inspires safer buying decissions of the homemaker not the "green' movement. I mean they can only ignore things so long before seeing truth. Is no different then when woman had to learn and except that smoking or doing drugs during pregnancy is not a good thing. They didn't need an organized party of nutjobs to exagerate to them. Just became common understanding and that was that. This "green" thing is a business now pushing exagerations if not outright lies down everyones throats.

    I'm not talking about the ones that chain themselves to trees, I'm talking every day people that joined a movement or didn't join. I'm talking Earth day when they teach 1st 2nd and all school children then benefits of not polluting or the Jr high kids that are doing science fair projects on pollution .

    Not everyone is a nut job. I see all the green stuff I guess, but I like any think its just an every day thing and dont put much thought to it as left wing, this or nut job that

    You all sound like nut jobs talking about other nut jobs

  6. Green is alright. I am no environmentalist. Maybe the movement helped. I know in Boston Harbor you can now see seals that weren't there for decades, I see birds of prey in areas where they were extinct for decades.

    Theres a lot of areas that were trashed and now are clean. Great! I think the movement helped, keep it going, everything evens out and in the USA its helped. I'm not for saving every owl or insect that may be endangered, but if it can be avoided with and Extra scrubber here or filtration there its a good thing. I feel large industries that would pollute the most should have stricter rules just because they are so large theres more pollution and it should be kept in check

    Hell I made great money in the 80's & early 90's when they were adding scrubbers etc to power plants cleaning up the emissions. A lot of people made money and it helped clean up things

    Is going GREEN really that big, I really havent heard that much about it except around Earth Day

  7. Its the END....No matter what we as a world are creating pollution and pollution is a bad thing. Why can't we as a country and a world come up with all kinds of cleaner technoligies. I am all for it. I dont think it would hurt our economy to go cleaner, I have said it before it will bring more jobs and more industries and more money to our economy and maybe a lot less pollution

  8. Hey RUBBERS,

    I'm here. playing golf in the morning. Had a **** ride down, lots of rain and road work. Idiot me should have gone 84 to 81!!

    I'll give you guys a call Monday

    Rubbers LOL, miss the northern slang ya dild*

    Ya 84 to 81 is much nicer I did it a couple weeks ago.

    Give me a call 843-446-5931 . I'll be all over the place today

  9. i am better off in all ways.

    5 years ago I was bouncing around sales jobs after many years in management, trying to find myself. I realized the reason I sucked in management was I needed to be the owner. I sucked in sales cause I could sell myself better than selling a product. I make more money, work less, am less stressed,(except in areas involving my 2 teenage boys,)

    I am starting to really slow down and the slow times bother me more than they used to because of the higher prices Im seeing and the uncertainty of the economy.

    But, I believe wholeheartedly in this country and its ability to surpass problems.

    THe future is bright and my kids will be better off. (provided I don't kill them first.)

    Hey jon, if I didnt kill my parents I'm sure you will survive. NEVER give up on your kids I know many who have and those that dont give up, the kids usually end up alright sooner or............later

    My kids when they get to be teens are going to be perfect and never cause me any problems

    I hope the down turn doesnt last to long for our great country

  10. Like the song says, My futures so bright I got to wear shades.

    Yes I am better off than 5 years ago and ever before. I had high paying union job made good money but always for someone else. I have had and lost a lot over the years due to not growing up until my very late 30's. Now with hard work and just really enjoying being my own boss I get high off it.

    I sometimes wonder when things are going to screw up or fall apart. I always thought those wasted years were great. Oh I had some fun thats for sure. Things are just basically going nice for me now. In the back of my head I wonder if it can last. Even if it doesnt I will do things different then in the past and I know i will come out ahead.........unless I kick the bucket, that would be a bummer LOL

    I have a young family and I'm old, I figure I have about 15 years to make enough and save for me to live the rest of my life off of it and have enough for my wife and kids who will have many years past my life. My kids give me drive, motivation and the love for life that I have never had before, no matter what, bad economy, bad curcumstances whatever, I will truck on through what ever comes my way and I will be a success.

    Man I get pretty heavy some times don't I?

    Hell I can't wait to see what the next 5 years bring.

    The King !! LOL

  11. Jobs on top of jobs on top of jobs

    But Diesel prices are getting crazy Thursday at the station we go to was $3.94, Friday $3.99, Saturday $4.05, Monday $4.09 all i got to say is what the heck is going on with that

    I do know a lot of middle class in a few different feilds are loosing their jobs or have to transfer. There's a lot of people that are just holding the breathe. I wish something would just break and let the good times roll again. I'm lucky many are not.

  12. I actually agree with you Scott. I normally would. I could've moved someone else off a day and finished this job. My thing was I thought I was doing everybody a favor here.... The customer by having their place cleaned sooner in the week than later... The power washing company by giving them a job on a silver platter.. And myself by giving me some breathing room since I was too greedy earlier and booked up too many jobs... Also this PW company contacted me a while back wanting to know if i would accept some sub work from him for commercial.I figured if i throw him a bone he would throw me one..Working late is not an issue. I usually work from sun up till sun down. There was no more time in a day to squeeze them back in without disrupting someone elses schedule.

    I do see my faults after the fact. I wish I was told NO I don't have time to do it and i would find an alternative way of completing the job. Even if it meant hiring another employee for a day or two to help catch up but I didn't see it coming.

    Yes it was your responsibility and you should of fit it. But I understand what you were trying to do. The guy that stiffed you sucks for sure. You think you can trust people until you know their work ethic, you cant trust anyone.

    Last year I was passing a lot of my resi work to a local guy and now I don't I heard one ex customer tell me he didn't show up and another told me he did crappy work ( He washed their house and he took oxidation off around doors but no where else. You could see his wand marks. I cant trust him I no longer use him. I have two local guys Christian Pressure Work & David V A Plus and I can totally trust them to give timely estimates and to do good work. they have proven themselves to be very reliable and I now feel very comfortable with them. Its great to have Friends in the industry you can trust.

    You got a black eye on this one, like others say get a back up machine and have it with you at all times its worth the price to keep a good reputation.

    Good luck to you, live & learn brother

  13. Well? How is everyone's season going? Is new business up or down?


    We are adding new PM's often a ton of repeat work and my #'s for the 1st 4 months have double over last year. I do have one developer that owes me and is paying in small increments, not a good sign, but he is the only developer property I do and am getting money but slow. the others are all governed by HOA's and have it in their budgets

    Even thou I don't target any residential and haven't for 2 1/2+ years I still am getting calls from referrals and the like

    The economy I think is scary for many and I would imagine many aren't as quick to spend. I instead of buying new trailer rig & truck have added another machine, I didn't want to take on any debt. I am paying it all down as quick as possible. Hope to be debt free in the biz in less than 2 years (hopefully). I am also hoping this isn't to prolonged downturn, because everything and every one will be effected sooner or later

    Good luck all!

  14. Just a quick note. Don't assume just because a trailer is attached to your commercial covered vehicle that your trailer is covered. I thought so too, until I was corrected by my agent.

    Very true its a whole other charge and doesnt cost that much to add on. I have found in the past some insurance companies dont cover trailer or equipment. It was a large local company I couldnt get them to cover anything but the trucks W/C & GL, they would not cover trailer & equipment. I didnt even know that the 1st year or two in biz, didnt have to much to lose ten, I do now. I said bye bye to them. Dont assume the agent knows what they are talking about always either, double check and ask the right questions and look for it in writing in the policy

  15. I have separate. My trucks are under a commercial/residential auto policy with progressive, so if I am driving a personal vehicle for biz it is covered, the actual trailers are attached to that policy and my equipment in inland marine policy, all are pretty reasonable I think. I figure its all covered and if theres a problem thats between the insurance companies, not unlike any insurance claim

  16. When I moved to my new house I had Two Men & A Truck come and move me. I had my office/extra room at the old house. I brought the guys in and said just the desk and nothing else in the office. So I was sitting out side for about a half hour while they were moving stuff. I walked in the office and the guy had the closet door open and I had a 5 gallon water jug with a hole cut in it with tons of change and a few hundred in dollar bills and I had the jug covered with a jacket. The Mutha #@%^$ had the jacket off it and his hand all the way in pulling a wad of $ones up. I almost didn't even realize what he was doing at first then I went off. I grabbed him told him to get out of my house i went to the other movers told them to keep there hands off everything. I was flipping the guy started giving me some BS about wanting to count the money and put it out in the kitchen so theres no problems YA RIGHT, it was in a closed closet. I went off again and just told him I would kick his ass if he didn't get off my property. I called the main office in town they sent another crew and the owner came and said its hard to believe, because this guy is the highest paid foreman for him. I said I know a thief and this guys was thieving. I was pissed they gave me half price etc and they called again to ask questions and apologize, the I see the thief several times over the following 6 months and he's still driving and working for Two Men In A Truck, fricking thief, still gets me mad.

    Needless to say I don't recommend them

  17. I often do follow up calls. I have gotten large projects due to the fact of my follow up calls. I have called 3-5 days later after submitting bids and ask if they got the bid,ask if they have any questions and ask if they have made any decisions.

    A few times I have had PM's tell me others were suppose to submit bids and they arent in yet and a few occasions they have said do the work, if the others dont want the job the heck with them basically. The follow up call shows them you want their work and you will put the extra effort to get it. really what extra is it to make a simple phone call, hell I guess if the competition cant even get a bid in timely why would they bother calling

    If I cant get through to a PM , I leave a voice mail or email following up show you are top of things

    follow is just part of good customer service

  18. Repirators are definitly needed in a situation like that but also you need proper ventilation such as explosion proof fans even if its a distance you can sset it up with that collapsable duct and have it sucking air out one end and another fan blowing fresh air in. There are a few different way to do it you can even use air driven air horns. There things you can read up on about working in confined spaces, many will talk about working in tanks etc but its pretty much the same about restricted rooms. I hope you are feeling better, that would be very scary. I have worked in a ton of confined spaces when I was in the Steel Painter Union, but we 95% of the time had all the proper equipment
