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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Well I've beaten this dead horse enough !:lgbonk::lgbonk::lgbonk::lgsideway

    Good bless America, God Bless all of you, God Bless everyone, except GW LOL, OK God bless George Bush too I guess:lgangel:

    Its great we all live in such a great nation, it is a nation that allows us all to have our own views and thats what helps make it great:USA::seeya:See Ya, We need some new smiley faces

  2. Like I said, democratic values are not something I teach my children. One of the main reasons this country is in such a downward spiral is because of democratic values. Lord help us.


    Downward spiral imagine that, thats kind of funny since we have had a republican President 20 years out of the past 28 years Hmmmmmmmm. I know, I Know, its the democrats fault LOL

  3. Hey Beth, does that mean we have to be respectful to Jeff too???? Jeff my sleep at night hasn't been going to good after my burglary. The neighbors dog backs alot at night which makes me walk downstairs with gun in hand to check it out. I sure will be glad when Wednesday get here, I get my monitored alarm system installed then. As far as President goes. I vote for a different type of government without a president in charge. How about every man for themselves? Take care, I will be sitting here shining my gun up so it will be ready for some action! Hugh

    thats to bad Hugh, hope the alarm helps set you at ease.

    Better watch it the Dems are going to take away all your guns Hugh. Obama I heard is going to start gun squads and go from house to house to take everyones guns Oh ya and he's going to make people gay and have abortions too LOL

    No really I heard he Obama as President was going to make everyone gay, just so he could stop all abortions, I crack myself up. If he's for banning abortions and is gay (like many republicans), he must already be a republican. cant convince me Lindsay Grahman isnt gay

    :bullistic:bullistic:lgbonk::lgbonk: We having fun yet?

    Be careful with that gun Hugh, don't wake up jumpy and shoot mama, be careful man and it will get better for you in time

  4. Democratic values..............lord help us.

    Give me a fricking break, thats insulting to the millions of DEMOCRATS that love God our Nation and are truly good people. Fricking republicans it sound like they just think they are better than everyone. My mother and father were/are great family oriented people, taught me right from wrong, taught me and fought me to be a good person, loved God and our nation AND THEY WERE DEMOCRATS all their lives. Thats part of the problem with the republican party they think they are better than everyone else and want to tell people how they live their personal lives.

    Democratic values -Help everyone Ya thats a horrible thing.

    Republican values, lets see, Rush Limbaugh -drug addict and just a mean man, Congressman in bathrooms try to pick up cops, who was that big church leader who was doing drug and gays. Great family values

    I wish we could just erase the party lines and become one. Its funny, just think if Obama was a republican, All you got to say is your for family values, against abortion, against raising the minimum raise and support Bush and you republicans would be all over him. Oh ya say your for an amendment to the constitution banning gay marriage ( even thou any politician or historian will tell you there will never be such a amendment.) Come guys, the republicans give as much lip service as any democrat

    Hey I'm for banning gay marriage. MAYBE I'm a REPUBLICAN, I must be

    Just remember guys just having some fun and playing Devils advocate. Devil ....... I must be a democrat:lildevil::rant:

  5. I like how everyone blames the president for the economic problems caused by peoples incessant hunger for purchasing homes on credit they could never afford.

    You wanna know where tax cuts were working? How about government tax receipts coming in at an all time high and 3 percent above projections the year after they went into effect?

    To bad he was the biggest wasteful spending prez Lets build a bridge to no where. Bush wouldn't veto it, 6 years without 1 single veto while the republicans held the congress

    I know presidents cant control the economy, but many of his policies or lack of policies and lack of regulations made it a a robbers paradise. They dangle a carrot in front of a person who wants the American dream ( a home ) and then they give them a great sounding mortgage rate and lie & cheat to get you to sign, theres going to be trouble. If these mortgage industries knew there were any regulations or laws they may not of helped rape the yes stupid homeowners and possibly could have avoided this recession, that we all now are paying for one way or another

    When someone knows there is no one that is going to control you, they get greedy. like large and small corporations. Its our governments role to protect its people, even from themselves or the greedy corporations

  6. That is higher than the Democratic congress...

    Even with the Stock market at 12000, it is still 1500 points higher than when Bush went into office.

    You all seem to forget that when Clinton left office that we were at the start of a recession, and that Bush had been in office less than a year when the stock market got totally shut down for a week or two. I am not sure, but I think that it had to do with some airplane accidents. That dropped the Dow to around 8000.

    And then, just what exactly has Obama done to gain experience, or to have a track record to show? He has been a senator for 3 years, and been running for president for two of them. Prior to that, he was a state senator that was never elected president of his state senate.

    Maybe that he represented organized crime figures...

    There are to many things about him, and the people that he associates with, for me to be even a little comfortable with him.

    We were in a recession his 1st year and now we are in a bigger one his last year plus. Now thats a real good record to have, I wonder how many presidents that has happened to? If all his tax cuts worked, where are they working? It was corporate greed and stupid people that were sucked in that caused the mortgage meltdown, corp greed where they lay off thousands of workers but the CEO's get millions in raises for horrible profits. Corporations knew with Bush in office they can do anything they want and there will be no repercussions, so they are robbing us blind

    I am not thrilled with our choices, but I refuse to vote for another republican this year especially one that thinks Bush is doing a good job. Its a hope & a prayer this up coming election. I too am worried about his experience, but you know something Reagan really didn't have much foreign policy experience and he helped bring down the iron curtain. I really don't want Hill or Obama, but I sure don't want McCain and I used to like Mac, but he sounds so different then he did in 2000. I will vote dem, just for a different point of view in the Oval Office

    You all talk about the stock market, its pretty uneasy now BUT more than that its not all about the stock market, Stock market isn't real life for most Americans. Hell the stock market is whats causing many of our troubles now. It turned corporations in to nothing but greedy animals, they will close down and put thousands out of work to raise there stocks for their shareholders. You can take care of stock holders and still be a good citizens, Don't tell me corporate greed isn't bad. We have lead in children's toys, we have meat coming in from all over the world that is tainted, we have our pets being killed, we are buying products that are cheap or tainted and run by countries that use slave & child labor, you cant call many help lines without getting someone you barely can understand.

    Maybe Jeb Bush will run in 2012.

    Bad Bush

  7. I just looked up this link and did some math - in the year 2008 under Bush according to this site - a single person making 30k would have to pay

    $4098.75 not $4,500! And under Clinton the same 30k would have to pay

    $4952.50 not $8,400! The difference isn't that much - and totally ignores the fact that different deductions and such lead to different Adjusted Gross incomes - I remember my salaries under clinton making 50k+ - My total taxes of Federal, State, Fica, and Medicare never amounted to more than 28% of my initial total gross income - so this chart is at best irrelevent. And at worse serves to demonstrate that you republican ********** that visit this board have your heads so far stuck up your ****** - that you don't even realize that when your salary is taxed - the WHOLE amount is not taxed at the highest tax bracket that you are in!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first 10 grand of your money is taxed the same if you make 10 grand, 20 grand or a million!

    Man I can't wait for the next Democratic president to free me and my democratic brothers from this idiotic republican fantasy world.

    Althou I agree with the need for a Dem President, you got to relax the swearing brother, you seem madder than usual lately

    DOWN WITH BUSHSTER:banghead:

  8. Jeff I expected a good response out of you! That is why I posted it to get your blood pressure up! I am still recovering from coming home from a job and being burglarized. I totaled up my losses and it was about $16,000 dollars in jewlery and other items. I still can't believe it finally happened to me! Hugh

    LOL Hugh I know a lot of you right wing guys love to see my rants. Blood pressure nah, I like talking this crap, it cracks me up:kiss:

    16K what a shame man. at least you or mama werent home, you never know what a crack head would do if you werent ready to confront them. Althou it would have been nice if they walked in and you were ready BANG

    Keep checking the pawn shops for that jewlery

    OH YA the CRIME RATE is UP with GW as president too:growl: Best President ever

    Its a sickness Hugh I just cant stop hating the Bushster. Maybe I should call Rush Limbuagh if I'm sick, he can probably get me some good meds LOL LOL LOL

  9. poeple carry on like he has ruined there life

    He has helped ruin our economy, our standings in the world, the dollar, our freedoms, our environment just to name a few. He was and is a very divisive president that thought he could do what ever he wanted, no matter if it was against the law or bend the laws or against common practice or decency

    GW is the Axis of Evil But other than that he's a great guy LOL 30% approval rating, GW would call that a mandate


  10. Unreal what a waste of 42 Million. Heck just tell the media and they would have got the message out. Our Gov is soooooo out of whack

    Dear Taxpayer: This letter cost you $42 million

    IRS spending money to inform households rebate checks will soon arrive

    APTRANS.gif WASHINGTON - At a cost of nearly $42 million, the IRS wants you to know: Your check is almost in the mail.

    The Internal Revenue Service is spending the money on letters to alert taxpayers to expect rebate checks as part of the economic stimulus plan.

    The notices are going out this month to an estimated 130 million households who filed returns for the 2006 tax year, at a cost $41.8 million, IRS spokesman John Lipold confirmed.

    That works out to about 32 cents to print, process and mail each letter. It doesn't include the tab for another round of mailings planned for those who didn't file tax returns last year but may still qualify for a rebate.

    Democrats accused the Bush administration of wasting time and postage.

    "There are countless better uses for $42 million than a self-congratulatory mailer that gives the president a pat on the back for an idea that wasn't even his," Sen. Charles Schumer said Friday, arguing the IRS could more effectively spend the money to catch tax cheats.

    Keith Hennessey, director of the president's National Economic Council, said the letters are being sent to explain how the tax rebates will work.

    "Any time you do something as a government tens of millions of times, there is ample room for people to get confused. And so if you're going to have tens of millions of taxpayers getting checks, you want to get the information out so that you have as few people as possible confused about what's happening, they understand what's coming, and it reduces the number of incoming requests that IRS and Treasury have to figure out how to deal with it," said Hennessey.

    "Dear Taxpayer," the letters will begin, going on to say the IRS is pleased to inform the recipient that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law a plan that will provide payments of up to $600 for individuals who qualify or $1,200 for married couples filing jointly. The rebates are the centerpiece of a $168 billion economic stimulus package.

    The actual rebate checks are scheduled to go out starting in May, after the IRS has finished separately mailing out routine refunds for the 2007 tax year.

    The letters will be a reminder that people need to file a 2007 tax return so they will receive the rebate if they are eligible for it.

    Similar notices will go out later to some Social Security recipients and those who receive veterans benefits — groups that often do not file tax returns.

    For those people to get a rebate check, they will need to file a tax return if they received at least $3,000 from a combination of certain Social Security benefits, veterans benefits and earned income. The minimum payment for this group will be $300 for an individual and $600 for a couple filing jointly.

    Not everyone will be eligible. Singles with income of more than $75,000 and couples with more than $150,000 get only partial rebates, if any.

    People who earn less than $3,000, illegal immigrants and anyone who does not file a tax return will miss out. Singles with incomes exceeding $87,000 and couples with incomes exceeding $174,000 also won't qualify, although those caps rise by $6,000 per child.

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  11. Ha Ha, you don't have to run from me, I don't dislike all republicans, I just dont like Bush at all and didn't before he was Prez

    Even if there was a GREAT candidate, most wouldn't know it, because we ALL distrust our elected officials and we have a right to, because none of them in whole have earned our trust. Its a shame that we hire these people and no one really likes any of them to much. Screwy real screwy

    Adrian you hurt my feelings. I do this political stuff for fun. Like I said, you dont have to run even thou you voted for GW twice LOL

  12. I see alot folks on here and other forums state how Bush screwed everything up while in office. I voted for him and yes he has made alot of mistakes in my opinon, but as you can see above, he has did some good for everyone even though they may not realize it. Just trying to share an email that a relative sent me. Hugh

    Hugh like you said made a lot of mistakes. Dont believe every email you read buddy. Hugh hope all is going alright

  13. YES and George Bush is doing a wonderful job managing the economy:lgangry::lgangry::lgbonk::lgtear:. The dumb ass up to a couple months ago was saying the economy was strong. Yes less taxes (maybe)but the biggest deficit EVER and now he's going to give 130,000,000 people a rebate. Oops its OK we can have a different generation pay for his outrageous spending:lgmoneyey

    Don't republicans see Bush for what he is? A spend & spend & spend President:lglolly:. Forget about all his & Chenneys lies. Hell remember Halliburtin in Iraq, robbed us blind at the expense of our soldiers lives. Hallaburtin lost many contracts ( Guess what there is a new company in there and its run by Halliburtin ex employees and is part of halliburtin. The Prez & the Vice Prez are scamming all you that think Bush is wonderful:sunshine::lildevil:

    did I ever mention I'm not a big fan of GW:wave:

    Go GW, to bad many are out of work and wont be able to afford to get their houses washed this year, thqats even if they still have a house

    OK I'll shut up for now LOL LOL LOL

  14. Hugh. We are real sorry for you. Sounds like kids or crackheads, who else would bother taking $200 in change. Check the pawn shops and talk to them, they can help when the jerks bring your stuff in. I have seen people that will use their own ID's pawning stolen stuff, they dont care as long as they get the money for crack. If you have any pictures or at least a list give it to the pawn shops

    Hope you catch the scum bags



  15. Yea Jeff crack the lock off of your wallet and join that group because its in your neck of the woods...and you don't have to be a Hillary jock strap to get in:) I don't know if Celeste takes small donations from outsiders like myself who likes to stay on top of this stuff but if she does and there is a small benefit for me in doing so such as helping a cause then I just may donate a few bucks....... I also plan on donating a couple of bucks to the RFW as soon as I get some monies owed to my company. So far I have one company who is stiffing me out of a $4300 dollar pay day. He is over 4 months late and he;s giving me the runaround. Once I get his money this is when I can donate a few bucks....untill then money is a little tight because I'm storing some of it away because of my concerned for the economy and the $4 diesel gas prices that allready hit here.... I am going to have to hustle like I never did before to make this a better year then last... Hustle is the name of the game

    John is that your new Swabby, did you put it to use yet? Good luck

  16. John T

    Damn someone must of stole the key to my wallet, because theres always money flying out of it. I have joined several orgs these past few months and put a lot of $$$ out on such, Thousands$$$ in fees and advertising stuff, brochures, fliers etcetc. I was just waiting for the commercial end of the PWNC website to be up and running. I full hardly support the PWNC efforts, especially on this drought stuff, I hate that theres brothers & sisters that cant wash., I have donated to the RLF and offered a donation to PWNC a few months ago. I was just waiting to see where it goes and to be honest, to see what benefits there is in for JL. A lot of the stuff was geared towards residential and that is why I was waiting to see the rest.

    Heck John, with all that overtime pay you get from your full time job and you PW biz, you could donate to 20 orgs and not even feel any pain. whats a NYPD cop making now with OT, 200K LOL ( You must be making almost as much as your buddy George W). Hell that guy that owes you money why don't you show up on his door with a couple squad cars and in full S.W.A.T gear, you'll get your $$ then you can start donating. Call me for my address if you want to donate to the JL For President Fund, I'll be running in 2012 LOL

  17. Im as ready as im going to get. I have a new rig and truck and hired 2 FT guys. Managing them while working another FT job is going to be a great challenge. Luckily for me they both have experience and seem to have good common sense. If everything goes ok and I have a good season than I will quit my other job for next season and get another rig going.

    You found TWO guys with common sense, amazing LOL

    Hope the warm weather gets there soon for you all
