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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Jeff, questions.... yer amount now is basically 14500/29(if extra 6 r 3 story)= $500 worth of 2 story based off some undisclosed amount of footage pricing? ...If you remember, how might the $85-$110 you mention elsewhere apply to this..maybe you boosted to $225 per floor and another $50 for breezways? Oh and what yer definition of breezeways?

    ps- ok..our posts are crossing so I just say that ooopss. pretty sure it was you with them figures. just read it the other day off searches.. I search old posts alot so maybe it from 'the year 2000'...:)..

    psp--lol..ah scratch that..that might be jeff's avg. gutter cleanout prices...

    ..but Steven, the 4 cents+chems+awnings+landings,crete or what have you is still where I would be. So that may bring me closer to Jeff and maybe 25% less then you (a guess)

    Thats it!!!!!!! gutter prices was $85-$110

    Pricing is all over the place on all types of buildings, breezeways, balconies, materail etc etc, thats why I never tried to figure a sq ft or linear foot price and thats why its hard to help anyone with price unless i see pics. I wish I had a formula for some of these guys that ask for prices.

    I just look and write down everything I see and then I figure it on time & material and shoot a price

  2. Geez Fenner..everyone knows you either tack on like 300% more ln ft. or yer calculator is broke. :)

    But seriously, he gave us all the numbers and the numbers don't lie.

    The size of this job being looked at as large is relative. It big to me but small for Jeff or William. Jl is like $85-$110 for I thinks a 2 story if I recall and we just went through Williams numbers on a 3 story deal of 296 buildings that works out to $310 per avg. Fair is indeed about $100 per floor some places.

    With that said 10-12 cent normal for a house..not commercial.

    $85 to $110 thats not my prices on a 1 or 2 story or am I misunderstanding you. I never can understand that Kevin guy, one day he's talking like Einstien the next he's talking like Deliverance and he's playing piggy LOL

  3. Get some pictures

    Kens price is high for this area for sure, you wont get an average of $1000 a building, but that $9000+ price is way to low. I do a 32 building project and 26 of them are 2 story and our price is more like 14.5K with breezeway. Only takes 4 days with 4 or 5 machine. Pricing is difficult at 1st, you just dont know

    theres a ton of things to think about, Often balconies arent included, that quite often the homeowners responsibility and makes the washing easier, but there is a lot of things you may have to do and write up in a proposal/contract. cover lights, fire boxes, etc etc etc.

    If you cant handle it, call a local and work with him

    These are nothing but a big house wash


  4. Boy, did this one end up a surprise for many or what?

    Giants beat the Packers and are now in the bowl against the patriots...let the debate begin.


    No debate needed, Just watch the Superbowl Feb 3rd to see history be made by the GREATEST Football team ever. Go Pats. Even on an off day for the Pats, no one can beat them, Destiny to Dynasty

  5. The END is near

    Maybe I should turn this into a GW thread. Guess all his tax cuts to the well off and corporations that was going to spur and maintain the economy didn't quite work for that long. What kept the economy going was the consumer and the debt they took on and now that that is coming to an end, times are getting tough for many. Where are all the benefits of those tax cuts now. Shouldn't of been any tax cuts the country was and is at war ( I wont even get into the war and the billions spent in Iraq)

    whats even scarier, is about 3-4 weeks ago when I was watching the Republican Debates all the republican candidates were saying the economy was doing good, now a few weeks later they say it isn't doing good. What, they couldn't see what everyone else saw. They want to be president and they cant even see whats right in front of their faces

    What we need is some of the good paying jobs back. The unemployment rate is the worst since 1990 in South Carolina, thats not good 6.6%

    Tell me how the GW tax cuts helped, I just don't see it. Sometimes I just got to be a lift wing trouble maker. But the truth hurts sometimes

    Its the END..................Maybe not just some difficult times that our great country will work out

  6. I am optimistic for my family & biz, because i have been saving and working on growth with my company. I think the country can with stand a short rec cession, although many will be hurting. I just fear a long dragged out recession.

    Its tough out there and getting worse, the #'s keep coming in for all different things and really none of them look that good, they say if the #'s are bad for 2 quarters, it usually a sign of recession, well the #'s are now in and they aint lookin good

    The sub prime stuff those banks & brokers who gave those loans should go under, they all knew they were doing bad lending practices

    If its here I just hope its a short one for everyone

    Good luck all

  7. Ok my turn to chime back in on the conversation. Its hard trying to read a few post and then reply so if I get something wrong sorry.

    First Jon I didnt say that GW was trying to be polititcaly correct I said that he trick people into believeing something that is false as far as the reason we went to war, & ect. I do think that he is part of the reason for the gas prices being so high.(he is an oil man from Texas)And I dont know about the rest of ya but the gas prices are KILLING ME.


    I hope and will pray for you that you find some wrong with your last statement. It is very sad because without salvation there is no way to get to Heaven. I have had alot of people ask me how can God send someone that he loves to Hell and here is my answer God dont send us to Hell we send ourselves by unbelief. There is one way and that is through Jesus Christ himself. Go ahead and call me a holy roller or what ever it dont bother me at all, but without God this country is going astray. I understand how the other side thinks I was not raised in church and I know how the world is. So I do understand your stance. I also know how much better it is on this side of the fence(for a lack of better words).

    As for allies

    We are the most powerful nation in this world if they dont like us it dont bother me. When they need help though they always call Uncle Sam. And we will rush over and help some other country just so we can say look at what we did.Then we take the hit to our economy. The goverment should charge people for our help and or protection.

    Once again if I got my thought mixed up sorry but these are mine and now yall can come beat on the Christian now if you want its ok. But as long as this conversation is geared towards God or says anything about God I will voice my Beliefs in him.

    For he is worthy of all praise

    One more thing the reason for seperation between goverment and church was so the goverment could not tell us how to worship God, it wasnt to keep God out of goverment. One of the biggest reason this country was founded was for religious freedom, with God in mind.

    Gordon. Holy Roller is cool, its what you believe in. I just don't think your bible speaks for everyone and should not be a big part of the gov. The Gov has to be for All the People, Born Again, catholic, Jew, Buddhist or the millions of others

    I just cant believe God as you or I know him, would exclude all these other people just because they are in a different religion. What because someone was raised in a different Christian religion or raised a Jew or whatever they are doomed unless they become born again. It just confuses me how you and other can say its your bible or you are going to hell. Your bible wasn't even the 1st bible was it ( really just asking and not trying to offend)

    Let me put it this way, maybe Gods words were interrupted wrong in your bible or other bibles, what if you get to heaven and theres zillions of just good people there of ALL FAITHS that were good all their lives and God took all the good people in. I cant see God saying to a 5 year old, sorry you cant come in, because your parents taught you to be a Jew or a Catholic

    Believe me Gordon, I am not putting down your faith now. I love God, I'm not a great Christian I know that I just have many different thoughts. I believe God of course has a place in government just as i do with other faiths. I have no problem and I think it should be allowed in many aspects. I have no problem with the 10 commandments in gov buildings, I have no problem if children or their parents want their children saying a pray in school, theres a lot of things that have to do with God & moral that we probably agree on.

    have a good one and more power to you. Maybe we'll meet some day and you never know it might be in Heaven, if all goes well


  8. Wow, what a statement.

    So God has saved your life, etc. but you dont believe that God should have a place in our country's discourse. Keep Him out of politics, Seperation of Church and State, and all that horse pucky.

    If you believe God has a place in our everyday lives, why shouldnt He have a place in the everyday lives of the people who lead us?

    Christians-Evengelical Christians anyway-believe that the social fabric of this country is coming apart. Ever since the rediculous assertion that the Seperation of Church and State is enshrined in the Constitution. When a liberal supreme court found that right in the constitution, along with the right to abortion,(that freedom of speech means that a woman can kill her baby) the majority of the country was againt those rulings. Now they have been so enshrined in our country's psyche, that when a canditate running for public office says their for Christian values, every one gets up in arms that he will turn the country into a Christian caliphate and overturn all the liberal rulings of liberal judges and liberal supreme court.

    Thats the problem with the modern democratic party, No person with strong faith gets far up in the party, Robert Casey for instance. The Democrats wouldnt even let him speak at the convention. They have to be completely non religious.

    The republican base is conservative, religiously inclined. We want a Christian that will at least talk about his faith, that will talk about the values that made this country great-Christian values.

    (by the way, polls show that the vast majority of religious conservatives voted for Romney in Michigan. )

    Jon, Im just not real big on religion, so I don't want it to be a major part of our government

    I agree that the moral fabric is pretty crappy, but I dont think people like Bush is going to change that, I have seen nothing in him that trys to bring people together, he tells everyone its his way or the highway, he tells other countries that (sure I like being tough) BUT he also tells at least half of this country, he doesn't care what we think so I guess its the highway for us in his mind, I just don't like someone who divides. We will do as we always do, about 20% of the eligible voters will vote and we will do what we always do spend billions to put a republican or democrat in office and we will have something new to argue about

    don't get mad Jon, I'm just tack fully trying to explain how the OTHER side thinks and kill some time too

    Time will tell if there's a heaven & hell. I just don't think like many born agings, that they are the only ones that are going to heaven and the rest well, we know where they are going

    have a good one

  9. Heres my opinion,

    presidency is a four year term, four years ago in my life I was broke, drinking heavily, and going no where. Then a woman came into my life, actually one I cared about. In four years she took me from 20k a year income into a 80k+ bought a house, had a child, expanded business and what ever else she tells me, lol. All just by staying on my ass and keeping me in line. Im willing to give a woman a try here too.

    I spent years doing what you did and more. 2000 everything changed for the better. Glad to see you are enjoying life!

  10. I also think that Bush put on a good show as a Christian, sadly I did vote for him. This conversation turned into a Bible battle when I stated that we need someone that has faith in God. My belief in that will not change. Im not a great person of knowledge when it comes to politics but I do know that this country was founded With God in mind. Look at most of the laws of the country and they come from the laws of God.

    As for as politcal veiws I want a MAN that will get or soldiers back home and cut the debit this country has and focus more on the need of the American people than trying to be politcaly correct with the rest of the world. We are blessed from God to be the most powerful country in the world so lets take care of us first.

    Let the new President know who is in control, God is still alive and still has the power in every Saved persons life. I can prove that with thing that have happened in my life.

    And you are right Jeff we will never all agree but that is what make this country great.

    Praise God for he is worthy

    Gordon, its not a battle at all, I am just putting my take on things out there so you or others can see what the other side thinks., not what some news channel tells us about the left or right or a candidate or our religeon. I also read and take in what you are saying.

    I'm not a saved person, but I sure feel like one because God has saved my life and kept me alive in some very difficult times.

  11. Guys I am a Christian, Catholic, maybe not the best one in the world, but I pray to God, not for me but for everyone around me. I believe in a lot of the same things you do. not all, maybe not as strong as you think about some things , but I am not a bible hating fool or anything like that. Its just when we lean on the bible to run the country I ask why? This country isn't all Christians, it isn't all republicans and it isn't all democrats. when I think of far right Christian Conservatives I ask why one group should dictate to another, not just right, but any group. The Christian Conservatives put Bush in office, thats who and what they wanted, well I think Bush is one of the most ungodly person I have ever seen. I think he cares about the rich and who can help him. He pushes programs and says how great they are then he doesn't fund them, signs laws and then goes back out of public view and does Signing Statement saying her doesn't have to follow the law. I don't think he tries to speak for all of us and I dont think any one religion should have more say in the government than another, thats why I think religion shouldn't play a major factor in governmental decisions

    The Christan Conservatives elected him in 2000 and then reelected him in 2004. I dont think Bush is a good Christian but if thats who Christians wanted why would we now in 2008 elect another candidate supported strongly by Christian Conservative.

    I hate how some things are in this country, I have a 1 & a 4 year old, believe me i am worried about the moral fabric of this country, I hate TV programing I wish we could go back to 3 stations like when I was a kid. I don't like how kids will kill kids over a pair of sneakers, I dont like a lot and I fear for my children as they grow, its the parents fault in many cases. Instead of pushing one view lets work on what we have in common, we as Americans are never going to agree, Hey I cant stand alot of things the far left pushes

    But you know Bush has hurt the Christan Conservative cause quite a bit, many even many right wingers dont trust or like him anymore, its just like why should we trust another right wing candidate

    We'll never all agree, but we better start finding common ground, because nothing good is coming out of Washington and thats all we got to run this country.

  12. Ditto on everything Doug said.

    What I dont get is that-as many here have pointed out in the past-is the belief that evangelical Christians have a lock on the direction of the republican party even when the party goes against us, but most dont beleive that the secular left (leftists in my opinion) dont have lock on the Democrat party platforms.

    I think Obama is a leftist. I dont know about his own faith. I dont think any one really knows because he doesnt talk about it. He may well be a believer in Christ. Or allah for that mater, But unlike us evangelical Republicans, His core followers dont care or just dont want to know. He also doesnt talk about any of his policies either, just this vague notion of change. Pretty soon he is going to have to change that and talk about his policies or is going to get creamed by a republican. come to think of it he'll get creamed by a republican when he talks about his policies anyway, 'cause I can guarantee they'll be leftist in nature and Americans dont want higher taxes, more protectionism and more liberal judges.

    tell you the truth, the evangelicals I never really even heard about them that much until the past 12 years and I heard a lot more with Bush and being here in the south

    Now the dems religion isn't as involved when talking about politics, many are catholic and and from big cities and we just don't associate God & Politics on the same page. Are all dems godless no, we or they just keep it private. I guess we do believe or take it more literal about separation of Church & State

    I think why many dems dont vote republican at all in recent years is because ALL the religious right talk. I for one feel that if they had the chance they would do everything, moral issues by the bible they believe in. I don't and many others dont want the bible running this country. I'm not trying to be rude, just share with you how I and Im pretty sure many others think when it comes to the religious right

    Look at Reagan, yes he talked some about religion, but he really didn't shove it down our throats as it has been more in the past12-16 years

    The leftist do wield a lot of control, but many Dem moderates can pull candidates to the Dem center, where in my eyes and others, the Far right had taken over quite a bit of the republican party and all, most republican politicians fell right in line with the far right religious sector

    To the Republican, be strong but in public, dont shove religion down our throats. A lot of Dems voted for Reagan, he didn't scare us

    Its sort of like Bushes religious group, I don't know what they are called of born agains, but that group doesn't it believe (I'm pretty sure of this) Doesn't it believe that when it all comes to an end only their sect/group goes to heaven. People (not all) don't want a president that doesn't even believe that we can go to heaven. In a way out way its like hey God says only he and his kind can go to heaven why care about the others

    I'm not trying to sound rude like I said, but the far right has made it very uncomfortable for dems to vote republican. Not that many would now after Bush and his spending habits, Some would like a fiscally conservitive , but the republicans arent that anymore at all

    Obama isn't talking any thing worth while yet and I dont think he has experience to be prez, but what many call change, is really we just want Bush and many of his policies out, so Obama can give a good speech so many are looking his way, just for that much of a change

    Yo say he will get creamed he may not, you say Americans don't want liberal judges, but you know something at least half dont want far right judges either and the taxes, the dems really don't think Bushes tax cuts helped all that much and especially not now that we may be going into a recession or at least a rough time. Many blame the republicans for wages going down, for people barely making it while corporations are/were making a killing on the backs of hard working middle class and overseas labor. When you say Americans, remember that about 50% of us really dont share all the other sides views and many of us think the republicans in office dont care about us, the other American

    This is just my opinion and I know its all over the place, but I figured I'd share how I feel,. Now dont beat me up, its just trying to help you see how others see things

  13. ahh. let's have an hour of power eh Gordon?..It is Sunday..haha

    Fearing wrath (an action) of God rather than God himself is the good books jist and without basis of a sin why dwell on it. What sin can we site of our existing pres or of a candidate in the eyes of God? I prefure to leave that between them and their maker and not claim that they deserve wrath upon them or fear. Last thing I want in a pres would be one that had something to be fearful of. Regardless there is such thing as sin being paid for by our advocate in the Lord. Would not doubt if all of our candidates and presidents have relationships with their maker. They may even deserve mercy and will have it when times come. But anyhows..I prefure to believe and focus on the nourtering aspect of Gods personality....carry on :)

    Pretty well said, especially the last line

  14. I am absolutely not going to vote for Barak Obama or any democratic candidate for that matter. But some of these rumors and emails are just plain rediculous. Most of them have been completely disproven, like Obama wont pledge alliegance or that he used a Koran during swearing in-that was Kieth Ellison.

    If your going to hold him accountable for not placing his hand over his heart during the national anthem, you should hold the rest of them accountable for not facing the flag.

    Hold all the Idiots at the football games accountable when they dont place their hands over the heart during the national anthem or just keep talking through it. I bet most of them are Good red blooded christians! How about the men that dont take their hats off in church.

    These rumors have gotten to be rediculous and you should be ashamed for even posting them here. I would not want this man leading this country-but for his social policies, not because he's black or even Muslim (which I dont think he is.)

    You finally switched to being a Republican. I was getting sick & bored of all your left wing rants

    God Bless you Jon you are going to heaven and no 21 virgins for you YAY:lgangel:

  15. Some is fact how much I don't know. Hey maybe if we have a crazy a*s Muslim as president, maybe the other radical a holes will back off. Obama will start a program with CIA to fit suicide bombers and start blowing up the radicals. Maybe he can send a group of them to Saudi Arabia and kill all the oil sheiks and then we can go in and take over the oil...Sounds like a plan, Vote For Obama, we'll get free gas in 08


  16. I'm looking into getting liability insurance for my business. I do mostly residential and it doesn't come up much and I haven't lost any business (that I know of) by not being insured. I definately see the upside of being insured if it is reasonably priced. Now I have a property management company asking for some bids and my insurance so now seems like a great time to get some...although yesterday would have been better! Does anybody have any info or recommendations to share? Thanks in advance.

    Daniel Simmons

    Pressure Washing Katy Texas Washer Cleaning Service - TX

    Around here a basic GL policy with 1m/2mill starts at about $800-$1000 I think. It goes up with employees as your payroll gets bigger. If you are going to work from Prop Managers, you will probably need Workers Comp also, most require it and that cost about $900 I think for basic

    You can call Joe Walters Insur, he covers a lot of PW companies use him

  17. Jeff,

    Are you assuming that all Hispanics are Mexican? Because the people here that we are discussing come from many countries, not just Mexico.

    Sorry - it's a pet peeve of mine....they are Hispanics (or Latinos), not Mexicans. Why do so many people refer to them like they all come from one place? They don't. We are talking about all of the Spanish speaking countries.


    true I do say mexicans a lot, the few I personally know are mexican, but yes there is a mix of all countries

    You know I am sounding like a bit of a racist on some of my responses. so Im going to back out of this conversation. I really do feel for all people of this world in need and wish we could help everyone. Maybe some day

  18. Let me tell you about a beautiful little girl around here. Her name is Ivory, very pretty little thing, she is my nieces best Friend at school. Ivory is the oldest of 4 children, Ivory is 7 yrs old. Her mother and father both worked and they had a trailer home. Well about 1 year ago her father died in an accident. The mother and children were barely making it, but mother worked a couple jobs and her parents are helping as much as they can.

    Well about 4 months ago, Ivory was playing outside and she got on a neighbors little go cart, there was adults around, well poor Ivory shouldn't have been driving that go cart, she drove the damn thing right into and partially under the trailer home and almost ripped her head off. It was horrible I hear. Ivory was near death and they transfered her to MUSC, its a great hospital. Ivory has tubes in her, she cant walk and several other things are messed up

    My sister in law has been organizing help for the family, she's been going to Charleston MUSC to stay with Ivory on weekends so the mother can get back up here to her other children. She has gotten them some help people donating, some not tons. enough to move the family into a little bigger apartment, we have donated , clothes, bed and many more people have tried to do what they can. My sister in law I give her credit for all she is trying to do.

    Well Ivory got some good news a few weeks ago, there was a rehab hospital that said they could get her walking again and help her out, everybody was happy for her & her family. About a week after the good news came the bad news. The hospital cant take her because they don't have the proper/very little medical coverage. I'm not sure of the specifics, but they aren't taking her and it would of helped this little girl definitely. THIS IS DISGUSTING. So Ivory was still sitting in the hospital and the hospital started traing the mother how to take care of Ivory AT HOME, because no where would or could take her. They say if she gets the therapy she will recover. UNREAL!!

    So now the girl still sits in the hospital as of last week. WHY? because there isn't money or a program that can help this little girl. Some place like the shiners or a group like that are now suppose to be helping her. Its some kind of rehab place in PA, that what I heard about a couple weeks ago, but she's still in MUSC

    Here is someone, yes an American that needs help and all I have to say is if we weren't spending trillions on the immigration problem, maybe Ivory could have already been getting the therapy she needs

    Sorry for the long story, but we cant even help our own and I know we/ many want to help all people no matter what part of the world they are from, but we just cant

  19. ...that and they are giving birth to human beings.


    Let them give birth to them in Mexico.....Did I say that? Why dont they revolt and make Mexico better? hell they are getting tons of our factories and other businesses down there, let them stand up and better their lives, better their wages, better their standard of living, BETTER THEIR COUNTRY!!

    we dont have enough money, programs to help Americans in trouble or in poverty, the schools are screwed up, people losing jobs left & right etc etc etc, when are we going to take care of our own before we worry about letting millions of illegals in, which will lead to millions more coming in this way. When is enough enough?

    We have 47 million with out health care, I know people who cant afford medicines or puts a major strain on their budget, who are barely making it, elderly & younger who worked hard all their lives, forget about the real poor, these are our grandparents, neighbors family & freinds that are hurting. The billions $ Trillions of dollars that we spend on illegals, whether its trying to stop them from coming in, or giving them health care or putting them in prison whatever

    I would like to help all the mexicans, I really would, but not at the expense of hurting us or costing us trillions, that we as a country do not have
