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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. My son had his huge tonsils out and ear tubes in yesterday, mom does not have breast cancer they took some crummy mammograms, she doesnt need an operation for her broken arm

    So I am good to go!!!. Got start looking for tickets. wheres the best site to look for tickets.

    COOL I can't wait to meet all you, COOL!


  2. Yes Carey. ..yer goobermint being to blaim is about right. Where I part ways is looking at the wife as the low person on totem pole or the victim. She could very likely have been invested in said company to point of profiting off all them bad business things that went down whether it was goobermint induced or corporate induced. Her profits in one area could be higher as shareholder than her loss as employee.Yes corps have to be kept in check along with goobermint and but mostly we the people have to be kept in check at how we view and treat our own bread and butter. Never vote for taxes on corps or companies that produce things and that you could own share in. If it a company that is in business to screw us out of more taxes or cost us more in red tape then that would be no good. But that is what people do all the time. They invest where and with whoemever is better at attracting them via image and dollars they can earn them. Why invest in a soaking wet broke farmer when you can invest in a law firm or bank that does the soaking? Heres an idea, invest in bankers and lawyer that only soak foreign entities and invest in American production.

    Love the new way you write & speak kev...... Goobermint, funny chit man. Oh or did you have a stroke or something

  3. Socialism, some on the right say it often about the Dems, What are we going to turn into the USSR. They been using this crap for years, their own republican party is pretty much the same as the dems or vise versa

    Its all to funny

    Hillary for prez, just so the republicans have a sh*t for themselves

    I keep hearing the republicans saying they hope Hillary is the nominee, so they can gather their base and win, they better stop hoping, because Hillary is going to win. Why, because the majority of America wants something totally different than we have had for over the past 6 year

    The Republicans are going to put Hillary right in the WHITEHOUSE.... Now aint that a b*tch

  4. Florida is like that my brother is here from Florida and theres neighborhood that are empty practically. Theres several around him, everything was selling for 300-500K and now they are selling for 175-250K. He has a freind trying to sell his house thats a few years old for 300K, well brand new in his neighborhood is selling for 180 ( same size, same style house) OUCH

    Around here prices have gone down some but not bad. But man theres a whole heck of a lot of for sale signs & open house signs

  5. new data from the US Treasury. In 2005 the 'richest 1 %" in this country paid 39.5% of all the income taxes in collected.

    The richest 5% paid almost 60% and the richest 10% paid over 70%!

    Now for comparison, the richest 1% is defined as those earning over $350,000. The richest 1% earned 22.7% of all income earned.

    Wait, did I just hear that they make 22.7% of the income but pay 40% of all the income taxes? Surley that cant be right! Bush gave them all a huge tax cut, didn't he?

    The top 5% earn around $175,000

    Want to know how much the lowest 50% pay in income taxes. this is everyone below the median income level of $50,000. A whopping 3%!!!

    I thought Bush was screwing the poor. Giving all the tax cuts to the rich. The rich pay more tax now than ever before!

    want to see the economy die? Take away the tax cuts for the rich!

    Jon, Right on brother! Im sick of all these liberal scum bags all they want to do is tax us and give it to crack whores and losers that want to live off the rest of us

    VOTE REPUBLICAN IN 2008:wave:

  6. This ladys trex deck covered both side yards, the back yard and the dock. Total of over 2600 sf.

    I cleaned this 3 years ago with a pressure washer and bleach/soap mix.

    Took me the same amount of time this year with just a truck brush and 4% bleach/ Simple Cherry mix.

    Rinsed with garden hose. Didnt think it was clean until I let it dry, then it hurt the eyes it was so new looking.

    Thanks Ken F for the mix ratio.

    Thank god its a maintenance free product

    Looks good Jon

  7. With so many of the ex-members of this free, non-affiliated BB, that regularly go to other BBs and bash the moderator of this one because she doesnt take any gruff or allow stupidity, do you seriously think that would work? Too many people to easily get thier panties in a wad and go cry somewhere esle about any little slight.

    Gee, I never noticed that LOL

  8. John, your a nut for this org stuff arent you? Dont you have enough with the Job & PW biz. I'd be dead if I was all out like you. what do they have in the water up there.

    Hope to meet you up at ACR, I will find out soon if Im going. My sone gets his appointment for tonsils and adnoids surgery, if he ever gets rid of his cold and my mother broke her wrist in a couple places last night and the docs think she needs surgery. Once I get that settled I'll make the desicion on going to the RT. I'd like to meet you, but if your to hyper, Im taking one of your Ambien and a few beers LOL

    Hope to see you......you bringing Hillary:kiss::banana:


  9. So Al Gore got a Nobel Peace Prize, good for him. No matter if theres global warming or not. Everybody, every country in the world always should do better to curb pollution and things that can cause global warming. It will create more industries and more jobs and more money for big biz and the worker and it will definitely help the world

    There should be no doubt in anyones mind that all we create has an effect on something, to what degree may be in debate, but there is no dabate that certain things do effect other things adversly and we as a world should try to do better always, no for us, but for our future generations

  10. thanks jeff. Im Sure i'll be calling you soon.

    The lichen cleanes right off with EFC38 and some scrubbing.

    This is one that I priced fair and still dont expect to get the job! $2 million home, $50000 dock and you should have seen the look on her face when I gave her the esimate. Oh well. Seems the richer they are the less they want to spend.

    Its this damn Bush economy, thats what Im blaming everything on now. Right Jeff?

    You stop talking about my President.

    Its really Bill Clinton's fault, its always his fault

    Hey Jon I'm going to start a thread on Russian Prez Putin and Bush, look for it you'll love it

    Any who.....Hope you get the job, the price may have got her, but I bet you won her over with your charming personality

  11. Been staying really busy Jeff. considering this my first yr. in Tx as a business owner, i have been targeting upper tier clients. Had more work than I caounted on over the Summer and some really interesting projects. more than I can count. It's slowing a bit, but my winter campaign is going to bring in the lollygaggers. I am doing so much better here in Tx compared to the 7th circle of hell ( I mean Atlanta). To my surprise, I have exceeded my earnings this year over last year in ATL, with no commercials accts. I might add. Only doing resi's now a days and it is a great feeling to know next year will be better. As winter sets in (DEC-JAN) around here, I will be focusing on completing the build on helicopter. The season is far from over and there is still alot of work lined up.......but like I said it is starting to slow a bit. Hopefully I have my nuts stored up in the right places for the winter.

    So yeah I guess I can pat myself on the back so far. Not bad for closing shop, moving, and setting up shop again. Whew glad all that is behind me.

    Hope it all continues to serve you well through the winter.

    For what it's worth, we rarely see anything below 40 in Dec. Jan. is when it really gets cold for a spell.

    Great move, good for you!

    40 degrees we are spraying. last year we had to wait a few hours in the morning. I didnt like the icicles we were making, it was fine by 10am

    Real glad it worked out so well and so fast for you


  12. kinda off base but How many of you guys get calls or market gutter clean out leaves and such in the fall. I haven't started PWing or even buying any equip yet but if there was a big enough demand in my area I could go get a backpack blower and start blowing off roofs and gutters to help save for equip this spring.

    Many, many pressure washing companies offer gutter cleaning, me too

  13. I think out west we are in for an early winter. Snow already in the Sierra's and calling for rain throughout the rest of the week.

    We just finished up with 2 very well paying projects in which I think were timely - looking forward to spend more time with the family as we enter into the holiday season. Doing Thanksgiving at the house this year and then heading to Vegas for X-mas.

    I heard Santa likes Vegas

  14. Hows work going for everyone this Fall? Are you busy, did you get the amount of work you thought you were for this time of year?

    I know a lot of guys were expecting a lot of work this time of year. what kind of work are you getting, houses, wood etc

    We are very busy with the condo/PM work. A lot of it is repeat work or jobs from PM's we worked for before, just different properties or properties they have added to their other properties

    Whats everyone doing. I see their was a lot of warm weather up north, that should of helped getting more work

    Hope you all is OK

