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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. You know I really like the look a lot

    BUT, I also think it moves to much. to many things that move and confused me (Im a little slow thou). The menu all that movement was to much, the below that were it says window cleaning, rope access etc it looks like you are suppose to be able to click on it, but nothing happens

    I like the professional look (Very professional)and wonder what others will say of the movement. Good luck with it

  2. z

    Gasoline & a match

    Painting does suck. I would always be worried that it wont adhere for to long. It looks like they will be dealing with this mess for years to come

    Is the sky the limit on $$$$ for this deck? If it is make it pretty one way or another. Come on Shane youuuuuuuuuuu cannnnnnnnnnn dooooooo itttttttt

    The heck with the water (whats a few fish and the environment) strip the damn thing, blast it, what ever. Dont put your name or sign anything and put some illegals to work. They get caught, its not like they will get arrestted or have to pay a fine or anything lol

    Good luck onthis one Shane

  3. Barry - who cares - what are you, the caped crusader? If people want composite decking - let them have it - there is great money in cleaning it. I personally think it's ugly as sin, and would never entertain the thought of it on my deck. But who cares - loads of money to clean it - I like money.

    Theres more money per sq ft rates in stipping, cleaning and sealing real wood. Do you do wood decks? Whats your rates for composite? whats your rates for stripping, cleaning and staining wood or do you just spray bleach and blast it with pressure? Just wondering I dont do wood anymore

    If everyone had wood and there was no composite, if you priced it right you would make a lot more with wood

  4. I'm conservative...no party affiliation, but i can't remember the last time i voted for a democrat. hillary or barak?.....are you kidding? lol

    and just because young people these days accept something deviant as normal doesn't make it right or make it that i have to accept it. and not all young people accept lesbianism as right as apple would like to make you think. ;) my kids know it's wrong - and that's because i taught and teach them that. our kids have to know that there are absolutes.

    Mike I wish all parents would teach their children. Thats part of the problem with kids, is their parents

    My 4 year old, I go over stuff with him constantly. Manners, what to look out for, stranger danger. You have to in this day and time. I enjoy teaching right from wrong. He is a well mannered boy.

    Parents are the key and some of them are keyless and clueless

  5. Oh, Jeff now you asked for it now. If you bought a real truck to begin with, then their would be no need for airbags.

    All I can say is S U P E R D U T Y!!!!!!

    I am starting to wonder why I even have a trailer, and not just put everything in the back of the truck. A 3 ton will carry a lot.

    I hear you, I do love my Superduty, its a strong truck

    Its one long SOB. Love turning it around in a cul de sac pulling the 16 ft trailer:lgbugeyes damn thing has no turning radius. But is a nice work truck



  6. We just did 8, 3 story buildings, It was solid stain on rough sided clapboard and they had 3 levels of steps and clap. There was tons of spider web and then a ton of white pods in those stair areas. The webs no real problem. BUT Man those white pods just grabbed onto every rough piece of the clap. It was a major PITA and when it was wet, you really couldnt see them, but as it dried those little white pods were spread out about an inch or two long and were like darn spit balls. It added a least a few hours to the job.

    As soon as I saw it was rough sided. I upped the price of the bid, I am glad I did

    Man I like my vinyl jobs after one like that

    Like everyone said a good house wash mix should do it. Take some pics

  7. I post..... some read...... rarely get comments..... not really sure how I am viewed on this site..... but here goes John.

    AC your viewed just fine, keep posting

    JOHN T, are you bringing Hillary if you come. If you do, you dont have to worry about nothing. She can just have the Secret Service take care of "The Problem"

    Hope you go, I'm pretty sure I'm going, like to meet ya

  8. Dang, it has ben a really long time since I was called a newbie.

    First things first

    Don,. I think it is more important to me not to miss a days work than it is to DHL because I am more small time than they are, and they can afford to have multiple trucks for back ups, and that is what they do.

    Plain painter, I have been in business 18 years, and do very well, thank you very much. It does not make any sense to have a back up if your vehicle breaks down. It is far more likely that an older vehicle will break down than a new one.

    It is obvious our business models are different. I will continue to buy new vehicles, and get premium accounts due to professional appearance and being able to charge professional prices.

    I do not like taking the risk on used vehicles. I can afford to not have to take that risk by buying new. Every used vehicle I have ever bought has ended up costing far more in lost work and repairs than if I had bought a new one.

    I have run the numbers, and I have made a decision to have my company have a professional appearance. I even paint my trailers every couple of years and have them custom built because I prefer that image.

    I do a constant analysis, and my profit margin is enough to make my accountant mad that he has a masters degree. It works for me. I guess it all depends on where you want to be, and the image you want to convey.

    Newbie, 18 years, hell I must me an embryo.

  9. Here is the deal. I don't consider myself a marketing guru, a master salesman or doing things that much better than the next successful guy. When I read condescending lines of "some guys just don't get it" or snide little asides from one man shows it raises the fur, ya know? Christine has been on my tail all day so being in a bad mood to start did not help things. At least the Eagles showed some life today, that cheered me up.

    Jeff, don't take it as I don't think you run a successful business. You and I have different mentalities is all. This business is not very profitable compared to the effort and work outlay needed to make it something that earns real money. Now, I mean that in general. I'm not saying guys aren't making a decent living but someone show me a PW'ing company that can sell for $1,000,000 or even $500,000. In the entire country they can be counted on 10 fingers. How many of you taking quarter million $$ salaries? I'm cerainly not.

    Jeff, you are also assuming I do not have the volume of work because I price higher. PressurePros has 88 full deck restorations, another 100 maintenance clean and stains, 175+ housewashes and 40 commercial building washes on the books as of this past Monday. Thats two crews running full time 5-6 days per week. It ain't about how much I MAKE, or what we get in the northeast, we have discussed that ad nauseum, its about the industry coming up as a whole.

    Don, where you coming from? Do you show up to do estimates in your rig? I show up in a new car, dressed neatly in logo'd gear (or at the very least in a collared pullover shirt). I speak articulately, my vocabulary is good, I am educated, I know what I am doing and I enjoy people. Where would a new truck or rig sitting in a yard or shop benefit me??? I'M NOT ADVOCATING BUYING JUNK. Where did the translation go south? Used means pre-owned. A 2007 vehicle can be bought used at this point in the year. Depreciation occurs over three years. Already stated this but I guess you gleaned over it. I'm talking about a 2004 truck with low mileage.

    See thats the problem..........Christine!!! make a stand, tell her who's boss and put her in her place. If that doesnt work I got an extra room..........But I'll have to ask my wife 1st LOL

    Ken I know a several companies that do over $500,000+ and theres more I dont know about and I'm pretty sure I will do that in 2008, maybe 2009 and I'm a dumb a**

    This biz is profitable! 88 deck, 100 maint, 175 houses two crews, 5-6 days. Man I could do that with one crew at 5 days a week and do a few roofs & a small complex. Want me to come up there and help you with time management and crew motivation LOL, Im just busting your B's....Oh I forgot so isnt Christine:lgbugeyes:lgbonk:

    I just to much time on these BB's. Just stop talking bad about shiny rigs it gives me a complex

    Who loves all you guys out here..............I Do, I argue like this with family too, its just plain fun

  10. LOL, in seven months I guarantee you a company owner that understands selling beyond quoting lowball prices and working 60 hours a week and driving shiny new rigs can make more than most working 12 months. Are we now entering the realm of just straight envy now, Alan?

    Are we talking business or sport here? My money is in toys I enjoy. I don't enjoy work trucks because they are , well work trucks. In 2007 I lost $0.00 to mechanical failure. That's only three vehicles but I'd say it shoots Alan's off-the-cuff retort to hell. Next.

    Ken, I love ya buddy, but you arent the only one that knows how to sell or how to run a successful PW biz. There's a lot of guys out here with great biz's large & small and they got them from selling & hard work. What is your problem when it comes to shiny new rigs dude. I dont do a bunch of residentail no matter how much you charge. I make a killing in what I do and I need my shiny rigs, so I dont have to many mechanical problems. I hire guys that learn how to PW, not fix equipment. Plus it helps my company image

    I know you are always talking about your great prices you get, but Ken your into different things, that make you money. Many/most cant be as pricey as you. Because PWing is their only biz.

    Hell 60 hours i wish I had guys working 80 hours

    Sorry Ken, I just sort of get bored sick of everybody talking like owning a shiny rig is a bad thing. I'm proud of my equipment, very proud that i can get what ever I need or want for my company.( I waited a few years to get them)

    If I hear one more thing bad about SHINY RIGS, I think I'll laugh, then puke

  11. Jeff, I never had a problem with Don nor do I now. I enjoy his posts and respect his knowlege and contributions to the industry. My issue was with his statement.

    You know your just a trouble maker Fenner LOL

    What do you drive for a personal vehicle, just wondering.

    I want to get out of my 1998 Mercury Marquis (Its my estimate mobile) The dealer a couple towns over are selling 2007 GMC 2500 quad cab 4X4 tricked out nice with Diesel , Allison transmission, loaded inside and lift kit, sweet rims & tires and nice, real nice trim package.

    Its only a sticker price of $66K, think its a good investment LOL ? My ego would love it. Man its pretty. I think I'll have to win the lottery to get that one, did I mention its prettyyyyyyy

  12. Don, you have been at the forefront of plenty of crap we have all had to sort through. What is self important is someone sitting on high trying to steer threads the way they think they should go. :lgbow:

    You havent noticed the change in Don. He seems to have mellowed some lately (cool).
