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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. I AM "the Devil" LOL


    I respect everyones viewpoint too.

    People better wake up to what is going on with our young people, and see idea's are a changing.

    A survey was done among High School Students with girls who were sexually active.

    Over 33 percent admitted to having at least one Lesbian experience.

    It is OK among young people to be Gay, and it is OK with me too.

    IT is NONE OF MY BUSINESS what someone chooses to do with their sexuality.

    ALL Americans are guaranteed rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    Gay Americans should get the same tax breaks ANY couple get, what's good for the Goose is good for the Gander.

    Live, and LET Live.

    I see it nowadays its like its cool for girls to be bisexual. As a guy I say ya baby, but then you think how its a screwed up world and this open bisexuality and open gayness if hurting our young and could hurt in time fabric of our country. You make being bisexual just OK for teen girls or young women & men, what next will be OK. Ya they may grow out of it, but it isn't really what was intended for mankind.

    I really sound like some gay bashing kind of guy sometimes on here. I have known plenty of gay people some I know and work for now, They are great people many/most of them and I wouldn't want them to change from gay to straight, because they are what they are.

    I think my views are in a whole that the blatant flaunting in gay parades or these stupid shows on TV that show guys that are gay and dress as half women half man etc etc etc is just making it OK. I don't want my kids seeing this and thinking that two guys kissing on TV is alright. My wife watches Americas top model Tyra Banks show. When I realized that my boy was playing in the room and was looking at the show here and there I asked my wife to change it. What does she say, oh its on everything its nothing. BULLSHIT! I was cool the 1st time and a little stronger the 2nd time, well the 3rd time was the last time. I am not going to have my 4 year old watching some big black guy with lipstick and bows in his here. My wife is younger and this is how a lot of people think . Oh its every where so its OK. NO IT Isn't, not for young impressionable kids. Hell just because I did drugs as a kid and others may of did it because I did it or thought it was OK, well it isn't.

    If your gay you are gay, but does it have to be so blatant, so out there, do you have to be married. Marriage ALWAYS was between man & women cant we just keep that, that way. Why **** all us hetros off, be reasonable and I will be reasonable.

    I don't know and I apologize if anyone is out here that is gay or has loved ones that are. My cousin is, but he's just gone, he lives in San Fran and dresses like clown and is ultra gay. I feel for my aunt she loves him so much but she is hurt seeing what he has become and its freaky

    oh well now that I sound like Rush or Hannity, lets move on to the next subject that I cant keep my mouth shut.

  2. I this thread had died. Sorry but I have to respond.

    1st.) I absolutely fault Bush for his immigration policy. But if it wasnt for the republicans the last effort by Bush would have passed. The Republican base screamed bloody murder and got it killed. (you can thank talk radio for that.) the mainstream media was all for it.

    2) Absolutely no constitutional ammendment on gay marriage. That is a moral issue but in no way can be equated with the moral issue that was slavery. However, you personally feel that homosexuality is immoral, why shouldnt it part of the public discourse. Why shouldnt there be public figures that speak out against it and get your votes because of thier stance on the issue. In the last 10 years or so the issue has been shoved in our faces by the Liberals and the gay lobby. The Media, especially TV has been doing everything to make it look normal. Not just so we would ACCEPT it but EMBRACE it. I think that if you ask your conservative friends, the majority believe that gays are good people and should be left alone. However if the issue is marriage, then no, we dont want gays to marry. Even if you dont believe that marriage is ordained by God and it should be between 1man and 1 woman, you cant argue the facts that society benefits from this tradition and should be upheld. Civil unions-go for it. I think that my gay next door neighbors should have many of the rights that are inferred by marriage, but dont call it marriage!

    But this should be left to the states to decide. That is what Federalism was all about.

    3) My views and yours are almost identical on abortion. except I dont have a daughter. It should not be up to the congress to decide. It should not be decided by the courts. The laws should be decided by the states as they were before 1973. Roe v Wade took away the right for the people in the individual states to govern themselves on that issue. The Supreme Court FOUND the RIGHT to abortion in the Constitution. (However, see point 4 below.) If I want my state to ban abortion then I have every right to elect people that will pass laws banning abortion. If you want it legal then you have the right to elect people to pass laws making it legal. If you live in a state that does not allow it, you can move if you want to live in a state that allows it. I cant remember how many states had banned abortion prior to 1973 but it was a majority. but The polls prior to the decision showed more than 60% of the public was for banning abortion. (remember this was during the free love era and well prior to the Christian right and Moral Majority.)

    The Supreme court overrode the will of the people. So why shouldnt we the people take back our rights to have the laws that we believe are correct and override the Supreme court. However, again, I beleive it should be up to the states, not the federal goverment.

    4) Many in politics are hypocrites- Unfortunately many individuals that I see in business and church and everyday life are hypocrites. The government has every right to tell you who you can sleep with just like the government has the right to set taxes to influence social policy. But it should be the states (or local) gvt's that do it just like the local school boards say its ok to allow gay clubs in schools.

    In the Preamble to the US Constitution, the statement, "to promote the general welfare" has allowed solcial legislation that was not inummerated in the constition. Liberal social legislation has been upheld just as conservative social legislation has. That is why even though the constition is concise it is also general in its statement of principles and allows LEGISLATORS elected by THE PEOPLE to make laws. This country has gone from conservative to liberal to inbetween and back again. I vote for the people that reflect my beliefs. Yes some of them are hypocrites. that is human nature. But that is also part of democracy. I vote. I will continue to vote and and continue to try to influence the public discourse to reflect what I believe.

    This is what makes our country great. Because I can do just that.

    Now you've done it. I'm voting for Hillary and its all your fault

    No to gay marriage

    yes to legal abortion

    Hey I got a question for you Jon, are youuuuuuuu married? I don't think you are. hummmmmmm. Have you ever been to the Minneapolis Airport and yopu are a Republican. ONLY KIDDING DUDE, COULDNT RESIST

    have a good one Jon, I respect your views............most of them lol

    As for Chris, Im pretty sure he hangs with the Devil

  3. So Jeff, why was a girl in a bathing suit in your work area? Seem as though this would be a safety issue, and in this case for your guys.

    You know you are absolutely right and there was no way in hell I was going to ask her to leave!!!lol.

    It was a huge deck and she did move out of our way a couple times , which was nice just to see her walk away. Did I mention G String

    you might not understand she was unreal, from 1 - 10 she was a 12 in the sexy department. she probably was one of the top 20 women I have ever seen in a bathing suit, that nice.

    I was thinking of hiring her as a safety coordinator

  4. Well at least you didnt pull and lose your balance and go in the water yourself.

    last year we were doing this huge pool deck at this community pool. There was nobody the except one REAL HOT BRUNETTE. I mean a brazilian style G String bathing suit like you dont usually see around here. I dont want you to think I'm drooling thinking about this women, but WOW is all i can still say

    Well two of my guys are useing surface cleaners and peeking out the corner of their eyes to get a peek at this beauty. I'm just watching the work, yup and the girl too. I hear something, I look and my Brother In Law is on one foot trying to balance himself on the edge of the pool. It looked like he was teetering for a few minutes, just seconds and then there he goes, right in the pool right in front of the beautiful women. It was a riot. Funnnnnnyyyyyyyyy stuff. The girl just looked and smiled

    I wish I had it on video

  5. Dang you Jeff! Dang you straight to heck!!:lildevil:

    Scott I've been to heck & back, just like many. I love it here, but hell can be some fun in moderation at times.

    I'm going to see Blue October next weekend at The House Of Blues, I'll probably have something weird on. Yup I'll be there with all the 20 year olds with some T-shirt telling everyone where to go or something LOL. Like Peter Pan, " I don't want to grow up, not me"

    Hey my boy can almost sing the whole song of AC/DC's TNT, love that song, it used to be my call to action song many years ago. No rap for my boy, by the time he's in school he'll be rockin

    Live & let live and rock on

  6. Hey Jon, we are JUST talking shop here.

    I LIKE you, no matter WHAT you believe.

    I have MANY Christian friends, and believe in God.

    Although my perception of what you call God is perhaps a bit different from yours.

    I have spoken to a person who's intelligence I admire lately.

    My position on universal health care, as my position on most everything, is subject to change.

    This person pointed out that IF the Government got out of Health Care, the market will take care of itself.

    Then, the Market, NOT the Govt, will decide what the market will bear.

    An interesting position, and I am evaluating it.

    Just kinda BORED lately.

    My guys are out working, but not enough work for me to take my truck out too.

    Phones ain't ringing much, nothing to do, you know how it is ...

    Bored....you aren't bored you are the anti Christ, you and Marilyn Manson

    Oops picture of my wife & I going to a Manson concert, now you know i will be going to Heck. Like my black plastic pants, oh they feel good LOL

    Just having fun


  7. So basically what your saying Chris, is that as a christian, I have no rights.

    I shouldn't be able to vote for the person who believes in what I do.

    But you should. And the people you vote for (Presumably) can make all the rules but the people I vote for have no right to make the rules. Don't we live in a republic? Where I vote for someone who makes the rules based on his beliefs? and what I think He'll do when in office. If his beliefs were so far out of the mainstream, do you think he would really get elected? If you want to impose your ideas you have to get your guy into office. But then you also have to get a majority of congress and the presidency. Wait, your almost there. just need the presidency and you get to impose all of Pelosi's San Francisco liberalism on all of us. Abortion any time, anywhere. allowing Illegals to vote.

    " .I am not anti christian, and believe all should have the right to worship/not worship as they choose."

    Who is taking these freedoms away? not conservatives

    "A TRUE Conservative will recognize that the State needs to stay the heck OUT of a persons decision to do what they WANT to their own bodies."

    Its the liberals that want to ban smoking and charge a fat tax. and then you

    want universal health care?

    You have some serious animosity toward Christians, bro. Were just people like you, we just believe in something better than whats here. Do you consider me holier than thou. a hypocrite? Have I ever preached to you or condemned you for what you do(Which I dont even know,) or how you do it.

    But I do believe what I believe and will vote that way every time.

    Jon, Everybody blames illegals to the dems, but Bush and many republicans are all for letting them all in. They are allowing it every day and are trying to make laws to make it easier, not enforcing laws,

    The Dems you are right, the dems in congress, not the dems in the everyday world want them in. But Bush is right now making it an open border. You cant blame just the dems, Bush is the president that is doing it

    Thank God there are some Republicans fighting it

    As for Religion, I do think there should be separation of church and state. I don't think all these social issues should be in the elections thou. I do not like gay rights. I think it is immoral and wrong, but it is what it is, there has been gays around since the beginning of time. But should the president say he's going to do a constitutionals amendment, when he knows it wll never pass, most republicans know you don't amend the constitution for that kind of stuff. The Prez says it to get elected & divide

    Abortion, its the law, Do I like abortion, no, can I think everyone that gets pregnant should be forced to have the baby NO. What would we do with all these babies, would the people of our country, would the republicans want to pay for all the unwanted births, would they pay for all the adoptions, the health care for addicted babies, babies that wont have homes, mother or fathers NO. I don't like how anyone will have *** and get pregnant and just abort, but I rather that than a million unwanted babies in a system that isn't even a system

    I also think its up to the women, not a bunch of men in congress or a court to decide

    If my daughter at the age of 14 or 15 had some boyfriend whether he's a nice guy or some piece of crap and she got pregnant, god forbid, Can I say I wouldn't allow her to have an abortion No. Can I say that I will do everything in my power to teach her to abstain, yes, but If she gets pregnant I might be the one by her side if she does have an abortion, sad but true and I don't want some congress or court telling her or me that she has to pay for the rest of her life that may change her life forever and possibly hold her back at such a young age, tell her she has to have this baby.

    I think some of what we see in the far right is hypocrisy, Many running for office say what their base wants them to say and don't really believe it or would follow what they are telling other they should do , its just like the congress men that are found out to be gay, or the vice president that wants his daughter to be happy , but wants to tell other gays what they can or cant do. I can promise you, these far right candidates have had girlfriends in the past that had abortions or daughter etc etc

    Government is suppose to run the government, not peoples personal lives. You say the Dems want universal health care at least they are trying to help everyone and not tell everyone who they can sleep with

    You know its like everyone gives Clinton crap about not inhaling and smoking pot, but its OK since GW has found god, its OK that he used to snort coke. People are people and no matter what, even good people do bad or stupid or what you may think is immorral things, I dont want my goverment in peoples personal lives. What if they make having *** out of wedlock a crime and they can go back decades. I think you probably would be charged with a crime, is it immorall that you had *** out of wedlock, should you be damned forever.

    I dont know the answers to a lot, I dont know how to fix what is wrong in this world, I just dont want some large far right org, church, court, telling me Im a sinner and the have my gov say the same.

    Live your life the way you want and let other law abidding people live theirs

  8. You mentioned paying him, I know nothing about log homes & wood, but if he's staining over those streaks he knows nothing either. Hold onto the money I wouldnt give it up looking like that

    I would call Jon Fife as mentioned, call that builder also and ask if he's ever seen anything like this. he may not want to recomend him anymore

    I'd be freaking to, stay cool , hold onto your $$ and call Jon

  9. I feel very much the same way about the partys. The Democrats seem to believe in every thing I dont and are bound and determined to ruin this country by big govmt., illegal immigration, gay rights, abortion anywhere/anytime, and of course thier anti-military bias. The Republicans have totally lost thier way on thier conservative principles and are ruining the country because of thier timidness in pursuing conservativism.

    Conservativism is about small government, and low taxes, letting people help themselves and getting out of the way to allow people and businesses to thrive, a strong national defense and that all life is sacred even if its not convenient.

    I think we built Bush into something he's not because the alternative was too scary too imagine. He was never really a conservative and he definately isnt a communicator. I do believe he has good ideas though, and the hatred the dems show him is what is pulling this country apart. Most conservatives disliked Clinton. But after he was elected, I didnt see bumper stickers saying 'He's not MY president' like you still see today about bush. the abject hatred just wasnt there, and dont bring up talk radio as an axample of hatred of clinton, Because with a few exeptions, no one spewed real hatred, just dislike and he opened himself up to it because of his behavior not his policies. I am one that think he did well domestically, but terribly on foreign policy.

    I believe a third party could work if you get a strong conservative, with extremely good communication skills. But even with that, He wont get past the media bias, and will just pull votes away from either party he is most closely related to. And even if he wins, he has to still lead one or the other of the parties to get his ideas through to legislation. A moderate just wont cut it this time. It will either be Hillary on the far left or a strong conservative who can get his message out.

    The most profound thing a president can do is in his appointments to the judiciary and his promotion of defense of the country. Do you really want a democrat in that position. Even Bush will be seen by history as strong on both those counts.

    Give me a break, you didnt see hatred towards clinton from the Republicans. They knew there wasnt much to whitewater when it came to the Clintons. for a 100K land deal they spent $70,000,000 investigating it, they wasted years & tons of money trying to impeach Clinton when they knew he wouldnt finally get the impeachment. Yes he was wrong, he should of been ashamed and the congress could have done a writen saction of some kind to denouse his actions, but waste all that time and money, when they knew it was a waste and it would just divide more.

    Hell Clinton did a lot of things the republicans wanted...NAFTA (used to be only a republican issue)wasnt popular with the dem base but clinton did it anyway. Clinton & Gore cut thousands of Gov Jobs THOUSANDS. Clinton cut the welfare rolls quite a bit. A lot of what Clinton did wasnt popular with his base but he did it

    As for Illegal immigration, FORGET BUSH, he is promoting letting them all in, doing directives to bypass congress and his party base just to let mexican trucker on all our roads, BUSH is a madman on a mission to turn this country into an unsafe 3rd world nation that the immigrants dont have to pay, we do. I dont like Bush, I do like some republicans. But please dont tell me they were all sweat & nice when Clinton was in office. half the reasons the Dems Hate BUSH is becasue of the rediculous way the republican went after Clinton

    You are right that the some of the Dems are weaker on defense. I Like a strong defense, but lack of planning in the Bush admin, not just for the Iraq war, but in restocking our equipment, vet affairs over stressed military and showing our hand to the rest of the world (meaning the whole world now knows that we dont have a lot of reserve troops, meaning they see an area that we can't control and in the total picture its not a big area, They see that we cant stock ALL our soldiers with body armor or vehicles that cant even stop small roadside bombs. Bushes Is hurting and did hurt ouur military for years to come and has spent billions on private contractors, private military and construction that used to be done by the US troops. Bush is not a great Military President althou he talks a good game

    I guess you had never seen the tons of Bumper Stickers saying Impeach Clinton and the tons of other ones that I cant recall the slogans

    Jon, I will vote Republican or Democrat in 2008 unless there is a good independent. But please we are such a divided nation politically and in many other ways and its our National Leaders that are dividing us. If its McCain or Hillary I will vote McCain, I do not want to vote for anyone far right or far left. We are americans I would like a leader to finally bring us together.

    crap i got to stop talking politics

    Yours Truly Liberal Jeff

  10. All kinds of things have been happening, its been messing up a ton , he's up graded it a couple times and just finished up grading it this evening and still a ton of problems getting on or staying on. Its a PITA, but Bobs working on it


  11. We all should come together. It will better our industry for sure

    Ron good post, I hope everyone reads it. We have to bring this industry together and learn from each other. I don't ever comment on the PWNA, because I never really dealt with them. These boards someday could produce another pwna type association. One that is stong, fair and better the industry, but the only way WE ALL can produce a great association is bringing all professionals together. It doesnt have to be all lovey dovey, but professional would help. This is why I defended TGS on other BBs, not because I'm a kiss as* for BnR, its because this is a great source and I think its a place to learn

    I like to contribute with MANY of my post, not all, because I get rapped up it stupid political discussions and I am going to curb that. But I do like to contribute and I think most do. I think everybody should stand back and LOOK, look at what we all have here, ***, PT State, TGS and the other BB's are really one of the bast things that have happened to this industry and we should try to make them grow and come together. None of us are perfect and none of these BBs are either. We may or may not ever see an pwna type association that is great, but we can have great BBs that better our industry.

    I love PWing biz and I love these BB's

  12. If you want some constructive criticism...

    You need to have more consistency in your sites functionality ie the mouse over function for the before and after should be on all photos.

    Also, when I click for services that you don't put much emphasis on such as wood, I just get moved to a lower area of a page containing several other services. This is a bit distracting from the reader who is trying to get to a specific thing and suddenly is offered many things instead of the choice selected.

    Overall, the site looks great and loads well, thought I would mention a couple of the items that you may want to consider from a readers point of view.


    I know what your talking about on a couple of the things, ya the wood, roof stuff I just wanted it on the site and couldnt really set it up to go right to that service. Its not my target market, I figure they may take a second to find it

  13. Very nice Jeff....love the pics.

    The site does have alot of text in it. From the looks at the pic...you are on top of your game. :lgbow:

    So, what is the next plateau for your company?

    Great site!!

    Thanks Carlos

    Next plateau? I want to get more regular monthly work, so in the future I dont have any slow months. We are pretty busy 10 months but I want to be slammed 12 months a year. I figure in about another 4-5 years I'll be where I want to be.

    I love my condo work and want to expand on that a lot. I do a ton of condo complexes, but its probably only a couple % of what is around me

    If that doesnt work, I'm moving to California and going to hang on the beach, learn how to surf and work for you

    Have a great one

