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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Larry, the arguement is strong on both sides. In any debate that gets this heated (among the academics) two opposing sides can take the same facts and view and present them differently. The way I see it is this.. if one believes in global warming and is worried about it, what steps are they willing to take so as not to contribute to it. Its very hypocritical to be driving an 8 liter dually while saying "damn greenhouse gases"

    It really isnt strong on both sides. This isnt a problem just to one hypocritical person driving a dually. Its a world problem, that I think every countries leaders are behind, except good ole GW. He likes going things alone doesnt he.

    You know its like everything is along party lines even global warming debate. You read national review or Fox News, then you listen to CBS or PBS and you get two totally different views and for the most part its along party lines. Man we are doomed, we can't even agree on a lot of common sense things DOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEDDDDDDD

    But besides the political crap, I'm spewing, facts speak to Larrys point

  2. Interestingly enough, global warming can lead to an other ice age by changing ocean currents and rising ocean levels. I don't think anyone is implying that glaciers will reach the equator. In the first ice age they only reached as far south as the Great Lakes. Ocean currents are greatly responsible for climate. That's the reason why there are European cities with warmer climates than North American cities within the same lattitude range. Most of us would prefer Madrid to New York in January, and they both are roughly at 40* N lattitude.

    It's just that type of cause/effect relationship that has people confused about the climatilogical consequences.

    Something like 90% of scientists and at least 30 scientific societies and academies of science, including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries believe that global warming is occurring. There isn't much real debate among scientists about the fact that the earths temperature seems to be increasing. No offense guys, but I have to side with the people who study this, not some guy driving a pick-up truck and washing houses for a living.

    These same scientists also belive that greenhouse gas emissions are the culprit. Who am I to argue?

    90 % huh, I read that some place too. I wonder who the othe 10% are, I bet those 10% are the real smart ones huh lol

  3. Does every one believe that all in the world should do better to curb all the different types of pollution. What we do effects many things sooner or later.

    should there be Government controls & guidelines or should we just trust corporations and other countries to monitor themselves

    I'd say stop deforestation too, but I really want a nice mahogany deck some day:cool:

  4. In the past 100 years we have done a lot to contribute to a poor environment. We aren't going to know for sure about Global Warming probably until its to late.

    I'm not a tree hugger, but all that we do is worse then, if we didn't do it. I could easily believe that there's Global warming and I think our children and/or grand children are going to have to deal with a lot of stuff and some of it will be what we have done to the environment in the past 100

    Hell Chris, you are really coming up with some questions

    I think the world & our country is going to hell, between our politicians, people who just don't care or have no clue, child molesters, prisons full and getting fuller, kids being brought up by parents that shouldn't even own a dog, its the dumbing of America and I just wonder what generation its all going to come to a head or just be totally different and then end as we know it

    But other than that i hope we have a warm winter, I don't like the cold anymore lol

    God Bless and good luck to all

  5. It's interesting to note how **** Cheney felt about invading Iraq when asked in 1994. He felt it would be a quagmare without the support of other Arab nations, and questioned what the plan would be if we were succsessful in removing Saddam. Here's a link to his interview on the subject.

    I know that some things changed after 9/11, but these fundamental problems still existed. Also, let's not forget that the war on terrorism was already underway in Afganistan. Colin Powell addressed the United Nations prior to our invasion of Iraq and cited primarily weapons of mass destruction as our reason for toppling Saddam. You can read the entire text of his speech here...

    Full text of Colin Powell's speech | Iraq | Guardian Unlimited

    He spoke of Iraqi ties to 9/11 as well, but the administration as a whole later lost faith in the evidence of such involvement.

    YouTube - Cheney admits no Iraq/9-11 Connection

    The architects of 9/11 were almost all Saudi Arabian (all but one), yet we still consider them our ally.

    ...and yet there are still uninformed American who believe Saddam was responsible for 9/11. How sad.

    Iraq is a mess.

    Larry How do I save this utube about Chenney, I'd like to post it at another BB. Very strange how it all changed. 911 or not they knew they shouldnt have go all the way iinto bagdad. What a shame

  6. Get a 5.5 gpm machine. 4 gpm is small, it will do, but the more gpm you get the quicker & easier you do the work. If you do anything get the more GPM no matter what you plan on doing residential or commercial. If you cant afford a hot water machine which is usually needed for a lot of commercil flatwork get the more GPM and you can later add on a hot box when you have the $$$$

    good luck to you


  7. Nope I totally value every opinion. My life experiences are different than yours. Therefore we have different ideas on life.

    I bet you can honestly say that having a wife and kids and now having to pay taxes and expenses as an owner makes you a little more open to conservative values.

    I have six kids and another on the way. I would go anywhere and do anything to protect their freedoms and give them the same opportunity that I have had as an American.

    It will take you time to come around but you will.LOL


    SIX KIDS & ANOTHER ON THE WAY.................WOW!!!

    I wish there was somebody somewhere in the middle, that just made sense and then have a congress that worked together. I fear its just wishful thinking

    I see no viable candidate from either party that excites me and actually i think most of them will say anything to get elected and I don't like any of them. I liked McCain for several years, but when he started going to the republican Conservative base and saying things he never said before, I just saw him as like the rest of them. I know McCain as a republican has to try to go to the base, but thats what a lot of independents & dems liked about him. He was republican, but more middle of the road and not as extremes as we on the other side see some of the other Republicans. But McCain's a lost cause now

    I dont have to like everything about a candidate, republican or dem, but I do need to get a feeling of honesty to vote for them. I worry about my kids in this day & time and I think both parties arent doing much right

    SIX + KIDS ..................WOW. Whens the baby due and congrats!!!


  8. Not anything arrogant meant by it. Just the last couple of threads were bashing the war and then this poll came up.

    When i voted it seems like there were 15 views and three votes including mine. One republican, one democrat and one other. I just thought there were people that were scared to say what party they were registered as since they didn't vote.

    Just early in the thread and nothing meant by it.


    Scott you're a Republican? I never would of known. LOL

    Hope I dont aggravate you to much

    Have a good one


  9. Hello!!!!!!!! Are you reading Revisionist History 101???? Do you happen to remember Sadaam shooting at our planes patrolling the "no fly zone" on a daily basis. The mission of patrols were to keep Sadaam from killing all the factions that disagreed with him and helped us in the first Desert Storm.

    Like i said, we had him contained. Did he ever shot our planes down? Killing all the factions, that would of been 85% of the country, he didnt kill them all before Desert Storm and he wouldnt have after (Except the Kurds who he's been eliminating for years. We have murderous dictators all over the world, some are our allies, some foes and some in between, we can't go after them all. Now we are stuck in a NO WIN situation. We could win If we put 500,000 troops in and killed a lot of people, but our president from the beginning has asked us for nothing and just keeps sending the same soldiers back and back again. Bush has weaked our military and our standing in the world and we still don't have Bin Laden

    Do you really think he was our friend against Iran?? Do you remember the night of the first invasion in Desert Storm he flew all his planes to Iran to keep them safe. Gave all planes to an enemy??

    I don't think so?

    Have the early 90's been that long ago, that we forget??


    Do you remember the Iran/Iraq war? they killed millions of each other. Believe me, the Ayatolla's arent freinds with saddam and never would have been. Now because we are in Iraq, we cant do crap about Iran and their Nukes

    I have a question for you. If we stay in Iraq, what is it going to accomplish? I know bad things will happen if we leave, but what will staying do? How long do YOU think we would be there to WIN? What is winning when it comes to Iraq?

    Do we have enough troops in there? How many is enough? I just dont see anything good coming from the Iraq war.

    War on terrorism I believe we have to fight every day, war in Iraq, I just dont see the point of why we ever went in there

    Oh well, time will only tell

    God bless our great fighting men & women, God Bless

  10. Yes because the UN resolution that the coalition was assembled under didn't allow it. Maybe for good reasons at the time, but it wasn't Sr.'s decision to make either way.


    George Bush Sr has said, he did not want to go into Badgdad, because it was a no win situation and dsidnt want to be an ocuppying forace. I saw the interview

    we lead the coalition and could have gone like Gen Sharwtzcof(sp) wanted to, but GW Sr knew we would have had to occupy the area for decades.

  11. I am a Constitutionalist and I have no none to vote for.

    I am a Democrat and I have no one to vote for either. I will vote Dem or Rep but there is no one I trust to do a good job. I really believe the system is to corrupt for anyone to really care about us.

    We bounce back & forth between having dem & republicans in and they all constantly fail us

    Irs getting so ridiculous, we start running at least 2 years before the election, they spend millions almost probably over 1 Billion$$$ in all for what. Couldn't that money be spent on other things worth while

    We should give free air space/time and have limits on what can be spent and make it a fairer playing feild........Wishful thinking

    We have millionaires running our country, what do they know, how can they help us when they have never seen the real world in decades or their entire life

    GOOD LUCK to us, we are going to need it, who ever wins and its still a year away

  12. I agree we are in a recession. My opinion is that it is related to all the easy credit that has been available for years. I know many people who pulled equity out of their homes to fund things like cars, boats and vacations that they could not afford. Adjustable rate home loans that were taken out several years back are now kicking in with higher mortgage payments too. People used up all the ways they could to borrow and now its payback time. Too much borrowing, not enough saving, living beyond your means, recipe for disaster. I also believe our trade policies stink and that has contributed as well.

    I agree

    Its to bad that banks & mortgage companies made it so easy and then gave people these Adjustable & Interest only loans, the banks knew this would happen

    When I was shopping banks to build my new house I had banks & mortgage companies almost begging me to take one of these funky loans and this was after I had said from the beginning that I wanted a fixed loan. They would try all different combinations of deals on me, I'd keep saying FIXED FIXED and it was like they didn't even hear me sometimes

    I got a Fixed at good rates and I pay extra Principal every month basically in one year I knocked 2 years off my loan and at the level I pay additional principal I'll have the loan paid of in 17-19 years on a 30 year loan

    See I'm doing it this way, not because I'm smart, its because I'm dumb when it comes to knowing financial stuff. But I knew I always wanted to know what I had to pay every month

    The banks & mortgage companies shouldn't be bailed out they should be fined for bad biz practices

    People should be smarter, but they aren't and they feed off peoples ignorance, I cant blame anyone for wanting a house, hell they pay rent about the same as a mortgage would be, but then the banks & mortgage companies tell them if they get an interest only they can get a bigger and better house and people fall for it

  13. Its a no win situation either way we go.

    This is a war where the military wasn't allowed to do what it does best, KILL & CONQUER. We went in not to win but trying to maintain something we really could never have control over. If you want to win a war, you cant say don't kill and thats what we have done. We have factions that try to kill us every day and the military isn't allowed to kill most of them

    I wish we never went in and when we did we should have gone with a lot more troops like the last time. I think we should of left Saddam in charge and just contained him at least he kept everybody in check and we could have used him to go after Iran

    theres a reason George Bush Sr didn't go into Baghdad and now you can see why

    So what to do?? Sadly there is NO good answer!

  14. Then again a strong salesperson may have sold him at $495.

    (and have them call back every year because while you may be higher than everyone around, the customer knows they make one call, they know their house will shine, they don't have to be home, and nothing will be damaged. THAT is what is called value)

    In PA maybe $495. Not many in an average neighborhood in SC will ever pay $495 for a vinyl house thats 2100 sq ft. Its South Carolina, a million homes & track homes just like it and a good saleman will sell that wash for $250 - Maybe a little over $300 and they will be getting value too. But I don't use wax LOL

    Most do this full time around here and instead of getting maybe 1 or 2 out of 40 estimates at $495, We down here in the South will get $250 and sell 30+ out of 40 and be able to do very nicely doing 20-30 homes a week 10 months out of a year and then the salesmanship comes in with the up sell of the roof, driveway, patio etc. Plus unlike up north , people do their houses every year, not every 3 years to whenever

    I sure Ken you may be able to sell people, but not enough to make a living at those prices around here. We have been all over this, Its a North vs South market

  15. We have guys that are starting to low ball on commercial jobs around here I've been out bid on jobs lately followed up on bids and was told of the lower bid!!!!!

    Hey Mike how you doing. I too have lost a lot of bids lately, its hard to even figure what to bid anymore.

    Its a rough biz, lots of guys with nice rigs around here, a lot more than just a couple years ago

  16. "But I honestly do not know if even I could build a business today, in this market."

    I Have started PW a about a year and a half ago. I went out and bought profesional equipment, profesional looking estimate uniform (Apearance is everything in business) and was trained by a guy who has been doing it for about 20yrs and very knowlagable with the area as far as PWing goes.

    There is no shortage of mold here and there is a lot of PW's. Mainly guys who buy cheap equipment and call them selves "me and my son PWing" but do not do quality work. I think if all the pro's look pro, act pro and present pro, and do pro work, there is no shortage business. So far its been okay.

    My $.02

    I agree about the pro stuff, but imagine if there were not any hacks. That would be nice. Also there are some "pro's" that that do sub par work and charge less that bring it down for all

    I can't beleive that some guys clean parking garages and all they do is put down some cheap chem and rinse it out with a white tip. It does absolutly nothig, except push the dirt around and the property pays them for it.

    I wish there was no hacks, oh well. I will survive, because what the hacks DONT Have is Drive, the will to do good work and drive will set the hacks apart from the pro's

    America may just turn into one big Walmart
