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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. No I never question myself and my work. I'm perfect! LOL

    I used to question things a lot more, but with more experience over time I question myself less & less. With my workers, I beat it into them about quality almost daily and i still check a majority of their work daily. Once you dont worry about things is when something will happen

  2. I think that after being subjected to so much reasonable and insightful conservative thought on this and other boards, it was inevitable that he would come around. It's all about educating those wet-behind-the-ears liberals.

    BUSH for King!!



  3. How come no one ever says anything about Pres GW's economic plan?

    He isn't one to toot his own horn, but Id say its working pretty darn well. Think there might be an agenda with the mainstream media and doing their best to hide the good news? Nah. Thats highly unlikely!

    The Prez's people are at fault, they aren't getting the message out. Also Iraq is going to take the steam out of any good news, its a lost cause sad to say, I personally thought that from the beginning and the prez has asked no one to sacrifice anything, except our great service people. Not one to toot his own horn, remember Mission Accomplished, tooted his horn to soon that time.

    The economy is great for many, but not great for many too

    If the message of the good economy isn't getting out its administrations fault. I hear about the great stock market, but only 50% of Americans are in the stock market one way or another and out of those 50 only 25% reap the benefits before retirement age

    We as Americans want everything and many grab for it with out long term thought. Many who had dreams of big homes are now loosing them. Yes the economy is good for maybe half the people, but that means its not good for half.

    As long as the front runners in the Republican & Democratic Prez race remain the same, I think we have NO good choices out of all of them

  4. Hello Jeff, thanks for your reply,as for the roof the answer is yes they are walkable very level all the way around all 11 buildings. About the blower I do not have a back pack but I do have a very powerful but small hand held.Do your think that would work ok with the other items you suggested.Also thanks for the contract info that you sent me it has been real helpful. chris

    As long as it is powerful and the roofs are level, other wise the back pack is safer to use & carry

    Your welcome

    good luck


  5. Jeff, Will you quit changing your position, I don't know who you are anymore.

    You finally convince me to vote for Hillary and you turn republican. I just don't know what to believe?!

    I was a flip flopper like the rest of those democrats, no more. The Dem's will probably take the White house and Congress in 08. But I'm behind GW until then and I'm hoping Chenney does a sneak attack and decides to run for Prez. D Chenney is a great American. I like how he doesn't answer to anyone, not even the American people. thats a great man, he's in good company when it comes to not answering for things he does. He's a rock and we need more like him

    The hell with Hillary, she'd have this country all screwed up. I'd rather have Lynn Chenney, she'd cut the balls off of those Iranian a holes. Hillary would wait until they drop a nuke and then ask them please not to do it again

    God Bless America and you too Jon, I like the world according to GW, history will show what he's done

    Have a great day and if I did have you thinking about Hillary I hope it was in your dreams, we know you'd never vote for that immoral *****

    I have to go I have Hannity recorded, got to go watch


  6. Are the roofs walkable?

    We use back pack blowers and we will have a small extension pole, like a painter pole with a hook on t ( we use the little painters sausage roller handles from Lowes, theres a 3" or a 4" roller handle, use the 3" one it goes in the gutter better) With the pole & hook and blower you can get everything out. Blower gets most the stuff and hook helps if they are stuffed with debris. We also use an electrician fish, when needed to check the down spout elbow and then we go and check lower downspouts and clear them is needed. Sometimes we'll dismantle partd of downspouts if needed

    Usually we dont need to flush with water, but if they are packed with shingle granules you may have to flush and the stuff can make a mess

    Then go around with blower and trash bag for on ground cleanup of gutter debris

    Be careful on walking roofs, but backpack blower are great for gutter cleaning

    I love large gutter cleaning jobs


  7. Ive thought about it, but have no idea where to look for one. I dont make a ton of money, and I dont want to be spending a lot for an accountant. Plus if I was an accountant Id be chasing the larger companies, not a one man show like myself. How do you find someone who specializes in small home bases businesses?

    Ask other contractors in your area who they use. My accountant does accounting for anyone but over half his work is for contractors. I was real small and he didnt charge much at all and he still is reasonable

    Ask around and if you go to one and it seems to high$$ or he doesnt know constuction trades go to another. Ask him questions, whats this going to cost and what he offers or recomends. Interview him

    I would never go without an accountant, he saves me money every year and I'd probably beig going to jail with out him LOL

  8. Hey Matt,

    Its kind of boring.

    Its seems like something a one man company would do thats trying to save money. Not trying to be a PITA, there just isn't much to it. It seems empty to me, like you just dont have much to say or show. I would think because this is an organization, not just a one man operation that it would have more info and even more pictures.

    Looks like your just trying to fill the page with some large pictures & large text. I'd like to know more about the org, maybe more about the cleaning process, more of what I'd get if I was to be a customer, what makes your service better than others etc etc

    Its an OK site, it looks like something I would do just to have a website. I think its OK for now just to have it up and running, but I would definitly expand on it

    Good luck with it


  9. Thank God your child will be alright. Get an exterminater in there and check the entire house. We had a local bee man in our town as we were growing up, he became an expert on bee's, some how 2 walls of his entire home got infested with bees. He actually dismantled parts of his house to get them out and studdied bees. when ever people in our area had bee problems they called him, he ended up breeding bees & honey

    Get your whole house checked

  10. Hey Myrtle Beach is going on the map. We scored a Democratic Debate for Jan 2008. Its a pretty big deal for a tourist town like ours. Will give our area National & World exposure and bring in millions$$$$$$

    I already am working on a flier to send to local hotels and area restaurants. Emailing a couple of my PM's that run big properties at the beach and will be emailing & faxing all my PM's to let them know we are ready to clean anything in advance for the debate

    Have the #'s for the venue and Chamber Of Comm and the senators & reps to let them know about JL

    I figure do a full advertising assault and see if we can get some properties to use us to get the Dirty Blvd cleaned up.

    I'm looking forward to the event it will be interesting to see. I'm excited, Media from all over the world. Maybe I can get CNN Wolf Blitzer to wear a JL T Shirt LOL

    I bet John T will be here just so he can spend some time with his lady Hillary. Call me when you get in town John , you gigolo

  11. All that custom fabrication really makes a stock trailer look nice and be functional.


    I try to think of stuff to make it easy and have everything we need. we carry a lot of stuff and I always have extra of just about everything so there isn't much down time. All trailer or trucks have a couple hundred extra feet at least of pressure & water line, spare parts, surface cleaner, fire extinguishers, shovels, brooms, squeegee, plastic, different chems etc etc etc We carry a lot of s**t. But we get calls some days and I'll have a PM aswk can I get this or that NOW! We usually have what we need or you go to a job and we cant do it and I'll send them to other things, I like being prepared. we even carry 2 spare trailer tires on each (usually) I have had 2 tires go before and wasted a lot of time chasing around a tire(Lowes usualy has them in a pinch. I need more tool boxes and will figure them in on the new trailer

    Some of the other fabrications are for equipment protection and may double for something else, like a ladder rack etc


  12. I was going to get one of the ones you put in your pick up with a pump, but most are for diesel and the gas ones cost and have some major regulations. Its not to bad filling, we make sure all the machines are filled at the end of a day and then in the morning we just roll up to the gas station and fill the can

    I'd like to have a large tank , it would be nice

  13. Like GMC's but you are right about them riding low.

    The newer 2007's with the new body style ride a little higher. I saw a GMC 2500 thats real sweet

    Next year I want to buy a truck for me, not to pull a trailer. I almost dont want to wait. I want a 3/4ton 4x4 quad with some nice extras. I just keep saying I dont need it. If the rest of the year goes good, ...................... Maybe:)just maybe. It will be a ford or gm

  14. Nice rig Jeff, those garden hose reels look big, how much hose do they hold? Have u though about moving ur gas tanks to a "bin" from the front of the wheel well to the front on the trailer.Something I am thinking about doing,

    The gas cans & tanks are temporary placement for now, my other trailer are set up with areas for fuel cans.

    On my other open trailer you can see we added a frame to hold 3 cans on each side of the trailer in front of the wheel fenders, it sticks out slightly past width of wheel fenders. I like it set up like that and then the enclosed I had made a 2 level bin which holds 6 cans. I'll come up with something for the new rig, just havent put much thought into it yet.

    I have 150' feed line on the reels and could hold another 100' i think

    The pressure reels hold about 450 we have usually 400' on each




  15. Looks great Jeff. I'll stay out of the GM, Ford, Dodge debate, why don't you add a sign to the ramp?

    I have Dodge (just totalled), Ford, GMC trucks, Chevy SUV and a Mercury Marquis

    You can see I'm not to loyal to a brand, Althou since I had a tranny go in the dodge at 70+K and I know of a couple others that had to replace trannies in Dodges early, I'd probably never buy another dodge , althou I love the looks of the dodges

  16. Hey I love the whole chassis where the hose reels sit on, can you give a link to where I can get a setup like that! How big is that water tank?

    Bob from Pressure Tek built the last rig, he just welded a frame and attached the 4 hose reels. I didn't want to use up floor space on the trailer so thats what we came up with. In between on the floor is a 50 gallon chem tank and I'll be have a tool box built in the frame. So I'll have 3 things in one area saving a lot of floor space

    A good idea and a good welder can really help a stock trailer come together

    I'll be adding a few more things to the new trailer when it slows down a little more. I will have some diamond plate added in front of the machines for protection

    Water tank is 325 gallon
