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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Real business looking rig Jeff.

    ...I keep thinking the truck wouldn't be set down so much at the rear if it said Ford on the front...


    I bought that truck with trailer suspension & heavy duty transmission and its only for that trailer rig, we dont ever carry water in the tank. I will be adding a spring to it. It sits fine but is low, I figure an added spring will bring it up. its a good strong truck and pulls nice

    You are right thou my Ford 250 pulls my bigger trailers nice

  2. Here's our newest set up. its got a lot of work these past couple months since we got it. Its got a 5.6 & an 8 GPM cold water on it. Its a good condo rig and I have plenty of room to add hotboxes when I want. 2 water supply lines with Hudson float values. I learned from my last 5.6 & 8 trailer rig that one water supply often isnt enough to keep up, thats why the 2 supply reels (one on each side)

    Got the GMC at a real good price they had some nice rebates and I had it lettered right away. I'm pretty happy with everything and can't wait to see what the rest of 2007 will bring

    The picture was taken at a complex we did about a month ago it was 191 units and with 2 trailers we did it in 5 or 6 days. with the 5.6 7 8 gpm we are just cruising through complexes

    got to love the PW biz




  3. I'm still in one piece. We had a great time. My little fireworks display lasted 1 1/4 hours with my bro in law & I lighting it one after another and a real good finale. It was great and a lot of fun. We had the 325 gallon tank filled with water and the 8gpm ready to go in case we burnt any lots up

    no problems just a bunch of happy kids....I'm a kid at heart, I had a great time

    Happy 5th, back to work in a few hours

  4. Hope everybody has a good & safe 4th

    We are cooking out and at sundown I'm blowing off some major firework....YAY


    We might have to have another revolution to take back our goverment & country, Happy 4th

    God Bless our troops, fighting for us everyday

  5. Hey is there any PWers out there around Randolph Mass. Its 15 minutes south of Boston

    My best freind all my life lives in Randolph and he's a brick Mason by trade and I was telling him he should get into PWing residential. Things have been slow for him. He's going to get a 4gpm belt drive to start and some odds & ends and he'll be working out the back of his pickup. If i could find someone in his area that is a good PWer I'd like to see if he could come and learn a little about PWing. I might make a trip up there to train him, but a local guy would be a lot of help

    He's a great guy and I'd like to help him getting a little side PW biz going

    Thanks call me or email me

    Thank You




  6. If that machine is up against the rear door with not much wait over the axels the trailer will fishtail.

    Have a trailer where the water tank was over the front axle and the machine was at the back axle.

    The tank was empty sice gas was getting up there for hauling and the said trailer ended up in the 2 other lanes besides the one it needed to be in on a slight icey day. This has also happened on a slight wet day also

    The other trailer following never had a problem with the machine in front of first axle and tank on both of them

    Slight icey day. Whats ice??:lgcold::). LOL ............I love the south!

  7. Got stopped by a builder today out side a convenient store. They are in SC and getting ready to do a lot of custom home building around here. He saw my truck with signage and we talked. They are custom homes and they are building all over the area.

    Want to know who would be interested in New Construction/post construction clean up. They will be working in many counties

    Anybody in

    Florence county

    Brunswick county

    Geargetown county

    and he did mention a couple other counties, I forgot which ones

    We are going to set up a meeting this week or next and If anyone is interested, because I wont travel to a lot of these areas and I can refer him to good PW contractors.

    Dont know to much now, but i have heard of this builder . Just checked out their websight, pretty impressive, check it out Online Home Design | New Home Floor Plans | Front Doorâ„¢ Price Quote - Schumacher Homes

    PM or Email me, with your contact info, I'd be glad to pass on your names



  8. I strongly suggest putting some kind of Rhino Liner or Line X product on the floor and up wall about one foot. Its a little pricey, but you'll never have to worry about spilt fuel or chems ruining the wood. I have it on all my trailer floors open & enclosed. If you plan on keeping your trailer for a long time do the Rhino/Line X, then you can get a industrial oli or epoxy for the walls.

    As for set up do your tank & machine over axle.

    good luck with your new trailer, enclosed are great. You have great storage, you can put hooks up to hang stuff, just a lot more room...that will be used up fast, but at least you have the room


  9. Please help!!!!

    This is what I have so far for a contract, I know its not the most professional and it is tilted and based on what Im requiring. But is this OK and WHAT ELSE can you all think off that I should add

    If they dont like the terms we dont do the job, I just want to cover my ass

    Please help this has to go in today or Monday

    This is not completed yet and I just added all requests for work must be in writing etc

    I know theres some more corrections but I just wanted you all to see what I have so far, I'll have wife or mom proof read it

    Is this just the worst contract you have ever seen?

    man I'm tired , I have to get some sleep before work in a couple hours. I Love the PW Biz



    0000111alsurf apartments Markr post construction 6-07.doc

  10. You could do it hourly - it's going to be scary.....x number of guys @ x$ per hour - then you have to figure the amount of chem for the whole job & divide it by the number of hours you think it will take, factor in a hose breaking (can't charge them for that time even though it was on their job) The biggest thing is when they see the hourly rate and don't drop dead over that, MAKE SURE you've properly estimated the NUMBER of hours to cover your butt. It SUCKS to be in the middle of a job just to find out something was not as it seemed and your man hours almost double and "oh gee, I don't remember you telling me 46 times that you're going to take longer than planned so we're not inclined to pay more than your ESTIMATE" It HURTS!

    Sounds like it's a job that you want so you may have to bend a little, but just make sure your backside is covered really well.



    In your dealings did you have to give them a time estimate?

    I talked to the super and I told him its strickly on time . We show up the clock starts running. I told him we have 6 & 8 gpm machines and techs that do this kind of work every day and it will probbly go faster than his guys and some 4gpm machines.

    I dont plan on giving time estimate for any of the projects he wants. We get there do it and pay me for it. If he isnt happy or thinks we take to long (which I dont think will happen) If he's unhappy fire us.

    Its not a job i really dieing to get, but it seems like it could be done under my terms and could be profitale.

    Sounds like many have problem with hourly, thanks for letting me know. I'm am writing it up in a contract, they read it and go for it or not. We'll see.


    What was cool about getting this call it was from a referall from the Sunbelt Rental saleman. He's told others about us to before. Time for a gift cert for him. Nice guy

  11. Just go buy a new Super Duty Ford Diesel and get it over with already.

    You did have insurance, right?

    Oh and sorry you lost one truck but glad no one was hurt and the rigs were not damaged.


    Thanks Jon,

    How you been?

    Had insurance got $11,500. I'm using bro in laws and looking for a used right now. Dont want another truck payment. I might go for another new one next year.

    No one hurt at all, Thank God

    Take care

  12. RUN, Jeffrey, RUN.


    I base things on time & material when I bid work, I see that just doing straight bidding/proposal I might get burnt too. The sidewalks area mess with dirt and I told the it may take a couple washings. Theres just a whole lot of different factors if I don't do it by hourly. There's little things that may need to be done etc etc . I thought it may be to my benifit

    Like I said WHY? How is it bad for me, just trying to figure it out. Could you explain the pit falls of me doing it hourly????

    Im not letting him dictate my rate????? I tell him my rate he either takes it or not????


  13. I have a builder that needs an hourly or daily rate for post construction cleanup of several 3 story condo buildings. He only needs the balconies, breezeways aand now dirty sidewalks. There is also several other areas such as dirty new asphalt parking lots, smaller out buildings. They were doing it and just are giving up , they cant keep up

    I got an hourly rate in my head per man and I told them I use 2 man rigs

    I want to know how I should write this up. Should I require a 4 hour min per man? or should I require an 5, 6, 7, 8 hour min per man?

    I need to cover myself. I dont want to schedule a days or even a half a days work and get there and theres painters painting or just something else that makes it impossible to do our work. I dont need a crew with nothing to do

    HELP PLEASE. I need some exact wording that I can add to proposal/contract to cover me for miniunum hours if we are scheduled

    ANY OTHER WORDING or things I should be thinking about or adding into a proposal/contract??????????????

    Help a guy out PLEASEEEEEEE:lgsideway. I just never have done jobs by hourly rate

    Does anyone do a daily rate????

    Thanks ALL


  14. Jeff I have been having that problem for a long time. I switched to a flow switch and it works a lot better. I went through 3 thermostats and it is not working as of now. I have to bypass it. I am not sure why, my machine is 9.3 gpm. I have quick connects on my inlet and outlet of my coil, when I am running cold water it doesn't run through '200 of coil.

    Like the idea of QC's

    I hope someone chimes in about a Bigger/Better thermostat. As I understand from some old timers, machines used to have bigger or better thermos & pressure/flow switches on them. They just use the cheaper now......more cost effective to build and cheaper sale price.........but more a PITA. I can understand cheaper, I just want to find a BETTER set up and I dont mind paying if it keeps me running longer. I have 8 Pressure Pro hot & cold Machines and this 8gpm is the only PITA one

    Mel, Do you still have problems now that you switched to a flow switch?

  15. My 8GPM I always am having to replace the pressure switch and the thermostat has been replaced 3 times in a year. The pressure swith Bob of PT has found me a larger one, alot more $$$ , but Its suppose to handle up to 14gpm and has directions on how to set it for any gpm between. These pressure switches werent designed for the 8gpm machine. They are going down all the time and I dont run hot water a lot

    Now I'm looking for a BETTER heavier duty thermostat set up switch and all. Dont really know what to look for ANY HELP. I need something more reliable made for a bigger machine 8gpm

    I've talked to Dennis at Pressure Pro and he is a great guy and knowledgeable and I'm having my local guy look at the wiring to see if theres a problem so he and dennis can try to figure iof its the switches or wiring, but I'd still like to get better thermostat.

    Thank you


  16. But I can't!!!

    Alright many probably know I'm a flipping dummy when it comes to computers and a little challenged to say the least when it comes to the office end of business.

    I want to learn and I'll be having one of my guys that knows some computer stuff learning also about scheduling.

    I want to go after weekly, monthly, quarterly etc etc accounts. One of my biggest fears about going after this kind of work is not knowing how to schedule it. Pardon my total ignorance, but is there a somewhat simple way/program to keep scheduling easy as to making sure I don't screw up. I need something to show me when the work is to be done.

    Like my hospital account, I do different things every other month. I can keep track of the work , but if I had several accounts I know I would screw up possibly

    When I did the banks I would have trouble keeping it all straight 18 properties and we did some every 6 months others annually and some times we just did drive throughs other times we did walks & buildings etc. I kept this basically all on paper and would always figure things out the hard way.

    Also on monthly accounts how do you do them?? Is it every thirty days or like with my hospital work I do it every 3rd Thursday of the month (which good be 5 weeks apart)

    I know I'm a computer idiot, but is there a program or easy way to keep scheduling fool proof. Like I said I am going to have help.

    I can't target this kind of work until i can learn this properly

    How do you all do it

    Thanks in advance


  17. TCPalm: Local News

    This might be why it is slower than normal in my area. I have talked with a few other Florida cleaning contractors and they are also slower than normal. I have also had several calls from people asking me,are there restrictions on pressure cleaning because of water restrictions? I tell them not for business owners because we still have to make a living. Has anyone else dealt with this issue ? I am sure you guys up north are hammered and of course MB Jeff is always slammed with business. lolicon7.gif

    Mel, you know MB well. You can always move back. There's room for you here. A lot more around here then when you lived here. No water restrictions here yet. I do see it slowing a little in August

    I would imagine people seeing thats theres restirictions wouldnt clean. They either think they cant hire someone because of the restrictions or just dont think they should. I'm sure a lot of people hold off.

    Time to advertise telling them it can done
