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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Boswains Chairs are an effective way to do a lot of different jobs. I've seen window washes around here use them several times. They are actually fairly safe & cost effective and sometimes make the most sense to use. They always should have a separate safety line. I've used them many years ago and are actually a comfortable & useful tool.

    They can be scary, just like anything is when you are hanging hundreds of feet up. i did a smoke stack 350 ft up, we had to scrape, prime & paint some little vents on it. The scariest thing is when I was up there was the Hawk that didn't like me and would swoop close to me

    I worked Pilgrim Nuke plant and I learned back then you don't want to pressure wash off a Boswain Chair. They took this huge motor of this piece of equipment in the Nuke plant and it went about 60ft down. we set up a bar across the pit and below was ocean water. We hung the chair off the bar and I got in chair and lowered myself down and they lowered a hose & gun to a 4 GPM machine. WHAT A JOKE ! I had all kinds of guys white hats ( supers) and a couple of my union brothers up above watching. well I pulled the trigger and would just SPIN :headspin: around in circles, we were trying to clean the crustaceans off the sides. Turn it on and SPIN, SPIN SPIN:lgbonk: . It was almost comical. I tried to hold my self in place with my foot and put a board on the gun to hold me in place. Pull the trigger and SPIN SPIN SPIN. I gave up I was getting dizzy and wanted to puuukkkke:lgsick: . went back up and the job never got done, motor went back on.

    Chairs are handy, I just wouldn't try PWing out of one

    They can be fun, if you know what your doing and deadly if you dont.

  2. I thought that I would add to Jeff original comment and let people know that I placed an order on Friday and Bob still got it shipped out. Man that is quick for somebody working so hard on Jeff's new setup. Good Luck with the new unit Jeff. I will be trying to head down your way for a weekend later this year. Sun and Fun with the kids.

    Sounds like quite a few people are coming down this year. give me a call, we'll get together for sure

    with all these PWers coming down I might have to have Bob build another rig for you Myrtle Beach part timers LOL

    Bob does have some great customer service. I have been surprised many times how quick I have gotten things. His knowledge is a great asset to me and all. Especially to a guy like me who still has to think " lefty loosy, righty tighty"

    The last rig I bought somewhere else and in a few weeks the hose reels were crap, all the plumbing had to be changed, due to many of the parts rusting (cheap galvy) and many air leaks. But has done some trouble shooting over the phone on this rig. Im pretty sure I wont have the same problems with Bobs rig

  3. What do you feel helps make your business successful?

    Me, I know we do good quaity work but many can do good work. I think along with quality work, the one thing that has most helped my biz is that we are reliable. I see and hear all the time whether its in conversation with homeowners, property managers or just in my personal observations that there is a major problem with good consistant service.

    I'm not a great office person, I may not be a great saleman, I may not be the greatest PWer but I always strive to be reliable, no matter what i have to do. I know being reliable has helped my biz grow. I've had PM's tell me so

    What do you think reliabilty means?

    Me I think always being timely with everything we do, estimates, returning phone calls, starting a project when you say you will, finishing a project to the customers satifaction and if there are little problems fixing them ASAP

    Whether you are real busy doing PWing or or you are slow or do it part time, do you consider your company reliable and is there ways to improve.

    Im not great office guy or computer guy like I said, so what i do so I dont forget things is I have my schedule book (It goes everywhere with me) If I'm not carrying my black book, my guys will ask me where it is, my wife , my mother, hell that book is like a 3rd arm. In my book I have a meduim size not pad. I put a date on it when i 1st write in it. EVERYTHING get written in there and if for some reason I cant get to it, I as soon as I get to it I add info to it from any calls or a list of things I need to do. I write notes at my desk, i transfer it to my book. When that book gets filled I put an end date on it so i can go back to it. My book may look like a mess of writting, but It keeps me reliable

    What are some things that you think could help others be reliable or help grow yours or others biz?

    What do you think is most important to have a successful biz?

    4:37 am just needed a break from house cleaning & office work


  4. Real Nice Jeff. We all have important questions to ask Bob and he can't help us because he is to busy helping poor little Jeff, king of Myrtle Beach, "I need another rig, oh no, whatever will I do" J/K

    Bob is a great guy, very helpfull and never refuses the chance to help.

    By the way, I will be goint ot myrtle beach again in October, just bought my plane tickets, I will be sure to meet up with you this time.


    Come on down Mike, like to meet you!!!!

    Bring your work clothes, Im looking for good help, I dont mind training a new guy, lol

  5. Bob from Pressure Tek is setting me up a new rig. I just want to say, bobs a great guy. I need this rig yesterday we are very busy. well I ordered it last week and he started getting what I needed for it last week and the reels & machines just came in a day or 2 ago.

    Like I said I need this rig quick. Bob was emailing me last night at 8:30PM sending pictures so me and him could figure out placement of the equipment. He was working well into the night he said to get this done for me, so we could be spraying by Monday. Thats GREAT service!!!! and I appreciate it. He's doing metal fab, emailing me and just going to set up a user friendly rig

    On top of all that and his regular work load, he will be driving from Cleveland to Myrtle Beach to deliver it this weekend.

    I just want to say bobs OK, thats why I go through him, he knows what he's doing and he will bend over backwards to get it done!!

    Thanks BOB

    Life is Good!!!!


  6. In the past month I've hired 4 guys . 2 are gone, just late & no show or missing work for everything. 2 guys have shown every day on time for over 3 weeks now, seem very reliable and want the work & money YAY

    hired 2 guys Monday to start today. One I couldnt get a hold of him because his phone was disconnected. I found out he was a 40 year old crack held and I was going to tell him I didnt need him. The other looked good well dressed for interview, new car with payments, seemed like he wanted work

    Neither one of these FRICKING BUMS even showed up for the 1st day. HOW do people live, I just cant even believe that someone couldnt call and just say something, lie, anything , hey I got a better job. FRICKING BUMS. I country is someday going to be in a lot of trouble. work ethic is lacking and getting worse

    Just venting , hired a couple more to start next week, lets see if they show

    Have a wonderful day

  7. Still building like crazy here even though house sales and house prices have dropped..Busier then ever but I chalked that up to more experience more then anything.

    Hey John, didnt I see you on the internet in a *** video with Hillary, you look funny with a dog collar on. You and Mrs Clinton are freaky LOL

    Its busy building around here still just not as much and I was surprised how many tradesmen called my help wanted ad

  8. Hello , again Jeff,

    Struggling here in CA.

    Of course some folks are doing fine, but a lot of building is just shutting down.

    I have been doing a few small PW jobs, and taking careful heed of the best advice out there... I am being VERY conservative with application of chems both to protect myself, and my clients property !

    Whew! There's a LOT I need to learn !

    Brand spankin' new PW'er... bypass hose poppin off shootin water in the air in front of client...

    Next thing that happened was big wind when trying to downstream using a 1/4" barb fitting at the tip...

    Then I found out a 24' extension pole is a real handul...

    Most recent was the wheel and axle falling off as we loaded back in the truck after doing a pretty good job... of course, in front of the client.

    Kind of a bummer cuz my wife got hurt a bit when the machine fell apart.

    Need to get a ramp, or better yet, a trailer w/tank and stuff.

    But it's all good.

    Really makes a nice improvement to the clients property for a minimal cash outlay compared to other methods of improvement.


    Well, not just yet!


    Wheel fell of your machine??? If so think about not unloading your machine at all at the job sight. I used load and unload at every job, until I went DUH and just got more pressure line and never had to roll machine off at any job again. Just a helpful hint that saves time and muscle

    Good luck to you

    Rick is right it is hard to make a living off of PWing, but persistance and a drive to make it will help. Your brain has to be in a mode of always trying to figure out how to get the jobs rolling in. Theres a million good ideas on these BB's for getting work

  9. It looks like the building boom may be slowing some. Theres still a lot of building going on, but i would say its been cut down 50% or more.

    I put another help wanted ad in paper and compared to my last ad just a couple months ago, Im getting all kinds of tradesmen calling. Carpenters, surveyors, hell a couple construction supers have called, concrete guys not just the run of the mill cheap labor guys are calling

    Its to bad, I dont like seeing all these guys looking for jobs. Will it effect my biz, the slow down, I dont think it will much, since we dont do hardly any new construction and most of our work are complexes. One PM has told me that they want the places kept clean for many reasons, but also for resale

    We keep trucking the work just keeps coming every day, but I worry when I see a change like this

    Whats your area like compared to a year or 2 or 3 ago

    Life is good


  10. $100,000....Id buy a harley, a jet ski, a boat, a airplane, a atv, a sexy french maid, a sexy female butler, a corvette, a monster truck, go a a bunch of vacations, go get liposuction for my gut, Id pay to see Paris hilton in jail, Id buy the 2008 elections and put in all crazy left wing democrats, I would pay for world peace or at least a nuke to wipe out certain areas of the world I dont like, Id hire the swedish swim team to babysit my son oh ya and a life time supply of Kraft mac & cheese

    Do you think a $100,000 will cover most of it. Im prety good with #'s, I may have to give up the world peace

    $100,000 ....really Id pay off a little debt and invest the rest for retirement

  11. I'm very curious, how you go about it. do you do federal, state, county or local. I've gotten some county work and am under contract at the county airport as we have talked before about it

    What kinds of projects are there to do for goverment contracts

    just seems like every thing goverment around here is dirty and going to stay that way

    Show me the way Scott



  12. I understand what Ken is saying with depreciation on new vehicles. For personal transportation I have not bought a new vehicle since 1987. When I needed a truck for my business I searched for a few months for a used one but prices for used trucks were so high I decided to buy new. My reasoning was why buy a used truck with no warranty, possible hidden mechanical problems, and high mileage when I could buy new for a few thousand more and know what I was getting. Even if you run a CarFax report and let a mechanic check it out there is a risk with a used vehicle. I am also logging about 2,000 miles a month so a vehicle with 80,000+ miles on it already that I am using to tow with just didn't work for me. If you maintain the vehicle and run 200,000 miles on it the depreciation over the life of the vehicle isn't so bad.

    I'm thinking the same way Doug

    I have another 2 weeks before I have to get something. I have a few people looking for that perfect used , you know Grandma only drove it 2 miles to church every Sunday. If not I will be getting something new

    Used truck prices are insane


  13. Cant wait till my new rig gets here. Bob from PT is setting it up, I got to get another crew up and running. The dilemma just keeps going on. I have PM's calling saying can you fit this & that in, 2, 4, 13, 26 buildings each call and more. I'm also waiting on a 60 building complex that I think Im going to get, I lost a 23 building job, but the PM said he thinks I got the 60 buildings. Im fitting it in and we are working 6 10-12 hour days. Im scheduling on top of other jobs well into July and some in August. This would be nice if we can keep this going throughout the year ( wishful thinking )

    Get this other rig and hopefully give my guys a little break & cut down on the OT, but we will probably just keep getting the calls. Having some big months

    Got a cold 8gpm & 5.6 gpm coming. I have some extra warehouse space the next unit next to mine, its a freinds who isnt using a 1/2 of it. Got it cheap.

    Yahoo!!!! Got to love PWing

  14. Amen to 8 gpm - especially hot! It sure is nice to be able to walk at a normal pace when using a surface cleaner - no matter how dirty the driveway. I now use a 28" Big Guy - cleans right to the edge with very little "cutting-in".

    I got 2 Big guys and will be buying another one, they are real good solid surface cleaners and run forever before you have to replace any parts. The difference between running a Big Guy with a 5.6gpm compared to the 8gpm is night and day

  15. Up until about 20 months ago I used all 4 GPM machines for everything and then i got my 1st 5.6GPM hot machine and there's been no turning back. For those newbies that are just starting out I strongly suggest going with MORE GPM. If you cant afford a hot unit, get a cold 5.6GPM or more.

    We are now doing condo complexes that used to take say 8 days we can now do them in 4 or 5 days at most. I now have 3, 5.6gpm machines 1 is hot water and I have a 8gpm hot, plus i have Bob from PT setting me up a new rig with cold 8gpm & a 5.6 gpm. Any cold machine you can later add a hot box, so if you are thinking can I afford a 4gpm or a 5.6 gpm go for the 5+gpm, it makes a world of difference

    If you plan on doing flatwork 8gpm is a major difference, we can fly with 8gpm compared to the 5+gpm

    I dont always track how many days projects take, but we are flying through condo project after condo project. If I was still using 4gpm, I'd be screwed and backed up and probably be losing jobs.

    Even house washes take at least 40% less time with the more gpm

    So if you are on the fence of should you or shouldnt you get more GPM machine, spend the extra money get at least a cold unit with more gpm, the money you spend you'll make back in no time with the amount of time saved on any job

    I LOVE MORE GPM.........More GPM = More $$$$$$$$$$$

    Got To love PWing
