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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. I have a guy that I hired recently, very mechanical, I just need to get him trained on ALL stuff, equipment for pressure washing

    Is there any BUSY repair shops/vendors that would like to help train my guy. I will send him wherever for a week and hopefully give him a crash course on the basics and a little detailed training. It will have to be after May.

    He's not lazy and a good learner, taught him washing in a week and does real well and he has a mechanical background pretty much

    Or are there any courses out there that are detailed?


  2. I started with a Genco Home Depot 3gpm machine about $1300, 10 years ago, 100 ft of pressure line, 150 ft of water hose, extension pole, scrub brush, couple years later went full time with 1 3gpm and 2 4 gpm and a rented 4 gpm did a couple big jobs and started buying what I needed. Before that I did tons of houses and Xjetted roofs like crazy.

    The BB's helped me a lot, before them I wasted some money and a lot of time and elbow grease

    I started with real cheap marketing, but never stopped, cheap fliers, cheap post cards, writing down addresses. I grow every year, except last year, I was down several K,, back to devoting much all my time growing my business and already reaping the benefits.

    Got to work it hard, if you want growth every year

  3. I go with what Scott and Greg say.

    I am for hiring employees, I like to keep as much of the money in house and I can do that better with employees. Employees are a PITA that I will always have to deal with. Like Greg, its taken a while but I have a good core group of 4 guys and they crank it out and make me money. Then I have the other 2-4 guys I need and theres the hassle, the training and the bums that are out there. Hire a guy spend a couple weeks traing and then they start not showing up or are good for a week and show promise and then you realize they don't give a crud about quality and cant figure out their a*s from their elbow

    I also believe in what Scott says, pick your jobs and niche

    I dont do wood and I don't wash homes. I am lucky on that, because I do have a contractor I send all that work to and he is great and reliable

    Maybe some day you should just go at this biz full time and build that profitable biz and take on more and more

    I'm at the point I need another rig, but I may only need it for a few months, do I spend 10K on a rig and 20K on a truck for 3 months of busy work? and if I do, how do I keep it manned when I only need the guys for three months, it will be an endless cycle of hiring and training every several months

    Adrian, pick your niche and keep looking for the right employee or go on American Idol

    Good luck brother, its a pain running a biz, but sure better than working for someone else

  4. John, Me in Orgs, no desire, not because of the BS necessarily, its just to much work that would take away from my biz and Family. I liked helping on the BB's over the years, I see some guys I have helped doing pretty well doing condo work now and that is really cool, I really liked the Myrtle Beach RT Ron and I did in 2008, I had a blast, but ask Ron why I did that Round Table????? I did it to have fun, have a party and hang with contractors. Not to start a PWing revolution and start Orgs and do RT's all over the country, thats for others. I did try to help with the *****, I was very hesitant, but i gave it a shot and don't regret now that I did, I just don't want to deal with it now and in the future I now know I don't want to deal with it. If I can't enjoy what I am doing and have fun at it, I just don't want to do it, the Org stuff the way things always seem to be, doesn't fit into that fun I want to have

    But I tell you I would love to see a PWING with 5000, 6,000 or more members some day, really doing good things to promote our industry and the contractors, we'll see

  5. Jeff this guy Mike is first Class guy, he is a champ at the ED spot. He also has a great assistant that is very cool. No way could I fill this guys shoes, he has the experince to maintain this spot.

    If you remember early on with the ***** I said I was not qualified for the Ed spot, thats how I knew Carlos would Fail. Only a Few guys knew he ran a lanscape crew for another guy and work for him. Running a crew working for someone does not qualify you for a national org spot ED position. How ever you guys didnt beleive it until recently.

    I will not be directly involved in orgs, I however will work twords common issues and goals for all contractors. We all have interests in certain aspects of this industry.

    For Example Robert Hinderliter is the EPA guy for PWNA & ***** I beleive. The SC coalalition for water mang is meeting in Charleston at NCE event this year. The meeting will be about the issue in your state, no worries Jeff because I will not allow them to shut you down like has happened in other parts of the country.

    We need leaders in numbers that understand goverments dont understand what we do. We need a clear voice of reason at these meetings. Not people who are mis-informed and do not undertand the history and what vital mistakes can happen and change lives instantly.

    You know I have alot of interest in my own business so I care. Maybe I'm selfish but I have alot at stake, so I'm making certain no crazy laws or rules will be implimented.

    Jeff, I retire in five years. I have been the watch dog on this for years when I thought it should have been the industry orgs who should be watching this.

    Menwhile I had watch them throw us under the bus.

    Well things change, now the PWNA adopted a reasonable program for contractors. Its never to late, I guess it took 15 years and now we have it.

    This step will be large into the future, so large I cannot even begin to explain the possibiltys.

    Still men are men, someone else is going to have to keep this on the straight and narrow path. Rons Done in a short peroid of time, five years will go quick.

    I don't really know any of them in charge, I am sure all are first class guys, from what I hear, I know most there names and know they are all very succesful I did like speaking to Daryl Mirza for a few minutes in Texas, on how he acquires other companies, real smart man and it was an interesting subject. Like I told you on the phone, I think guys like him should have 2. 3 hours or more to talk at your NCE RT's, this is the kind of stuff I like to hear, the indepth stuff

    I was just asking, I look at all things and was looking at the rejuvenated PWNA and heard you might play a bigger part and then when I saw that you said if the ***** failed you'd take it over and start it up, I figured maybe that's the direction you may go, running for the BOD or Prez. So hearing and seeing things I figured I'd ask

    I figured the men running PWNA arent all going to do it forever, people and BOD members always come and go. I think you have the smarts, the knowledge etc. Plus I just wanted to see what the PWNA is going to offer its members and wanted your take on it.I have no idea if they have elections or are picked, no idea if they are for profit or not, just don't know that much, never really followed them and now I see many people I like or admire or seee as good businessmen join or talk good about the PWNA, Wasnt trying to get you riled up, just looking I guess you could say

  6. Jeff,

    I cannot speak for Ron, and make no presumption. In fact, I am one of the ones that can tell Ron he is being an idiot, and there are times he is an idiot, and still get along with him at the end of the day. What is more amazing, is that so many are scared to death of the Ron Train, and yet, I manage to get along and talk with him, and he is in my market, and really, not that far from my area. In fact, I have guys that pass by his house and his office on a daily basis, and I am certain that he has guys pass just as close to my house.

    In my opinion, with the size of this industry, I am certain that there is more than enough room for two organizations. The problem with the *****, as contrived by the transition team, and Carlos is that so many things were promised, and so seldom delivered. I can give you a couple of examples.

    1. Health insurance. Carlos touted it like it was a done deal. There only needed to be two contractors in a particular state that wanted health insurance, and it was a done deal. There was going to be a rep at the convention, and on and on and on. So, the way I see it now, there was no health insurance, and I am beginning to wonder if there ever was. He may have made a couple of preliminary calls, but nothing worked out.

    2. Openness, remember that one? Carlos wanted to make sure that the ***** was absolutely going to be open. So, if it was so open, how did Carlos manage to not pay a lot of the bills for the convention, and to top it all, keep it secret. I am kind of wondering who paid the expenses of Carlos. I really don't care, because it wasn't my money, but I am certain that there are people that had a financial interest in the success of the Org that could probably ask the same question.

    3. Environmental stance. Remember that call? It was when I was on the transtion team, and everyone was all over me about keeping the standards to a minimum. They were worried I was going to roll over, when I just wanted to work with the cities, particularly Charlotte, to make it workable for the contractor. I wasn't at that meeting, but I am pretty sure you were, tell me, were the rumors true that I heard? Did Carlos use that meeting to only promote the *****, and that he totally rolled over and wanted contractors to adopt every one of the super stringent guidelines for the Charlotte area?

    4. How about the Finance committee? Ken was in charge, or was he? Then Michael, with his creative financing tips for a business or org. We wont go into his past, because that horse has been beat to death. Let's just agree that it was less than an intellectually honest decision to put him on the finance committee. Now we find out that, supposedly, they did not even know that they were on the finance committee? For you information, that is a flat out lie. Untruth, patent deception. Carlos and I talked about it at length, and he promised me multiple times that they did not have control of the checkbook, that he did, and that he did not expect either one of them to last on the transition team past december 2009. Well guess what...

    5. The line that I was asked to leave the transition team. I have heard from someone I consider VERY reliable that he has heard it from at least four different people, you being one of them. You and I know that is an outright lie. When I resigned Carlos was both stunned and in tears. He knew the value of my name, which I find at the least humorous, and having me be on the transtion team. That is why he kept my assignments to a minimum. He did not want me to get over burdened and leave. Well, that did not work out so well. I left, and now the story is that I refused to do anything, and that I was culling information for Ron. I have a little tidbit for you, Ron was usually telling me what was going to happen before it did. Maybe he was pulling strings, or the person, or people pulling the strings, were telling Ron. Do you understand how silly I felt listening to Carlos go on his conference call dissertations, and hearing everything that I had heard Ron tell me a day or two previous? It was nuts. Sure I had no comments. I don't comment on anything, usually, unless I feel it is going to have an effect.

    That is five quick points. Do you want me to go deeper what the problems were with the transition team?

    Ya I know and have heard or lived all that stuff Scott, this post wasn't about the *****.

    The post was just to see if Ron was going to be part of the PWNA BOD and what he thinks its mission should be, but I guess it always comes back to the ***** these days for some

  7. I started this post in another thread and figured I would start a thread about it. I was looking at the PWNA, I heard rumors that Ron may run to become a major player BOD in the PWNA, so like I said I figured I would start a thread

    Ron why don't you put all your energy into the PWNA and just forget the *****, maybe say the h*ll with the *****. The h*ll ith Fenner, Carlos and all. If you put all your energy into the PWNA. Then all this conversation of the ***** can just go away, you and all wouldnt have to deal with it. Go sell the benefits of the PWNA. You have got many to join the PWNA. Is it true you are going to run for the BOD of the PWNA and if you do, what are your first priorities as a new BOD member of the PWNA. I have no idea if you are running eventually, you know rumors, but you are very active in support of orgs and seem to always want to help. I guess being on the BOD of the PWNA would be a natural fit for you and after all even thou you run NCE, you are a contractor first

    I don't know much about the PWNA, do they have elections? They are a for profit org correct? or are they a non profit

    Ron I see you say you may run or have some of your allies run for the *****, or if the ***** fails you will take it over and run with it to make it successful

    I know from hearing and reading that the PWNA has asked John T to be involved in the PWNA and I know in Texas they asked Celeste to be more involved in the PWNA and NCE & PWNA have teamed up this year on the RNCE/PWNA Round Tables.

    So are you going to run for President or BOD member?

    I know Tony ************** likes the PWNA, you got all the guys that are running it now, I am sure they arent all going to be running it all the time, for the rest of time. I figure one or two or more may want to move off the BOD sooner or later

    Maybe you Tony, John T, Celeste and whoever could be on the BOD and bring your outside the box thinking and make the PWNA the only force to deal with in the pressure washing industry

    What would be your priorities as Prez of the PWNA or as BOD member

    Like I said I see all these folks joining now and I am just trying to figure what are the benefits to these established companies joining and what would be the benefit of me joining. I am real hesitant to join, just because of all this stuff all over the BB's and how I used to be not really caring to join any org, still pretty much am, but I did join Celestes PWNC as a business decision

    Like I asked what would be the benefit of my company joining if you and others ran the PWNA BOD or even if it stays run by the present PWNA with an addition of others sooner or later

    I am just trying see the benefits to my company, If I was to join the PWNA, because thats how I make all my business decisions.

    I like their Contractor directory

    As an established company, why should I join or other established companies why should they join?

    I know they have some certifications for what Hood and vent and they also have some other type classes, but for us established companies that dont need their present certifications and don't want to take a Wood Cert what would you do as a new BOD member of the PWNA or just as a member at large

    Would you start or want the PWNA to start a certification class for ALL pressure washing contractors like has been mentioned in the past. A certification for say Flatwork guys, Multi unit guys, Residential guys, commercial guys etc etc etc

    I know Scott Stone and I think you and many others have commented before on the ***** and medical benefits, do you think the PWNA should try to go for Medical insurance for members or even non members

    Like I said I like the contractor listing on PWNA, but other than that, to me it looks like it would just be a logo rental type thing for me and other established companies

    I guess what I am saying what do you think the PWNA mission should be or should they just stay the same as they are now

    I know you drive me crazy at times, but you have some good ideas for the industry and you are a smart businessman I think since the ***** has had its share of headaches, maybe you as the PWNA President or hey even the Exec Director or BOD member could help make a strong org a force in the industry

    John T you, Tony, the men that run it now could really move the PWNA on the real fast track

    John T are you going to run for BOD of the PWNA, would you if Ron was going to or Tony or Celeste?

    Whether one, two or none of you are running in the future, tell me what you think should be the priority of the PWNA as it goes forward

    Thanks, I think you should ruun Ron, you know you have the energy, you are like the Everready Bunny of the Pressure Washing industry

    Good luck and give us a little sales pitch or why I or anyone should join the PWNA

  8. Looking Good Jeff.

    Notice it is a short bed. How is this with your traveling on the jobs?

    miss the extra 2 foot extra bed?

    I couldn't afford the other two feet LOL

    This might be an actual work truck in a couple years, for now its just to get me around

  9. Well I went out to be practical and buy a work truck, so I could get out of driving my 98 Marquis. well I opted for something a little pretty to drive instead. I'm really liking cruising in it, has some nice and some cool options, I think it will be a couple years before this is a work truck

    I'm not doing much to it, adding Line X to bed, A low profile tool box and I put a new grill insert on it, chrome where the black is, looks cool, just ordered some nice seat covers too. Plus I like the crew cab, take the whole family in it, my son wanted black, my wife wanted Chevy, I just wanted out of the Marquis LOL

    Some good rebates on trucks out there now




  10. I have read some good posts elsewhere about this product. Anyone hear about it? Where can I get some? I live in Hampton Roads, Virginia.

    Steve Rowlett used to sell it. You can get it from Flynn Distributors, thats who makes it and you can buy from them . I dont have a link, but the company is a ***** Supplier Member

    Its a good product

  11. I have people all the time calling and say they have seen our trucks and trailers everywhere and they got my number off them. They are newer, clean and professional....well almost always clean

    Dan image is everything, welll not everything, but it sure does help. I understand you work with what you have and can afford, but I believe in putting back $$$$ into my company image

  12. Dan consumers are not going to spend like they did before the downturn whether they have money or not, we will need to see better figures across the board and for a sustained time, before wallets loosen a lot and go back to the good ole days of people fueling the economy on credit. Most of the good ole times was credit, they are now either sunk by it or paying it off, I am sure that will change sooner or later, us Americans have short memories

    Go wash something else

  13. Jeff, that is one of the caveats of you sharing so much good information on these bulletin boards. Lots of leaches with no experience and no selling skills. "So I call, write, and fax, throw some bleach and Dawn together and that's all there is to it? If Jeff is getting $8,000 for a four day job, I only need to charge $3K. I don't have Jeff's overhead." I feel your pain.

    I hear you Ken, 2010 I am going a little stealth, many good things in the works. Its funny they come & they go, but its definitly different the past 2 years, I am seeing some real chit pricing. This recent pricing lends me to believe these contractors just have no clue,more than ever. I use to lose some by 10, 20 even 25% but now WOW.

    Although they dont last much more than a year in the multi unit work. I have gotten over one dozen jobs back this year that I lost last year. Always the Managers are saying, that the HOA's didnt like the guy last year.

    I actually like when a property says the other guy is almost half my price, then I can explain that they obvoiusly have no clue at all and probably shouldnt even be bidding, when they are close to my price, I can't say much, but that low, even the HOA's know the hack has no clue. Most HOA's throw out the real low crap, not all, but many. JL is going to kick some a*s in 2010 & 2011 and they won't even see it coming. I am selling on experience and quality, 2 things hacks can't sell on

    Rock on, I love PWing and my Xjet too!!!!!!!

  14. We have survived, this year we will be 10K up or down from last year, which was our best year ever. But it will be the year we didn't really grow like we have every other year. I have to say its been a grind. I didn't do as much target marketing as I have in the past. I was busy with ***** stuff, not complaining I enjoy working on the *****, but it did take time away from my business

    The thing that is really driving me crazy in this economy is what we are having to deal with in our competition. There are start up companies, that are jumping right into cleaning of complexes, many just dont even have aclue how to do the work and sure don't know how to price the work, we are seeing bids 30% to 80% less than our bids, yes as much as 80% less. That was fine before the economy went bad, it was one or two companies, now its many companies or so called companies. Guys right on these BB's and many others. Some know how to wash, some don't, I am seeing all kinds of damage. But mostly they are just bringing down pricing, its been ridiculous. We even have established companies, that get slow and start to drop prices. I have had to negotiate pricing more and more and its a PITA. I have about half of my managers that just use us, but at times the HOA's now are requiring looking at other bids

    I wish the economy would turn around faster so some of these guys would go back to work working for someone else

    I have a good plan for 2010 and I know growth will be happening in 2010 for JL, but man this economy sure has played some games on most of us

    Best of luck to all in 2010

    Life is GOOD, just got to work at it a little harder this year
