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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. IT'S A GIRL

    Jessica Marie LeCours was born at 7:47am . It was a very easy delivery for my beautiful wife Lisa. My daughter is absolutely beautiful.

    7lbs 12 oz's 20 inches

    Pictures to come

    LIFE IS SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! We are so lucky


  2. Conservative or liberal, I too know people over there and they are tired. Tired of going to one area and putting down the enemy, then going to another area and doing the same only to have to go back to the 1st area and its out of control again,. Thats why I & others say there isnt enough troops

    Tell you the truth if I thought we had enough troops and were making great progress I wouldnt question it. But I just dont think there is enough troops to do eveything that needs to be done.

    Like I said I hate the muslim nuts and I would be for a war in the middle east and I'd say an all out war at that, but we pull from afganastan to go to Iraq and we havent cured the ill at all anywhere andwe arent going to do it with 135K troops

    It would be political suicide to start a draft, but thats whats needed, we are already showing weakness to the enemy and it started with poor planning.

    I'd like to nuke a few places and tell the rest of the world to screw, but we cant and we wouldnt because that would make us look like monsters

    I wish I was as extreme as our enemy, Id be blowing things up already and enjoying it.

    So many say stay the course, Im 50/50 just like a liberal, does anyone say add troops?

    Id like to go burn a few Iranian flags in Tehran and as I'm running down the street for my life have an F-18 swoop in and wipe out all the are chasing me. Just day dreaming


  3. To win we have to have a winning force & strategy, we have neither. If we are to stay and win, why don't we do what G Bush Sr did, send 500K troops. We have proven we can't win with 135,000 troops.

    I want to win also but can we with the strategy & troops numbers we have?

    If we are not going to have a winning strategy lets get out with in the next couple years

    I just hate seeing our boys & girls dying for a group of people that hate us.

    Only time will tell and I see it as a 50/50 chance that we win or leave, I just dont know whats right to do

  4. See I agree with everybody some what. Jon is right on a lot of what he says. I question that is it our job to tell other countries to democratize and why do we think we can democratize a country or a region, especially one thats been killing each others for centuries. Bush before 911 said that he doesnt believe in nation building and now thats what we are TRYING to do.

    I don't want to Bush bash the reason I asked some of this is to get an idea what everyone thinking

    Do we stay a year, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 year etc with over 100K in troops or should we just stay on the out skirts and let them the Arabs work it out

    Also should a draft be instituted, our troops are getting burnt out, they have to be and should all Ameirans share in the fighting in Iraq just not the few hundred thousand that rotate back in & out

    As for Iran I wish before we took out Saddam we gave him weapons & the green light to go back into Iran & fight & kill them all.

    I absolutly hate religious extremist and I fear we are adding to their ranks by the thousands every week. I say religious extremist. What I mean is Extremist muslims that hate us. We are going to have to fight muslims in a world war some day I fear or should we just let them kill each other

    One other thing why is all the other countries in the world saying the Jews should do a cease fire when Hezbulla is firing rockets too. Screw lebanon let the Jews flatten it and then let them go after Iran before they get Nukes

    I'd really like a peaceful world which I know will never happen but it just seems like its just getting so bad

    Should we pull troops & when ?

  5. I'm just wondering what everybody's opinion is on the Iraq war. You can't trust our politicians to really be honest when debating the war and I'd just like to know what others think about it. Now most know that I'm liberal in my thinking. With that said I do and always have believed in a strong military, VERY strong. I believed in the war in Afghanistan.

    On the Iraq war I never believed it was a good idea and I never really believed that George Bush was going to Iraq for terrorism & 9/11. I know many will say that I'm a GWBush hater but besides that whats your feelings on Iraq

    I always thought GW Bush was going to war with Iraq even before 9/11, he didnt like Saddam since Saddam tried to put a hit on GBush Sr.

    Do you think the entire war or some of it has been handled wrong, should we have ever gone, should we stay the course for unlimited time, should we have a date in mind to start pulling troops. should we institute a draft so our stressed military gets a break, should we send a couple hundred thousand more troops and squash the insurgency and bring Iraq back to order

    I personally think we never should of gone. We had Saddam contained and he kept Iran in check, now Iran doesnt give a crap what anyone one says and Europe is a bunch of s--- heads and will never support us.

    I'm thinking back the troops back to outer areas and see what happens if Iraq seperates so be it. Im thinking we should get our troops out within the next 2 years and only leave a small amount of troops to try to watch out over our interests

    I hate the thought that we are fighting a losing battle for a country that is fighting its self and will end up hating us anyway.

    As for the middle east, just about all of it is starting to hate us the U S. Hell I'd like to nuke them all right about now and take all the oil. I think Muslims in that area are going to always hate us and its going to get worse.

    What do you think, I'm not trying to start a big fight I'm just trying to see what others think other than what you hear or read in the news

    I want our mititary that is doing tour after tour home, either get out completly or draft others to fight.

    God Bless Our Troops & The USA

  6. Jeff,

    We have seen a wide variety of moths while cleaning.I posted a pic in the past of one that was camo colored.Last Thurs. night we saw one that was snow white and about as wide as my hand.

    Its a moth

    Scott you folks in Florida have some funky creatures I've seen some big nasty bugs, lizards in Florida

  7. They are old screens. I've seen them, you look at them from a distance they look fine. When you get up close to them you can see that all the screen isnt there. This also can be done when your washing Ive left marks in screens from Xjet. It is like the screen is dry rotting. Screens that are in sun most of the day will do this. Check if its all of them or just the ones in the sun.

    Now is it your fault, No not really, yes your pwing caused the mark or wear, But is it your fault that these screens are old & brittle and worn by the sun.

    Hopefully its not all of them. Id explain that the screens may be old and have worn due to the sun.

    I bet these screens were already failing and the homeowner just didnt really notice it until they checked out the PWing

    Good luck and get some pics and tell them you'll get back to them. Dont promise them anything until you know whats going on


  8. HELP! 3 weeks ago, I washed a customer's house. It's a vinyl home, 2 story, nothing unusual about it. I used Rowlett's Citracleen mix and 12% bleach. This is the same mixture I've used on a million houses. I received an email from this particular home owner this afternoon stating that he has screens with "segments falling off the frames" and others with areas that are "disappearing." He also said that the deterioration gets worse daily. Is this possible using this mixture? I've never had any issues like this and have certainly never ruined anyone's screens. Does anyone have any literature that might help me prove that this can't happen? Any help would be VERY appreciated. I'll obviously need to contact him quickly. Thanks everyone.

    - John

    Go look at them, were they bad when you did them. Are they vinyl screen or metal????????

    Ive seen metal where I've left marks on them, they were old and sort of dry rotting.

  9. Nice house Jeff, good luck. That house in Rhode Island would be about 800k plus and taxes over 9k per year. But as you have said, it's all relative.

    I plan on retiring to myrtle beach one day. I just have to tell my wife.[/quote

    Come on down, You can show me how to pressure wash. Your wife might just like the Redneck Rivera

  10. Man I see some strange and scary bugs living down south. Here's a real strange one. Its a big sucker, it was as big as the palm of my hand. Its head was bright red with bright red tentacles. The thing wasnt afraid of me I went right up to it and it barely moved.

    I showed a bug company guy the pic, I forget what he called it but it came up to this area about 5 years ago from Florida he said. It's a BIG BUG

  11. House is coming along we have paint on the walls, light fixtures are mostly up and tile will be going in soon, about anther 70 days and it should be complete. Things are going better, they gave me a lady to talk to and bypass the Constuction super who was ordering all kinds of things wrong. They have torn off a majority of the aluminum trim and soffit a couple times until they finnally brought in a new crew to do it right. Its OK as long as they fix the mistakes that all I care about

    I go out there every day we are so excited the place is looking really great and we are so happy with the plan we picked & designed, its cool

    Couple more sets of shutters are need and concrete & brick steps and the exterior of the house will be completed. We like the interior color , it really doesnt show up well in the pictures its called bone, its a nice beige color. The 3rd pic is the 2nd floor overlook, thats where the kids will probably be bungee jumping into the living room

  12. Could someone share or email me a sample liability release. I'm doing a job Tueday that I'll be cleaning grease that has been tracked through an entire asphalt parking lot, I'll be removing only some of the grease so there still is a chance of slip & falls or accidents

    The property is aware that I wont be getting al the grease up

    I want to cover my ass and have the property & hiring company pay for any lawsuits, fee's or settlements etc.should something occur


