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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Seems it would be a great forum for those in business with there other half.

    I how ever do not involve my wife in the business, she does her thing and I do mine.

    I can see this would be a great forum for those who are really running the business with spouse.

    Thats how it is with my wife.

    She doesnt show the drive I have for this biz, she's supportive but she doesn't step up so I leave it like that. She a great wife, mother etc but just not a biz partner and I'm pretty sure I like it like that.


  2. Do what I do , tell the guys what to do and go do other things in the AC of the truck or office. I rather pay a little more in payroll than be dieing out there. They are a lot younger than me. I worked spraying about 30 out of the fifty hours my guys worked. I'm glad I got the work and the guys want the money. I have a couple good guys


  3. We finished the 43 buildings this week and the temps have been hot for a couple weeks and worse this week. My guys have been working 8-10 hour days. We just get less work done but we have to keep working to keep on schedule for August. They take many cool down & drink breaks. My weekend work we are postponing so they can have a couple days off. We are starting at 6am and on the job by 7am. Yesterday I had a builder call and said he forgot to call and he needed a 4000 sq ft stucco home , driveway & garage done, they had a walkthru today. We were on a job then went to that job it was almost a 13 hour day. He's a cool guy and told me charge him for the mistake I added $200 to the bill and he was OK with it

    It is brutally hot out there today, I think the worst yet. Tomorrow I have 2 roofs, only one may get done

    Be safe everyone this is killer weather


  4. You know ALL you folks are GREAT and all are giving me great advice. I really mean it you all are great THANK YOU!

    I wish I was like many of you, who know how to do this stuff and who multi tasking this kind of stuff is just second nature, but Im not. I handle a lot just not the easy way. I know I could keep up the filing part if I had someone to help me set up a system and probably handle the quickbooks also if someone could get it set up. As far as going to classes that probably will never happen, I'm just not a good student and dont like class room settings

    I'm proud of the fact that I'm at this point in my business, even with all my down falls business wise I have a really good business and profitable. I just know if I get it together better I could have a great biz

    So I'm making a plan and I'm going to try to keep it simple, one or two steps at a time. My wife for now isnt an option until I can get her to quit her fulltime job, which probably wont b for another year or two , because her job covers our health insurance plus she has the kids which she is great with and takes care of most of the kid stuff.

    My plan

    1) Get a good file cabinet - not a cheap one like I have that falls apart and pisses me off

    2) Go to my accountant and get our personal check books, accounts, bills etc. in order. My personal stuff is just as bad as biz. I dont balance anything. I just throw money where its needed, Thank God I have money always coming in. My accountant offered to help. Last tax time I told him how screwy my personal & business book keeping is so bad ( he knew of course). He told me I make plenty and I just need a simple system. So I'll be calling the accountant today and get an appointment.

    3) Find someone to help set up my Quickbooks and teach me some basics on saving material on my computer and backing it up- call a college teacher or look in the paper - with in next week

    4) Get help setting up all my paper work into fiiles. Find/hire someone to help me. Also someone who can stay on top of this all a couple days a week after we have a system.

    Now if I can get this done in the next few weeks or even have it all done in a month or two, its a start.

    I know my limits and what I will and wont do, so I know I need help and I just have to stop complaining about not knowing how to do this stuff and pay the money to get help. Ive done pretty well with my biz with the little knowledge I have and the hard work Ive done to grow it this far. I know it can be real big with the proper system & help

    Once again THANK YOU ALL. Thank God for TGS, you all motivate me and just is great to have a place to vent some of my short comings & problems


  5. Jeff,

    Once you have Quickbooks set up properly it is easy to use and will save you hours of work.

    Here is what you should try. Go to the local community college and find out who teaches the Quickbooks class. Almost all of the community colleges have the class offered. Find out the name and the number of the instructor. I have yet to meet an instructor that doesn't work on the side setting up businesses.

    Hire them for a few days to get Quickbooks all set up to run your business and teach you how to enter stuff at the end of each day or week. Once set up you will be shocked at how easy your bookeeping becomes.

    Hope this helps.


    Magic Wando Pressure Cleaning

    Mount Pleasant, SC


    Thanks I'll try tht on the quickbooks and a teacher. But then I'd have to clean my desk.lol

    I know Quickbooks once its set up would be a great help.


  6. I hate to be a whiny baby, but I'm trying to a search and I realize I really don't know how to properly search anything on the net. I can't find anything on this except CPA's etc. If I had a magic wand I'd get rid of all computers in the entire world so everybody had to do everything on paper like me ARRRRGGGGGG

    Just pissing & moaning, I'll find something

    Some its just stress, the builders have been a constant battle, which I'm finally winning, the heat, the pregnant wife. Man 2006 is a hell of a year. It really is a great year, just so darn much to stay on top of.

    I can't complain I am staying on top of it ( Just barely some days) I got everything I ever wanted which is a great family & health

    I'm glad I have this place to vent sometimes and get great info. Thanks all

    Back to my search. Hey I think I used a new finger to type with, thats 5 or 6 finger typing now yay LOL


    Life is good

  7. Celeste you need to tell my wife that!!!!

    I run the entire shooting match and she wonders why I am always doing work!

    Thats funny, my wife used to ***** about me spending time in the office too. I had to put her in her place after hearing it to many times. She is supportive & great about it now, but little actual help! Diapers are coming with the new baby coming, I'll be spending more time in the office. I hate changing diapers.

  8. Guys thanks. if it was not for my large day planner I'd already be out of biz. My day planner and a couple small note books are my bible. I run my whole biz out of the day planner and I do write everything down. A great deal of my problem is, as I've said before I'm a computer idiot. I type with 3 to 5 fingers and data entry just doesnt get done. Quickbooks had it now for at least 1 year and never used it. Don't know how to use it, tried several times got frustrated and quit, hell i couldn't even get registered to use for a while.

    I don't file anything now I stopped over a year ago for some reason, not that my files were any good or complete , but I never got back to doing it. I get a foot or 2 of paper work on my desk, I throw it in a tote just so i don't lose it, but I never see it again unless I'm looking for something. I have a fax bin that is about 3 feet deep and that just the past 8 months or so.

    Barry, end of year reciepts YUP big box

    I guess I'll just have to hire someone to get my filing started and then keep up with it. As for the computer, I'm lost and always will be pretty much, my brain starts to hurt thinking about it and the lack of knowledge. I'm not a good student never was and I really don't think I can learn it.

    This is the same story I wrote a year ago, just have to find time to hire a parttimer to get the ball rolling.

    I misplaced my Dayplanner once and couldnt find it for hours, I was in a panic. I found it thank God. It has every tele# in the world, schedules for annual, quartely biannual cleanings. My Dayplanner if people I know don't see me with it, they ask where is it. My wife & other will say when i go somewhere don't forget your dayplanner or where is it. Its like the nuclear suit case the President carries with him, lose it and it could be the end of the world:lgsad:

    I just am so frustrated, my time is wasted sometimes by the way I do things and I just dont have time to waste these day.

    I was just wondering if theres a service for fools like me.

    I'm laughing reading this over, same old story for JL:lgbonk:

  9. I posted in another thread that my lack of knowledge & skills, such as computer skills, organizational, office skills etc are holding my company back.

    I know I've posted before about my lack of skills and some have replied, with helpful hints & ideas and have offered to talk to me. The problem is nothing has changed or improved at all for me when it comes to the above lack of skills.

    I was going to have one of my workers help with this, but no time to dedicate my worker to this.

    I know JL pressure Washing could be really big company and possibly corner the market for certain kinds of PWing in this area, BUT! My Office work, everything is so crude and non existent. It really is a mess and it amazes me I haven't screwed something up. I hate holding my self, my business back so much. I mean I have to re-do things, have list all over hell I don't even really have a computer address book and so much more, it would be embarrassing to show anyone

    My question is is there any kind of service, person or company I could call and possibly hire to come in and organize, set up things, etc.

    I dont want and can't afford 10's of thousands of dollars to hire this type of person and I really dont need at this time a fulltime employee to this kind of work. I'm willing to pay whats needed, just hope to keep it within thousands not 10's of thousands.Im thinking getting someone for several weeks and jut start chipping away at what needs to be done to get me in the real world. I'll never be able to do it alone or be able to learn all of it, so I need help

    Any suggestions who or what kind of service i need


  10. 8 am it was 89 degrees without a speck of a breeze, soaking wet with sweat in 2 minutes. It slows things down that for sure. I tell my guys to keep the water in them even if they have to take a break every half hour. I bought them little coolers so they have them near them so they aren't always walking back to the truck.

    Got to love the summer in the south.

    Be careful everyone it can catch up to you quick


  11. I did a little Bible study on the subject last night because I couldn't sleep. I have to do some running around right now, but I'll type my findings when I get back.....You guys may be surprised what the Bible has to say about the subject.

    Nothing against the Bible, but it may be a little outdated as to current events. Oops did I say that and I live in the Bible belt

  12. The laws of this country allow people to milk the system so to speak. Instead looking outward as the problem maybe we should look at our government and point the finger at them...

    I totally agree, but our goverment have actually become the problem and they are the ones that make the laws and are suppose to enforce them and all they care about is the polls and getting re-elected. Its sad what I watch on TV and read in the papers, Does anyone really think they care more about us or about themselves

  13. In my opinion, a business is not successful if they have cut corners and break laws to gain advantage. They are thiefs stealing from guys like us that run legitimate businesses. I agree the laws need to change or the current laws need to be enforced. We are tired of watching law breakers steal jobs. I personally would make a much better living if I weren't losing bids to Businesses that wouldn't even be bidding if the laws were enforced. I have a vaccuboom set up that has been used once. Why? Because I don't get any of the contracts that require reclaim due to the fact that people break laws and hire the cheap guy that isn't reclaiming. I can't even get a friggin driveway. I'm stuck with vinyl siding and roofs because I can't compete with the law breakers.

    AWWW Forget it. It's hard to make people understand that it is just plain wrong to unfairly get an advantage by breaking the law. It is against the law to hire illegals. It is unlawful to not pay income taxes. It is unlawful to avoid business taxes by not even registering business. It is just simply not right to keep trying to make it seem OK to feel bad for someone trying to gain the American Dream while at the same time causing harm to someone that is also wanting that dream and trying to do it legally. For every bid we lose to a lowballer or illegitimate business, food is coming off the table for our children.

    I agree with you!

    We just cant compete with Illegals & we shouln't have to. Our goverment is more to blame than even those who hire the Illegals. Our Goverment wants them here so they don't enforce hardly anything that could stop this. They put military on the border, ya right its all a farse

    Our next generation of children are going to have a hell of a life, what we do today and in the near future will determine if there lives will be good or bad.

    Good Bless America and our children


  14. The problem I have with Illegals is that our goverment doesn't do much to stop the flow of illegals. So its not really the illegals I have a problem with its the goverment that basiclly says come on over we need the cheap labor, we know your illegal and we don't care.

    The more our goverment and those that hire illegals keep supporting illegals, the more that will come. Say the Mexicans, they see its OK and more keep coming, so now many many more want to come here. Well half or more of Mexico want to come here. We cannot as a nation take in millions & millions more illegal Mexicans. We can't absorb another 30, 40, 50, 60 million or more Mexicans illegally into our country without it stressing all facets of our economy, health care, housing, welfare, criminal justice

    For those who say let them come here anyway they can legal or ILLEGAL we can't because it is & will hurt all of us. We Cant absorb all the illegals we cant have half of Mexico come to the USA and thats what will happen without any checks & balances

    I dont like cheap labor I think it hurts our country. If I hire say a mexican and he does good work I guarantee you in a month or two I'd be paying him the same as my other employees, but most would not pay them the same. My area has a building boom going on and with all the illegals wages actually went down around here. I think the more people make the more they have to spend and the better the economy will be.

    We are becoming a nation that is all service industry and a country that makes nothing. A country has to make things to prosper and survive, I hope we don't pay for it later. The cheap labor that is getting many of our jobs & industries, that our cooperations & goverment are sending to other countries is some day going to bite us in the ass

    I'm pretty sure taking a 1/4 of Mexico into our country and sending many of our industries to mexico and other countries is going to hurt us sooner or later.

    Can we as Americans say our childrens generation is going to be better than past generations, I don't think so, I pray to God I'm wrong.

    We need a goverment that starts working for "all the people" not just the few and thats both republicans & democrats. Stopping illegals and making immigration laws more sensible will help our country I'm for that. Bring in Mexicans or others but incorporate them into our country, into our way of life. Don't bring them here unchecked and make them second/third class citizens just for companies to make higher profits at dirt poor wages

    There has to be a better way than just our goverment closing their eyes and letting millions of illegals flow in.


  15. 1st if its in the street not her property, she has no claim & should pay. Try liquid DAWN, it cuts grease and rinse and reapply. I'd put a sealcoat on it and it will blend over time. If its not her prooperty, I'd have to start to get tough with her and insist on your money she may do stuff like this to anyone one who does work for her. She starts to cry & shake, it might be a scam, but even if it isnt she should pay after you try a couple things on the street stain

