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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Can these be sprayed by you or do they have to be done professionally?? The problem I'm having about making a decision on doing this is that I have some really heavy items that are going to go in this trailer and to get these in they will have to be dragged accross the trailer floor. If the floor was sprayed first I would think dragging a 1000lb powerwasher over it my damage the coating..Unless I have the floor done after these heavy items are put in place..but is that not the right way to do it??????????

    John its pretty tough stuff, I'd check with the line X guy. I would have it sprayed 1st I would think. I dont think dragging equip. would hurt it really, but check and maybe they can do a touch up if it does scratch it up. Thhe stuff is hard stuff

  2. $985? wow, that's good. Taxes just went up in Haverford Township to $6800

    I just had an Aunt come down thats going to be retiring. They live in CT and her taxes are about the same as yours. She's looking for a place down here to buy

  3. Amazing. My taxes this year alone went up almost 2K..If only my wife would let me move then puff I'm gone...of course I wouldn't forget to take my wife and kids:)

    Come on down Y'all

    My house that I'm selling is 2100 sq ft and the taxes are $985.00. Its nice compared to up north. My homeowners insurance is about the same $$ as my taxes

    PWing you don't get the northern rates you all get, but everything here has to be cleaned every 12-24 months and you can do it year round

    John whats the word on that big building wash you were bidding on? Good luck


  4. Wow that is some House!!

    In Long Island NY that house would be over a Million dollars easy and cost about $20,000-$30,000 a year in taxes.

    How much land is that House on??

    Thanks we are getting real excited. Its a triangle cul de sac lot, its just a little over 2/3 acre. Lot price has gone over double since I bought it 15 months ago

    taxes for the year will be a little over 2K

  5. Nuke Them, Blow up the whole Middle East !!! It will solve at least 2 problems we blow it up and we move in and make The USA of he Middle East, we get our oil for cheap when theres no more Arab oil Kings and we get rid of most terrorist too.

    Guess we can't nuke them , then we couldnt go in for like 99 years. Oh well guess I'll have to come up with another idea

  6. The brick is done, we did Hampton which is a dark red brick with distress marks in it and we did black mortar.

    the rest of the house is white vinyl and that is also completed , bit have to have them come back they hacked up the aluminium trim HACKED

    I've had so many problems with the construction super. that I called the owner and said i cant deal with him anymore, he's ordered stuff that was wrong all over the place . He had all the doors delivered with brass hainges and we told him silve/brushed nickel throughout the house, he had down white shutters , WHITE shutters on white vinyl, he's nuts we had told him black, the the painter was in for a day and I asked the painter what type/brand of paint he uses we still need to pick out a color for a room. The painter said they told him to paint everything bone white. WHAT THE -----. We gave them 3 colors with list of room. This all happened in one day. So now I go thru a lady and she takes all notes and does memo to super and me. They are changing all the hinges and we had 3 meeting this week listing everything from this point on. I feel better now with this lady taking charge. My stress level has gone down a lot

    The trim guy is in the house now hanging all the doors and doing all the trim and he is doing a great job. real clean work yay!! Plus the construction super ordered the wrong trim we priced the house with 4 1/2 inch base board he ordered 5 1/2 which is great and no extra money. The guy is either real busy or stupid I think both

    The house is coming together nice even with all the hassles. I go out there every day and just look.

    I look back and not to long ago I was a crazy nut and the then new millenium came 2000 and my life has been so great and now I have a great wife and family with another baby on the way, A business thats going great and a house we are all going to love. I'll have my mother living in the in law and will be able to look after her also

    OH ya sold my house too, got great money for it. we close Aug 10, which is alos my wifes due date. Whats even better we can stay in our old house until our new house is built. The buyer is from NY and wont be moving in until 2007

    We are all getting very excited!!!!


  7. Just wondering what the biggest job anyone has done to date. This questions can be taken differently, but basically, the largest job you remember doing. How long did the job take? Good/bad money? How did the job go? Issues(stuff breaking)?

    I guess the reason I'm asking is because I'm placing a bid on doing 140 townhomes and 166 condos for a Homeowner/condominium assocciation. Total of 306 units. Has anyone here completed a job of this magnitude?

    I'm giving the property manager my bid on Friday, and I'm confident I will get the job. I've talked to several people about this job, and have recieved very valuable information on avoiding potential problems. I'll keep everyone posted if I do land this job, It will definitly be the largest scale job I'll ever have done! It definitly would be awesome to have in my portfolio too!


    I regularly do condo complexes. I do from 2 buildings to 40+ buildings probably at least 30-35 weeks a year. The market for condo work is very competitive around here, but even at competitive rates they are real profitable. Since I do them so much I do them quick and usually quicker than any my competition. On the larger complexes I run anywhere from 2-4 machines and we roll right through them.

    Condo complexes are nothing but big homes and you wash it the same as a home. There are some precautions that need to be taken thou, such as Exit lights, fire pull stations & alarms they dont like water & chem sometimes, so make sure you cover them with plastic & tape. The complex we are doing now 43 buildings some of them have lighted exit signs and we cover them, the contractor that did them the last time did not cover the exit signs and the chem messed the wiring up and it cost the HOA almost $4000 to replace signs and labor.

    In my proposal/contracts I try to cover my a-- on everything that could go wrong, such as water leaks due to poor or faulty building construction & materials, improper maintenance etc. I state thats its the residents responsibility to have all work areas clear etc etc

    HOA's and their homeowners can be difficult, because around here there's a lot crappy contractors or you have some residents that are just PITA's. so make sure you cover your a--

    If you have any questions give me a call and I hope you land this project and many more like it. Remember its nothing more than a big house

    Check into gutter cleaning of these complexes its real good money on larger complexes, especially if you can walk the roofs

    Hope you get it, tell us how it goes


  8. Yeah, me too, Ditto what Jeff said. Hard to add anything to that note of encouragment, but my info is there if anyone needs help as well.

    Pay it forward , all that good stuff. What you learn here is shaping the industry. Ask away and it will all come together for you. Work hard, don't give up or compromise your business plan, get insurance, and let your brain be sponge when you are on this site.

    ...... I love my XJET

    I like that "Pay it forward" good movie and a good way to live

    Good luck all

  9. I've seen and read a lot of you guys who have or are going fulltime this year and I salute you. Many have been laid off or fired, some just couldn't stand there old jobs and quit, some have been working on going into PWing fulltime for years. No matter the reason you went fulltime its a big and sometimes very scary thing to do and we all support you and wsh the very best to all of you.

    I hope everyone of you that truly want this and will work very hard at this will get what your looking for. If your in it to make money whether you want just a one man operation or crews of men or something in between, I hope you get it

    I remember when I went fulltime. I had some money to cover my bills for a couple years, back then I had no kids and not to many bills, but I was scared. Then the kids stated coming and I wanted the best for my wife, kids and me. I wondered, will I, can I, make a comfortable living at PWing. I worried what if I have a bad few months, I wondered what if I screwed something up, I wondered and wondered, wondered. Till this day i still worry at times because I want this so bad, I want to be a respected & reliable, trusted contractor. I feel I am all that and I know many who are on this BB and other BB's that deserve to be successful PW contractors

    For those of you that went fulltime this year, work hard and keep thinking of ways to better your business and yourself and I'm sure many of you will have great success. It may not happen overnight , it may take 2, 3, 4, 5 years to be where you want to be in this biz and you may never be rich doing it, but its better than working for someone else

    Like AC/DC says "For those about to ROCK, I Salute you"

    We are all behind you. I may not be the best or smartest PW contractor, but if any of you ever need a little help or need a question answered or anyting call me or email me. I always willing to help someone

    Good luck to you fulltimers!!!!!!:lgbounces

  10. oxalic should be applied before house wash or after house wash has been completly rinsed.

    4 lbs to a 5 is a proper mix for xjetting but can be to strong for using a pump up. I use it strong in pump up or to brush , but you take a risk using it that stong. I screwed up one stucco home using it a 4lbs and pump up, it tooks some of the color out of the stucco it left it much lighter. Sometimes its better to use a couple or several weaker mixes of Ox that a strong application

    Still ox is a great tool


  11. What a day, yesterday the water company called and said the meters will be at job . One of my guys was out there posting signs at buildings for project to start Monday. Water guy tells my guy he's leaving hydrant open partially and we just have to turn the hose bib on. I get out there to put chain & lock on 1st meter and theres water seeping up from the ground(Doesnt look right) so i go over to other meter and theres water bubbling from crack in roadway NOT GOOD. I call after hour # and they said someone out. Now I'm going through the local water company and had it set up for days, but the truck that comes out is from the city. The city guy says they should of let hydrant all the way open or all shut. The other water company screwed up it was under mining the ground, the guy shuts it off all is well for now.

    This morning water company calls and says bad news. Its not there water its the city and they have to take meters off that they cant charge me when its someone else's water. I ask him where to go. He said City and I told him thats who I called 1st and they told me those guys. He said its city thWater company only handles sewer.

    Well at 8am this morning after this call I have to go get shot in my neck for bulging disc & pain, so I need a ride after procedure. So Moms with me , I get shot start calling City water go to office they send me to shop to see the main man he's not there. I call rental company to rent 500 gallon tank as a back up to run water from the one hose bib on this whole property its at the pool. I figure I can run my tanks and have this other 500 gallon filling my tanks. I have to strat this job next week, because I have other work lined up after this project. I get tank for Monday. I get hold of City guy and he sends me to meet one of his men. The whole times my Mom is driving me around, she's GREAT. I meet with City they send me back to office to pay deposit and back to city guy. He sets up the whole thing with 3 hose bibs, they only have one meter available. Good enough, these guy were great, they went to the project and hooked it up and showed me what to do and now we are ready for Mongay !!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Now Im off to get my $1000 deposit back from water company. Just another day.

    I was washing these buildings Monday no matter what, Over come and Conquer:lgsideway and still smiling, but did feel like pulling out my hair earlier.

    Then I go check on my guys, the builder on a new construction job had them do extra's so they were still there and another builder came over and asked me to price out 15 other new homes around the corner. What a 24 hours and I left out about the fight I had with the builder of my house, thats another story.

    JL Just venting, thanks

  12. I'm officially going full time! I got the kick in the butt I needed (I was "let go" from my day job this afternoon). I'm scared to DEATH, but excited at the same time. Any words of advice? I'm part time and sort of slow right now for some reason. The good news is that my wife and kids are VERY supportive!...wish me luck!


    Give it hell John. Keep thinking of ways to get work and call write fax and knock on doors. Get advertising out there and out there often. If you dont have a lot of money or very little make up fliers on your computer and have copies made at Office Depot. Just dont get lazy or pissed off. Remember one job can be more than you made in a week or a month at your past fulltime job. The jobs & money's out there go get it


  13. Well after 3 yrs without one My family and I are heading to the east coast, virginia beach, new york and maybe boston on the way back, I'm not supposed to know but my in laws are taking us to the football hall of fame on friday, ahhh 14 days away from the factory and pwing.... p.s. thats not a stranded whale thats me.lol

    Good for you Enjoy your family

  14. Go get it checked out, as I'm getting older I'm going to doctors more . I used to hate going to a doctor and didn't for years. In the past couple years I've gotten Colon ... upper & lower GI basically and have had other test. I figure life is better than death!!!!! and i sure want to be around and in good health. So many things can be easily treated if caught early.

    Get yourself checked and take the wonder out of it and good luck


  15. Ask jeff how he handles this.

    I write in proposal/contract I'm not responsible for anything pretty much. I try to think of anything that can go wrong and write it up and say not responsible. I write it all up and I'm surprised I get away with some of it.

    Like ( Contractor will be using 40 foot lift and may leave impressions on grass/dirt areas, contactor will stamp down any areas as needed but is not responsible for any damage to grass/dirt area caused by lift.

    Not responsible for any water leaks or damage due to poor or faulty building materials, construction and or maintenance

    These are a couple examples and I'll write up a lot more than this

    Sometimes you have to be very exact on how you write certain things up and other things you have to be vague to cover your ass.

    theres a lot of piece of crap building out there so you have to cover your ass on the large projects. they may hold a check but if your covered in writing it sure would help if you have to go to court.

    If there a problem which I've had a couple little ones I always try to take care of it


  16. I havent done any 40-50K jobs but on jobs like 30-40 plus condo buildings that are going to last over 2weeks I have gotten a draw after 1/2 the project was complete. The PM offered it so i said yes.

    If its a large firm or PM company Like Ken said

    I always worry that I'll get some crazy HOA and its a 10-15K job and something goes wrong and they hold or refuse to pay over some minor BS, Its the risk you have to take sometimes.

    Good luck on the big job


  17. It's official. I need to take some time off (LOL). Since I was unable to join my wife and daughter in Maui back in April my wife decided to celebrate my 40th (god I am getting old) in a couple of weeks.

    Here's the deal:

    Driving to L.A. on the 1st of August. Gonna spend the the night in Hollywood.

    On the 2nd (my b-day) we are tracking over to Las Vegas for two days.

    August 4th - driving to Scottsdale, AZ for 8 days.

    After that it is a straight shot to L.A. for a quick one night rest and then home....

    Oh...all are welcome to help me celebrate in Vegas.

    FANTASTIC Carlos enjoy yourself. 40, hell I'm 44 and getting fat oh well, I'll be 45 Aug 11th and maybe our baby will be born on that day too

    Hope you have a great time!!!!!!

    I have so much going on this year we don't have time for a vacation 2007 I'm taking 2

    Hollywood I was there in the early 80's and it was a weird crazy place at night time, weird & crazy can be fun!! Say hello to Brad & Angolia
