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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Congratulations Jeff!

    Owning and operating a growing PW business, building a home and a child on the way. You must be sweating like a Kennedy in detox right now!

    Good-Luck with your new home and the upcomming addition to your family.

    Let me tell you 2006 is one heck of a year. Thanks , Hows Brockton doing?

  2. Hey we got a firm offer on our house for sale YAY!!! I was a little concerned because there was several houses for sale in our neighborhood and there are houses being built and for sale everywhere and the market just slowed down a little.

    We have a firm offer and if everything goes alright we will be closing August 10th YAY. Now check this out August 10th is also my wifes due date, its almost funny. So if we close we would have to be moving and out just when we are having the baby. well the couple buying the house are frm New York and they are in no rush to move here and said we can rent it back from them and stay until 1/1/07 Our new house will be finished way before than, ITS GREAT we wont have to move or rent another place YAY!!!!!!!!!

    I'm telling you God is GREAT, he looks out for us and always does. Even if this should fall through something else good will happen for us it always does

    Well wish us luck,

    The new house is going & looking great too

    Life is Good

  3. Congrats sometimes you just got to jump right in. Target all kinds of residential and as you figure what you like most go for that, but for now take what will ever keep the food on the table. Houses, roof, decks, residential/commercial

    Look around your area, see where your needed and where you can make some of the best bucks$$$$

    Best of luck to you, work it hrd and you'll do fine


  4. I've been banging my head trying to figure how to get more condo complex work. I probably have less than 1% of the condo complexes in this area. Now I do tons of buildings and am pretty happy with the fact of being IN with several property management companies, but theres TONS of complexes out there and I WANT MORE of them and I just can't figure how to get them.

    Any ideas how to find out who runs these complexes, I've looked up on the net, the phone book etc etc. There has to be or should be a list of who manages these properties how do I find it is the questions

    I hate to see my competition out there working on big complexes and I didn't even have a chance to bid on them. I just saw a complex being done a real large one and I've never known who runs it. I don't have the time to ask at every complex around so a list or something I can look up would help. I always say call, write, fax, but i cant if I have no idea who's running these places

    I've grown pretty well in the past few years but I want more , I keep 3 guys busy all the time on mainly condos, but sometimes I'm only booked a couple weeks out. Now there is probably thousands of condo properties within 40 miles of me and if i could have a list it would make it easier for me to go after more of them. I know I can't get all the work, but like I said I wasnt more.

    I want to be the condo cleaning KINGGGGGGG lol. Any ideas where to look?


  5. It's mainly mold and mildew a little rust. HOA asked about just spaying then clorine down and leaving it. They said it was done before. My understanding is it must be rinsed. Is that true?

    If just mold & mildew yes you can spray strong 12% and do a quick rinse, if thats what they want, they just don't want to pay much it sounds like

  6. 12% is fine on Kool Deck, surface cleaner can leave lines in surface but when it dries you don't really see them and they blend in after a few weeks. I use surface cleaner on them all the time some of the many Kool Decks I do are huge and would take forever. After they have been down for a while theres a slight film that comes off when you use a surface cleaner or wand

    Good luck


  7. Finally have a few days off. My guys & I have been working 5-7 days a week for months now.

    I planned to let everyone take Sat, Sun, Mon, & Tues off around the 4th holiday and its great. My guys needed it, I needed it. I had work that could have been done and one of my guys volunteered to work this weekend. But sometimes you just need a break.

    Hope everyone is having a great Holiday. I stayed up and watched a movie Sat night & didn't wake up Sunday until 10:40 AM. haven't done that in a real long time

    Happy 4th of July ........ God Bless Our Troops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. My TGS screen is back to how it used to look a week or so ago AND I LIKE IT. Its easier to read and now everything is easy to get to again. The new screen didnt show a spot to hit for forums.

    Is it just me or is it all back to the old way. Change confuses me, keep it this way Beth I like it. thanks


  9. What the hell, 47 buildings & not one damn hose bib? How damn cheap can a property owner get? I have done lots of buildings, very, very few of them have not has hose bibs. How much could it have cost the property owner to have at least one hose bib, with a lock box, installed? Didn't that **** you off, Jeff?

    Insane isn't it. They are building 20+ more buildings and still aren't going to put any hose bibs on. They know its a PITA for pressure washing because the PM told me the last time they PWed it was a nightmare. They dont want people washing cars. This is a nice complex too I just think they are crazy

    In this whole 47 building area there is one hose bib at the pool area.

    This would be such an easy job, its all vinyl, but with no hose bibs its going to add a major PITA factor. Nothing we cant handle for the right $$$$$$

  10. I'm bidding a property 47 buildings and no hose bibs on any of the buildings, the property is going to get hydrant meters, I haven't checked them out yet, but how do these work, meaning do they have smaller hose type bib adapters or could i run a large hose off meter/hydrant to fill tanks quicker?



  11. I was wondering about containment also, wonder what the law/rules are in NYC.

    John use the owners lift but Id have a 2nd lift, hell I would use 3 lifts, get in & get it done as quick as possible, less time, less hassles that way.

    If you are using owners lift make sure its not a peice of crap, check it out 1st to make sure it in good running condition and wont slow you down. I've used properties lifts before and almost everyone was an old rental unit and pretty beat & SLOW, it can add a lot of time & aggravation to a job. just something to check out before bidding

    looks like fun!!!

    John whats that building made out of, is it all painted now

    Good luck

