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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Do you 10% your solution or 20% with your downstreamer. Would any of the housewashes from rowlettes or sun brite work as your house wash, with the bleach and wax. Do you mix in 5 gallon bucket and directly downstream from there.

    Sorry to ask so many questions. I 'm just wanting to try this out and see if I can clean as fast with this solution as I can running up ladders or if the cleaner works better than mine.

    Doug Baker

    Baker's Pressure Washing


    Doug you can use Rowletts, sunbrite , dawn , cascade many kinds of cleaners and 12% and if you want wax also. Vinyl is the easiest to clean. If its mold & mildew use 12%. Me and one of my guys did 4 vinyl houses and a small vinyl fence today. He got 2 sides and I got 2 sides and with 50 minutes travel moving to different neighborhoods we were done in 4 hours, houses were all about 1900-2600 sq ft 1 or 1 1/2 stories. We Xjetted 12% & Dawn, came out great and vinyl is such easy money

    As for tips for downstreaming I know PW Kid makes up some that shot real well. Mike Williamson I think may use the same type tips too. Im not sure

    Try the M5 Xjet if you dont like it I'll buy it off you. Buy it from Watercannon in Orlando, they sell it for $119-$129. I can do many 3 story stilt homes with my 5.6 gpm & Xjet and never get on a ladder

    Good luck


  2. We cleaned several of these buildings for the HOA and this is the same complex with the new buildings they asked me to give a price on them for post constuction. I havent heard from them, they said they werent happy with the PW'er that was doing them. I guess they were less happy with my price OH well no great loss the buildings had marks & prints all over them and some were 4 stories high.

    No big deal, I clean them annually for the HOA and we do some of the 3 level walkways in between due to the construction dust

    The CREW My bro in law on the left & Derek on the right, these 2 guys are GREAT workers and take pride in their work, I'm lucky to have them. Ive fired 2 guys already this year, they were just ueless

  3. Heres some pics in that neighborhood we are trying to get.

    The white picket fence are the ones Im talking about, thats a big fence because its a corner lot most are half that size. We did a few of these columns also at the entrances. They came out pretty good a little citra clean, 12% and a little brushing. I use Citra clean on stucco/dryvit usually it just seems to clean dryvit good

  4. Thanks everyone!!!!! dont worry plenty of pictures to come. I have so much fun with my son I cant wait for my baby girl

    Heres Josh the big brother a couple weeks ago at his 3rd birthday party. The cake lady always does a great job


  5. Congrats, that's great news.

    mine is in her 2nd year of college now. Talk about worry. So far away to protect. Suck it up man, it's all automatic and comes easy. You will be great at it. Daddy's girl without question. It's also kinda cool to put the fear of God in the potential suiters that come by a few years down the road.

    When mines in college, I'll be about 64, am I crazy or what. Buying lots & lots of guns, so when these young whipper snappers come around and Im old and frail, I'll just pull out a 9mm and explain the facts of life to them according to me

    Cant wait hope she's born on my B-Day that would be cool, cant wait to meet her

    Thanks everyone we are excited


  6. Yes, I'd like to know the answer to that one too. Don't assume that just because some of us disagree with leftist fascist ideas it means that we're Republicans!!

    They should have called it a tax rebate like they did a couple years ago. Then the poor don't qualify.

    Supply and demand. High demand, higher prices. I bet you use a heck of a lot more gas than the former oil exec up the road. You're more to blame for these prices than most of the people you know!!


    I'm getting a locking gas cap. :)

    Arghhhh, oh no !!!! more line for line responses. You better get that locking gas cap, I may be going to Florida to visit my brother, Im going to need some gas all along the way LOL


  7. I have all girls, wouldn't change a thing!! Congratulations!!!

    I hear you, Im just nervous about a baby girl. Until my son was born Id never touched a baby I figured Id break them now a delicate baby girl

    I cant wait to have a Daddies girl. Going to Toys R Us today, what the heck do I buy?

    Now we are trying to pick out a name that starts with a J


  8. Carpel tunnel, in 96 I crushed my wrist, destroyed it they built me a new one out of hip bone, but my median nerve was crushed also, couldnt use the hand for a year and fingers were numb for a few years. Now only a few fingers go numb sometimes, weird feeling, it doesnt hurt except in real cold weather. A brace used to help a lot now it just doesnt bother me

  9. Didn't we just get a 600 rebate a few years back? ;)

    Ya $300 a person and that really helped the deficit too. What ever happened to fiscal Conservative Republicans???

    That $100 gas rebate is only to people who paid taxes at the end of the year so the poor wont get it and the guy who rides a train from the rich suburbs to the city will get the rebate,well at least he uses the train. I'll get the rebate its good for a day & a 1/2 worth of fuel for me.

    We live in the greatest country in the world, but things just seem so screwy to me. Is it just me?

    I got to go its midnight time to go siphon some gas from the rich neighborhoods. I know an ex oil exec up the road I always get a lot of gas out of his Escalade LOL


  10. If your happy downstreaming and get great range you might want to stay with it. Xjet you can get higher concentration of chem. The M5 Xjet has an adjustable fan, which is very helpful and I can pump alot of chem & water out of it. The major draw back of Xjet is you have to carry chem with you in a 5 or on a 2 wheeler with a 15 gallon drum, you get used to it.

    I love the Xjet it make me a lot of money

  11. It was my beautiful wifes & mine 4th wedding anniversary yesterday and we went to get ultrasound, well its going to be a baby GIRL. I'm going to have a baby girl, time to buy some guns. My wife thought I was disappointed that it was going to be a girl, I was hoping for another boy, only because Im afraid of raising a girl. Well I went out today to the Baby GAP and bought a bunch of pink baby clothes and gave to my wife, of course she cried for 5 minutes

    WOW A GIRL as long as she's healthy Im happy. But God help me and my new daughter to be. Her brother Joshua will be starting Karate this year and I'll probably be starting Zanax in a few years

    PINK clothes. I hope she looks like her mother


  12. Hey what about that stupid bill that Bill Frist and Friends are talking about. Give a $100 rebate to every one who pays federal taxes. A gas rebate. And we pay these fools to represent us. Really what is this $100 going to do other than increase the deficit by billions. Are they that stupid and do they think if they give us $100 we'll vote for them

    Im just amazed at this one, at least it looks like it wont go anywhere. FOOLS


  13. These awnings can be cleaned with a scrub brush & low pressure rinse, not the easiest thing to clean, more time consuming than you are used to. Do a test spot, use a little bit of chlorine in your mix with palmolive soap (thats what Sunbrella recomends). Sell them hard on resealing the fabric, as most of the sealer will be removed after washing. I can't think of the name of the sealer that I use, right now, but I will get back to you on it.

    Ya I'm not a big fan of detailed work, I'm more of a production kind of guy. Get in there gangbang it, get it done and get out. But there is a ton of awnings around here so instead of trying to pass this kind of work up, I want to learn how to do it. The ones I mentioned have quite a build up of mold streaking down them

    The mix how much bleach 12% andhow much palmolive to a 5

    I also was told Rowletts citra clean & a little bleach will work



  14. If anyone should be targeted for any type of gov't control (which I disgaree with altogether) it is Pharmaceutical companies. They also have tons of R&D and operate under the benign guise of saving lives. They along with banks are flat out whores, imo.

    They're all whores Edited for your veiwing pleasure too. I wish we all could be whores like in Saudi Arabia, they are all rich and just import workers. We can bring in 200+ million more illegals and give them all amnesty and we all can walk around in robes with towels on our heads. Then I can have all my workers call me King JL. Now I just have them say Mr. President lol

    Ya I'm losing it

    That better Mike ?

  15. I downstream and have never x-jetted, would like to buy one and see if they are as good as everyone raves about. I downstream using a sodium hydroxide cleaner from a local chemical supplier and climb extension ladders. I know you guys are probably laughing from the way I hear you talk about x-jetting.

    Can I add bleach to my cleaner and x-jet, clean 2 story with a 4 foot wand without getting on the ladder?

    Doug Baker

    Baker's Pressure Washing


    I know many who downstream very successfully and they can reach a 2 story & more with no ladders, you just have to make special tips for it I think.

    I use Xjet always with no ladders for 2 story buildings. As for bleach soap & 12% & Xjet it


  16. $47.95 he wont be around to long, thats crazy

    You just have to do the sales thing, personality & knowledge will help you get the work and of course quality work & on time service whether its beng on time for an estimate or doing the job on time

    Try to stay away from the area he's pushing 1700 & under go for the more highend and concentrate your sales in those areas

    And if any homeowner says he can get it done for $47 tell themm the guys a hack and will blow their house apart. I usually dont speak about my competition , but this guy I wouldnt have a problem explaining that he is a hack


  17. Pigeon dropping wont kill you but its disgusting wear the respirator, tyvek or rain gear I also wear a T-shirt head rag , put your head in the head hole of the T shirt and tie the sleeves back around your head, makes a good head rag protection so crap doesnt get on you

    Good soap & some bleach will work fine

    I used to do bridges and a whole lot of pigeon droppings. Ive seen pigeon dropping mounds 5-10 feet tall, get a shovel and bag it up if you can to get the heavy stuff and the PW

    Have fun lol


  18. I never have done awnings and always stayed away from them. But today I looked at 2 jobs and the awnings are filthy many green mold & mildew.

    I have to have these bids in soon, whats involved and whats a good way to do them & how much $$$. Both are the same material as far as I could tell, ones 110 ft average awning with at a golf course and the other is 24 ft

    They are the green cloth fabric and water beads up and rolls off. Do you use a bleach mix, brush & rinse Theres some thick mold in places

    Any help thanks


  19. Yes,

    By the way Jeff, would you be satisfied making 10% profit each year? I don't think so or you would not be out there busting you butt everyday.

    Sure if it was on billions a year and then I get a 400 million retirement. 10% sounds good

    Smokey dont take me to seriously. I just like to blab about this stuff, because truly no matter what goes on (except something tragic) I just keep rolling on

    Hell I just wasted a bunch of gas the other week, I was getting new tires so I went out and smoke the heck out of my old ones, had fun hadnt done that in a long time. I just want to keep the execs in the money LOL
