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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Are you sure that the HOA is not going after other bids also? Some HOA's by-laws require that they RFP a job of this size.

    They may very well the PM hasnt mentioned that at all. Ive done a lot in this area street signs fences, huge pool are etc. Im thinking its a 50/50 chance they might get other bids or even approve it at all

    This is going to be a wait & see I'm sure. Im lucky this is one of the many PM's that push for me to do the work even if Im not the lowest and if they will only go lowest, I'll know what it is and if I want to match it I usually will get the work. It sure would be a sweet project annually



  2. Just a few points that have been overlooked.

    First, that payout was an obligation made in his employment contract 13 years ago. Taking it back is NOT an option unless they want to be sued for breach of contract (and risk paying even more). The retirement package was based on performance, and he performed well enough under the terms to earn 356 mil.

    Second, that 350 million is paid out over 12 years IIRC. That's 29.5mil or about 60% of his last years salary. For the rank and file employee who has a pension plan (rare nowadays), 50% of their last years salary is not unheard of.

    Third, Exxons net profit for 2005 (yes, the whole year) was 36.13 billion. If Lee Raymond disavows his entire retirement it would affect profits by a miniscule 0.082%.

    Fourth, in 2005 Exxon sold an estimated 1.58 billion gallons of gas. Assuming exxon sold only gasoline and made no money from other petro products, rebating Raymonds entire retirement to the consumer would 1.9c/gallon. At present levels of $3.00/gallon, that works out to 0.63%

    Fifth, under Lee Raymonds leadership shareholders have experienced a 274 BILLION dollar increase in the value of their stock over the past 10 years. His retirement package amounts to just 0.13% of that amount. Even so, that 274 billion growth has benefitted sharholders in Vanguard, Fidelity, Spartan, Washington Mutual. These funds are part of employee 401k packages nationwide, teachers retirement funds, insurance porfolios, etc. Bottom line, Lee Raymond's leadership has enabled MANY people to retire, or proceed toward retirement, etc with greater success.

    Sixth, at todays prices ($3/gal) Exxon made 20.7c/gallon. Government made 45c/gallon (on average, NY = 65c). At 2004 prices, exxon made 0.13c/gal while government made about 40c/gallon. If prices fall dramatically in 2006, and exxon loses money, the govt will STILL get it's huge cut. That said, WHO is doing the gouging ?

    Finally, study their CASH FLOW statements for a long period of time. Exxon deals in a highly volitile commodity product. If the price falls next qtr and they are still using this qtrs inventory they LOSE money. In fact during a steady decline, they lose money repeatedly until prices again begin to rise. During this period they must live off the outrageous 8% profits they made during good times. And yes, gas prices do fall and they fall dramatically. Look at the gas price chart I posted in a seperate thread and pay special attention to the years Reagan and Clinton were in office. No cash reserves during a downturn like those = bankruptcy.

    OK thanks for explaining that, I was wrong again. Those poor oil execs

    NOT!!! OIL COMPANIES S--K and 400 mill is still crazy and I dont feel for oil companies one bit and as for taxes we have to pave the roads for the cars to drive on so those cars can get the gas that make them oil execs rich.

    I actually dont hate oil companies I just dont like them right now

    Phil do you really study their CASH FLOW statements and all this other stuff?. Just a thought why dont you get your nose out of all those books and go wash something dude. If I had all your brains I'd be the PW King by now. Hell I wish I had 1/2 your brains my desk & office paperwork wouldnt be such a disaster and I'd have more time to hustle work and get rich like all those big corps.

    Are we going to have fun on this topic!!!!

    Sorry, I was wrong about their profits for the year, I just heard the #'s you all mentioned on that darn Fox news

  3. I believe that was just last 1/4

    I think your right that figure seems low since they are giving the CEO $400,000,000 retirement Hell they show maybe lower profit %'s ( not this past year)but that doesnt account for the crazy salaries & retirement packages they give the top execs. They have higher profits if they took back the 4 mill

    Just my $.00002

  4. Im looking at pricing an entire neighborhhod for house washing. There's 243 homes, its a high priced area, but not large homes. Its a weird setup HOA, the front lawn and little white picket fences( Approx 10 - 18 ft long) in the front of each house are maintained by the HOA its in their HOA dues, I just did 16 of the fences because some trees got diseased and we had to clean them. The PM & HOA asked for a price to clean all the fences. The 16 I cleaned I threw out a price of $50 each, well each fence took 10- 15 minutes it was great money,. I think I will be getting all of them I told them $30 each

    When talking to them I mentioned why dont you let me do all the houses too. The Board prez thought it was a good idea and he said they'd have to put it in the bylaws and have a general meeting & vote. This probably wont all be done this season, but it would be a great thing for us next year. If they homeowners go for it

    The houses range from 1760 sq ft to 2017 sq ft models all are mostly vinyl with some with partial brick or stucco fronts. They take 1 - 1 1/4 hours to do each 1 man and I now charge $130 - $150 per house

    What kind of discount should I offer. Im thinking all 243 homes $110 - $115 each. What do you think. One 2 man crew can do 10+ homes a day

    We'll see if they go for it


  5. Ken is right you have to have things lined up, you have to have a plan. Like Ken Says the 1st 2 years may be slim and I also agree with him the 3rd year is when things take off

    You will need some money to back you up. But some of your best drive will come from the fact of if you dont work your ass off your going to fail and I mean work your ass off getting the work, very rarely is it just handed to you.

    It can be done but you have to fill up a lot of time on that calender to support yourself

    Man its a tough call but it can be done, now or later

    Best of luck

  6. I put an epoxy for wood its holding up except were I have my 12% to many drips & spills. Definitly coat it with something I did all the wood floors & walls

    What ever I buy next open or closed Im doing Rhino or LineX Ive had it in my truck since 2001 and Ive hauled alot of chem in it in the past its expensive , but great protection

  7. One more thing for Jeff. Please read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand and give me your take on it. That should be very interesting. Perhaps then you can answer the question; Who is John Galt?

    Atlas Shrugged, does it have pictures or a place to color LOL

    Is this a riddle " Who is John Galt?"

    I got one - Knock Knock

  8. The way he's headed, Jeff will make it big and powerful long before I will. And once he gets really rich I'll bet the farm he'll change his perspective on big government...

    Jeff, I'd LOVE to see the look your face when you get hit with a windfall profits tax because you made too much money last year. I'll even do your taxes for free that year just to hear you rant and rave about it...

    You know I cant stand taxes, but in the same breathe, I dont mind them either. Have to pay for roads, airports, parks, war, pork barrel spending,...........................

    Taxes & goverment cant survive with them, cant survive without them. I rant and rave now, just ask my guys when they arent meeting my expectations. I I dont rant & rave about taxes, its more **** & moan

    Big & powerful ....... I'll settle for happy & comfortable.


  9. Hey Jeff

    While you are on the phone with your reps about the gas prices I was wondering if you could help me express my concerns to.

    You see, I was in office depot buying a 22ml container of liquid paper.It was $1.59. I was totally apalled!!!! How dare they charge that much. You see there are 3,785 ml in a US gallon. So @ 22ml each in volume that is a little more than 172 containers of liquid paper in a gallon. 172 containers at $1.59 each means that liquid paper is $273.00 a gallon. Truly a greater National tragedy must not exist.

    OK, so you may say it may take a lifetime to consume a WHOLE gallon of liquid paper. So how about Soda Pop??? 60 cents for a 12 ounce can?? 144 ounces in a gallon. That's 12 cans to a gallon. That comes to $7.20 a gallon.

    Now let me see if I have this right....Soda Pop.......Municipal tap water sugar,chems and carbonation.......Packaged locally.......transported locally......then retailed again locally.

    Gasoline..... 72.00 a barrel for the crude...72.00/42 gallons=$1.71 a gallon just for the primary raw material..crude oil....Then let's have the cost of running a refinery and the large amounts of power and manpower needed.The advanced catalysts needed to turn black sludge into a highly combustible efficient relatively clean burning fuel... Then transportation costs to the final retailer many so VERY "NOT" LOCAL.

    Now the let's factor in the government's role.We have to shut refineries down to make california gas...run a week, shut down, clean out and make Vermont gas...and so on. Plus the pressure on the companies to run all out production is damaging their yields and equipment in the long run. Plus they have to extract the petroleum products like asphalt,tar and gases out of it and process it. Wait a minute.......they take waste products like tar and asphalt and develop them into usable products instead of putting them in a landfill.They sell these products........HOLY COW BATMAN!!!!!!! Does Congress know oil companies generate profits from products OTHER than gasoline!!!!!

    OH MY GOODNESS JEFF!!!!This is a whole lot of good info for Congress maybe I will call so they know all the FACTS and not make decisions on what Wolf Blitzer thinks!!!

    Long post but totally bored at work working 4 PM to 4 AM.

    Love the difference of opinions and never got nearly as ugly as a simple bleach debate.


    I usually dont phone them, BIG phone company conspiracy's, plus GW might be listening in. If I use the phone to much they might see a pattern and next thing you know, black helicopters, binoculars etc

    I probably cant help you articulate your views, but you can always try www.senate.gov or www.house.gov .

    Im sure they would like to hear from you, I hear the calls, emails and town hall meetings are 98% for lowering the gas prices. Hey they might even put you on CNN, then who know you might have the look Hollywood is looking for, you could be the next Tom Cruise

    Have a good one


  10. I can feel a rich person out usually really quick and I love to walk away from them as they're still talking. What i mean if I feel uncomfortable with their attitude I jack the price up quite a bit and when they say I got it done for this much$$ before or thats to much , I'll do a quick thank you for calling and walk away before they know whats going on. Ive probably only done it a dozen times but the look on their faces or when they say hold it, wait. I dont know its a good feeling when they realize I dont need them and quite often they need me more. I'm always polite but you get to know the type

    Just recently I had a lady call from one of the highest end neighborhoods and she was telling me she needed an estimate for roof, house, drive, gutters everything. Then she gave me her name & address and I was pretty sure she had called me well over a year ago and at that time she said my price was to much. Well I get there this time and it was the same lady but the house & everything was 10X dirtier. She doesnt remember me ( figures) well we are walking around the house and shes saying the roof isnt really that bad, (its a total mess one of the worst) and she says the house just has a little green, now this is a 1 1/2 million home its disgusting, they worst in this neighborhood, well she's selling it. The whole time this PITA is saying how it isnt that bad (what am I an Idiot) BIG LONG CIRCLE driveway its black, I go to get my wheel, she says maybe I could just get the real dirty parts ITS GREEN & BLACK everywhere, so I ask her what parts is she talking about. I was almost laughing other than the fact she was wasting my time. I come up with a price of $2400 she lets out a noise and I loved it. She said thats way to much that she got qoutes a couple years ago and it was half that. I said mam I was one of thosee who gave you a quote, no clue. She says something like I know I never got a quote that high, I told her Mam the property is 10 times worse then the last time I was there. She starts saying no it isnt , I dont hand her estimate nothing I said good buy & thank you. she actually stops me and says is that my best price I said no I could charge more and I smiled, she didnt like that and I walked away. I was just through that neighborhood last week house is still a mess a month & 1/2 later, Screw her. I love walking away from fools


  11. Wake up!

    The government is not the real power! The agenda is to subvert the constitution and impose a police state.

    Have fun with that...


    You are always trying to start trouble Rod, why dont you just sit back and relax like me LOL But let me tell you all something ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


  12. Arggggg...some poeple are never going to get it.

    I give up.

    I love it when I get a good Arggggg out of you. You give up, never happen lol.

    See you at the next left/right discussion, although I dont think this one will be completely over any time soon the way gas prices are going

    Have a good one Mike.

  13. Excellent comments, AC! However, this one I don't like! Why is it good news to cap fuel prices? Capping prices at the pump isn't going to stop the price of production from rising. If crude keeps going up, but we cap gas prices where they're at, then I'll tell you exactly what will happen...Prices will stay where tehy're at, and you won't be able to find gasoline...Where's the incentive for gas companies to produce gas if they're not making any, or even losing, money?

    Losing money, GIVE ME A BREAK they made some of the highest profits ever last year, the CEO is getting almost a 1/2 billion dollar retirement, the top companies over the time have merged, its almost a fricking Monopoly. The top brass & shareholders are making a killing on us

    they only made 9% profit someone said, 9% of billions or trillions of dollars, not bad, I really dont see the gas companies losing money anytime soon. Thats 9% after they pay all the brass 2, 3, 10, 30, 50 million dollars each

    Mike I wouldnt worry about the oil companies hurting to much, if they do hurt to much our prez will give them some kind of subsidy or bail them out. But I dont think they'll go under anytime soon. Hell they can take back the CEO's retirement & pay all theiir workers for a year probably

    GAS PRICES S--- & its sucking money out of all our wallets and its only getting worse. Hearings are coming and maybe a windfall tax against the oil companies will bring the prices down a little, its an election year and that might help us too

    So who ever feels bad for the oil companies, dont worry they arent going bankrupt anytime soon, they'll be alright I'm sure

  14. My affinity for trucks did me in again yesterday. I woke up with the intentions of buying a new mower, but I came home with this.

    One of my lady property managers just bought one of those Kings and I took a ride in it. Very sweet truck, very nice interior. As she said it was a present to herself and her dream truck. Congrats enjoy the ride

