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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. The alternative energies is the only way go for our country. Unfortunitly I really no nothing about it except from what I hear on these BB's which I think is kind of strange I read a couple of newspapers, watch the news and I rarely hear to much about it, except during the Bush State of the union address and 2 days later I heard nothing

    Can someone educate me a little about the choices & viabilty of some of the best alternatives that could be put forth and researched and in use LARGE scale within the next few years

    Could someone also tell me why they arent in use now

    I get a lot of info from you folks help me out here. I'd like to be a little more informed and I'd like to ask my reps & tell them to get to work on this

    I heard or read something interesting recently and I thought it was a good idea for a couple reason

    The idea was get the US out of Iraq, say get the majority out within the next 1 - 2 years, whch will 1st of all get our military out of harms way and also save at least 100 billion a year. Get the prez & congress to take that money and more, because we need it for this. Have the Prez annouce that the US is going to put 200 Billion a year into developing the most viable alternitive energy for autos . State all this andplan to reduce the use of foriegn oil by whatever a 1/4 or 1/2 within the next 4-8 years

    Make this a National calling, Something really big we all, dem, rep, lib can rally around like WW II or getting a man to the moon in the 60's. Another thing this probaly would accomplish is make the oil countries & oil companies possibly reduce rates or get the oil companies more involved in the research ofthese alternitives If they think we are serious they may believe their going to loss it all someday.

    Id stand behind my politicians if this was to become a national calling for real

    We are America and I bet if we had to or really wanted to we could have gas almost obsolete with in 10 - 15 years. We give subsidies all the time, let the gov subsidize this, it would involve the larger corps too

    I dont want to pay $5 a gallon on a whim and I sure dont want some US hating country to have control of us.

    Could this be done and could we have alternative fuel within 10 -15 year

  2. My intellect or verbal prouse is no where near a comparison to most on this board. 1+1 = 2. That's my simple understanding of most topics in life. Seeing is believing. I am somewhat of a follower than a leader. It's very hard sometimes to express the way we truely feel on a keyboard and computer, without it being misunderstood, shot down or stepped on, when we are simply trying to make a point. I consider myself to be at the very least, sophmore, which is better than when I started this biz. Without the help of many on this board I would still be at entry level doing things the hard way.

    Without the tactile involvement we have in a face to face scenario with each other, it is easy to be misunderstood on the pc because we can't physically see the people we are having conversations with. That's why I think things get twisted like a pretzel on forum topics, IMO.

    I am not writing in defense of anyone. This is the first time I have actually been requested to chime in. I am glad to as well. I have met and worked with a lot of people on this forum in my area and with my own reluctance, found that most are not in person anything like they come off as on the forum.

    That's not a negative statement either. Just my own misunderstandings. I have only met one person ( i won't say who) that I prefer not to work with, and it's not Philip. He is one of the greatest people I have met since I moved to Hellanta. Always helpful and willing to give until it draws blood.

    I think the fact that I have trouble expressing on the pc and keyboard, proves the point I am trying to make. So I hope I have not confused the issue with my inability to emotionify ( is that even a word) the topic.

    Personally, I would not be where I am without the help of all on this forum.

    Not that I am a big firm, but, that I am still afloat without going to the "Man" for a job. I have done it on my own with the help of the likes of Philip, Jeff, Steve R., Jim Crossley, Beth& Rod, Mike W, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Muskgraves, Mr. Littlefield and too many more to mention.

    I think you are all good people with many different approaches to get to the same goal. Plus many different opinions. To me, no one has spoiled the soup,

    only made it better tasting. I try never to read anything into what is said, except what is said!!! When I read all these post' I try my best to eliminate the emotional factors, because I am usually wrong about the feeling behind the post. Unless of course someone post' says something like, Hey AC your an idiot. That's pretty clearly understood. Nothing else could be read into that, except what it actually means.

    For what it is worth, I heard on the news this morning, that GW Bush is being petitioned to cap the fuel prices where they are. To me, that is good news.

    Isn't that what this thread is about.... Gas prices, not emotional indifferences.

    I mean, like I said earlier, I am not a big firm with 20 trucks and crews like alot on this site. I am just me, doing everything that needs to be done to keep my little firm afloat. If gas gets any higher, then I will have to pull my trailer like a rikshaw (sp) to get to my jobsites. I do wish fuel prices would come down or stay put. This rise has caused me to restructure my S.O.P. to adjust to the rates of fuel.

    Sounds to me that you can say things on the PC pretty well !!!

    I regret calling Phil an AH, I should of said Doo Doo Head like my son says, or maybe nothing at all

    Note to self - tell son to stop saying doo doo head

    This is a great board I rarely get the chance to have a good conversation like these anywhere else but here.


  3. I saw the amount of views and postings and having not read the thread , wow, everybody is fired up over the gas prices. I was a little off base.

    Just as a glimpse back into original topic, I just heard an analyst on CNN say gas prices may reach over $5.00 in the next two months with the assinine, caught-with-your-pants-down manufacturing shortages. Stations all over my area are running out of gas and we all know that lovely rule of supply and demand.

    This is where greed annoys me. I am capitalistic by nature and choice. But when you have a banner year for profits, how can you drag your feet implemementing new refinement techniques to the point where you end up not being able to meet demand with adequate supply? I am not one to adopt conspiracy theory lightly but this one reeks.

    This is why I say that politics & cooperations is quite often a big game and they make the rules of the game. I'm really not as extreme as some have said or as I may appear to some. Hell I'm actually far from extreme except to those who I would say is in the opposite extreme, but I know and most should know there are always being games played. Thats life & I understand it

    I also understand that that the east coast will be having shortages, due to the new requirements. They have to empty the storage tanks & clean them prior to adding the new additive ( I used to clean, sandblast & paint the inside oof some of these tanks in NY it can be done fairly quickly a 4-6 man crew we would do 10 huge tanks in about 30-35 days, plenty of companies to do the work too) and this is why they say the shortages will occur. But there is thousands of these tanks, what did all these smart people not think this out ahead of time, they could of been emptying these tanks for some time now and phasing the new additives in. What they wait to the last minute to do this work. Now with all the other problems with the oil countries we are going to have to deal with this problem too! Just to bad I hope prices dont go as high as you say, that will hurt the economy

  4. ... Typically, a man is logical and a woman emotional. That is a stereotype, but true for many couples. (not calling you a woman, Jeff LOL:))

    I'll kick your A-- buddy. Only Kidding LOL. Who me emotional. I know, I even tear up at the movies.

    You know I spend about $55-$90 a day for gas & diesel 5-7 days a week, for 2 trucks and running 3-4 machines a day. 1/2 of my work is usually about 30-45 minutes away and the rise in prices is hurting, but Im adjusting my rates somewhat. I can handle the increases pretty well.

    But a lot of my anger about gas prices is for the people that it really hurts, the low paid workers, elderly on fixed income etc. I guess I am emotional and thats alright with me

    www.senate.gov www.house.gov I keep posting these websites, for everybody, because its good for our elected officials to hear what we think, what ever your point of view is on any issue. Tell them you love them or hate them but get involved a little.


  5. I find it that type of Robin Hood behavior distasteful and offensive.

    Thats funny you should mention Robin Hood, I read my son books every night with him and I hadnt read anything about Robin Hood in a long time and he picked a book that spoke of Robin hood and the 1st thing I thought of was this thread. Funny

  6. Eads, your in a state & region were pressure washing is a must. Whether you do it this year or next it can be a very profitable biz. With being in Florida and some very hard & creative work you can make excellent money. I started in 2000 paart time not even really thinking about this as a biz that I could support my self in 2003 is when I really started pushing myself & my biz. I'm doing pretty well have 2 fulltime guys and we just roll through the work. I dont ever want to work for someone again. I would if I had to but it would kill me

    I spend endless hours getting work, more hours doing the work , but you know what I really dont want for anything, I have all the basics in life and a few extras, always have money, for the basics and some extra, Im saving some for retirement and my families future, have a college fund going for my son, life insurance policies in case of death. I dont have boats and fancy cars but I have a very nice life, yes with ups & downs and yes sometimes money is tight for different reasons, but I always have people sending me money MY CUSTOMERS pay my bills not my boss, because I dont have a boss and its great. Dont rush into anything, get started making money then go fulltime, but do it with passion, dedication and thought. Your wife will come around when she see's you working hard and bringing home more money in one day than in one week working for someone else.

    But remember the more you make the more it cost to make it, so plan well and get out and pressure wash something


  7. Of course not, that's the reason for the term "for the most part" in my comment. Of course there are those for whom circumstances are truly beyond their control. For most, however, they are in the situation their actions dictate. They don't do the things that would improve their situation. There are so many opportunities out there if someone wants to succeed. Can't afford to get a better education? There are grants and financial aid. Don't have the time because you have to work to make ends meet? So go to night school. The point is, if you WANT to succeed, you WILL. If you don't, if you want to continue working at your low wage job and blowing your money on beer and smokes and just sitting back and griping about how everyone else has more than you do and how you just can't pull yourself up, then I suppose that's right where you'll stay.

    Does that mean that success is equally as easy for everyone? Of course not. Does that mean that everyone is going to be able to attain the same levels of success? Of course not. It simply means that at least a moderate level of success is available for just about anyone who desires it enough to work to attain it.

    I'm not going to give in to the emotionalism of a personal example "what if my son....". What if ANYONE's son? The opportunity is there. Some have it harder than others growing up, but that doesn't mean they have to stay in their circumstances their whole life! Maybe they have to work harder to get that education, or get it after they've grown up a bit...maybe they don't want that education and decide the heck with it, I'm going to start a pressure washing company or a lawn care biz or become a carpenter or an electrician or whatever it is....The opportunity is there.

    Education has been there for whites and blacks for many years. So maybe grandpa had to work for pennies because of outright racial bigotry. Does that mean his grandson should sit on his ass in government housing whining about how he has nothing? The opportunities are there for black folks too, and have been for years.

    If someone has 6 kids because they don't believe in birth control and have to work 3 jobs to support them, again, that's their CHOICE. They CHOSE not to use birth control and to have more kids than they could afford. They weren't "unfortunate" to have so many kids, or to have to work 3 jobs. They CHOSE that. It wasn't the hand they were dealt! Gimme a break. Sure they struggle, but they put themselves in that situation, day by day.

    You say I need to have more compassion. Please don't make any assumptions about my compassion simply because I refuse to accept the mindset that people are "fortunate" to be well off or rich or "unfortunate" to be poor and struggle. You've no idea the money I've given away to people who have found themselves in hard times and who need help. You say I may one day be poor. All I can say is that if I ever find myself there, I certainly won't cry about how unfortunate I am and how I'm being held down and how it just isn't fair. If I remain there, it will be because I am not willing to do what it takes to get out. It's no one's fault by my own.

    Damn Mike your fast I thought I delete that post within a minute. I didnt like the analogy I used about your family so I deleted it. I guess you saw it before I deleted it.

    To me your comment and comments about many of the poor or less fortunate sound not very compassionate. Just my opinion

    Hey Mike hows the little one doing. We find out in about a week the *** of our baby. I'll tell you I'll do everything in my power to make sure they have everything they need and some of the extras. My son has really changed me. Now my wife thats losing her mind during this pregnancy, thats something else, she turns into the Exorcist wife about 2-3 times a week, I'm glad I'm a man and dont have to go through what women do

    Hope all is well and I know your will do great, Im just the kind of guy who wishes it for everyone.

    My boy is getting so tall and independent its wild.


  8. .........

    Airplane was a good old funny flick, remember Blazing Saddles, watch it now and its stupid back then funny as heck

    No whats funny to me is how years ago primetime TV viewing was Beverly Hillbillies, I dream of Jeannie, Flipper etc. Wow how things have changed

    I think I liked it better when there was only 3-5 channels, cartoons were on every Saturday morning and you would watch Walt Disney every Sunday night at 7 with your family. Oh the good old days for those of you old enough to remember


  9. Ultra laze faire! And sadly, the Libertarians are haunted by nuts/wackos/loosers who want to hang onto our more essoteric positions like drug legalization. That's why they have not yet been a viable 3rd party (albiet the biggest)

    Dont label your self, your not a loser!!!!

    As for fascist now that I see the definitions Yup thats me defiinitly LOL


  10. Anyone seen any good movies lately?


    The Wild with my son Joshua, wife & mother it was cute, saw it last weekend

    And let me tell you about popcorn prices LOL

    But I got them good I had them put butter(oil) on the popcorn at every inch interval, Love that oil, is that an alternative energy ?

    But I sneaked in my own candy


  11. See Philip, you post responding to Rods is offensive, you do put people down whether you know it or not. I just thought it was me because of my views

    I know your a smart man, but just to let you know you can be very rude, offensive and just a know it all and Ive found in my life that smart people are like that and they dont even know it. You may know it already I dont know?

    Do you use alternitive sources of energy in everything in your life and what are they or are you just telling us who complain about gas prices our options?

  12. Personally, I am a libertarian [note:label self imposed]. I am one of those bums who wants govt OUT of our socio-economic lives.

    I dont blame you for wanting Gov out, I just dont see it happening anytime soon. As for Libertarian I know very little about the party. Not to be offensive wasnt there some guy some years ago that was kind of nutty or extreme that was in the lib party, Lydon Larosse (sp)or something like that I remember seeing stuff about him years ago, dont remember much. You know who I'm talking about or was he in a different party.

    As for libertarian party I'm sure some think thats Ultra something

    socio-economic. I learn something every day. Ive heard it and know what it means but now I know how to spell it THANKS!

  13. Actually, I stole ultra liberal from you rather than risk using a non-approved label.

    Wow. You want government intervention in personal issues AND economic issues. If I am reading you correctly [label removed] or a [label removed] but you are definitely not a [label removed]... I would suggest that you do some research, as none of the major perties fits yous demographic.

    Of course none of the major parties fits my demographics, do any of the major or lesser parties fit anyones demographics to a tee, Probably not! And thats OK. Do you believe in everything your chosen party & candidates say , probably not. Get my point??

    As for doing research, school & reading books unfortunately that isnt me, you may being a smart guy can tell that of me. I was never a great student or reader, I like a fool throughout my younger life was getting high or just trying to do everything people told me not to do. I'll leave the research & reading to you and thats how I now learn, from others

    As for wanting goverment intervention in personal & economic issues, its always been that way and is that way now and I'm almost 100% sure will always be that way. So all I do is try to work within a system that is always going to be that way. I have no problem bucking or fighting the system, but Im a realist at times, because as of now your not going to beat the system often. Ive fought the court systems more than once when I was wrongly prosecuted, Ive fought big corperations personally and with the help of my elected officials, Ive fought state goverment and you know sometimes I have won, many times. Ive also lost and had to call it a draw. I may not read & do research, but Ive been through a lot in my life, more than many and I have learned from life. This is why I feel for less fortunate in this country, because I very well could be one of them.

    I would love a 3rd & 4th political party as strong as the top 2 and I think someday we might have a viable 3rd & 4th party, I dont know about that being in my life time but I think it will happen

    Thats why I say labels dont work for the most part. My views and many peoples views can change often as I get older and raise my children run my home & business things and views are always changing.

    I also agree with some of the stuff you have said, Imagine that


  14. I had a long reply and lost it. BUSH 43 is the worst President!

    I agree & I think in time & history it may well be true also. We'll just have to wait & see

    I actually hope I'm wrong!!!

    I'd love to see the Middle east democratized & people see things with a positive out look and no more terrorism and fighting among Jews, muslims & christians

    I'd like to see the tax cuts that have gone to the wealthy & large corps turn into more jobs & benifits for the majority of the average Americans. That would be great

    Id like to see the borders safer & protected

    Id like to see the moral standards of people in general to get better. Id like to not worry about what my children will grow up and see

    I want my goverment to protect us from evil and not create evil

    I really hope this wonderful country of ours only keeps getting better for all

    Time will tell

  15. I dont know for sure but there was a mild winter in a lot of the country so the oil companies didnt make as much as they thought, so now they are upping the price a little more than usual

    There are things going on in Venezuela & Iran that are also raising the prices, but a barrel of oil has gone up say 13% but the price of gas has gone up say 31%. My percentages are just a guess but I still believe other than just reason of supply & demand and world situations that the prices are going up for larger profits which is fine within reason.

    I dont like it but its life, but I also have a right to complain and I thinks its a duty of Americans to complain or protest their feelings www.senate.gov www.house.gov If you want to tell your reps what you feel try these web sites

  16. when you send a letter to a property management company do mean your newsletter

    I do send Newsletters but I'm talking about a regular letter. If I have a PM's name or I just address it to Property Mang. Dept.

    Having a name I send them a letter of introduction , telling them what I offer and why PWing is important. Then I'll send follow up letter or letters

    I have my wife proof read them for spelling and usually have to cut them down, because you know me I write to much and they aree just to long.


  17. Don't get so excited. This thread self moderated about 2 pages ago....

    As for labels, you can't have a political discussion of any depth without labels. Labels serve to identify your own position and that of others without pages and pages of repeated rhetoric. I am a libertarian, Mike is a conservative, Jeff is an ultra liberal with fascist tendancies. That says a tremendous amount in just a few words.

    As for name calling, I don't think it got out of line at all. One person hung a label on me that was colorful, descriptive, and probably justified. If the caller and the call-ee both agree that the name/label is appropriate, where in lies the problem? For another example, you guys up there might not take to kindly to being called a redneck, but there are a good number of people down here who wear it as a badge of honor...

    Its funny how you say ultra liberal, if you knew my thoughts on Immigration, gay marriage, TV programming, Hollywood and the bums that want everything for free from the goverment, you might not say ultra liberal, liberal yes ultra? I'm no Barbara Streisand . I am liberal and yes I think the goverment can help its own middle class people more than it does presently. But ultra liberal to me is following the party line blindly. That I do not do. Hell the Democrats dont even have a party line or message worth anything now. but who does?

    Phil you having any nightmares. I just read were the Congress might be having hearings on gas prices LOL Just funning with you.

    Lets see if prices go down a little after the hearings. I dont think they will , between Venezuela & Iran we are going to have these prices for ever. I think we should just bomb the bastards:bullistic

  18. You know me when something goes on in my biz I like to bring it here and tell all of you folks. Its another story about call, write, fax and now about meeting the people who give us work, plus how persistance pays off!

    I told you some days ago about a PM from a PM company that I've been targeting for over 2 years. He said he had seen several of my fliers etc come across his desk.

    I talked to him a few times this past several days and we did a small pool area/clubhouse for him. Now this pool area was disgusting and this PM had just taken the property over from another PM company. While doing this pool area one of the board members and several residents came by and commented on how clean we were getting it and how it has looked like crap for a long time and they were thanking me for cleaning it up. Well I had known there other PM company because they had called me about a year ago to bid on the 8 buildings of this complex and even after repeated calls they never got back to me and the buildings a year later hadnt been cleaned.

    I like to promote and talk up the PM companies that hire me when ever I can. So as I was talking to that HOA board member I brought up the PM and he started telling me the PM co. is new for them and I told the man that this PM company has a real good reputation and Im sure they will be happy with them, I also took the opportunity to mention to the HOA member that I had bid these buildings a year ago and had no responce. The board member said they know they need cleaning but hadnt ever seen any proposals. I asked him if he's like me to submit a proposal to the PM company and he said yes.

    So now I had talked several time to this PM and I mentioned to him that Id be submitting a proposal and I asked him if he had anymore properties he would like me to look at and he did he gave me 3 other properties to look at, not huge properties but properties at an end of town that are in a nice high end area.

    While calling and talking to this PM. I liked talking with him he seemed a little different from most of the PM's I talk to, he was a little more course in conversations , you know he'd swear and bullshit with me over the phone and I kept calling him Sir or Mr. ----- and he kept telling me to call im by his 1st name. I told him I called him Sir etc out of habit and he said your in the south now and it isnt disrespectful to use 1st names and if I didnt start using his 1st name he'd start calling me a name I wouldnt like. Funny guy this PM is

    Well back to the meeting I had with him this Friday. Theres a few PM's Ive never personally met, I get calls from many and I call them but have never met. Well this year with the experience Ive gotten doing this PW work I have a little more confidence and Ive been trying to meet with every PM I know or who calls and Ive met many of them now. I figure I may not be mister smooth but Im sincere guy with a biz and a service that is needed by them and meeting them they may see that.

    So Friday I try to fax this PM the proposals he had me do, but the fax machine just kept ringing busy. I had told him I would get the proposal to him by the end of the week and I dont like not meeting a date I set, so I called him and told him the fax wasnt working and is there any way I could come to him and give him the proposals . I know he's a real busy guy, He said a couple times to me " I'm up to my ass in alligators" Busy funny guy. I told him I would meet him anywhere to get these proposals to him and I told him I'd like to meet him. He set a time for 2pm so I finished what I was doing on another complex and told my guys what to do next and I took off to go meet this guy. I shot home washed upped and put on a clean shirt and went to go meet him.

    Heck of a nice guy swears like a sailor , which is unusual compared to most other PM's & GM's Ive met. I gave him the proposals thanked him for having me look at his properties and started telling him what we offer. Then he thanked me. He told me the HHOA member I talked to was real impressed with the work we did at the pool and how I said that the PM company was a good one. I had submtted the proposal for the buildings of that property Tuesday along with a proposal for the sidewalks. Well the PM & that board had met Thursday and they now want me to do the job plus the concrete. Totally cool. The PM said I made his job easier and the property member and a few others liked the work and wanted us to do it without any other companies bidding, they excepted my bid!!!! I wondered if my price was high when I submitted it, because these building are going to be a PITA because its all rough stucco and rough painted wood siding with a ton of spider webs which are a PITA to get off rough siding. I had told this PM that and explained it in my proposal. I got the job and we do it in a little over a month COOL!!

    So at this meeting I asked him how he heard about me. He repeated that he had seen my fliers that I faxed and a letter I sent his boss, he's been working for this PM company since June 05. He said he hadnt needed me till recently and he was going to call me eventually. He said to me , that I just dont give up and he liked that. Then he said he was out with a freind who's another PM at a different company and they were talking and he was talking about some of the upcoming projects he needed done and the freind told him to call this company, that does real good work..... MY COMPANY !!!!! he told me he laughed because of all the times he had seen my fliers & cards, The freind ended up bein one of the 1st few PM's that used me a couple years ago and I still do several little things for him yearly.

    Well I was getting excited because of how well the conversation was going and I was still trying to tell him what I offer and the PM told me I dont have to sell him anymore. He said he was going to have me look at all his properties and with the other 3 props that I gave him proposal on he wanted me to go look at the last 3 props of his. COOL!!!!! He said its hard to find a good contractor and he thinks he found one in me.

    You know I love this ****. We talked a little longer and he gave me directions to his other properties and I thanked him for the opportunity to work & bid on his properties. Then I threw in if he could please tell other PM's in his company about me and he said "You know you just dont give up do you" I said NOPE, I love this biz and you guys are my money. We parted ways and I feel, I know, this is the start of a good relationship.

    Once again the moral of this story is "persistance" I never knew if all my faxes & letters were ever being read at this company, for over 2 years I sent them stuff and never heard anything from them. Well now I know they saww them "YAY"

    So to all you guys that arent established yet and want to grow your company do some of the things I do, Fax, write, call. I guess I'll have to add to that list "meet the customer" and sell sell sell

    Once again another long post, but I get so excited when a plan comes together I just have to share it with you all. I already told my wife & Mother about this and now I had to tell you all. Thanks for letting me share TGS

    Guess what I did before I started writing this post? YUP I just faxed several fliers and I wrote to one head of a large PM company for at least the 9th or 10th time, who knows he might call in a year or next week, I might never hear from him, but I might !!!!! So FAX, WRITE, CALL & SELL SELL SELLLLLLLL

    I've heard some say PM's dont give a crap & arent loyal, I say BULL, Do good work, deliver on time and be persistant, you'l get them to call time & time again. PM's are just like anyone else. If I find someone or a company that is good I stick with them. I think I'll get this PM to stick wit me


    Well as he says "I'm up to my ass in alligators" got some proposl to do see YA


  19. Philip, Your cool and you know your views well, but you really categorized me wrong. why I say the things I do about Corp & Politicians is because i just dont remember a time quite like these times the past 5 - 10+ years I just dont like the feel of things

    I've always enjoyed you & your posts on TGS

    Maybe I shouldnt have said Ahole.... but Butthole would of been more appropriate LOL

    Hope all is good

