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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. I did? I think the only personal attacks that have been lobbed here were when you called me an ahole. That's your opinion, and I can see why you might feel that way. No skin off my back.

    As for fascist, that is a political label. And while you may like to consider yourself a liberal, the views you have posted here fit the textbook definition of fascism (economically, at least). If that handle bothers you, only you have the power to change it. I can neither change your views, or the definition.

    As for the "be a man" statement; It was not intended as a challenge to your manhood. As you said earlier, I don't even know you outside this board. "be a man" was said in the context of "stand up take it like a man". If anyone had a right to be offended, it was Celeste, Pam, et.al. as is shows an obvious gender bias. If it bothered you, I can only offer that this thread has gotten way too far under your skin and hypersensitized you to otherwise innocuous comments.

    Because it is wrong. Two wrongs do not make a right. If someone elects to be chariable, good of them. Please do it with your own money and leave mine alone.

    I sense that of you. But the views you have espoused are not good for the country. In the short term, they are good for the individual. In the long term, they are disasterous for the health of the country.

    Being a liberal does not make you a fascist. And I don't call liberals fascists as a way of denegrating their positions. Although liberals and I disagree on ideaology, there is nothing wrong with being a liberal. As someone stated earlier, balance is a good thing.

    That said, government control of private companies is not a liberal idea, it's a fascist idea. And while conservative, liberal, and moderate are have their rightful places in the Amercian body politic, fascism, communism, etc do not. Fascism, communism, etc are contradictory with what makes America successful and great.

    Having been in the "inner circle" of three startup companies, I tend to agree. The corporations of today tend to see wider margins and lower operating costs as the only means of increasing revenue. Customer loyalty, and employee loyalty/productivity as a means of solid stable growth are far too intangible for the present crop of ADHD executives. Also, by going public too soon they have enslaved themselves to the quarterly earnings report. The end result is a company that pursues short term gains at any cost while completely ignoring long term corporate health. And much like a athelete living on steroids and speed, they swoop in, set amazing records, and burn out like a shooting star. It's definitely not a good thing for them or a capitalist economy.

    BUT, it's also not the place for goverment to fix it with regulation.



  2. I got a real question for anybody

    WHO would you like to see run for President in 2008 and why.

    Also who do you think will run for president. Now lets all just have fun with this post

    I sort of like

    Joe Biden

    John Mccain (sp)

    I'm looking for someone not known that well now that comes out and impresses me

    I hope we have good choices come 2008

    Now who do I think is going to run

    McCain, has a chance this time, good guy but I dont know if he'll go all the way

    Biden - I like him sometimes he seems true, except for his tan

    Hillary - everybodies favorate LOL If she wins primary, republicans will have the white house

    Rudy - slight chance but republicans like him & hate him

    Mitt Romney - Like what he's trying on health care

    Jeb Bush, I think he has a chance if he runs. Name recognition

    Nader - not a chance in hell, like to see what the heck would go on if he was elected

    Kerry - not in this life time

    I'll think of more it could be interesting 2007 & 08

    Lets get ready to rumble

  3. You do know that Perot wanted to institute something like a $5.00/gallon national gas tax?

    Mike, I'm a pretty smart guy, not always great at articulating my views as well a phil & maybe you. I try to keep up on current events and as current events go I really truely don't like a lot I see going on. As for GW I know you like and respect him, I dont and havent since he started running for Prez, there has always been something or things I just dont trust about him, I said it before he was elected and I say it now. Whether its a simple as his annoying laugh, his walk or as big as what I think about him & Iraq or how I think and is being proven that he has lied to us. That my opinion of him

    As for Phil he did exaggerate many of my not so clear points and he did get insulting, Its not being sensistive as much as being mad and I was mad at some of phils comments and the way he said them to me. Not just the Be a man statement. I dont believe goverment should be involved as much as they are, but the plain truth of it is, that it is. We provide welfare for half the countries in the wrld why not our own

    I would vote for a democrat, repubulican, a boogey man if I feel it would be best for the country, I have a lot of liberal "fascist" views but I voted for Reagan and I didnt like a lot of his views but many I did

    I think you blindly supporting Bush is weird but I dont tell you your wrong or a jerk for doing it

    Like i said I cant articulate as well as other have, but theres some things wrong nowadays and I think some of it has to do with our higher ups and the outsourcing that Corps are doing for profit reasons only. You can make great profits and try to help others I just dont see it happening like I would

    Theres a reason many of my post are so long, I cant always get right to the point

    I got to go time to read some Sesame Street to Josh he's tugging on my arm


  4. plus we can get a job cleaning the White House. lol.

    Ross perot........... I don't know if you are old enough to remember Carter

    and the Americans in Iran hostages situation. ( no offense intended on your age I promise). But Carter didn't handle that one to well. Little does the public know that H. Ross perot had his own employees ( covert swat team) and his own money, and his own equipment, helicopters and arms to free the hostages who were held for almost 1 year ( not positive on the tenure).

    Carter was a little too patient to suit me in that one. Perot came through for the country. As a President though, I think Perot would have been a little out of his element.

    I know it was a general comment on your part & like I said earlier I try to stay away from the politics dept. because as long as I can remember, no one has ever agreed on anything and the debates are decades old.

    I'm a rocker, not a knocker. The statement just was a little close minded and kinda hit close to home. I do not understand all the political issues, but I have spoken and listened many times to my future in-laws, and only see good from them. Plus I really appreciate that they are very partial to self employment and small business. Was not taking any shots at you in any form, just felt I had to raise my antlers on that one and say HEY.... hang on a sec.

    as far as pulling the thread off of the forum, no way man, this is a great thread. You might have actually surpassed Shane's Bleeeeeech vs. per carb thread. No angst or anger at you at all bro. Your my hero and a great source of inspiration and positive business influence.

    I still think Hawking should be the next Pres. or dare I say Nader.

    Or maybe even Bill Nye the science guy. Or Cindy Crawford......sorry,jk.

    fight the good fight man. We all love what you impart on this forum.

    David Gilmour tonight on Leno show.


    Carter was a good man just not a good president

    I know the Perot story thats why I campaigned for him, I still have the video of me at a rally in Boston. The big sucking sound was one of his favorite comments, he used to make me laugh and I think he cared, but then he got a little off the wall

    I used to love Cindy Crawford to old for me now, I like them younger

    I dont know who Id want for prez now, no one really excites me. I hope its someone we dont hear of all the time a new face who we can trust in these crazy times would be nice


    Thanks for the compliments and do enjoy this board

  5. Jeff, my brother in arms, my friend, my Grime scene buddy, my lendor of great ideas, my ever so positive poster that all love on this forum. I have been biting my lip until your last statement.

    My girlfriend's family have been politicians for over 30 years in Texas.

    For the decade that I have known them and seen them in action I can honestly say that not all are crooked. They are very honest people and work very hard FOR THE PEOPLE. Even though they are in Texas, they deal with Washington on a regular basis to help the people, that includes you and me ( even though you are not in Texas) alot of what they do affects all of us.

    Crooked......... not all. You are doing what you feel needs to be done by contacting your local and Natl. Gov't. Plus that is what they want us to do anyway. How else would they know what the people's concerns are.

    I am with ya bro, except that all are crooked....... It's just not true.

    I nominate Stephan Hawking as our next Pres. He'll get us out of this mess.

    Dude it was a general comment thats all and it was meant for most of the national politicians and I know they arent all crooks. But I think we all know that things need some changing.

    I love a good politician and even more a true honest politician. I held signs went to many rallies in my day and I did it not because I had nothing to do, I care about this country.

    Hell I held signs in the freezing cold for Ross Perot until he started sounding a little to crazy for me.

    Get your wifes family in the white house I'll vote for them for 2 reasons, you know their honest and 2nd I can say I sort of know them

    Have a great one!!


  6. mr. williamson do you watch the news and read the paper go back to when gw was first elected. think of all the things b4 gw was pres and now that he's prez, this country was not in resesstion when clinton was in office. oh and by the way all politians are crooked. thanks it's been fun.

    You must be a fascist like me. I do agree thou, they are all crooked!

    Hey Beth & Rod I started this thread can you get rid of it for me. Its getting nasty and not informative at all. My bad

    If you could delete it.



  7. Smokey, you are right. Personally, I like Jeff and aspire to have the success he has.

    Jeff, the "fascist" label was not an attack. It was merely a statement fact. By your own statements, you believe in government control (but not ownership) of the means of production. That is the textbook definition (economically speaking) of fascism. And one who promotes fascism is a fascist. If being called a fascist offends you, then I would suggest that some introspection is in order.

    FWIW, most people who label themselves as liberals are truly fascists or socialists. But, since they know that socialism and fascism are extremely unpopular positions (rightly so), they label themselves as liberals or "progressives". I do not subscribe to this type of wishy-washy politics. Be a man. If you don't like being called a socialist, fascist, etc then do not behave like one. Stand up for what you believe and and be held accountable for your actions. In my case, that means that I am an Ayn Rand (hard core) capitalist, and generaly vote libertarian. I believe that price controls are wrong, welfare is thievery, and the war on drugs (and more recently terror) are being used to move this country much closer to a totalitarian state.

    Now your telling me to "be a man".

    A comment like that used to get people dropped, but I'm a little older now and a much nicer person, althou I was surprised you said it, sort of, it doesnt bother me now

    Who's the extremist, Im getting ill reading all your stuff putting me down. You dont know me Phil and I now have a feeling I dont really want to know you now, since you know everything

    Do me a favor after your next post commenting on this post, could you just drop it. Your point of view now really means nothing to me and mine means nothing to you I'm sure, althou some of this has been a good read its getting really boring and offensive to me. Not everything is as extreme as you take it, chill out dude

    Phil be a man and drop it.

    I just came from the bathroom and yes I looked in the mirror, Damn I'm a handsome *******:lgsideway


  8. Jeff, my feeling is get the govt out of my life as much as possible. It has grown way too big and spends way too much money. It is more of a hinderence than help. It gets in the way of business and the free market system. It, now I know you don't want to hear this, robs from the rich and gives to the poor. But that should be left to us individually and organizations. I know everyone was thrilled when the Fed govt finally started helping the Katrina victims, but do you realize that after the Chicago fire and the San Francisco earthquake, no fed money was used to help or rebuild those cities. Get the feds out of our lives and we would be alot better off.

    Actually haven't started work yet in CB. I just "retired" from my other job last week. I wanted to do it a month ago, but they asked me to stay one more month to help them out. Stupid me did. But I have been reading and learning all I can, buying equipment and supplies and doing some jobs around here. Unlike you, I want to specialize in decks which New Hanover and Brunswick county have plenty. Today I have to do a house wash, a driveway, and a church steeple (don't worry, it is not too high). I also have a fence and a deck lined up to do early next week. My target date is to move May 2, I hope I can make it. I went and had an estimate on lettering up my trailer yesterday - $1250! That may have to wait.

    Maybe I will come down and see ya soon! But I must warn you, I can talk the paint off a wall! LOL


    Congrats Smokey on the retirement!!!!! Theres just not a ton of nice decks around here, good luck with that. You are more than welcome to come to the beach would like to meet you.

    How big is your trailer, mines 16' and I was quoted anywhere from $900 - $1400



  9. A lot of it doesnt sound like fun, does it. I dont know if I want to run from it thou. Im thinking if I give them written guide lines that we all agree on, this could be a profitable project that could make me tens of thousands of $$$$

    They arent happy with their present PWer, Ive seen him work long shots no chem and isnt doing much and I came highly recomended by the PM company that oversees the sold buildings. I figure if I can get the $$$ I ask for which will be at a premium and set guide line for the size of these buildings I might be OK

    One of my questions with new construction even on smaller home do you ever get the caulking smears off and what is the norm on cleaning is it basic dirt dust & some prints or is it scrubbing.

    Thanks and I still may run


  10. Jeff, don't take it hard, Philip is not attacking you personally, just what you believe. Of course I would not have called you a fascist, just a damn hard core liberal! LOL

    By the way, name me one thing for which Scooter Libby has been convicted!



    I'm a big boy , I can take debate I just didnt want to deal with the line for line stuff, I can see all points of views, It just got old and the tone and debate did also, some of Phils comments and constant line for line stuff just got offensive to me so I choose not to have this debate with Philip any longer. I just think he exaggerated most of my comments to much to often and I may be guilty of the same to some extent, so I'm not going to discuss this any longerwith Phil.

    Fascist - funny, Hard Core Liberal - Most of the time, Republican - No...voted for 2 Repub prezs and a few in lower offices and have some conservitive views.

    Im just not as thrilled with big biz as Phil & others, I just personally think everything is out of kilt a little compared to what Ive seen in the past

    I never said Scooter Libby was convicted of anything. I just think all this CIA leak stuff could of been taken care of a long time ago if the Prez just came out and was a little more forth coming, It would of saved a lot of bull & money. All involved who let it drag out seem unethical to me. The present republican administration I dont trust a all, other republican admins, I may of disagreed with some things but I basically trusted them I just dont with this one.

    Oh ya I still dont like gas prices, but Im not going to turn my whole house solar, set up wind mills to run my wifes hair dryer and buy hybrid PW equipment run off of puppy poop LOL. I cant wait for an alternative fuel thats readily available from resources in our country. Maybe then we wont have to democratize a region who now hates us more than ever. We can tell them all to go to hell and let them kill each other like they have from the beginning of time and then we'll have our great men & women of the armed services home and out of that insane region.

    Smokey hows biz up there hope your staying busy and making the $$$


  11. Ask her support, tell her your plan and then work your ass off to get the work. I still worry about getting work, I always have work but I have a goal every year to reach, thats why I'm out there all the time trying to get new PM's

    Or keep doing what your doing 2 jobs and build a base and then go at it real heavy & fulltime in 2007. It will be tough & tiring, but it will be worth it, if you give it 110%. This may be a good idea and then you can show your wife what can be done in this biz

    Good luck to you


  12. Hello eveyone, its been awhile...a loooong while :cool:

    hope everyone had a great winter, and Ive got a boatload of reading to do here so I can catch up on some great info (and disputes)

    the site looks quite different now too, just when I had it somewhat figured out.....Looks great Beth :)

    Hey Mike how have you been, good seeing you out here


  13. Since when is it the governments job to promote alternative fuels? And exactly what are YOU doing to promote alternative fuels? Are you an early adopter? Do you own even ONE alternative fuel appliance? I can answer all off these.

    1. It's not.

    2. Nothing.

    3. No.

    4. No.

    Let me follow your logic here: Gas companies are screwing me because they charge way too much. I would dump them and switch to another source, but they are much more expensive...

    As I said before, this makes no sense at all. You are pissed at the gas companies for their prices, yet they are the CHEAPEST option available.

    Pure BS. If you are getting screwed as badly as you profess, you can not afford NOT to find an alternative. The reality is that you are not that bad off. You do not LIKE gas prices, but have no intention of putting up your own money to help fix it.

    And if I was dirt poor, I could get a free bus voucher. This is an ad hominem statement that you cannot back with anything besides anecdotal evidence.

    Just so I can be clear about what you are saying, please tell me specifically who "they" are? And what "it" is? And can you list some of the "corruption", "unethical", and "illegal" practices "they" have done? Of course not. This is a poor attempt to create a boogey man that all the little guys can rally behind and hate. A bogey man who is responsibel for them being poor. That way, they don't have to face up to the fact that the person who made them poor stares back at them from the mirror each morning.

    No, it is a decision. You CHOOSE not to afford all that alternative fuel equipment.

    And the difference is? In one case, you get $200 and must give $100 back. In the other case, you only get $100. Either way, the corporation is forced (at the point of a gun) to give up a percentage of their WHOPPING 9% margins. And BTW, I gotta give you credit "tell" is such a nice way to say "force".

    Of course you think I'm misguided. We come from very different perspectives. I am a hard core capitalist and you are a fascist.

    Really? Someone came to you door with a gun and dragged you kicking and screaming to the local Chevron? Or did you make a choice to get in your car on your own volition and go buy gasoline. And then you chose to use that gasoline to make 25-50% profit margins.

    25-50%?!? You greedy rotten thief. Your profit margins last year were nearly 3-5x what the gas companies were. You should give all your customers a break AND call congress and ask them to start enforcing price controls on YOU.

    Oh wait, 25-50% margins are ok for you, but if Chevron makes 9% margins they are evil, greedy monsters.

    Philip, Now your just being an AHOLE. Most of your comebacks are out of line, wrong, rude and twisted to your benifit, but thats OK

    Corruption, unethical, illegal.....Enron Tyson, Abaroff, Scooter Libby, just to name a few, maybe you havent read a newspaper in a long time, there's boogey men being busted all the time in corp america & lobbying firms

    Yes I have to buy from Chevron, Exxon etc etc its all I can afford which just gets more expensive daily. Maybe I'll go by a hybrid mini car 38K to pull my trailer, get what I mean, probably not. Screwed so badly, I dont think I said that but I have a right not to like the prices and email my reps, I do right? www.senate.gov

    I'm done responding to your post, I dont like your tone

    Have a good one

    Life is Good!!!


  14. Obviously that's a no-go, but you have to look a little more globally. How do you think the electric companies power most of those giant turbines that light your house? Good old fossil fuels. You switch to solar at home, and you have just reduced the consumption of fossil fuels. Less demand = lower prices.

    Jeff, the different between good margins and price gouging is in the eye of the beholder. No one FORCES you to buy oil. And no one forces them to sell it to you for $2.59/gallon. Every time you buy gas, you and the oil companies have agreed to do business at a given price level. I'm a capitalist pig and a libertarian. IMNSHO, only two people can set the price of an item. The buyer, and the seller.

    As for corporate welfare, I am against it. As much as I detest price controls, I also detest corporate subisdies, life support, welfare, whatever. If you cannot survive in the business world, so be it. Die off and your remains become food for the next generation of entrepeneurs.

    I'm apologize for the coarse nature of following response, but the truth is sometimes harsh and ugly;

    You can have a 100% biodiesel unit operating this week. The fuel will cost you about $1.00/gallon and you can run the same fuel in the truck, burner, and pump engine. If you are seriously concerned about doing what it takes to lower your energy costs, you will build one together asap and start saving the outrageous amounts of money currently being taken away from you by the big oil companies. On the other hand, if you just think the oil companies make too much money and you have a God given right to some of it, you will continue to seek out your elected officials and convince them to use the power of government to take some of the oil companies money and give it to you.

    By definition, the latter is the action of a fascist...[/qu

    Phillip, you can try to have an answer for everything, but you are somewhat wrong on many things.

    We could have had many of these alternitive forms of energy at least 2 decades ago. But our Goverment has done very little to promote it until recently, very recently alot has to do with oil companies that behind the scenes fought against it. Its a fact.

    Alot of the other forms of energy are not cost effective or affordable yet and they could of been years ago. I cant build one now because all my other cost are to much. But if I was a big corp the Goverment would subsidize it probably

    As for CEO's making 50-100 million in a year, its ridiculous and as we've seen time & time again it can breed corruption and many unethical practices and they will do anything for that profit legal & illegal.

    Just like the CEO's of cigarette companies some years ago said smoking wasnt addictive, when they knew for years it was. Corp America isn't Gods gift to America like you think. They are just people like us, some good, some OK, some bad and some very bad. But they have more money and say than millions of us, They hire public relations, lobbyist and they can usually get what they want. Who can we hire, I cant afford a lobbyist or a all this alternitive fuel equipment. Its a catch 22

    I dont want the goverment to take their profits, I never said that. I want the goverment to tell them to give us a break

    Not to be course but I think a lot of your replies are ..........and totally misguided, but thats just my opinion

    NO ONE FORCES ME TO BUY OIL, what world do you live in, thats FUNNY

    Just my $.0000000000002


  15. It looks like I may get some 4 & 3 story condo buildings "new construction" its a referal Im doing a bunch of buildings at same property that wee built in the past 18 months

    My question a lot of these buildings have finger prints and marks on them from the construction, I meen a lot of prints. post construction clean up will it require I get all these prints and marks off. I'll be brushing forever and what about the caulking smears. If it was house one thing but a 4 story building where at some ares I cant even get a lift. Some of these buildings are a mess

    What should I tell them I can do and cant do, whats the norm on buildings this size



  16. Hey, no one is fighting! I think everyone has kept this pretty good natured! If we can't discuss disagreements without it turning into a big fight, we have bigger problems than high gas prices!! :lgbounces

    Poor choice of a word, Im just having some fun while my wife watches reruns of America Idol & America Top Models

    Now I got to go and write up some proposals, been getting the calls like crazy. I think I'll go back to my uplifting post. But dont forget your all wrong and I'm right lol

    See ya all I got to go make some profits for my shareholders "ME"

  17. Amen brother.

    And if you beleive that bunch of blow hards in congress had anything more to do with the decrease in price than Mike W did, then I guess you'll be voting for them again. Cause thats the only reason they were talking about it. Hell, lets put Mike Williamson into congress. At least hes got sense enough to understand supply and demand, which is more than these people who blame GW for all the ills of the world understand.

    I understand supply & demand but are you really appy at what you see going on. A war that was "Mission accomplished" and many are still dying to build a nation and a region thats been killing each other for over 2000 years, big biz stealing from pension funds, Lobbyist who have more say than the millions of us, illegals that are flooding our country while other try to get in legally, goverment officials all the way up to the prez who lie and will do almost anything to get reelected just to keep control, so they can send the pork to their state. Some years ago it was the dems now its the republican. Its wrong no matter who is doing it. I just happen to think Bush is usually a pro at it, until recently with all he's getting caught in. I liked his dad George senior & Reagan, I believe they really cared , George Jr I dont think does and he was a screw up rich little brat when he was younger and he's still a screw up, he spends & spends & spends and no one cares. Its our money

  18. The point is, I don't WANT the government to interfere in private business to determine prices. The market has always determined price, and that is as it should. If demand it up, prices will be up. Who do you think controls the price of oil? Certainly not the US, and not to any great degree US oil companies. As far as the price of gas at the pump, oil companies are simply doing what we're all doing, trying to make a profit. Yes, their profits are huge, because they are huge companies, but as has been pointed out earlier in this thread, their profit margins aren't out of line. Those companies are owned by investors, and those investors, as with any company, want a good return on their investment. They want profits. The oil companies have an obligation to the share holders, not the consumers.

    If it were as simple as just lowering gas prices, don't you think some company out there would do it in an effort to compete and gain a larger market share? If it were realistic to think gas prices could drop to $1.50/gallon, wouldn't some oil company, even a small one, try selling gas at $1.50/gallon??? It isn't that simple.

    I know we dont control prices I know its a lot of the smaller gas & oil producers that are holding onto it and its why prices are going up. But we can still ask our govermnt to try to bring them down.

    As for investers & share holders most people are neither and profits are a good thing , but huge profits arent everything, of course profits need to be made and help. But big biz for years has gotten away with the raping of the US and its citizens. No one gives a **** about anything or anyone any more its the almighty dollar and must people dont have a lot of $$$$

    I really dont know how to explain it, I just want better for all of us, middle class, poor, rich

    As far as whether you believe all the crap about GW lying and wanting to go into Iraq and all that stuff, we could argue that forever and never come to an agreement. We simply see it from two totally different points of view.

    Very diplimatic Mike and I agree to disagree

    I dont know how to explain everything I just want better for all of us in the US

    I know we dont control the oil but I can still ask our Gov to help with what they can.

    I just got real mad when prices went up and The head of Exxon retires with a $450,000,000 dollar retirement after making 52 million in pay last year. It just really pisses me off


  19. Fact when gas prices went up to $3 some months ago , congress had hearing and the price went down for a while

    I know one man GB doesnt control everything but he can with others direct thing in a certain direction.

    I personally cant stand George B as a president I know he's a liar and I know he for the rich more than anyone else. Thats my opinion

    I knew he was going to war with Iraq way before 9/11, he jusst used that tragedy to get us into Iraq and he's lied or only relied on what intel worked for him, The Dems were no better they just followed , but the did not figure anything out past the 1st 6 months and now its a mess.

    Does anyone remember when they said it would only cost us 10 billion dollars for he Iraq war and then the Iraq oil would pay the rest.Well there heading to 1 trillion dollars , bad estimate. It doesnt matter what they do, they lie or twist the facts.

    What about the CIA leak case, when Bush said he wants to know who leaked well it was him and his top people, Oh he changed a few words and picked his words carefully but he knew it was bullshit.

    I dont trust him and never will. It will be a better country when GB is out. What happened to fiscal conservative, this guy spends our money like he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, OH he was. True conservative republicans cant beleive what he's done with our money,

    Oh ya does anyone think Bush has everything/anything ready for another Katrina. We'll have to send him another tape so he can see whats going on

    I didnt post the Gov websights to start a big fight I just thought some might want to email their reps.

    I have a right to complain and I will I vote always and I dont like a lot that is going on, its all corrupt. I'm also sorry I cant shut up about this kind of stuff its just me. I might not be the smartest of the bunch but I know right & wrong and Bush is wrong for the US

    Mike W made you do it LOL


  20. I for one cannot wait until ethanol becomes the fuel of the world. Think how beneficial to this country a cheaper alternative to fossil fuels that can be manufactured from something that can be grown in %80 of the country. We might have to start paying a little bit more for pop corn but hey...

    Now dont get me started about POPCORN, I just came from the Movies with my family and its big biz trying to get me where ever I go. ONLY KIDDING LOL, Popcorns more expensive than gas

    Had a nice time with my family. My son Joshua turned 3 today

    Thats my boy banging away at his Birthday party Saturday, I love that little guy, he's getting so big so fast


  21. I'm sorry I always get in these debates but I feel for my fellow Americans and everyday I see people in my state that work up to 2 hours just to pay for gas to get to work. Not all people are fortunate like me and some of us. The State & federal goverment let a lot of people in my state down for generations, They havent provided good schools, they have purposely kept people down for years. Ive met many wonderful, very hard working people in this state that cant read or write and therefore cant ever think of starting their own business or cant ever have what many of us have and I dont like the fact that the poor are getting poorer and the middle clas a majority of them are having to work so much, it may be taxes but I only see a majority of the tax cuts going to businesses that are lowering the wages of our people. We nation build all over the world but our own are suffering or at least having a very rough time just getting by

    I'm from Boston Ma and now live in SC, Ive seen a lot of different things down here than I did up north and a lot of it isnt the fault of the person with the low paying job that barely can pay for his or her gas

    NOTE TO SELF - Shut up

    Really Really Really i wont say anymore on this subject!!!!!! Now dont get me started again or I'll start about immigration & GB & health care LOL

    JL The bleeding heart liberal from MA.

  22. Jeff, you and I are normally on the same page but I could not disagree with you more. Greed is in the eye of the beholder. There are plenty of guys working for $100/day who cannot understand why you are so "greedy" trying to get $100/hr.

    My I suggest a book? Read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand and then call me back on this subject.

    Blame excessive taxation and government waste. I work to keep up our families standard of living. My wife works to pay our taxes...

    That would be inflationary. And gas prices would RISE as a result.

    They middle east: yes. Those capitalist hating countries are exploiting capitalism to it's fullest.

    The oil companies are just making a buck like you and I. And because you, I, and everyone else on this board buys machinery that runs on petroleum products, they have us by the shorts. WE have given them a guaranteed demand that far outstrips supply. And they are getting wealthy because of it. I think it's brilliant business if you ask me.

    If you want gas prices to fall, lower demand. Find and use alternative sources of energy. i.e. Set yourself up to be able to take advantage of their competition. Which is a great segue to your next question.

    Biodiesel, alcohol, hydrogen, electric. And electric can be made from wind, water, solar, or nuclear. You have options, they are all just less convienent to use (biodiesel, alcohol), more expensive than gas (solar, hydrogen), or they come in a form that you do not own the means to utilize (electric, hydrogen). In any case, their are viable alternatives. As I said before, YOU have chosen to purchase equipment that cannot take advantage of them. Hence, YOU have given the gas companies the gun they rob you with.

    One last noteL In the case of alternative fuels that are more expensive than gas (i.e. solar, alcohol), think about this: You are pissed at the gas company for their outrageous prices, yet they are providing one of the cheapest product available.

    Man you got an answer for everything. My bad now I see the light, could you tell me where to buy a solar pressure washer and maybe a solar truck to go with it to pull my trailer.

    I really dont want to debate every point , but if you dont think that businesses are taking advantage ( not just good business)of the common man and if you dont think our Goverment is helping big biz more than the majority (US!!!) you can believe it. I plan on keeping the emails phone calls going to my reps until they help the majority

    You see they congress will have a couple hearing on gas prices and the prices will come down a little and then in months go up more. Its a game

    How about nuclear? Iran just wants it for electric right?

    Thats what I need a solar powered, nuclear, bio diesel, hydrogen 3500 psi machine. I'll be the 1st one on the block with one.

    Everybody to their own opinion Right!

    Have a good one


  23. Its all a game and I wish it wasnt, thats all!

    But I still emailed my reps and made my opinion clear on the gas prices & illegal immigration. I vote and I want to be heard and if more of us voted and were involved maybe we could make things better & be heard.

    Gas prices suck, double the price in 2 years, I wish I could double the price of all the condos I do. Do a condo in 2004 for $500 a building and charge $1000 in 2006 that would be great!

    I know market, capitalism, free trade all that, but like i said its all just a game and 90% of the working class dont get to make the rules. I dont want to argue its just a game
