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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. What if they government set limits on how much you can charge for a pressure washing? Your actual costs are low so the profit margin is pretty high. Customers should complain about that too?

    Business basics, if it is a hot commodity, people will pay.

    Just a little thought not trying to be argumentative, I pay $3.00/gal for diesel and don't like it one bit.

    There is something called price gouging, greed and just taking advantage of things. If people didnt have to work 2, 3 jobs and both parents work just to get by and if wages for everyone was increasing I'd agree, but I personally think oil companies and the middle east is just taking advantage of us, just my opinion.

    I have a lot of people who wont pay my rates and they do go to others for PWing, who can we go to for cheaper gas prices???????????


  2. I just got off the phone with Mike from Xterior Sales, the PSI chart will work 80% of the time, but orifice size is dependent on the machine its used on. You HAVE to factor PSI & GPM not just one or the other. For instance A 3 gpm 3500psi would use a 6 up to a 9 at the most, but a 5.5 gpm at 3500 psi should use a 13 orifice and 8 & 9 GPM machines should use a 16 usually or larger.

    Also over time machines can lose pressure, if they arent repacke and the orifice size you using may not work the same on a worn out machine, fix the machine or use a smaller orifice until you fix it.

    I also talked to Mike about some of the problems with the M5, like the clip falling out, the fan decreasing or the metall fan breaking. They are working on getting replacement parts made, A lot of the M5 is Italian made and is not easy to get replacement parts , but they are in the process of getting them. As for the clip no great answer from Mike. I use piece of coat hanger and cut & bend it and it doesnt fall out any more. I buy the upper black section off Xterior for $17 and change them out as fan decreases or metal breaks

    So for the PSI vs GPM debate we are all right & wrong, it depends on the machine. The distributer that sell the Xjet usually just go off the PSI chart. If you want o know for sure what size orifice you should use call Xterior then buy from who ever you want.


  3. Hear we go again gas prices are going up & up. What a PITA, call or email your elected officials and tell them youu want lower prices, if enough people complain to our elected officials, the prices usually come down. Tell them you'll vote this upcoming election.

    Its all a game.

    I just saw that the head of Exxon is retiring this month or year and his retirment package is $ 450,000,000 Thats right 450 Million and he made $52 million last year.

    Tell me they arent taking advantage of us. capitalism is fine but this is ridiculous. Call your congressman & reps and tell them their jobs are on the line

    www.senate.gov or www.house.gov you can find your reps & congressmen and email or call them


  4. I've had the same failure problem on all three of my M-5's, the little plasitic pieces that squeeze the metal tabs together get weak and eventually break off. To me, it's a flaw in the design, and should be looked into by X-terrior.


    You can buy the whole upper piece the black piece w/ everything in it, the metal tabs etc. from Xterior for $17.00 I've bought several and keep spares because of the metal tabs that can break and also because over time & a lot of use the fan width decreases down. Now other dont sell that whole pece and others that do sell it for a least double the money call Xterior and tell them others have bought it for $17.00 and they will get it to you for that price.

    With all the use & abuse I give the M5 I change them out every 4- 8 months

    As for psi vs gpm If I remember I'll call Ron today and see if he can come & explain all this


  5. Its amazing you mention this now, I too have just recently had the same problem on a building condo that was built about 7 months ago. Some parts of the window water beads up and then the same window different parts the water rolls off like it has Rain X on it. Its some kind of film left over from something. I ended up telling property it wasnt from my cleaning it was already there and I told them to contact window cleaning company.

    There were several windows like this

    WHat the heck is it and how do you get it off


  6. thanks again Jeff, are there surfaces that oxalic is unsafe on?

    Good question!

    I keep it off glass and if it does get on it I rinse it quick. Probably not good to put on any kind of fabric? If your brushing it on dont lay the brush on grass like I did once, burnt the grass. I'll lay it on mulch instead

    Ive never had a problem with Ox & overspray either its a pretty useful chem


  7. So I have read that oxalic is great to brighten concrete and wood. Does it have any other uses. Vinyl, asphalt, pvc fencing, etc. Thanks

    Ox will clean irrigation rust and some other rust stains off almost any surface. We have tons of irrigation rust around here it can get on all surfaces of houses & buildings and Ox takes care of it

    Check out some of the pics

  8. No disrespect Jeff but to brighten wood with a pump up the directions say to mix 2lbs to 5 gallons of water. So in my opinion he went a little strong with 1lb to 2 gallons water. The mix for brightening wood is a little weaker than it would be to clean concrete. Whether or not he stripped all the old sealer off is a good point though. In the 'before' brightening pics, the wood does look pretty dark but how would you know for sure that you got all the old stain off?

    Yup your right on the Ox mix my bad! Im no wood guy but the pics are showing black on the 1st pic after ox, it just doesnt look like it was cleaned off all the way. Maybe some of the wood guys could tell us ifit looks like it was cleaned enough. It might be just the type of wood. ???????

    My question to wood guys & gals is pump up effective, just seems like you might not get enough product down to strip wood and it also would take a lot of exta time

  9. Hey neighbor, Thanks alot for the offer. I'm sure I will be calling you soon.

    The fine folks over at Carolina Prowash (Thanks Roger and Celeste) have been holding my hand lately. I love the wood work they do. It's just that the more I learn, the more questions I have. And Heaven knows they are too busy to be fielding all the questions I am going to have over the next....well, who knows how long. But knowing them, they would make the time (really nice people).

    Thanks again,


    I dont know wood like Roger & Celeste but I know some and as for PWing I know enough to help you if you need it and I might be able to give you a hand and throw you some residential work if you'd like. Call me Monday I have about 6 homes to do, driveways and a couple small condo buildings if your around we could show you a thing or 2


  10. I stripped and brightend a cedar deck today using RM and Deckbrite. The RM was about 2 and 1/2 gallons left over from the end of last season that was out back in the shed. I mixed it 1 part chem to 3 parts water. The Deckbrite I used 1 pound to 2 gallons of water in my pump up.

    A rain shower came between the process of stripping and brightening. I made a call and a friend told me to mix the deckbrite heavier (which I thought I did.). Here are my results. The one picture the left side has no oxalic put on it yet and the right side does.

    To be honest, I am not happy with the brightening results. Maybe its because I am new and still learning my wood, but there was a 2 guys working out of a pickup truck that was across the street doing a deck and theirs brightend 30 times better than mine.

    When the wood actually dries out, will it make a drastic difference and look better?

    Thank for your help

    Don the RM is Steve Rowletts S hydrox product and did you Xjet RM or pump up, if Xjetted you did it to way to weak. The Deckbrite is Steves Oxalic and to Xjet it its 4lbs to a 5. Pump up Ox should be about 1lb to 1 gallon of water. Looks like you went to weak

    Also the pics look like it wasnt cleaned/stripped enough. Was there much stain on the deck before you started and was it oil. Did the stain/wood darker up a lot when you applied RM, it should have, if it doesnt and it doesnt start to come off easy I would of applied a little more RM and then low pressure it. I'd just do it stronger. Pump up you dont always get enough product on the wood. Try Xjetting and just keep surronding areas wet. Call Steve he'll give you the right mix

    Good luck


  11. Yup, no question 2 is it. With two kids, pay check job, and new pressure washing endeavor. I would explode if I had a 3rd.

    Hey, I live off of Forestbrook. I haven't seen your trailer parked for what seems like months now. Man you must be busy.

    Congratulations on your success,


    We'll be neighbors soon, Im building a house off Forestbrook, planters creek.

    Biz is good

    If you need any info or help you can call me days 446-5931

  12. Jeff,

    Thanks for the. I will try to locate some oxalic acid today. Other than brightening cement and wood, does if have any other good uses.

    Coventry is about 10 miles south of Prov. It is a great city. I know it like the back of my hand. I have had my share of fun in the city as well.

    I noticed you are in myrtle beach, I was planning my golf trip for May this year, but with a new born I am thinking November. Can you tell me what the weather is like then.

    Thanks, Mike

    Come on down!!

    Nov is 50/50 but usually in th 50's to 60's a lot of golfers, try Oct better chance of great weather Give me a call

    See Ya


  13. I mix it in warm water 4lbs to a 5 gallon drum, yes it can be mixed ahead of time, it last for quite a long time, months, just shake it up

    That mix is for Xjetting you can use 2-4 lbs per 5 to spray with pump up or brush on

    Hey Mas, is Coventry RI near Providence, I used to do a lot of the bridges/overpasses there paint & sandblast them. Providence is a good little city had some fun there.


  14. Mike,

    Unless I have been lied to by multiple distribs, it is based on PSI not gpm. Where did you get your info?

    Call Ron Strickland or mike at Xterior they will tell you for sure

    If I remember right its GPM You could have a 3gpm to 8gpm all 3500 psi

    My 3 gpm I use a smaller orifice my 4 & 5.5 I use a larger. Larger in the 3gpm doesnt work right, all the machines are 3500psi

    Call Ron 1-800-983-7467 they make it they will set everyone straight


  15. On concrete I would never just spot clean with Oxalic. It just leaves to light of spots and the rest of the driveway will look bad. Never had a problem with Ox hurting grass unless you spill it straight, then just dilute it.

    I Xjet ox on and like the pictures below it takes 5 minutes to apply, about a 5 gallon mix tops, its a great money maker and the customer is always amazed

    I get Ox for $42 a 55 lb bag of powder and mix it it 4lbs to a 5 with warm water. Less than 5 bucks in chem and i charge for a driveway like below $35-$50 just for the rust removal and about $80 for the cleaning

    I love Ox I use hundreds of lbs of it a year, They say it can make you sterile breathing it, tell that to my pregnant wife LOL

  16. My 1st was a Fury III forget the year but it was a monster, bought it for $40.00. Could fit 7-8 people in it & still smoke the tires

    I like GTO convertibles

    when I was 6 I wanted a hippy mobile, you know with peace & love written on it:groovy2:

  17. What a year so far, I'm about 40% more in gross now than i was at this time last year. I Love This Biz!!!

    Just landed another big one, will be signing soon and doing it within the next few months. Its 48 large 3 story condo buildings, clean all the buildings, all sidewalks, all gutters and we are figuring a price on cleaning the dryer vents of lint etc , plus replacing the dryer vent screens with new screens. We just have to wait for some repair construction to finish. Its going to be a big job thats for sure.

    Working on a schedule for them, it looks like we'll do buildings every 2 years, gutters every 6 months and possibly dryer vents every 6 months. This is also the company that I've been looking at all 60 of their properties.

    You know I still look back and say if it wasnt for these BB's I might still be doing a lot of things the hard way. What a great resource!

