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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. I do a ton a condo building washing and other residential type buildings but I was thinking I'd like to get other types of commercial work such as

    Fast food, strip malls, large shopping malls, commercial office buildings etc Banks too

    I'd like to get this type of work, things that you can get a contract for regular cleaning

    How do you all get this type of work?

    Say fast food places do you go in each individual store or do you contact regional offices. How & who would you want to speak to

    Strip malls, theres a zillion of them around here. Who owns & runs these places and how do you find out?

    commercial office buildings How & who

    What kinds of rates do you all charge say for strip malls fast food places etc. In the past 2+ years I've bid probably 8-10 fast food places, Pizza hut, Wendys etc, building washes & drivethroughs and I havent got any, so I guess I'm bidding to much. Do these types of places go for cheap money?

    Just wondering how its done?

    Thanks everybody!!!

  2. I am pretty sure it is dryvit. Is it safe to use my normal house wash with 12% on this with an x-jet and rinse with low pressure. If needed, will higher pressure damage this. I am also concerned about staining it with bleach. I am hoping that I can treat this just like an ordinary house wash.

    Same mix is fine. You can use higher pressure, if used properly with a wide fan, but really no need to if its just mold & mildew


  3. I do hardly any decks anymore, only have done a couple dozen in 4 years, but i have a 460 sq ft flat on the ground deck to do and the HO wants a light colored stain, no railings and one small bench

    It has some old stain still showing, I'll strip & put Ox on it. Whats an idiot proof stain that is light in color. I'll be brushing it on

    How much will I need and what will it cost need to give them a price. deck wood is in pretty good shape


    Not the wood restoration King


  4. We were doing a large pool deck today, guess what? NO I didnt fall in , my brother in law did FUNNY STUFF.

    We do a ton of pool areas for HOA's and I ve told the guys becareful and dont go for a swim. We usually get to pools and noones there or maybe a few old ladies. We get to this on and theres one beautiful girl in a G-string bikini ( I mean string ) she was something to look at. Well I tell her we will be washing , but she stayed anywway, what a distraction. Well my bro in law was over near her try to spray the edge of the deck so not to get dirt in pool and he says he slipped in. I think he was checking out the girls butt she had just turned over, not that I noticed, she wasnt shy thats for sure.

    Well I hear the splash and there he is in the 5 ft sections, I ran to help him and couldnt help laughing. She gave him a towel, nice girl. He had shorts on and I gave him an extra T shirt and we had extra new socks because my other guy a few days ago spilled a bucket of 12% in his shoes.

    I think I have to have another safety talk with the crew or at least ask the pretties to cover up, he said he wasnt looking at her SURE

  5. Congrats on landing that big fish!! We should all strive to be the kind of business you are operating. Jeff, maybe you should write a motivational book or something. I'm happy for ya, and also glad that you're not my competition:D

    Thanks i was real happy about the parking garage, I wasnt really sure I'd get it.

    I like what I do, its fun to watch how things play out over time


  6. Woke up this morning at 3:15AM had the crew coming in at 4AM to start work, we had a walkway bridge to do that crosses over the Blvd down at the beach. we had to get out there early to avoid traffic. Its a 4 lane road and we had to clean mold & mildew & rust stains off the over the road section plus we had several other areas of the front of the large hotel to do. Set up cones and had vest lighting , flash lights and flagmen. So we are washing away at 4:30 all we see is cops & a hooker or 2. We get the road way done and it looks great. Well theres another area we need to do, but when I bid the job it was a grassy area with a tree or 2 , well ow there full blown constuction of a lazy river they are building, cant get lift in the area its all sand and soft dirt. I'm aggravated the area we need to clean is 15-25 feet above us and needs some pressure to clean it. I go to GM and tell him we cant get in the area they send maintenance chief he says try lift if we get stuck the pool construction guys can pull us out with loader. Against better judgement I went in 10 ft and started getting stuck, I said the hell with that.

    How are we going to get this all kinds of stuff in our way. Talk to GM and tell him this is going to take more time and time is money. He wants this done bad, I'm getting real good money for job so I tell him, if he wants it done we'll do it it he covers my labor cost, he agrees on another $150.00. I put the guys on ladders & step ladders and we get it done, everything took less than 7 1/2 hrs. GM comes out of meeting and thanks us, says he's amazed how clean we got it, thannking me and the crew and he bought us lunnch. He told me he thought we wouldnt get it done, because of the construction and he thanked us for the extra effort. I told him I didnt want to leave something half done. We finished wrapping up everything and GM came over to me again and said he'll be calling for more work.

    Now this job paid $2650 for 7 1/2 hrs great pay day for sure. We left there and went and did a pool deck/clubhouse/pool furniture and that paid $550. great pay day all around.

    Theres money to be made in PWing so you guys that are wondering if its worth it and are just starting out. PWing is worth it and giving a little extra sometimes is noticed. I wanted to charge him more than just the extra $150 but i was getting good money so I said what the hell lets just get this job done and done properly

    Well this property has a 237,000 sq ft parking garage that I bid on a month or so ago and he said at the time he wanted to see how we work and he'll think about the garage, at the time he was saying its alot of money and I told him its a lot of garage.

    I get a call at 5:30 tonight its the GM. Guess WHAT????? He said fax him over contract for parking garage to be done in November. He said he was impressed with the quality of work and the extra effort and that we didnt walkaway with it half done. I thanked him and said that how we do biz. I GOT THE JOB !!!!!!!! So COOOOLLLLLLLLL

    Extra effort hard work and show them what you can do, will get you the work

    I get excited when a property appreciates a good contractor like US

    Told my wife about it and had her give me a pat on the back, I love when a plan cmes together

    I Love PWing



  7. Its tough out thee now

    2 +years ago Gas was about $1.40 now $2.50, 12% was $1.09 now $1.48, chems & shipping are up, all insurances GL & Comp up

    Try commercial/personal vehicle insurance it saved me quite abit

    I also am always try to be more efficient. Less wasted time. I keep my guys to 30 minute lunches 15 minute breaks. I'm stressing quicker set up & breakdown times, no talking & bullshitting, ask a question and get moving. I just stopped buying lunches for the guys, I went & purchased small cooler for each of them and told them to bring lunch.

    I have 1 guy come in 15-30 minutes earlier to get trailers ready or fill up machines, instead of 2 or 3 guys coming in to do it. I explain to them that every wasted minute is money lost and if they want a raise they have to perform and help me save money

    I have them waste less if a job calls for 1 1/2 gallons of 12% in a bucket I dont want them using 2 gallons

    Residential estimates I'm trying to do them one day a week. Commercial I still try to do within 24 hours

    Theres a lot of little stuff Im trying to save time with. I was seeing my guys having trouble puttng tip on wand the the next day the same thing, they were being lazy instead of changing QC they would just fight with the old one, I told them if your having problem with equipment fix or change it. Told them think a head, plan your next move, every second water isnt coming out of a wand is time wasted. Sometimes I have a ground man taking care of 3 guys spraying. I told him I want him hustling. If I see a guy run out of chem 'm all over the ground man.

    Our set up and breakdown has gotten much better and I try to praise my guys when they do great work. I have a good crew, but theres always room forr improvement in them & me

    Its tough out there but I'm always trying to think how to do things better


  8. Guys, What chem do you use on a brick house with bad mold ? This is probably somewhere here already but I can't find it. Thanks

    A hammer & chisel.....lol

    Strong 12% and you can use white nozzle or roto nozzle just make sure its not sand faced brick or has paint on it, do a test spot. I use roto nozzle a lot, you just have to figure out when you can use it & when not

  9. I'd try to do both school & pw, but school 1st while its free. Auto is great we will always be driving

    Or maybe you can get one of those jobs they say americans won't do lol OR come work for me I need some good help lol

    Good luck with whatever your choices are


  10. Breaking Ground just started laying block for foundation YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3rd pic is of Joshua & his Lincoln Logs. Every night for 2 months I have to sit with him and help him build a castle for mommy. I'm going to have him build our next house. Joshua's great and getting so darn big, he's not a baby anymore. He's going to love the bonus room/playroom

  11. Totally COOL got mine today also Thank you BOB. It is heavy duty and will be in my trailer soon

    Thanks for the F 18 been meaning to try it and now i will, Really Cool!!!!

    Hey Bob anything else you ned a name for, maybe a hot water skid

    PT Skidster

    PT Skid Mark One


    Thanks again!!!!!!:lgsideway


  12. Put in contract that all vehicles must be removed from work areas, Not responsible for any residents or guest vehicles or property not removed from work areas etc etc etc.............

    Now with that said, your still going to have some cars in the work area. If you know overspray is going to hit the cars wet the cars 1st and then rinse them off real quick it adds a minute or 2 but not really that much of a hassle

    Anybody complains tell them they just got a free car wash LOL


  13. When did you know it was time to quit "the job" and do pressure washing full time?

    It can be done Dustin, your in the south so EVERYTHING has to be cleaned sooner or later. You have to have a lot of drive. You have to put many many hours every week just trying to get the work that will support you. The 1st few years are the toughest. With a lot of drive you can do it. I had to make my biz work, I didnt want to work for anybody any more, I was new to the south, no jobs pay really good blue collar jobs. So I set out and pushed myself to make it work. I'm up many hours in the mornings faxing, writing companies. If I work 40-60 hours a week , I also am working another 10-20 hours doing office work, selling, marketting etc. But its all worth it and can be for you as long as your ready to be your own boss. Its not just 40 hours make a few grand. Its work but I find it fun

    Good luck and go wash something


  14. Today, I was informed by a condo association that they would like me to submit my bid for a few units. I asked do you have any other competitors involved in this bid. The association manager says yes we have another powerwasher and a landscaper to do the gutters.

    This is what gets me what does a landscaper have to do with a pressure washing. I was wondering if the forum can help me put together a few questions to have for the condo association to ask this landscaper. Maybe by showing them the answers to the question and having them ask the landscaper I could get the landscaper to not answer the questions right and wamm they condo association would go for my bid and work.

    So much help is needed from my team members on the board on some tough and articulate questions. Also it would be nice if the questions I ask would have some literature to back up the answers.

    Also just a little info on the condo.

    Tan with vinyl sideing

    white gutters

    Dont worry about your competition, sell your company. Tell them "not to put down the landscaper, but this is what you do". That you have the right equipment & chems and you dont use high pressure as many do.

    You specialize in building washing, not lawn care and tell them that.

    Vinyl condos easy stuff to do, all it is is a big house

    Good luck if you have any questions pm or call me. I love vinyl condos


  15. Excellent link Jeff. I've been buying dickies for $21/pair. Any tips on buying shirts that hold up (color) to bleach like Dickies pants?

    Walts as you see have uniform shirts also but I dont like them because they have old logo patches on them, you can request that they send you shirts without any, but they still have the adhesive residue on them and it doesnt look good and I cant have logo screenprinted on them.

    I haven't found any shirts that hold up, I guess I could buy dickie style shirts new, but in the summer heat they are really hot from past experiences

    FYI when you buy the pants ask them how the sizes run, I get mine just a little bigger and they fit real well, but Im getting fat, so what I think is big is actually my real size now LOL

    The uniform pants are great thou from Walts and the delivery fee is cheap also


  16. I use M-5 Xjet for everything I do, it gives me what ever concentration I want to mix. I have 5 M5's and we fly through condo complexes no matter how much mold & mildew there is. The adjustable M5 helps in tight areas also.

    I have 35-40 ft of hose on xjet you place the bucket or drum and can get a large area


  17. Jeff thats pretty cheap,in Florida I am under the same code as a painter.I pay about $16 dollars per hundred.So count your blessings and raise your rates to cover it.The $5 dollar per hundred is close to secretary rates here thats dirt cheap.Just be glad your not a roofer! I would keep quiet about all those high rises you do if they found out They might not cover you under that same code.

    I guess its about right then.

    I used to be able to get a rider on my policy for the tall stuff, not as of last month, my agents working on something so I can keep doing them, if I want. I just passed on 3 bids for high rises because of it.

    I got plenty of work to cover the cost of WC its just that my agent said it shouldnt be under concrete construction. Its just been a shock paying all the taxes & comp on 3 fulltime guys & myself. I pay what I have to and dont mind, just want to get the best rates

  18. Whats everyone paying for Workers Comp and do you know the code your listed under?

    Me & my insurance agent are having a battle with the carriers of South Carolina comp.

    I dont have handy the actual codes comp goes by, but my agent used to list PW companies under a certain code# and the discription stated building maintenance, window washing etc etc and it cost a little over $5.00 per $100. Now I had a different agent carrier last year and I was paying just over $13.00 per $100 and I was listed under a different code, but the discription was "concrete construction" ???? but if you look further into the decription for Concrete Constuction it says building washing.

    My newest agent who listed under the $5.00 rate was told to change that isnt for PWing of buildings and now he has to charge the higher rate & code. I spent some time in his office and he made a few calls and the agency that governs the codes said he has to go under the Concrete Construction one, its the only one that says building washing.

    Now concrete construction is a much higher risk, alot of the discription states buildin of walls, pile driving etc etc much riskier than washing a condo.

    Now the WC company I just left is doing the annual audit on me and the lady doing it called and asked me some basic questions, then she called back and asked why Im under the code for concrete construction and I stated that we dont think its right but thats what we've been told we have to go under and I told her if you look further into the description for that code you'll see it states building washing.

    She said its a lot higher risk factor concrete construction and she said she was going to check into it further. She called yesterday and said the code was the only code that states building washing and she was told we are in the right & only code.

    Now everybody agrees that PWing isnt concrete costruction but thats what I'm stuck with. The rate under that code varys depending if your in assigned risk or not but its from $12.51 to $13.88 per $100

    My question is whats everybody else paying is it arounf $12-$14 or much lower???

    I'm going to try to research it more but just dont have the time. Basically they dont have a code for just PWing and Im stuck paying what I'm paying and it sucks. I'm paying almost $5500 this year

