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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. As a sole pro. you would not be covered by your WC policy. But as a S corp. or LLC you would. Compare the cost of WC to a disability policy. I look at this way, expensive maybe, don't look at it as taking 900.00 or whatever the amount lump some would be. What does it cost you an hour for that protection. If your policy was $ 2000.00 that would be about a $ 1.00 an hour. Would you lose any clients if you raised your price $ 8.00 per day?

    We had a member of our local trade chapter sue a client because he got hurt at their home and he had no insurance. How does that make our trade look?

    People complain when government agencies policy an industry. Proper insurance is part of the cost of doing business.




    Just because your an S Corp doesnt mean you automatically covered under WC. Im S corp and I'm not covered. Its alot of extra $$$$ to get coverage for me ALOT!!!!


  2. For those of you around Myrtle Beach and those who have vacationed here for years & decades from around the south and the country, I thought you might like to know that the Myrtle Beach Pavilion will be closing for good at the end of this upcoming season.

    Ive only lived here for 6 years and never knew about the Pavilion before that, but its a shame. Its an amusement park that has been around 50 years a great wooden roller coaster and about 50 other rides. Ive met people that have had 4 generations vacation here because of the Pavilion and now it will be gone. Its the 1st amusement park I brought my almost 3 year old son to and he had a GREAT time, smiling & laughing and yes being a little scared too, but he had so much fun. Its to bad, people met at the Pavilion and later got married, families would go to the beach across the street all day and go ride rides all night. They have a crazy organ that was brought here from Germany and has been playing for 48 years it was built in 1890's. alot of history in that old place, I feel real bad for the millions who came here more than once for an affordable good time with there families and now they will put up some shops, cafes and a few high rises, to bad. Oh how the area is changing they are tearing down all the small hotels & shops along the Blvd and putting up high rise condos, not to much fun for the average blue collar family anymore

    Just thought some of you who may of visited the Pavilion would want to know.

    I'll miss the roller coaster, I really dont like the real fancy crazy roller coasters they have nowadays, but i love the old rickety wood ones. I'll be Taking Joshua this year and will post some pics, OH WELL its called progress


  3. You know I'm always saying call, fax, write, WELL are you doing it?

    Yesterday I made 8 or 9 calls, a couple were to PM companies I looked up on the super pages and there were web sites with names of PM's, Ive called, faxed and written them before several times with no responses. The calls didnt take more more than 20 minutes total

    I left messages on their voice mail, something Like ..... Hi Im ---- of ------ ----- just calling to see if you have any properties you'd like us to look at for pressure washing, we do from homes to high rises and everything in between. We would be glad to look at any project and give you a proposal. Just thought Id call and see if I could help you. Thank you and heres my #--- ---

    Guess what I got a callfrom one today, they want me to look at 3 pool areas at a residential neighborhood COOL , the foot is in the door

    Several of the other calls I made yesterday was to PM's Ive worked for in the past. One PM I have done 2 jobs for, one job was 5, 2 story condos and the other is a $600 pool deck, concrete and pool house. Well she also called me and said she hasnt got OK for pool deck job yet, but we will be doing it. She asked me if I remembered the 5 buildings we did over a year ago, I said sure. She said could you give proposal again there are now 9 buildings completed. No problem will get back to her COOL!!!! 1 minute later she called back andsaid she forgot to mention that they need a proposal on a 4 STORY parking garage TOTALLY COOL.

    WELL ARE YOU CALLING ????.........It works, I bet I get more calls, sometimes thes PM's have so much going on they just dont think of everything and you or I calling actually helps them.

    Ive been doing calls like these for 3 years + and it pays off eventually if not immediately. You have to get your name out there.



  4. jeff, one question...how are you going to feed the

    5.6 gpm portable unit? you would need 6.6 gpm out of the spigot. you might not get that much flow out of

    every spigot.

    Bob, I now have my 5.6 hot and a 4gpm running off my tank. Im just going to replace the 4gpm with the cold 5.6. I just need to speed up my cleaning time on the condos.

    Im also thinking of setting up a small tank 15-25 gallon with a float valve so if I want i can take it out of trailer and some spigots I hope to get the gpm

    Mostly will use it off tank


  5. I just picked a bi annual cleaning of 15K concrete walks at a local golf course, it was a referall, very nice guy the golf pro.

    He called again yesterday and asked if i would meet with his grounds man. He wants to set up an annual cleaning of all of the wood bridges throughout the golf course. The way it sounded is there are several of these bridges. He says they all need cleaning and are slippery when wet (mold mildew I would think)

    Now Ihavent seen them yet, but I have some questions on water supply and how to transport the water.

    Has anyone done wood bridges on golf courses?

    I would imagine there is no faucets water supply at each bridge. I was wondering if anyone else has done these and how they got water supply to do them. I know I probably/ almost definitly cant drive truck & trailer all over golf course, so how do you think I'll be able to do these bridges?

    Anybody any ideas. I'll look at them today



  6. I hate the thought of buying used truck and something going wrong with it. I bought my 01 dodge new and never had a problem with it in 4 1/2 - 5 years. I dont know if I'll get 4 1/2 months without a problem with a used truck. Alot has to do with me not being very mechanical

    I am going to look at used, because I refuse to pay 30K for a work truck and thats all I want it for. Pretty truck is later, Ive had them before.

    Thanks for your opinions


  7. HOLY CRAP, have you seen the prices for new trucks:lgbugeyes . I just started looking for another work truck. Im looking for a new 2500. I looked at Dodges diesel & gas. I just want a stripped down work truck, Dodge doesnt really have a stripped down 2500. The Diesel they wany 35K, gas $30K Damn thats alot of money just for a work truck. Its a Hemi, the hell with Hemi just give me a strong 8 cylinder Hemi, Im not going to race at Daytona

    I may just have to look for a used, really dont want a used truck. Be looking at Chevy's in next couple days

    Man the money they want could choke a horse. Man Im going to have to up my prices on house washes 1000 sq ft or over house New Price $1800 under 1000 sq ft house $1700.00 and concrete $2.00 a sq ft, . That will help me pay for a new truck LOL:lgtear: :lgbonk: :bullistic


  8. hey Jeff have you ever considered doing a marketing class i mean man just reading some of your stuff is like motivationale. If you do sign me up. It seems like you know all the right buttons to push. O just curious how was it when you first started with everything slow or right off the rip fast.

    It all depends on how you describe slow. I am actually ahead of where I thought Id be. Its takes time. I can tell you I am very lucky, for more than a few reasons. I am in an area with great growth, Its a retirement area, it is the #8 place for people to retire in the country, its still an area where you can get a house reasonably priced, but also a lot of high end. Condominiums and houses are being built at record pace. With all the baby boomers moving here I dont see it slowing down for some timeand if it does slow I'll be established pretty well and should be OK

    Its also a vacation area, with the Atlantic Ocean at your door steps. Alot of investment going on etc.

    We are also in an area that everything has to be cleaned, theres no way around it, everything gets mold & mildew on it within 6-18 months. I LOVE MOLD & MILDEW

    Its also an area with poor work ethic when it comes to contractors, really bad. Althou pricing is less than many areas. I figured if I wanted to be a one man operation, Id do OK, but the way to make the money here is to have employees and let them make you money. I might have a job for $7000 and in one week get it done with 3 guys, labor materials I make say $5000, now if I did it alone it would take 3 weeks, not great money.

    As for getting the work, like I said Ive been very lucky. One guy a know here is responsible for about 30-40% of my work in one way or another. He has gotten my foot in the door with many companies or I got my foot in the door and he's held it open. He knows and works for 2 of my best PM companies. He does alot for me because as he says Im good & reliable, more reliable than any type of contractor he knows

    I cant believe how lucky I was last year and this year is going to be so much bigger & better. But it took time. I started residential and did everything the hard way. When I say these BB's have helped me so much I mean it!!! But doing the residential first really helped me to learn the trade.

    As for marketing class thats funny. Im really not a pro at it at all, I was just determined. If I didnt make this biz successful, I dont know what I would have done for a living. I really didnt want to work for somebody and just have an average life, I dont have alot of skills so I wouldnt have made much money or I would have had to go back up to Mass and work in the Steel Painters Union again, which was a great trade, but I came close to getting killed on jobs sites a couple times. Plus I have a past up there I didnt want to revisit and Im sick of cold weather

    So like I said my marketing was based on determination. But I worked hard at getting the work, Call, write, fax, mail is how Ive expanded on my biz, it really works. Determined persistance is a good trait Ive developed in this biz.

    So for my first marketing class remember write, fax, call, mail and ask for work always and show the customer you really appreciate them. Thank them always and show them you are more than they expected.

    I have so many pluses in this area, the climate, the lack of good contractors etc etc So with a few years of hard work I am buiilding myself a very nice biz. There are tough times, with employees, on site problems, just all of a sudden work starts to dry up, it can be a PITA & scary, learn your trade and be reliable and you can grow from there.

    I thank you and others for saying what I write is motivational, Im glad, I enjoy writing this stuff and showing it can be done. When I say if I can do it anyone can. You can you just have to work very hard, but the pay off can be real good. Other than the money the biggest pay off is seeing Im accoplishing something many couldnt or wont.... A nice business, I can call my own

    Thanks again


  9. Those big home are a pain to clean,i much more prefer 2-4 hour jobs,but i still never pass them up

    What is your most expensive house wash so far?


    The Pink house in the pictures we did for $775.00 it took me and one of my workers around 6 hours to do it was a PITA, but I had a lift to get to all the 8 homes, so where we could drive the lift we used it, the upper areas oceanfront were a pain. Then we did some brick walls & walks for another $300

    There was one other that we did for $825. I think that was my most expensive just house wash. Wewere working usually 2 houses at a time we were done with all 8 in 4 or 5 days with some extras

    Its a pretty sweet job. I like that we do several because the lift made it easier, alot less ladder work. I hate washing on ladders

    If we get all 18 it will be a good money job

  10. How do you handle the situation if you don't know the answer(s)?

    What is your response?


    I usually know the answers now to most questions, but if Im really dont have any idea I'm honest and tell them I just dont know and I'll look into it and get back to you.

    When I was real new to this not long ago, Id try to BS them or just say I dont know. I dont like either answer thou. With time & experience comes knowledge. Ive been caught stammering for the right answer before and now just tell them the truth.

    Now if it was questions about wood, I know very little and thats part of the reason I dont try for wood work, I'll leave that stuff up to you pro's

  11. Those are houses? I've seen smaller hotels!!!

    Theres a few that are even bigger.

    Last year I had to do the last 2 houses there by myself, my worker went on a crack binge. I had the biggest one to do it was the board presidents it was 4 1/2 stories and to top it off I broke a brick on one of his fence walls with the lift. Man Im thinking why the HOA Prez. He was cool, his mason fixed it for $35

    Hey wheres Chaplin MN, my wife has family in Marshall & Minneapolis

  12. Jeff, Do you ever sleep ?????

    Plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead.

    Really I get my paper work, proposal, etc etc done in the wee hours. I dont like doing it all when its family time. Plus Im buried alive with proposals to do, I cant complain

    Did they ship the skid yet?

  13. Im glad you all like my post, These BB's are so much help to me also, I wouldnt be anywhere without them and you all. Ive been pretty lucky.

    Thanks for letting me share whats going on in my life. Its a great help to me and its relaxing and I learn so much from you all

    Thanks everyone for everything. Now could you help me figure out how the heck Im going to be able to do all this:lgbugeyes :lgbonk:

    You know its really funny, I dont know S--- about biz, I mean it, but i get it done somehow, If you could see my home office & paper work.......LOL



  14. I'm going to have to invest in some equipment real soon. Im not mister machanic at all. Im just trying to figure out what I should buy, maybe you all can give me some advise PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

    I'll explain what Im thinking

    Right now I have one hot unit trailer. I need anoher one, I'll get back to that

    I do a ton of condo complexes so I dont need hot water often for this kind of work. Now I use my hot unit , cold and then I use 2-4 cold 4gpm machines, after using my 5.6 gpm machine I realize the 4gpm just arent enough, they feel like Im using a squirt gun

    So I want more GPM, but if I set it up on a trailer, it isnt as portable as I need sometimes. Like the project Im on now. Im having to run as much as 550' of pressure line for my trailer unit to reach everything. So I dont know if I should get a portable 5.5gpm or 2 of them, so I have the GPM power and be able to move them around.

    Im think 2 ways here set up a trailer with 2 portables 5.5 gpm and leave on trailer and take off as needed

    Then Im thinking run as much hose as I need and get a COLD water 8gpm machine. no heat

    I just dont know how I should go, Portability really would help

    As for hot trailer set up. I need 8gpm skid unit trailer & all extras for the parking garages which I'll be getting alot of

    Hell Im even thinking about the swabby 48

    Now another factor is money, so I want to get what I need now, so I dont have to spend later. Between the building my house and other bills I dont have the cash now to buy all this now outright, so I'll have to lease or get a loan. So I want to figure out what i need and where to buy it at the best prices and I'll need it setup for me. one I dont have the time to set up and Im not really mechanical at all, but mostly time is a factor

    Im thinking the swabby might be a good Idea, Im thinking Im going to have about 1,000,000 plus sq ft of parking garages this year .

    Swabby may be just a dream for now because of cost

    Could someone tell me exactly what I need, set it up for me and tell me how to pay for it, hell while your at it cold you deliver it on a silver platter/pallet to my front door LOL:lgwave:

    Really just looking for advise, portable, stationary?

    Now I just have to find good help to man this stuff

    OH YA, I need trucks for all this. Dam I wish I' win the lottery

  15. I did 8 houses in this one gated oceanfront neighborhood last year. The property manager and HOA prez set it up. It was a good job. Yesterday the PM called and said there are now 18 houses to do this year, just go give a price for the addition 10. Theres some very nice homes all are stilt style homes

    They want then done before Easter. Thats going to be a tough one. I dont think I'll be able to fit them all in, I'll work something out with it.

    Good relationships with PM's can lead to some nice referalls. I know alot of people say PM's dont care about us, but they are my best allies

    Let the good times roll

  16. Glad to hear that Jeff!! Love to sit and read your ramblins sometimes kinda inspires a guy. Keep it up dude!!!!! :cool:

    just like to babble about the biz, the wife is alright to talk to but, just doesnt follow what I'm saying all the time, she's busy being Mom, pregnant and watching American Idol & America Top Model

  17. I had 4 appointments today, 3 with General Managers of large ocean front hotel/condo towers and one with a golf pro, for a local course

    You know with time & experience you learn how to handle people/customers better. Having the answers and being ready for what ever they throw at you helps

    Two of the people were great, were open to having me do the work, they were referalls. No problem went in and told them what needed to be done and some of it they said ok and some has to wait because of money or time

    One of the other GM, was trying to beat me down on price, but I had all the answers. Its a 90K+ parking garage & front entrance. We are going to be doing it 2 times a year. The first time we are only doing the 1st 5 floors of 10 floors,so he asked me the price for doing half. I told him since he's with this certain PM company I'll do the job for half the total of but theres a little extra of the front entrance I'll be doing and I should charge extra. It cmes out to $6600 for all 10 floors, so $3300 for 5 floors. He says they only have $3000 in the budget for the 1st cleaning. He wanted me to take off $300. I told him I CAN'T. I told him that my price is very good and so isnt our work. I told him theres a reason you got rid of the last company, its either they charged more or did subpar work or both. I once again stated our price is good and our quality of work is unsurpassed by any in the area. He paused for a while and I pulled out my contract. I explained excactly what & how we were going to clean the parking garage and told him if he signs now the price is set for 2 years. He asked again for me to lower my price and I nicely said if he needs time to think about it ok. I started pulling back contract and he said let me see it. A few minutes later he signed it. It felt good getting this signed.

    Now another GM had told one of my PM's that he wasnt ready to sign for their 230,000 sq ft garage. He wanted to try us out on a smaller project. So we met today and he showed me what he wanted done. Its an aarea of the front of building that is shwing mold, mildew & rust. We went in his office and I gave him a price it was under $2000 he said that was fair. So I brought up the parking garage, Now I already had known that they were only going to do this garage once a year at most, a heads up from the PM. So he asked how I come up with my figure on the garage. Its a square foot rate. Im charging $.06 since he's with this certain PM company the same one as above. He tells me if its done twice a year thats almost $30,000 a year

    He asked me why so much. Simple answer "Sir its a big parking garage" He told me they had someone do it last year for $8000. I asked him why they arent doing it this year. He paused and said it didnt look like they did anything they werent happy with the job. I told him let me explain how we do it and I did. He said how does he know we'll do a better job. I asked him if the other company used hot water, surafce cleaners degreasers . He saud he didnt know. I also said instead of 2 times a year, we'll do it one time to save money so its not $30K its less than 15K. I was told they werent going to do it 2 times by PM

    I told him let me do a sample, let me show him what can be done. We do sample next week, 20X20 I told him. He Ok'd the little job and he thanked me for explaining everything

    Now I dont know if we'll get the parking garage or not. Id say a good chance. But as their complaining about quality, price etc. I was ready for any question he threw at me.

    Today was a good sales day. held my ground and told them why they cant afford not to use us. We'll see what happens

    I dont know why I wrote all this, just wanted to share my days experience

    The calls and work just keep coming in. I also got phone ok from 2 other PM's to schedule projects. This is going to be one hell of a year:lgsideway


  18. I'm looking for a new rig. Something completly setup. I dont have the time to set one up from scratch. Ive seen some nice set ups, but alot of them have not much room for extra stuff

    Any of you out there who know how to search can you help me out and post some sites & pics. I just dont have the time. Im getting slammed with work & estimates

    I'm looking for nothing over 14' trailer so it will fit in garage. Maybe 8gpm, reels etc

    Also if you could find me some good employees would help LOL

