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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Thanks to everyone for the nice comments.


    The house wash the I am using is off the shelf store bought from Xterior. I'd Like to start mixing my own, but I have experience doing that stuff. Don't want to melt the siding off from someones home, but at $41.00 for 5 gallons of concentrate, I'm going to have to learn from someone.

    Anyone care to share? PM or email


    I bought the same stuff from Ron of Xterior, then he told me about 12% and soap, Get 12% and some soap or even their Barlox, little pricey barlox.

    Ron helped me alot. I can mix a 5 of house wash for under $2.00 for vinyl

    Just ask questions here you'll learn, Ron was the one that told me about BB's

    Good luck

  2. OK Motivational speech coming up.:rolleyes:

    I share alot of pictures and my experiences with you all, not to brag or even not to show off my work. The TGS and others are a place I can share with others that have some of the same business interest and I like that, hell I love this place & this biz

    I get some helpful & very nice responses from you all and I thank you, for allowing me to bore you all with my babbling

    Im looking back now on my biz life since Im coming up on my 2 year anniversary of going fulltime. I went fulltime March 2004.

    Now I want to tell you all, mainly the newbies or the guys that been in it for a little while but now want to grow. It can be done

    Alot of you have heard all or part of my story. You know the stuff, like was crazy partier for years, waited till 39 to get married & have children, no real education, not a great speaker or saleman. Not mechanically inclined at all, etc etc etc

    Well 2 years ago I took a big leap, before that I had hunted down 2 property managers of 2 dirty properties, each one took over 9months to a year to get the jobs. Well I got the OK to do the 2 big jobs in Feb 2004 and started one in March2004 and then the other one was scheduled for June 2004 and I had an alright residential biz that I knew would fill up at least 4-6 months of the year. I was worried that I might not have enough work to support my family comfortably, but I had to go full time because I couldnt do these to big jobs parttime. It was a complex of 32 buildings & one of 35 buildings

    Now let me get to my point, finally, Ya right

    I see alot of guys out here with motivation and some great ideas. You can do this. I did these 2 big complexes in 2004 with 2 cold water 4gpm machines and 1 rental machine, I had no employees except a kid who worked sometimes for me and he quit 3 days before the big job. I freaked and was VERY scared and almost gave up. My wife said Jeff you can do it, hire a temp and do it yourself if you have to. Here I was no workers and 32 buildings to clean, I called my brother in law who worked nights and who helped me many times PWing, I asked him to work this job with me and asked him if he knew of anybody that wanted a job, I was paying $10 an hr. Well My Bro In Law worked & he found a freind of a freind who wasnt working and I hired a Labor Ready guy. I taught them what to do and we finished the job. I couldnt believe it. The property loved us!!!!! That was the start of something big!!!

    Now Im sort of in the same boat. I have 2 fulltime guys but it looks like enough work were I'll have to hire for several months a couple more fulltime guys or more, I'll need moe equipment etc etc. I stress, but not to the point of hurting me. I just want to be the best and not screw up and I want to do all this work on time & great.

    I will do it, why? because I WANT IT!!!!

    Do you want it bad enough to spend, hours, days , weeks yes years to secure the work. Then you have to work it, live it!!!

    I see the post on marketing & on equipment. You dont have to be the saleman of the year or have all the biggest and best machines, althou it would help. Ive rented equipment and Ive done some very low cost marketting and its worked and it can work for you guys

    Residential or commercial what ever you want to do, you can get the work, but you HAVE TO invest time to get the work ALOT of time. The work itself in a few months you can be a pro, almost! With these BB's what you dont know you can learn from those here. But getting the work is the hard part right?

    I have no fancy brouchures, no smooth sales pitch. You have to show the people you want their work and tell them what you can do for them.

    Alright what are you doing to gear up for this year? Alright you have 1000 post cards, your in one newspaper your ready to start your advertising blitz, Its NOT ENOUGH!!!

    You cant afford to do more you have to afford it. You have a computer make up some simple cheesy fliers, buy a roll of stamps every other week and send fliers out now and dont stop for a few months, spring thru summer. Newspaper ads expensive, look for neighborhood newsletters, go to neighborhoods and pull up to a home owner and ask them if they have a neighborhood newsletter. Ask the person if you gave them a cheap price on a roof cleaning & house wash could you use them as a sales tool. Do the job, but before you do it, drive around the whole neighborhod and write down every address, make a flier and invite the people to come watch you work.

    My wife and I drove around neighborhoods and would write down thousands of addresses and then we would fill out envolopes by had and mail them, I mean thousands of them. I didnt know how to do it any other way at the time, neither of of were good with the computer, we did it all by hand. You get one job, do it geat and ask the people to help you out getting more work. Be sincere, tell them please tell your freinds, neighbors & family about you

    I posted fliers in supermarkets, put up inexpensive door hangers, drpped cards every doctors office store that I could find an empty spot. I sent over 10,000 fliers and postcards 2 years in a row.

    You cant do a little advertising you have to alot for at least a couple years to get established some what.

    Commercial, youve heard me say it before, write, fax, call all the fricking time. You get a job call & thank them and ask for more work, look on the net for companies and write, fax, call. Your afraid to talk to them cold call over the phone, leave message(s) on their voice mail, that way they get the message and you dont have to talk to them directly at first. My faxes are simple black & white on my computer, look unprofessional maybe but they work

    My motavation for my biz is I dont ever want to work for anybody again and I want to support and care for my family and be comfortable

    Well Im going to end this. Its Saturday morning and we go to start the big job today. OH ya you'll have to work alot of hours. But now theres many times I send my guys to do the work and I either try to relax, take a nap or Im calling writing & faxing

    Im lucky with the area Im in theres a ton of work, but unless you live in the back woods thers plenty of work out there, you just have to find it and let them know your here to do it

    GOOD LUCK and do it and do more!!!! Its out there you just have to make up your mind if you really want it. This goes for the guy who just wants to suppliment their income or wants it fulltime, one man operation or if you want a crew or 2.

    I love this biz and it shows to my customers

    Oh ya Ive been up since 4 am I worked on 2 proposals and faxed 15 PM's companies

    You all know Im not an expert on all this, but I work hard at it.

    I'll shut up now got to get ready for work:lgjump:

    Thank you everybody for your help and some of the nice comments



  3. HUGE UNDERTAKING!!!!!, Let me tell you looking at these properties and doing proposals for them is time consuming, but is already paying off Ive looked at and measured out 9 properties already and have submitted proposals for 6 of them already. We got some or all of the work proposed on 4 of the properties already and the PM is working on the others. One we did not get, couldnt compete with a lowballer already with the one property

    Like I said its time consuming, with all the work we have to do. Im not complaining AT ALL, this is GREAT and The PM is on top of this. As one of his emails said after he gave me the ok it said "More to come" got to love it


  4. I was in Northern Tools this morning (my new temple) and saw what looked like CAT's (as in CAT pumps) version of an X-Jet for $54. Has anyone else seen these or had experience with them. I was holding off on getting an X-Jet but for this price I may go ahead and get one. Picked up my 3700/4 cold water unit today for $700! Clearance unit without hose or gun (hence the visit to N. Tools). 13hp Honda direct drive with an AR pump. Think I got a pretty good deal.

    Thats a good price. Ive done tons of work for 5 years with my direct drives i bought from Lowes. They look beat now but I use them all the time with very little maintenance.

    I like the belt drives, to use off a tank

    Good luck with your new machine, now go out there and make some money!!!!!!


  5. From what I understand Additional Insured used to be free all the time, because the insurance is already there. But a couple agents told me the charge is just so the insurance co can make extra money and thats the only reason. My agent told me right out its a rip off by big insurers.

    Its to bad but a fact of life

    I put in my proposal and additional insured will have to be paid by the client. Only had one company ***** about paying. It was a small job and I passed on it, because they wanted 2 additiona insured $200 out of a $750.00 job. Told thanks but no thanks.


  6. At the risk of getting flamed again, I'll elaborate a bit. My concern about the low ballers here is not that they are taking my work. That I have. My concern is that they are lowering customers expectations on price, quality, etc. They are selling Yugo's.

    Take the ad that was up for example, that's not a flyer being distributed by a fly-by-nighter. That is one of 5 established regular advertisers in the largest circ newspaper on the south side (4 county area). Of the 5, 2 advertise "one size fits all" prices that are well below par. And one of 2 (the other being me) that pays a premium to advertise 4 color in the Home and garden section.

    Anyway, my point is that our customers are being bombarded by Wal-Mart and McDonalds advertising. The message is clear; Cheap, mediocre, disposable is better for your wallet than expensive, premium, top shelf, etc.

    I agree, Anyway you look at it, lots of lowballers are hurting the industry in many ways. If a guys new and doesnt know better thats one thing but like you say a seosoned competitor dropping his prices like he did is no good. I wonder why he did it?


  7. Lot clearing is almost done they just have to addabout 20 truck loads of dirt

    1st pic, my lots down the end of the cul de sac behind the trucks, Im happy I went with the cul de sac lot so my kids can play without hardly any traffic

    2nd pic clearing day YAY!!!!!!!!

    should start building in a month YAY!!!!!!!

    Pretty happy about it all, Had realtors over to list our houses for sale, bought mine 3+ years ago and is listing for 65K more than I bought it for and we should get it

    Cant wait to get in the Kings new palace LOL


  8. Jeff go at a pace you feel comfortable with. There is good stress and bad stress. Growing to fast and being out of control is a rude awakening.

    I hear you James, just thinking ahead. I figure my goal of 500K in 2-4 years I'll be able to handle and when I get to that point I hope to have a couple reliable crews or more and also have all the kinks out and just maybe go with someone to generate sales to take me beyond the $500K goal. By that time I'll know if I want to go beyond 500k. If its to much I'll just go with what I have and enjoy.

    Just dreaming , just like when I had the $350,000,000 Power ball lottery spent. I didnt win oh well.




  9. I have a Pressure Pro hot 5,6 well we were working today and the machine made a noise and then it shut down. I had the burner on. We got to the trailer and the housing that holds the fan on the Beckett motor came unscrewed and just fell right off. It screwed up the fan blades bad, broke several of them. fan is useless.

    My question is should this have happened, the machine is only 5 months old and Ive only have used heat maybe 400 maybe 500 hours tops. Ive cheecked other nuts & bolts on this machine but never cheacked the beckett motor. I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone and should this be covered under warrenty

    What a BUMMER when I saw it



  10. Jeff, you're business(commercial) is a shoe-in for a salesman. Here are some suggestions for getting started without having to hire a full time guy right away that is going to cost you 30k+ per year.

    1) Talk to your guys. Are any of them competent and well spoken? If you think you have a guy that can represent you well offer him added incentive on making sales in addition to his normal work. Tell him he will become a "partner". Offer him a decent amount of any sale he makes.. 20 percent of the net profit from any work he gets would not be unreasonable in my opinion. To add to his incentive set a smaller amount for every time that account needs work. If the a maintenace job is 3 grand he makes maybe $500 on the first round. After that he makes $150 every time the account is serviced. Let him know when he leaves your company all the accounts are 100% property of JL. If you don't have a guy on your crew that can do this, hire a part time salesman that already has a regular job and offer he same thing (no salary, all commission)

    2) Join local business networking associations. I just started going to breakfasts with a local chapter that has builders, painters, mortgage broker, real estate agents and property managers. Check out www.bni.com for local chapters.

    3) Read every marketing, sales and closing book you can. Attend seminars. Learn how to overcome objections. If you become a good salesman you will then be able to teach your staff good habits. I do not mean this personally in any way especially since you and I have never spoken but I will tell you from experience that most people that consider themselves excellent salespeople are actually very weak. You can never get enough education in marketing and sales.

    4) Watch your profit margins. maximize your advertising budget. Get as much literature as you can on the streets and into key hands (sounds like you do a great job with that already)

    5) Make sure you have good staff so you can handle exponential growth and do like you said.. PR work instead of holding a pressure wand.

    Thanks for the advise, all this is in the future, just thinking ahead, a few years back I would of been happy just paying my bills, because thats all I thought PWing would be able to do, just pay bills

    I now realize that this could be big biz. Without to many bumps, I can see the future of JL could really be something and I just wanted to expand on it.

    I think what helps me in sales, which I'm not really great at, is my sincerity, the ability to do the work good aand do it on time. The sincerity shows, I love whats going on in my biz and I love my customers.

    If I keep the good work up and customer service the sky is the limit and the reason I'm thinking salesman is to keep the prospects coming.

    Ive done some reading and have been listening to the links you gave me and it just reenforces my thoughts on growing my company

    thanks agian


  11. Has anybody in larger PW companies ever hired a saleman

    Now I'm looking way in the future, but if I could find someone talented as a salesman to constantly be out looking for more work, I would think the skies the limit.

    This is my dream, have several crews & rigs working and me running them and doing sales and PR work, but also have a salesman who knows what he's doing getting me more & more work, let the saleman get me in the door and then I go meet or close the deals along with him

    Now I could sub work out, but why couldnt I do it all myself.

    I'm pretty confident I could do $500,000 within the next 2-4 years, But as a dream I'm thinking $1,000,000 or more could be done.

    Any body out there with saleman working and what do they do and how do they go about it

    Just dreaming, but dreams can come true


  12. Man its getting expensive to run a biz. I switched insurance brokers for my GL & Workers Comp to get a better rate its still costing a ton, its all based on payroll and now Im paying over 2K for GL & over 5K for comp, What a racket. I have no claims against me ever but just keeps going up & up

    I thought taxes were bad, man insurance is going to be a killer

  13. Jeff,

    I will try to take a stab at it. The relative pressure draw the line experiences call it Delta P.

    Area of the inside diameter A(id)

    radius= r

    assume the inside diameter of respective hoses are 3/8" and 1/4" or 0.375" and 0.25" respectively. The relative difference in diameter change is what is important. As we are to determine the relative difference in Delta P between the two hoses.

    The radius of each is half that 0.1875" and 0.125"

    Assume that force is constant (no changes).

    pi= 3.14159

    P= Force/Area

    A= pi*r*r

    3/8" hose= A(1)= 0.1104 in^2

    1/4" hose= A(2)= 0.049 in^2

    0.1104/0.049 = 2.25 (approx twice the Delta P draw using the smaller hose, theoretically)

    There is a dimenishing return on reducing or enlarging the hose diamter, that deal with viscousity of fluid, length of hose, restrictions etc and other variables. Actual results would be something less than theoretical.

    I hope this helps... it is a quick "BALLPARK" explanation

    As my 3 year old says "HUH". Do you know who your talking to "ME" Better known as Jethro Bodine, Before I decided I was going to be a pressure washing contractor, I was thinking about being a Double Knot Spy 007. LOL

    Thanks Brent, its not you its me

    Larry I'll try that thanks

  14. All right need your help all you math people. Now please try to explain it so I can understand it.

    I have a local company JBS Industries that sells different concrete cleaners or products that can used for concrete cleaning/degreaser. They sell to PW companies but most of there products are for carwashes and Airport run ways.

    I'll save a good amount of money on chems & shipping if I can explain to them the ratio Im getting out of my xjet

    I use a 5.6GPM machine with a M5 Xjet, but instead of 3/8th hose on Xjet I use a 1/4 inch hose. Im not sure how to ask or even what Im asking. But what is the ratio of water vs chem coming out of my 1/4" Xjet and what else should I be thinking/asking

    Now I could just buy these chems from JBS and just try trial & error but Id like to be able to figure and tell JBS what ratios I need and am working with

    Now be easy with me Im not real good at this kind of math at all.

    I know you all are saying what a dumbass and what the heck is he doing in a biz that uses chems, but bare with me, got to learn sometime:dunno:

    Thank you


  15. I am a total newbie to the PW trade but I have been a project manager in other industries. There has been great advice so far. Don't let excitement cloud your judgment, pick one or two key employees and treat them very well (you'll be delegating to them), and remember that the client must be happy with your work or they wouldn't have presented you with this opportunity. Stay professional and remember that you provide a service that they need. Your skills at organizing will be a key factor to your success.

    Good luck!!

    I hear you. I get excited when I get a call for a couple big house washes thats just me, but I do and will stay focused. Luckly I have a couple great employees and can rely on them. Organizing this will be a big challenge, I'll do it thou

    They called me again today and asked me to look at a few of there complexes when Im estimating them, they want me to see about cleaning the exterior of the dryer vents while Im doing the jobs with a lift. Cha ching

    I looked at several of the properties these past two days, going to be alot of paper work

    Thanks everyone


  16. Like I said, I dont really mind paying taxes, we have to run this country and it seems like most other countries too. I'l pay my fair share. But we are now run buy Kings & Queens, I'd love to see a goverment "for the people of the people" again. Think of it, what does Tom Delay, Ted Kennedy, George Bush, **** Chenney, John Kerry, Rockerfeller, Trent Lott and most of the rest of them in Washington have incommon with us. They are rich and most have always been rich. They cant see outside of their bubble and not that they are all corrupt, but the system is corrupt in so many ways.

    We (medicare) cant even negotiate with big drug companies. We are the biggest buyer of drugs and we cant negotiate on prices and our own goverment passed the law to let the drug companies do it, Thats corrupt

    Big Biz should be able to make big profits thats why their in biz, But CEO's 20+ Years ago use to make about 20 times more than the highest paid employees in their company, now its as much as 400 times the amount and the the companies still goes bankrupt, collapse or lay off thousands but the CEO still gets paidzillion for running the company wrong.

    I know theres a lot of different opinions on Gov & Biz, but you cant tell me there isnt something wrong with the system. Im not looking for perfect just better & more honest

    God Bless America


  17. dont know yet .but i will have one made you can count on that .i like having just because i may need it one day.ive got pressure tools i dont use .i have 2 new surface cleaners ive never used and all kinds of good stuff just because.All my friends cal me the gadget man .cant buy one have to buy two of something.

    Steve R have you received yours yet I still waiting on mine and need it within the next couple days

    Russ has it been shipped yet from the manufacturer, call me ASAP THANKS

