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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. I vote and have most of my life, Ive missed one or 2

    There is a big problem with our Gov and I really fear its never going to change. I a democrat and I really dont like Bush Jr. but that doesnt matter, becuase I dont see anyone except a few that I like for 2008 and Im not really thrilled with them.

    We might as well live in the days of monarchies, Kings & Queens. The executive branch, congress, senate, even many governors & mayors are millionaires. What do they have incommon with us. They spend millions 30 -100 million to get in an office that pays 100-400K a year.

    How can a bunch of millionares relat to us. I wish they would say that each presidential election has so much money, each candidate has say 5 - 15 million and a certain amount of free air time on radio & TV, Let the top 6-10 candidates debate SEVERAL times throughout the election. Everybody on the same playing feild without the ridiculous amounts of money to run a national campaign. Its not going to happen.

    We live in a great country I love it and would fight for it, but the system is corrupt and its entirerly corrupt and its run by KINGS

    I dont know how or if it can change I will continue to vote and love my great country. But I'd love to see people that run for office truly care about us and not just getting re elected or special interest etc etc

    Id like to see 2 or 3 candidates in a Dem, Rep, Ind.Presidential election that I wasnt just voting for the lesser of 2 evils. I'd like to see 3 candidates that I actually like & trust

    Maybe some day I hope

    We need to take back this country, because I truly worry for my children and the future

    As for taxes I will use everything thats offered and I dont mind paying taxes, just stop the loop holes that big Corp are afforded just because they have pull in our Gov

    OH I could go on & on but I wont. I hope 2008 brings a welcome surprise candidate:USA:

  2. Thanks AC

    Its funny, this 1st project is from a painter I did work for in the past and now he's the GC's Construction Super. and they are building 8 homes and several others in other neighborhoods.

    I never did new constuction Now this morning I got another call from a different GC a referall to go look at another neighborhood he has several houses new const. Like I said I never did new const. and I'm not sure if I want to now, or if I'll have the time & man power. It just seems like to much could go wrong especially with the concrete. I'll check it out and see if its something I want to get into



  3. Jeff, yes on carefully scraping the drywall mud, mostly just to pop the large pieces off - hot water will generally take care of the rest. Latex paint will also usually easily rinse away with hot water from garage floors. Main thing is not too much pressure or too close to the concrete - does your surface cleaner have an adjustable deck?



    No adjustable deck I was thinking using the my Big Guy with larger tips less pressure

    can i use RPC 2000 if I mix it weak



  4. Ive done no new construction work, I have a GC doing several new homes and I have one to do Wed. He wants the garage inside concrete cleaned, it has some drywall mud and a couple spots of latex paint were the painters spilled paint and wiped it up and left a big smear of paint, also a couple little paint spots on the walkway & patio. Whats the best way to get this paint up without taking the cream off the concrete

    The drywall mud just scrape off? and the rest should I wet and remove with surface cleaner or fan nozzle carefully?

    How to ?



  5. The first thing you must do is relax. You've got this covered, you are a professional. They know this and thet is why you've been asked to bid.

    Next check yourself. Quiet your mind and be very honest with yourself about everything you know. Make notes that reflect as closely as possible what was discussed in your conversations. Try and recall the subtal feelings that you had during the actual conversation. Sometimes after the fact, we can get excited and forget about what our gut told us.

    Treat your bid as if it were any single project. Sometimes we have the tendency to want to discount heavily for large jobs. There is rely no sound reasoning in this, especially at the front end of a contract. If you are in business, you should expect to work everyday, just because a project is going to fill more days does not mean your overhead and operating expenses suddenly diminish. Try to remember they are lucky to control that much of your time. You could be making your good services available to more people if you were not so dedicated to them.

    If you have specific questions about how to price certain parts of the bid, feel free to post specific questions. I will assume for now that you know how to bid everything.

    Once you've completed the bid for each property at your normal full scale rate print it out.

    Now you can take each separate bid and determine what percentage of your time it will occupy. From there you can consider a discount that would not exceed the amount of marketing and sales it would take to fill that same time slot.

    Print your discount on a separate form then you can let the management company know that for each additional bid they accept you can apply the previous discount. For instance if they accept your bid for three properties, the discount would apply to the first two. In this way you are not risking your profit if they do not follow through with additional work.

    As needed you may want to contact your professional accountant for advise on how to strategically plan new equipment purchases, leases and etc. The idea is if you are entering into a known growth cycle you can makes decisions that will allow you to maximize you purchasing power and take advantage of tax incentives.

    Other than that Have Fun! If you are not having fun it is a clear sign you are doing something wrong. Make adjustments as needed.

    You've got this!

    Best of Luck


    Russell great advise, thank you.

    Having fun I am, I'm excited about this

    Good advise on pricing. My pricing will be very close to the same as if this was a one time cleaning, my prices/rates are fair. Were they will save is if they do it on a regular basis. a big part of the reason they want me is because I'm a reliable contractor who does good work, is on time and has fair rates, their words. I will of course give a discount for a contract on a 2 or 3 year basis

    For example around here for parking garages say over 25K sq ft its between $.08 & .06 a sq ft. This company Ive been charging $.08 on the 100K & the 35K parking garage I already did for them.

    I have a 200K garage and the pricing is going like this. 1st intial cleaning of garage deck is for $.08 following cleanings every 6 months will be $.06 now if it was only going to be once a year it would remain at .08 or I may discount it $.07 at most to show a discount, either way its real good money

    I'm also offering to do the exterior every 18 months and the walls & stairwells every 12 months

    My discounts arent going to be drastic Now if they want an entry way done once a year and say Id charge $250 it takes 2 1/2 hrs first time, but if they want it done 1/4ly I give them a 10%- 15% discount, now if its every month I discount it 25% its easier to clean and now only takes 1+ hours tops. Im thinking thats fair and I still make the good money. And then Im doing the same for several of their properties the same day it all good.

    Russell thanks again, these maint contracts are fairly new to me and some of these are premier properties around here and all are pretty large

    I am very excited and its a good thing and my accountant always knows when Im doing things I talk to him often and get advise

    Thanks, every paragraph GREAT ADVISE. I love this BB


  6. The best advise is see an accountant that deals with the construction trades and service industry. I just told my accountant if I get auditted, I'm screwed, not because Im cheating its because my paper work isnt up to par. Like my accountant said I have nothing to worry about, because I'm not hiding or cheating on anything. Now there are ways to work around deductions and have more work for you.

    The haircut could be an deduction possibly, many meals are. there is so much you can deduct

    Meals if its a meal between me and a customer thats at 50% but a meal for my workers to keep them on the job 100%

    As for home office if its just a corner of one of your bedrooms or garage its not worth claiming. Why? becuase its a red flag in some cases, so biz people over estimate the worth of home office on taxes and the IRS knows it and may audit. For the little bit a home office saves why send up the read flag

    LLC, S Corp, C Corp there are specific rules and if your not showing any profit or arent paying any payroll taxes Soc Sec they may look at you closer. My accountant said PWing is not a biz that should be LLC if you plan to grow. Why I dont know you may have to ask your accountant

    Get an accountant that will work for you and one you can call anytime and will give you answers. Its well worth the $$$

  7. Alright here goes, I'm not really sure of my questions so I'm just going to explain what Im working on and ask you all with experience and everyone else with good ideas to chime in & help me figure out how to go about this.

    Thanks ahead of time!!!

    I work for several property management companies and some I do some of their work and some I do most of their work, its all great

    Well now I was asked to set up a maint. program & schedule for a property management company that Ive worked for for a few years. This is going to be a huge undertaking. This property management company is the 1st or 2nd largest in the area when it comes to condominium buildings & towers.

    I was approach by the owner of this corp and the 2nd in command

    They offer all their properties more than most PM companies and they have a select vendors list and now they asked me to take over all their PW & gutter cleaning work exclusively. We are talking 60+ properties LARGE properties Condo towers, parking garages, condo complexes etc etc etc.

    The way they want me to do it is within the rest of 2006 they want approx half these properties on a program and the rest within 2007. Now not all the properties will want everything done or they might not be able to afford everything but most in time they say will come on line for this program in part or whole WOW

    They want prices for the whole property, now many of the towers will be done as needed, but all the other surfaces/areas they want on a regular schedule. Like entry ways, sidewalks, pool decks, signs etc etc. Now on the condo complexes say the 1, 2, 3, 4 story buildings the want the buildings done every 12-18 months depending on what I recommend, now they also want a 1/4ly. bi annual & annual price to clean out the gutters depending on the need for it. They also just gave me a property with 17, 3-story condo buildings I will clean the buildings every year and clean out the gutters every 3 months

    Today I got the OK on 2 parking garages for them 1 is 93K and the other is 200K and they want them done 2 times a year and then another one we just did 35K once a year. Now this is just a drop in the bucket

    Now like I said Im not sure of my questions to all you other than HOW THE HELL DO I GO ABOUT THIS!!!:idea: All on these BBS have got me to this point now you have to get me through this LOL

    I know I'll take a group of these properties and look at them , figure out what needs to be cleaned and when and write it up for them. I need to figure how to wrie it up, many of the project will be on a schedule say do thes 10 buildings every March, but other surfaces like pool areas, clubhouses , entryways will need to be done every 6 months or like the entries every 1 or 2 months

    I really dont know what Im asking from you all but some help on figuring this out.

    Are there any helpful hints or tactics you could give me on how to tackle this.

    I'm not afraid of this task to get it set up and acually do the work. Im just hoping you all have some ideas for me.

    I know I'll be hiring more people & buying some more equipment as this all starts to unfold along with all the other work I have. Im ready for the challenge and look forward to taking JL Pressure Washing to a different level, but if any of you could chime in on hel.

    The Future Pressure Washing King of Myrtle Beach

    Me, JL

    Thanks everyone!

  8. Chemist,

    Welcome to the BBS. Please take time to read the rules of conduct here. We welcome helpful and constructive information, but we certainly do not allow bashing or flaming. If you would like to elaborate constructively on some of your points and provide us with data, help, suggestions, advice, we would all welcome it.


    I'm sorry Chemist thats what I meant to say, Welcome .....LOL

    If he's trying to sell something ..................:lgbonk: What a great sales pitch, Putz

  9. I have spent the better part of the day reading posts about the chemicals used to clean roofs, houses and exterior surfaces. All I can say is that, as someone who knows, I am in shock at the utter lack of reguard for the safety of you, the customer, and the property you are spraying toxic fluids on. Sodium hypochlorite should never be mixed with water and sprayed on a roof or building. It will atomize, drift up to hundreds of yards, and possible poison someone. Bleach of 12% concentration is approaching the toxicity level of mustard gas. Over exposure to sodium hypochlorite can cause liver failure, lung tissue damage and reproductive problems. Let me know how you are feeling in 5 more years! CAN YOU HONESTLY SAY WORKING WITH BLEACH IS A PLEASANT EXPERIENCE? I challenge you to find instructions for roof cleaning on a bottle of bleach or pool shock, which might contain bromine, even worse. Bleach is NOT AN ALGAECIDE. If you don't believe me go to the EPA website and find out for yourself. Bleach is corrosive, toxic, and should not be inhaled...Period. 1 Gallon of bleach at 6% concentration can contaminate 40,000 gallons of ground water. I will not even comment on sodium hydroxide. Make sure your liability insurance is current, because you will be needing it very soon. FACTOID. Ah,.. so the shingle manufactures recommend a mix of bleach, TSP and water to "brighten" shingles. Did it ever occur to you that they are in business to sell and promote shingles? If you think they will send out a lawyer to help defend you in court, guess again. Their out-dated tech bulletins will not cover your rear ends. If you really want to, you can use safe products that work well and limit your liability. Do everybody a favor and look into it. Have a nice day!

    Is working in a foundry, spray painting, trash dumps, waste water plants, welding, sick buildings, computer tech EVEN WHAT YOU DO MR. CHEMIST is anything really safe to do? What about it.

    Bleach is corrosive so isnt Coca Cola, Whats your point? Mustard Gas get real brain surgeon.

    your a chemist? What do you do with your research chems, how do you dispose of them. There is nothing 100% perfect or right.

    Chemist, I guess you dont drive a car OH GOD you have utter disregard for EVERTHING, or sit on a chair, or eat food that is manufactered

    Nothing is 100% safe go live in a hole and live off the land its the 21st century Sir, things should be better but they arent and you have to work with what you got. DON'T YOU????:alien:

    Dont tell this entire board we have total disregard for everything, who the hell are you. We as people world wide are & will kill this planet possibly someday. But its not us spraying a roof or a house. Its the large Corps. that get away with murder every day and our goverment is making it easier everyday for them to do so. Its far from a perfect world, but you've never used cleaning chems or a toxic product

    Your post is insulting, your insulting and your a PITA go somewhere else if you want to insult me or anyone else. Matter of fact why dont you go smoke a cigarette, drink some Coca cola, wash your car, drive your car to the gas station, filler up, go get a hot dog and stick it, I mean eat it, Sounds like a safe thing for you to do.

    Your a trip Mr. Chemist, dont forget when you go to your chemistry job testing products, don't forget to properly dispose of the dogs & monkeys you you kill for researching cosmetics. YOU KILLER total disregard and was it you who stole my dog when I was 12

    Maybe I shouldnt be so rude?


  10. Why not just have Rhino liner or a heavy duty epoxy paint applied to the floor to resist chems?

    As for shelves, making them out of treated wood or epoxy coated wood is very cost effective.

    I just can't see any payback or particular valid reason to need ss racks, shelves, or floor liners.

    My oldest trailer is almost ten years old and has had lots of small spills inside with no ill effects.

    I have epoxy on it now, but showing wear. One of my parttimers spilled 4 gallon of 12% and let it sit for over an hour before the fool told me, it ate up the epoxy some.

    I now wish I did Rhino or Line X. I have it in my pick up its the best stuff going for this stuff

  11. I am asuming the concrete cleaner is an acid. You don't want the concrete cleaner & the 12% to end up in the same place on the pan. I would make sure you use some sort of divider between the two.

    Tom no its not acid, its S. Hydrox product. 12% & muratic I hear you not a good mix, can you say boom sniff dead. Thanks for looking out for me


  12. Since i asked this question Ive had to fix a couple little things and have had the parts to do it. Luckly I also have a guy down the road who fixes everybodys machines around here. He will stop what he's doing to get someone up & going, great guy, but ya it help to do the work in the field. Learning every day

    Now hows it go " lefty loosey, righty tighty" lol


  13. Read alot of the post in the sales & marketing section it can give you alot of Ideas.

    As for motavation & inspiration thats something you have to have & find in yourself. Your going to school, I know a few guys in this biz that went to college and had high paying jobs and left it to do PWing

    Inspiration ? Get off your lazy ass and get out there and do something. Help your parents pay bills that let you go to school and eat & live:lgsideway ONLY KIDDING DUDE LOL

    But really do you want to be successful. Your young and if you really want to do something in this biz the sky is the limit. You can be like alot of others your age or you could be more!

    By the time your 30 you could be doing 500K or more and just supervising, You do it right you can be retired in your 50's.These boards can help give you knowledge, but you & only you can give the motivation & hard work needed to be successful

    Do any of the other jobs you have or see out there give you the chance of making $500 to $1000+ a day. PWing can. Now thats motivation!!!!


  14. I’ve finally arrived! Too where you ask? I’ve finally joined the exclusive ranks of the 1,000 posters club. I can’t wait to learn the 1,000 posters club secret hand shake, and get my exclusive 1,000 posters club membership jacket.

    Now if I can only add some substance to my endless barrage of useless posts. Maybe I’ll start doing that while continue my journey to the 5,000 posters platinum club membership. I can’t wait for that day, because I can then join the platinum club members on the annual vacation to Cancun.

    Congratulations. I dont have 1000 yet only 600 and something, I can do another 300+ in the next week or so. I can do alot of pointless post in a week more than I uaually do. Just another "goal for 2006" for me to reach. Move over CCPC Im coming to give you that secret hand shake.

    Jon F

    You cant sleep, hell if it wasnt for insomnia, I'd get nothing done.

    Hows that hand shake go again, Dont the 3 Stooges do that handshake

  15. Are u going to have individual spill pans for each shelf?

    No one big pan the width of the trailer & about 2 1/2 ft wide, I'll have a 100 gallon chem tank 12% & a 55 gallon drum with concrete cleaner in pan. Upper shelves will have some extra partsstorage, tool box and a spot for a container w/spicket for gutter cleaner

    I wont be getting stainless rack, All the racks I'm getting main racks/shelves and several other hangers & hooks are going to cost under $500 if I wanted SS it would be about $1200, dont want to pay that much

    The pan is $215 SS

    Cant wait to get it set up.

    Next project in the future is a PW 5.6 or more & reel set up over my water tank, so I ca get my portable off the floor

  16. Hey everybody,

    Help Ken out on this one. I talked to Ken today and he was asking me about the Karcher machine and I dont know or ever heard anything about commercial machines by Karcher. I looked on a couple sites and saw a 5.6 GPM but not the one for 8.0 GPM

    Is Karcher top of the line, middle of the road ????

    Russ Southside you know anything about these

    Ken you got a picture or a website from the guy so we could see it

  17. I'm having some racks & hangers built for my enclosed trailer and a spill pan for under my chemicals. The spill pan will be stainless Steel with a plug to drain it. Question I know stainless will out last regular steel BUT is it corrosion proof

    Most of the racks will be steel I'm thinking of having them coated with LineX

    I also told the welder to give me a price for Stainless steel on all the racks & hangers, but I think it will cost to much

  18. I have, I looked up the website for the college and they had all the departments listed I wrote to the procurement Dept and the head of Maint. Then I called and asked the head of maint. if I could come in and meet with him. I did nice guy brought in a couple dozen donuts sat and did my sales routine and he said he'd put me on their list to notify for bidding. Didnt hear from him for several months did follow up a couple times and finally got a call/email for bidding on 21 dorn buildings the 3 levels of breezeways. I lost out to an extreme lowballer, the guy got it for half of my bid

    Try Procurement Dept & Maint Chief

    Good luck


  19. Rod went back by there yesteday and got a picture of the deck dry.



    I do VERY little wood, but the one thing I like is the look & color of the wood after applying oxalic, it just looks great when its still wet and the homeowner of course loves that look too. This picture of the dry Wood tux almost has the same look. Cool

    Might have to try it someday

    Thanks for the pics


  20. WHAT WAS I THINKING? Closing on the construction loan today, met with builders construction super. yesterday. Now the past 2 day been clearing out my garage & attic putting stuff in storage.

    Im going to go frickin nuts, how do you perfectly organized people do it?

    Have to clear out my house of all the clutter so I can paint it and get it on the market, been up since 1 am clearing out office slash/ storage/junk room, packing 3/4's of my sons toys away. Cant pack away any of his old baby stuff, toys, clothes, crib, high chair etc because the new baby is on its way right about when we'll have to move into the new house

    Sorting out stuff for our big yard sale we are going to have within about a month. Selling clothes that my wife & I will never fit in again

    Construction Super tells me today to pick out style brick, front door, cabinets, tile carpet all with in next week or few and so much more

    Meeting with realtors oh fun

    Got to get mulch for yard and add a bush or 2

    Got to go over and help Mom with packing away stuff for storage and yard sale

    getting my guys out working & helping me, have couple big jobs to prep for

    AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH #'%*@+!) WHAT WAS I THINKING:lgsad: :clock:


    Life is........Good

    See ya, got to bring some more stuff to the garage to take to storage 4:05AM got to take a nap before I got to get up and Get-er-done

    Goodnight/Good morning/what ever it is

    I sure wish I was one of those multi-tasking pro's

