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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. I grew up a tomboy. Rode my bike, skinned my knees, played with mud and rocks and climbed every tree in the neighborhood up to the tip top. I was never afraid to fly. Then I had kids... flying makes me nervous. I'm fine with trees, but hate ladders (trees have roots - ladders do not). Fears I never used to have, are there...

    I too am much better in a mid-sized group than a large group. I have spoken to large groups, but my heart beats real fast... normally it hits me after I am done.

    We all have something to deal with. Overcoming these things can be really personally rewarding if you keep a positive outlook.


    You sure dont look like a tomboy in that avatar picture, hubba hubba. Dont shoot me Rod lol. Just being Jeff.:lgsideway

    Thanks deal with it I will do or I just wont talk to groups no biggie



  2. John T, so what you trying to say, Im mental whats up with that! I'm going to have to hurt you now!!! LOL only kidding. Interesting stuff.

    Like Jon said Xanax might take the edge off:lgbugeyes

    I really think its some form of stage fright maybe a little panic type thing, its just a trip what happens when it happens. When I did the 6 class Toastmasters thing years ago, buy the 6th class I was feeling alot better about speaking in front of the class , it helped. So thats why I think T Masters will help. It might be just a little confidence thing and hopefully coaching will help

    If not a couple Xanax & a few beers and watch out Tony Robins ( you know that motivational speaker guy, the tall ugly guy on late night infomerrcials). and if I cant do the public speaking with the Xaxan & Buds I wont care:lgbounces :cheers:

    I think with proper coaching I'll shake this thing, it just bugs me now not to be able to do something I want to do



  3. Hey everybody thanks for the ideas, help & concern

    I wish you could see or feel what happens to me in public speaking.

    I have a pretty good presentation and selling technique, I know what to say and how to say it and in front of 1, 2, 3, 4 people usually no problems at all and I can sell them on what I'm saying BUT any kind of speaking even the very little I did the day I had to go to Jury duty I get nervous. I want to say its not even nerves. Jury all I had to say is where I lived, what I did for occupation and what my wife does for occupation, Easy enough stuff right? Wrong! I got nervous about a minute or 2 before they were to call me and I got up and got through those simple questions but I did feel the stage fright panic comming on and if I had to speak a little more I would have been screwed.

    Celeste mentioned pic one person out in the crowd, Well what happens to me is I actually start feeling weird, stammer and I actually get this weird vision, its like tunnel vision an one person and its like my head is humming and my eye sight gets weird or I''l sweet or get an itchy feeling etc etc etc. Its a real freaky feeling its a PITA

    Im not afaid of not knowing what to say , I do, I could practice a script and have it down pat or even have it right in front of me and Id start then Id start losing it and cant finish

    Like I said in school teachers used to pick me for speaking, The rest of the class would be doing a skit in a group and I would do a solo act and no problem, well that was in school then I never really needed public speaking and then I found out I just couldnt do it

    I wish I could explain it and I will be doing the Toastmaster thing

    Thanks everyone

    The Future Public Speaking King! NOT:zipit: :bullistic


  4. You know around here its tough to find reliable contracters. You know its the old story we will be there Monday, They just dont say what Monday

    Heres a little story of a pissed of Property manager that now will be useing me for everything if its up to her

    Theres a project 17, 3-story condo buildings. She had to have 3 bids for the job. She called me I had done some little stuff for her in the past. She called 2 others one said he's going out of Biz so she called another 2 companies now a total of 4. She called me I went the next day and submitted a bid the 2nd day. She had told them she needed the bid within a few days. A week later I do a follow up call and she told me none of the others put bids in yet she said she was callinng them all to see whats up. She said call back in a few days Today. I called and she said I got it she's pissed at the other 3 and she'll never call them again. She called the Friday and they said shed have the bids Monday, NOTHING, she called a couple Monday and they said they'd have them in Tuesday, NOTHING as of 4:300pm. I call and got the job she had already spke to the HOA prez last night and he sai give it to me, because I got it in quick. True story, you should have heard this PM about these others

    It totally amazes me how contractors can be so unreliable, But I do love my compitition. As long as theres bums like this, JL will keep growing

    This is a major problem in this area. Is it like this other areas, I dont remember it being this bad in Mass when I lived there


  5. These are some great stories on why & how people got into PWing. I truly believe this is one of the best businesses to get into with little start up cost compared to other professions.

    Congrats to ALL!

    Love this stuff

    Keep the stories coming


  6. One word Jeff-----XANAX!!!!!

    Scott S. couldn't have described me any better. I am that exact same way--the mid-sized group phenomenon.

    Jeff--I can tell you from firsthand experience those "feelings" you are experiencing are the onset of a panic attack. I take meds for panic attacks, and have for quite a few years now, though I hate the idea of having to take meds for that type of a problem. The difference between what you are feeling now and a panic attack, is with a panic attack you'll DWELL on those feelings, and before long, you might feel like that when playing with your kid, going to McDonalds, washing a driveway, etc. And it is unpleasant enough that you'll begin to FEAR the idea of a panic attack, which just makes it worse. Confronting the issue at the start (which you are diong) is the best med there is.

    Being said, I have absolutely no trouble speaking to a large group. I've had experiences of speaking to over 1K people on a handful of occasions, and it bothers me about as much as typing this post. I believe the fear you have is just something that is pre-wired into YOUR brain----and isn't rational. Just like me---I won't climb ladders beyond about 12'. Totally scared of heights. Hate planes. Is that rational??? A steelworker like you says "no", but I can't shake it for the life of me. I know some people that are deathly afraid of needles. I cannot imagine that. My friends wife will faint at the sight of a midget. My old roommate had a sister that was terrified of clowns. We all have fears---good luck challenging yours!!!

    I wouldnt laugh at anyones fears. But faint at the sight of a midget, thats a new one

    Whether it stage fright or panic attack, luckly its only during publc speaking. I'll either beat it or just wont do public speaking. Hopefully beat it, because I know I could make oppurtunities to speak to groups of businesses that would benifit my business.

    I love hearing a good public speaker I envey them. When I was in the union there was many good speaker, but this one man he was great, he get you going slow and work his way up getting the crowd excited & involved about half way through the crowd would be on their feet and his voice would be booming. It was really a sight to see and be apart of. I dont need to be like that but Id love to get my message out loud and clear to people about my business and why they should PW and why JL should be doing the PWing

    Midgets ???


  7. I am really kind of strange in how I approach this. I am okay one on one, and I am okay in large groups. Put me in a party, and I just might as well sit in a corner. I don't do well there. It drives my wife nuts, or at least did. After 18 years shew is used to it now. She is the total opposite. SHe can speak anywhere anytime, and people love it. She is a party girl.

    Scott Stone


    Im OK at parties but groups forget it. I have a life long friend who is horrible at parties cant get him to say a word to anybody, we've tried to help him in the past, but nothing helped

    Scott you need to drink more at parties LOL

  8. Hey Jeff, I am in Toastmasters up here in Wilmington. I suspect that each chapter has it's own culture. Mine is pretty good. A 'thing' to watch is your mentor's motivation. People get credit for mentoring. So, some will be assertive in becoming your mentor. This does not mean he or she will be assertive in actually mentoring. You gotta push them. Toastmasters is a working organization. To benefit you will need to put in a few hours a week in homework. If you are not ready for homework, you may not find the organization beneficial.

    There are a number of different programs that you can work in once you finish a basic course. The basic course will cure you of the stage fright. You can learn to be humorous, tell stories, do sales presentations, and more.

    You will benefit, but you gotta work.


    Bill thanks for the heads up on the mentors. I was aware of the homework and look forward to it. I'd love to someday be able to persue public speaking for my business. I dont know how or why I have stage fright I didnt have it as a youth but its horrible since

    Rod thanks too

  9. I want to have a muffler shop put a pipe running off my muffler on hot machine. The pipe will have to be about 4+ feet long with a bend in it going down to the floor and out the bottom of trailer. Will this restrict it at all. Will there being any problems doing this, sould I insulate it all all where its going out wood floor?

    Also on the burner housing I have no vent running out and have had no problems sinse I bought it in Sept. I dont really want to put a large vent, but can I put a sheild on it faceing out the trailer, will this restrict or damge anything?

    Thanks JL

  10. Does anyone have problems speaking in front of large groups? I DO!!!

    IVe been thinking of joining Toastmasters for over a year now and I am joining in March. Toastmasters is a national org. with local chapters, They promote public speaking and will help anyy one who joins that has problems with speaking, Corperations use them, actually anyone can become a member.

    I went to a class at a local college years ago that Toastmaster ran it was pretty good class but short only 7 or 8 classes

    Its weird I can speak to 3, 4, 5 people but put in front or in the middle of a large group and I have problems. Its weird Im a confident person and usually know what Im talking about, but I start speaking and I can fall apart

    I actually start stammering, almost get a light headed feeling, almost tunnel vision and I can start sweating and I just cant get a message out, I have to cut what ever Im saying short because I'll get lost and look like a fool its very noticable to the group i would speak to

    I noticed it again about a year ago, I had the chance to speak to dozens of golf pro & maint. managers for several Golf courses locally. I did a job at one course and the CEO said they were having a meeting and I could speak to them all about PWing other courses. I wasnt nervous until about 15 minutes before I was to speak. I got up and I actually felt like my body was humming. I got out about a minute of what I wanted to say and I had to cut it short because the tunnel vision was setting in

    It really sucks in school I didnt have this problem I was in plays and spoke a few times in front of students & family no problem. even now at a large party or get togethers I dont have any problems, its just when I have to actualy talk to a crowd and stand up to deliver a speach or response to a question

    Well yesterday I had jury duty and I asked to have it put off until a later date in the winter . Well when I got up in front of the judge, lawyers and about 120 people I got nervous could feel my feet get sweaty and didnt really stammer but I felt it coming on

    I called the head of the local Toastmasters yesterday and I'll be going to meetings starting in March. It meets once a month and the head of it I explained my problem, They are going to help Yay!!!!

    Anyone who has a problem or just would like to improve their public speaking skills may want to check out Toastmasters website

    Well wish me luck I need it

    Any body else ever have problems public speaking

  11. Hey Jeff everything is great,we are steady not as busy as we would like to be but staying steady.I just got finished with the mall here in Vero and am working on a contract to keep entrance ways cleaned bi-weekly.I would love to come to MB soon last time I was there I didn't recognize the place.


    Its a changing MB, Heck I dont recognize the place and I live here. I'd say they tear down at least one hotel every month on the Blvd. Ocean front homes are being torn down and multi million $$$ homes are replacing them, off the Blvd along the entire Grand Strand there is hundreds of new single family homes & condo complexes being built. Its wild Ive never seen anything like it

    Mel or others if I should mount a PW up on a steel frame with out the whole frame & wheels should I get some kind of shock absorber (rubber grommetts)to put between machine & steel frame

  12. What are the reasons you all picked pressure washing as your profession or as a parttime 2nd job? Just wondering.

    I picked it because I was familar with it, I was a union steel painter/sandblaster for years and many many times I used pressure washing equipment on jobs. Over the years I had done house washing several times. So after an on the job accident and not wanting to go back to my dangerous trade I figured Id try PWing and as I got more work I decided I could make a living at it. Low start up cost helped also.

    How did you get into it?


  13. I would have bought a truck!

    It really sucked the 1st year working out of the back of my Nissan Sentra :lol:

    People used to rag me about the tiny pw'er sticking out of the trunk saying that if I put a propeller on it, it would look like I could go fishing.


    Sorry Rod, but thats funny, got any pictures. It must be great to look at where you came from and where you are now!!!! I know it makes me proud to look back and you should be proud also. Congrats Did you ever catch anything? lol

    I just remember taking a couple hours to do a driveway with a white nozzle, that now takes me 25 minutes. Man my back use to be sore!!!

  14. You do have to be asked and meet the basic requirements for your industry. You also can't have any complaints against you. I am trying to figure out if it is a good investment for $514.00

    Look at there website mine around here has a list of board of Directors, officers members with alot of #'s etc. Theres dozens of names that are heads of companies, PM's rest. etc. Alot of pretty big names & companies. They also have several different kinds of get togethers, networking etc. I am going to join just to meet these people and have the BBB sticker in my ads & on my trailer.

    But the networking would be great around here at least. I figure you get to meet these people and they see your a member and they might prefer to use a fellow member and your input might better your community. It looks like another tool for me, If I have time to go to these functions


  15. You actually have to be asked by the BBB to become a member, but, ..... you can ask for the application and get that process out of the way and it will put you ahead of the ones that don't have app's yet.

    The way I understood it is you put in the application & pay the $$$ and your in, theres different levels , Thats what I was told by them

  16. Matt

    I rented surface cleaners from Sunbelt for about a year befre I bought one, I sould of bought one earlier

    I never used the ones you listed but I'm sure they will be fine Suunbelt usually buys good stuff to rent out. I used cold water 4 GPM machines up until this past september. Althou you have to go slower than if you had more GPM's it works GREAT, you'll love useing a surface cleaner

    Depending on what your cleaning determines the chems you should or shouldnt use. Many times Ive used NO chem and it cleans fine. When useing no chems I'll at least wet the area down to soften up the dirt etc.. If theres a good amount of mold & mildew you can Xjet a 12% mix on the concrete it helps and sometimes after cleaning you can spray 12% it helps whiten a little and if theres any leaf or nut stains spray strong 12% they will disappear.

    If theres oil/grease use a good degreaser (S. Hydrox.) you can apply with pump up or just splash a little down& I'd brush it in a little

    Reclaim I do not do but if its required in your area you can divert run off and not have to reclaim, I wouldnt worry about it for residential

    Sunbelt rents the for $25 or $30 its worth it if you have a few driveways to do or large projects

    The floater you show looks good but I like ones with wheels. Check out The Big Guy 30" you can buy it at Watercannon for $719-$749 and I used it with cold 4GPM for a long time its a great money maker

    Good luck


  17. I suggest a good quality surface cleaner, they are money makers if your homes in your area have concrete driveways and commercial properties banks malls etc should all be concrete, probably in need of cleaning

    Why do you need a wand, do you use xjet or have long range nozzles for chem inject.

    I hate long wands

    Dont you wish you were rich and could buy it all


  18. The networking would be worth it. Im going to join this year. I looked at my local BBB websight and all the Board of director & dozens of officers of the BBB here are all in the PM, Realty, & commercial businesses. I figure go to meeting & get togethers that they offer and strart shaking hands and passing out cards

    Plus I think they have welcome packs for new homeowners & businesses in the area

    It may cost alittle but networking with leaders in your area can pay off


  19. I renewed in Dec. and went from $1million/$1million to $2/$2 for $950. It is with Lords Of London. I can't remember who it was with but the highest the previous company would write was $1million. I told my insurance broker I wanted to go to $2 million and he wrote it. Less than a couple hours turn around on certificates to customers. I fax a request and they send it very promptly.

    I pay $950/yr previously $750

    Jim was that with Larry LW Short?
