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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Man McCain is hitting everyone. All I ever hear him talk about 90% is Obama this and Obama that, not much about his plans. Probably because he has different plans every other week or every other state he goes to.

    But wow, now he's bashing the crap out of Bush too, saw a couple minutes on meet the press and just trashed Bush and I heard Palin doing the same thing all week

    Thank God McCain said at the beginning of this campaign he wanted to talk about issues and not go negative. If he calls this positive, I'd hate to see his negative stuff LOL

    I almost felt bad for Bush today...........LOL Not

    Go McCain in 2016

  2. I didn't deny his associations but I do contest the way they (RNC) have been misleading the public by taking things out of context and positioning them as negatives.

    I don't see Obama smearing McCain about his involvement with the keating 5 and how he is still a frequently invited guest at his places of entertaining even though the man was a crook and McCain ignores this by continuing to have a relationship with him.

    Who is worse, the one who had limited associations and moved away or the one who still retains them to this day?

    I think it is a deversion to keep people from realizing that McCain sucks at economics and is nothing but a war veteran who is set in the ways. There is no change in McCain from what I have seen. Just more of the same.


    Now take Rods post in context. He is not saying Keating is worse than Ayers so dont go crazy on him.

    This post is right on, they both have made errors in judgement, but I do think McCain is doing and saying a lot of crap, because he just isnt on top of his game and can't sell himself as the McCain of old

    good post Rod....and stop getting beth in trouble LOL

  3. Basically Nobama is a dishonest person that has shown extremely bad judgment in surrounding himself and associating with terrorist (Ayers), radical extreme preachers(Wrtight), and ACORN over the past 20 years. Will this effect his future as possible president of the United States? Not sure, but I wish his followers would at least acknowledge these potential huge marks against him.

    I acknowledge he has been mixed up with some jerk offs, sometimes you don't see your own mistakes until later or you just play in the same Field at times to get ahead to accomplish your goals. But yes marks against him for sure

    As for surrounding himself, he's keeping better company these day and I hope I pray, he goes to the middle, gives and takes and works with both sides. I hope he's a great prescient if he makes it, because he will be the only one we got for 4-8 years. If he is not a great President I hope he is a good one

  4. It's people like you Jeff that give me hope. As screwed up as your views are, you are still pretty sensible :D You're fun to debate with and make some mighty fine points sometimes that get me thinking about stuff.

    Thanks Ant. The thing about me is I am left, right, somewhere in the middle and sometimes I dont have a clue. Just like most americans.

  5. It's thinking like this that makes me think you need to have your head examined. Am I reading this wrong or are you saying that bombing gov't buildings and killing police officers is just a little rebellious? Being rebellious and demostrating or something like that is one thing, bombing and killing is another. The man should be brought to justice (like a firing squad).

    And the morons who let this guy become a professor should be tried as traitors to our country. Ayers is not sorry for what he did and he's out there teaching young adults in a university??? WTF???

    Man, this burns me up. I usually don't get upset by these political threads because they are all in fun and don't mean anything anyway, but when I hear somebody like you, Rod say that poor little Ayers was just going through a rebellious time when he bombed those buildings and killed 3 police officers..no big deal... It makes me freakin SICK...AND PISSED!!! I can't believe there are people out there like you. You should be ashamed of yourself and you should do some soul searching and see where your loyalties lie? If you don't like this country, then get the hell out!

    I'm not commenting on Beths post. But you are right Ayers should have been put in jail for life. If I went to blow up the Pentagon, I would figure I would be in jail forever. You are right he should not be anything. He should be a skid row bum. I was rebellious Ayers was a terrorist, you blow stuff up to kill or try to kill thats what you are called

  6. Though it is not known for being accurate, Keating Five - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You will notice that McCain and Glenn were the two that were found to not have done anything unethical. They did exercise poor judgement, though. You will also notice that all of the ones that were found to be unethical were democrats, by a democratically controlled ethics committee. Of course, 4 of the 5 were democrats, but, we won't make something of that.

    Thats part of the reason I dont want McCain as President....poor judgment. look at the way his campaign has been run, his choices in the people he puts around him now, all lobbyist. He picks Palin because she was a women and he took what 2 days to vet her. Who picks someone in two days to be VP, I bet no other president or contender ever made that choice in two days, with as little as they knew about her. heck they knew she was being investigated in Alaska. Why would they want the headache of an investigation during the campaign, couldn't have McCain used better judgment and just picked someone else and maybe checked them out better

    Hey at least I didn't see one democrats name on that list........Obamas

    Savings & Loans, they went unregulated and cost us billions, when will we learn. Now its not costing us billions its costing trillions

    I wish there was a perfect answer or choice, there isn't and never will be

  7. This thread is titled Did McCain make a mistake. I really want to ask why the RNC paid out $150K for Palins clothes, couldn't they have paid less, much less, didn't they know it would come out and just look silly, bad, wasteful and take away from the candidate

    People are struggling, theres Republicans running for office that need money from the RNC and they just do what I think is a bonehead move ...showing waste like this was just stupid. Its like a kid in a candy store mentality

    Not trying to start a fight, just wondering why they would do it like they did

  8. Well said. I believe in much the gist at a personal level. Issue though is governement wealth spreading and the overall picture of what Obama's hand wants when he extends it. His plans have been stated and by nature yes they be state affairs that pretty much can or should be seperated from a religious or spirited minded giving or sharing as the good book would talk about. If we want to give to thy neighbor then we can do so directly or through church or through community based orgs and nonations. Sorry I just don't believe the government has much business in sharing the wealth around at every turn. If the people turning to Obama like you say then it wrong. Reason it wrong is not just cause alot of what he stands for is not what many of us believe in but it's cause it is basic denial or bargaining to avoid pain. I can't right now fully explain that if you don't follow or understand it..(gotsta get to work), but it relates to psychology and the imfamous 5 stages of any death put forth by Kubler-Ross .. Kübler-Ross model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and elaborated on by M. Scott Peck's 'Road' book series. In basic terms, America has some growing up to do and a little death so to speak to experience and work through. A vote for a messiah or social king in goobermint is a vote for disfunction (mental illness) by way of bargaining or denial in order to avoid pain.

    ..denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

    We have two choices this year. Obama total change from past 8 years, McCain say 50% the same as we have had and the rest is so unknown with him now. I just dont really have a clue what McCain is, he is so all over the place I just don't think he has a clue and will just revert back to the status quo of the past 8 years. I dont feel for large corps, they get breaks and loopholes and they still leave the country, they still rip off the USA. Give them what they wanted lower taxes, nafta, less regulation and they couldn't self regulate themselves, they have lowered wages, lowered benefits, cut jobs, used cheap illegal labor and now have screwed us all. I feel if Obama changes some of the laws and says you leave USA you get no tax breaks matter of fact you have to pay more taxes, screw them, tell them they can't do biz in the USA for 2 or 3 years. what do you think they will all leave. No we are the biggest consumers in the world and we pay more for everything, they won't leave us.


    I know I worry about taxes, I dont want people who pay no taxes getting refunds for nothing, but I also dont want the corps and real rich to hire lawyers & accountants and use every loop hole so they pay squat and all along lower our standards of living

    There is no sure answer, we have 2 to choose from Mac or Obama

  9. McCain did undergo an investigation for his association with Charles Keating, and was found innocent by the senate. I would think that would be sufficient.

    As for the difference in ads, if you are relying on the advertisements for your information, you are never going to get the whole story.

    An association is not a crime. I will agree with you whole heartedly, but, a trend of associations does tend to raise questions in my mind.

    I guess it would be like if you saw your son or daughter hanging out with the local gang, (the bad kind), Wouldn't you start to wonder what they were involved in? I would, and wouldn't you tend to think that they were up to something nefarious? I would.

    Finally, if Obama is so clean and innocent of any wrong doings, why has he declared so many subjects about his past off limits? He has declared his wife Off limits, even though she is still campaigning for him, and yet, Cindy isn't. His kids, I agree with, but if it is good to do an investigation on one persons wife, I would think it would cut both ways.

    I'm not sure about that Scott, McCain was 1 of 5 that got something put on record for inappropriate something. I can't remember what but there was something. It might have been just a slap on the wrist, but McCain himself has called it one of his worst mistakes. I' don't know enough about it and really couldn't care less they all deal with some pretty shady people some of them like Keating are finally called to justice, most just move on and make millions of $$$$ more

    He wasn't found completely innocent by the Senate. Anyway being found Innocent by the senate is like a Wh*re being tried for prostitution in a Who*ehouse lol

  10. *** McCain vs. Bush: Be sure not to miss McCain’s exclusive interview with the Washington Times, in which the Arizona senator lashes out at President Bush. “Sen. John McCain on Wednesday blasted President Bush for building a mountain of debt for future generations, failing to pay for expanding Medicare and abusing executive powers, leveling his strongest criticism to date of an administration whose unpopularity may be dragging the Republican Party to the brink of a massive electoral defeat. ‘We just let things get completely out of hand,’ he said of his own party's rule in the past eight years.” A very senior GOP strategist emails Politico’s Mike Allen in response: “Lashing out at past Republican congresses instead of Pelosi and Reid, and echoing your opponent's attacks on you instead of attacking your opponent, and spending 150,000 hard dollars on designer clothes when congressional Republicans are struggling for money, and when your senior campaign staff are blaming each other for the loss in The New York Times [Magazine] 10 days before the election, you’re not doing much to energize your supporters.” Oh snap.

    Just thought this was interesting little piece

  11. Surely Mike will have an opinion on that Jeff but if I may I'll just say that God gave us free will and frontal lobes in which to guide it with. So in spirit of JFK.. 'Ask not what yer God will do for you but rather ask what you can do for yer God'. Do otherwise and the next thing ya know people be blaiming God for a bad term, high taxes, etc. etc.

    God did give us a lot and just maybe thats why people are turning to Obama. Some very intelligent people, people from both sides, maybe they are using their frontal lobes and finally saying that enough is enough, trickle down hasn't worked, deregulation hasn't worked, the days of waste has to stop, millions & millions of people adding to the uninsured roles has to stop, the days of being divided has to stop.

    And just maybe Obama will use his frontal lobes and all others in congress and truly work with both sides, compromise for the better good of our country.

    And maybe this is our test from God, maybe this is our day & time of reckoning. Can we as a country, the people, the corporations, the goobermint come together and give & take, even if it is a black man, with questionable credentials, with a mixed and challenged background. Can Barak Hussein Obama, can we, can the movers & shakers finally come together with the leadership of a new President and start to heal as a nation, start to do things for all and not just one or for self.

    Nothing will happen over night, but we need to change and maybe God is putting us to a test, bringing us to the brink. We have to change things, if we get through these tough times there will be other tough times and we could now or in the future collapse as a world leader. Greed and waste has brought down other great people & governments.

    We are pretty messed up as a people & country now, not just the economy, but how we are so divided and the me generation, the poor parenting and our many other faults. we have to change, so maybe this is the time if Obama is president do we keep fighting, if he extends his hand to the other side, do you slap it away or work together. I hope we work together in time, everything takes time, but if we don't work together soon we will run out of time and gods test may be a failing test of us as a people & nation

    I'm no religious person, not a great Christan by many standards, but I do pray and hope theres a God and I hope he will always look out for us. If not, if we dont use what God gave us , we all may just go to Hell in a basket and it won't be Barak Obamas fault, it will be our fault

  12. Personally, I can't imagine any business-minded entrepreneur favoring a ticket whose head thinks it is important to "spread the wealth around" and whose VP nominee thinks it is patriotic to want to pay more taxes.

    I can't imagine any sensible person voting for someone who could sit under the likes of Jeremiah Wright for 20 years and not have a problem with the hatred he spews.

    I can't imagine any freedom-minded person voting for someone who thinks clinging to God and guns is a problem.

    I have no problem with his being black, I don't think he's a terrorist, though his associations show either very poor judgement or a very self-serving dishonesty. I don't think he's muslim, though I don't know that. I really don't think he thinks much of God, and his position on abortion shows that he doesn't know much about God. I simply think he's got a socialistic agenda for this county, and I think he's not qualified nor experienced enough to be President.

    If He wins this November, God help us all.

    God will help us Mike, maybe God is helping us by Obama possibly being President and maybe hopefully God will help Obama be a great president. Ever look at it that way?

    From what I understand God can work in many different ways.

  13. Then maybe ya could beat Jeff to answering the question:

    LOL , gave me a good laugh brother, thanks LOL

    Here I'll help you out...He mainly voted yes's and no's where applicable to stay on fence or keep lib status quo on things such as abortion. But I'll give bennefit of doubt and wait patiently to hear from you n all the valuable legislation he wrote or sponsored. I assume he surely a good wholesome guy just like the next guy that has contributed plenty to protect American way of life and surely we can relate to him..

    Ooop. sorry, I forgot... he spent lots of time trying to thwart the 2nd amendment via the Joyce Foundation. So forget that assumption.

    And he's a Muslim terrorist who is trying to sign up millions of voters through Acorn and Obamas Mamma is a ***** too. Oh ya he's a socialist liberal pig. can Muslims be called pigs. Oh ya did I mention he's BLACK.........oh my god. Plus he's going to bring more goobermint to you and I.

    Ha Ha Na Na

  14. Not 'special'? - very few if any men would agree with you - sounds like jealousy to me. 'Insulted - segregatist' - huh? She is right on the mark, well-spoken without the hyprocrisy that marks the others - period. 'Troopergate' is a mark of her strength and willingness to act. I wish others were willing to take a stand and act out of moral strength - may her tribe increase. The 'Couric' thing is a demonstration of control - I would have lashed out and verbally leveled Couric. Palin has a rare self-control coupled with respectful thoughtfulness. Speaking as one who has several languages I assure you she has command of English. She is not a "teacher's nightmare" at all - I could not say the same of your posts. President is not to be a 'prime time' entertainer - perhaps that is something Obama could do.


    Mark of strength & willingness to act. Or lie and cheat the rules

    Sounds like Chenney no wonder you righties like her. They all think they are above the rules and laws. They write their own laws

    She's her own Weapon of Mass Destruction. But at least she dresses nice LOL

  15. Okay maybe some of you libs on here can explain something to the right wingers. Now Joe Biden is the best choice in the known human world for VP since the messiah himself picked him for this position. What the crap was Joe talking about here:

    ABC News' Matthew Jaffe Reports: Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sunday guaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be tested by an international crisis within his first six months in power and he will need supporters to stand by him as he makes tough, and possibly unpopular, decisions.

    "Mark my words," the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. "It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

    Now I pulled this from an ABC link so it can't be pushed aside as republican fox news trash. Man up and tell me what the crap Joe is talking about here. Can this be considered FEAR MONGERING?? Will Al Gore jump up in a speech soon and scream with veins popping out of his head that "He prayed on our fears!!"? I just gotta know what Joe is talking about there. I mean he isn't some dumb moose killing hottie from Alaska he is the CHOSEN one by the messiah. I'm not on the cool aid so somebody break this down for me please.

    I have watched and listened to Joe Biden for over a couple decades and like him very much. Now to answer your question..... I have NO clue what the heck he was saying or why

    Joe is well known to put his foot in his mouth on occasion

    "Chosen one from the messiah" you know McCain would have had a better chance if he and his followers didnt talk all this silly stuff. Most Americans are just really sick of it, got it from the last 8 years of Bush Chenney and now many Americans are rebeling against the negative silly, mean stuff. So keep it up so Hussien Obama can get a landslide win

  16. You know Jeff, I don't think they get why we have made the choices we have...

    It is important that highly respected Republican leaders are backing OBAMA and not McCain! It is important that many countries are paying CLOSE attention and cheering Obama on, knowing the ties we used to share with many of them have been strained in recent years. It's is really importan to have as many world allies as you can!!!

    Go Obama!


    What do we know, we are just crazy left wing liberals. Thank God we have all these right wingers to save us from ourselves. Bush has the country going great maybe we can get him in for another 4 years. Or we can just put Mac in

  17. Really? Especially about his statement that he regards Obama's close brotherhood with terrorists and Islamics as "trivial". Insane! He is 'articulate' only in respect to the colloquial norm - not so well-spoken in respect to clarity, much like Obama. Don't be led about like a sheep - in the short term Obama may have some positive effect, but if Biden is correct and an international crisis occurs within the next few months we will have a problem. Picture the professional student Obama meeting with antagonistic Islamic heads of state and saying 'c'mon fellas, can't we all just get along?'. It is imperative that we have strong leadership. McCain brings that. He has the scars to prove it and I can and do attest to the wisdom he has as a result of his battles. He can get the job done. In respect to B.O. his 'scars' consist of a few paper cuts. For myself it matters little - I won't be around to see America brought down to the level of much of the rest of the world of which B.O. declares he is "a citizen of the world". An American is a citizen of America, contrary to Obama. Be an American and do all you can to keep this Obama guy out of American politics - your progeny depends upon it.


    What was it for years the Republicans LOVED Powell, they talked about running him as President, now he is scum, just for voicing his opinion ( the opining of a very knowledgeable man). Man you republicans sure can turn on a National Hero and Statesman like Powell, McCain is going to be in deep chit when he loses. Hope you Republicans don't try to hang him for loosing

  18. Jeff, Likewise it was just yesterday that Sullivan's show pointed to an unfocused nature of McCain's campaign and how the past elected presidents had their managers on them constantly keeping them on poiint.

    Hey I like the idea in general of playing up your abilities and acheivements. Works in business and personal life. I think McCain could do better at such. But hey since when there been a 'running against' that doesn't include and expect candidates addressing the wrongs in each other's plan or past actions?. Is silly calling foul on 'negativety'. It is all McCain has to work with concerning Obama. I mean how ya gonna make a silk purse out a sows ear? Above all I thank all those that speak the truth of a candidates past or their intentions. Consider it fair warning to the people if you will. Yea being calm and serene has its place in certain atmosphere but in this day and the current crisis befalling America??. That is just dumb. Obama so slow and calm today in responding to tax plan concerns that he looked to be falling asleep. Yea that's it folks. Stick head in sand and vote for a slow calm regression/resession. Repealing Bush's tax cut is what he said. How dumb a statement was that today??

    Unfocused, I think thats how a lot of people think he will be as a president. You can talk bad or go after your opponent but thats all he does. Like I said he has no real anything, for people to cling onto, except his past. We need a forward thinker and I think that is how Obama is being seen now and not all over the place McCain. I think its his age, his personality nd definitely his handlers

  19. I don't deny that Nobama is an intelligent person. He is. But it takes more than that to be a good president. Judgment, character, integrity, morals...things like this are just as important. If intelligence was all it took then police deptartments would just recruit the "smart" people...but since police recruiters are smart people themselves, they know that to even be a police officer it takes more than just "smarts".

    Nobama has proven over and over that his judgment isn't very good. Sitting on a board with a known terrorist. Poor judgment. Being involved with ACORN, an organization being sued my many states for registering people to vote illegaly. Poor judgment, lack of integrity.

    The list goes on and on. Nobama would have a hard time becoming a police officer, how much more does he lack the qualifications needed to run this country?

    Other than his abortion stance which is about the same for 65-80% of Americans, WHAT is wrong with Obamas morals? He came from a broken family, his grand parents stepped in taught him right from wrong, pushed him to be all he could be married and is raising two girls and now he's running for President of United States. He made mistakes everyone in recent generations did but without good morals I don't think he ever would of made it this far

    Poor judgment & lack of integrity, that sound more like Bush not Obama

    I think McCain is a good man, maybe even a better man than Obama (maybe) I just think he would be a bad President especially in this day & time and I hope that Obama will be a great President, we need a good one now

  20. General Powell has been saying for months that it would be great to have a black president. He is backing Nobama for one reason and one reason only. It's as simple as that.

    Adelman has been duped by Nobama's smooth talking and style. He has a chip on his shoulder and this is the reason that he is backing Nobama.

    The fact that France backs Nobama something like 70:1 is a sure sign that we need to vote against Nobama. I saw that news story too, but I can't find it now. Who cares what the rest of the world thinks anyway? You're telling me that we should base ANYTHING we do on what the rest of the world thinks? I say just the opposite. Socialist countries that are jealous and hate America should have no voice in our policies.

    Oh come on Ant, the only reason a smart man with his credentials would pick Obama is because they are both black, come I hope you really dont believe that. He could of stayed neutral, Powell has never been one to look for attention or the lime light. Only reason come on, you starting to sound crazy dude.

    Because other countries like him, thats a bad thing????? Doesn't mean they are going to have a voice in our policies. So maybe we should just leave Bush in office with your logic, hell most the world can't stand him. I guess thats a good thing to you. Do you remember President Reagan, a tough President but liked by our allies. Maybe Obama will be the liberal but effective Reagan. Watch out Nancy might jump ship too LOL LOL

    Another thing Ant, for the most part why would a lot of people want to vote for McCain, his campaign has been horrible, he spends 95% of his time just trying to trash talk Obama and 5% of his time talking about his plans. He really has been all over the place, one day its one thing and another its something else. Palin was a stunt, whether the Rep Base likes her she wasn't a very good pick and like I said it was a stunt instead of a well thought out choice. Heck a lot of the right wing base are backing away from her, not just Colin Powell

    We having fun yet Ant?

  21. Who can name a white liberal that Powell has endorsed? So it is race then that caused him to choose Obama Bin Lieing. And I see posts of people in here that are jumping up and down over members of Bush's administration jumping over to Nobama. I guess this will just become another 4 years of BUSH then. ha ha.

    Are you Rush, he said the same exact words.

    People like a man in control and the McCain camp is just all over the place, message changes every day or so and they jump from one negative thing to another. People want to hear from McCain what he's going to do, he talks about his plan maybe 10% of the time and the other 90% he and Palin are spewing trash & hate about Obama. McCain really hasn't run a very good campaign. He shouldn't have gone negative, he didn't like it when Bush bushed him

    Hey I want to go clothes shopping with Palin, she goes to some nice stores. I got to start going hanging out with the Republican National Committee, they give some sweet clothing allowances. LOL
