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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. I think everybody on this BB and others should always do the best job they can do on every job they do and that will help the industry. Good work everyday will help grow respect for the industry.

    I dont have the time or know how to actually go out and join an assoc to promote the industry, but I feel the good work and the advertising and marketing I do helps the industry and helps educate property managers & other customers. I like how I can make $50 - $100 - $200 an hour and the PM's and other are willing & sometimes happy to pay me that because they know they will get a good job done. I truly try to explain the benifits of hiring a professional pressure washing contractor. We cant worry about the hacks they will weed themselves out and for the person who hires a hackk and then hires me know the difference pretty quick.

    So basically a good job done , on time helps promote the industry and if we all just do the very best job we can the industry will grow

    So for 2006 I think we should all be all we can be everyday. Do good work it will be noticed


  2. Richard your in the UK do you know if there is liquid chlorine 12.5% sold in your area?

    Or in the market do they sell bleach its basically the same thing just weaker

    The 12.5% liquid I buy is from pool supply company and a couple times or when I 1st started PWing Ive used bleach from the market it still works you just need more in your house wash mix

    What do they have in your area?


  3. Vinyl film windows be real careful, when doing house wash with vinyl windows, wet the windows avoid as much as possible getting mix on the windows , it will get on them but rinse fast and keep rinsing, do not let bleach sit on them or you'll own them. Ive done thousands and never had a problem, but I am ALWAYS very careful with them


  4. Ok, this chlorine you talk of - is this the smae item that goes into swimming pools, or something I buy neat and have to dilute according to my needs?

    Sorry if I'm duplicating stuff already covered - I am reading the Chemicals thread at this time, but it takes a while to read and digest.

    Richard liquid chlorine(pool Chlorine) usually 12.5% or store bought bleach for clothes is around 5-6%.> The above to are used to remove the leaf stain, Also is used for part of house wash mix . 12.5% or bleach is what removes green mold or black mildew on homes etc.

    Oxalic acid is used for many different things. Mix at different strengths.

    Oxalic is great to remove irrigation rust stains on concrete. It will also brighten concrete alot., best to apply to entire area. Ox also used as a neutralizer & wood brightener after stripping or cleaning wood decks fences etc.

    Several ways to apply Oxalic depending on the type of work being done. Pump up Xjet brush etc.

    Richard these 2 pictures are of concrete walkways with rust from irrigation system, you clean concrete with pressure washer & surface cleaner, then you apply the oxalic acid. I apply it with a lower GPM machine with an Xjet. Xjt is the nozzle on the end of the gun, with the hose in a bucket of Oxalic.

    You can see before and after it makes a huge difference. Thought the pictures might help you understand easier


  5. Hey Jeff I have a cold water back-up unit that sits about 4 ft above water supply.The techs at general said belt drive general pumps would draw water 9 ft.I haven't had a problem with it yet.The second machine sits on that upper deck of my trailer.

    Cool Thanks Mel!

    hey Mel How have you been, When you coming to the beach. This town is changing quick, everywhere you look they are ripping down old hotels and putting up condo towers. I mean everywhere, The Blvd, North & South end.

    Hope your staying busy


  6. Jeff,

    The only possible problem that I could see is if you set your Powerwasher up like that, is with everyday use the first time you start the Powerwasher it will take a second or two for the water to go into the pump. Doing this day in and day out may cause damage to the pump...

    Good point, no way to prime the line to pump. Id really like this unit off the deck.

    Any ideas???


  7. Question?

    I run one of my portable 4gpm belt drives off my tank along with my hot machine, the 4 gpm machine is ground level. Im thinking of getting another 4gpm machine without a frame to replace the portable one Im useing now.

    I'd like to have the new machine mounted on a stand up about 2-1/2 to 3 feet from the deck of trailer and water supply is ground level of the trailer It would be a steel stand so I could store other machine under it

    With a machine up at least 2-1/2ft will I get proper draw off tank to supply the machine. It would be a belt drive. With it up that high will it be straining the machine, I dont want to burn the pump out

    Can I do it?



  8. Hot machines skid units go around $3800 to $5000 for a 3500 psi 5.6 GPM If your doing alot of concrete the GPM is most important 5 gpm & up is best or better. I know Don Phelps on this BB is now selling the Pressure Pro line and his prices are very good

    I have a Pressure Pro 5.6gpm 3500 psi not from Don but same machine and I like it very much. A machine like mine you should be able to get for the mid $4000's

    Also if your doing concrete get a surface cleaner I like the Big Guy from Whisper Wash its a great machine. Water Cannon in Orlando has the best price around $719 - $749

    PWing is a great biz and since you already have good connections your ahead of the game

    Good luck and welcome to TGS its a great place to learn EVERYTHING you need to know about PWing

    Just keep asking questins its a great bunch of folks here


  9. The weather men predicted rain Saturday No Rain, Sunday No rain finally got rain today. If i went by them nothing would get done. I had my guys work all weekend NO rain

    I was hoping the rain would fall this past weekend. I have 26 buidings to clean gutters now it will wet leaves & pine straw. I hate the weathermen

  10. Celeste or others

    On the house I'm building I was wondering about concrete staining/acid I forget what its called. What Im thinking is doing the concrete slad in the kitchen & attached small area just outside of the kitchen.

    Do you do the slab or do you have to put another coat of cement. Any info on this

    I'd like to do something different and exciting. Maybe?????



  11. When I got my xjet 3years ago it came with 1/4" fittings. Mike changed them back to 3/8" after people where complaining. I have never tried 3/8 hose.

    Thats how it happened for me also, then I got a 3/8ths one and didnt like it at all. I know Steve Rowlett complained because alot of his chems were set to use the 3/8th, so when i use his RM products or concrete cleaners I just mix stronger to compensate

    Mike W old habits are hard to break and this way I can use same tip for different chem applications and I dont have to train all the different workers on different tips for different applications
