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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Just what this country needs, further progressive income redistribution. In 2006, the top 5% of income earners in this country paid 57% of the total federal income tax bill. The constant and consistent rant against income tax cuts for the rich is a sham. The high income earners are the ones driving entrepreneurship, enterprise, and the economy of this country. They arent driving very well, its somewhat crashinging brother. Must be a drunk driver how it somehow just happened so fast, like no one saw it coming LOL Drunk with greed and you all defend the idiots all the time

    And while we are at it, let's just raise the tax burden on all those greedy corporations. Problem is, every citizen winds up paying that bill when they purchase a product or a service, and at the same rate, regardless of income. It cracks me up when progressive liberals champion a very regressive tax.


  2. I'd like to know where the money is coming from for everything Obamas plan, McCains plan, the past couple trillion we are bailing out everything, the billions from the wars, the stimulus checks past and the new one there talking about. Where the HELL is all this money coming from. The DEm & Reps are BOTH to blame, wheres it coming from....TAXES or we will just keep owing China until they call it in. Man we are F'd, there has been so much money borrowed in the past 6-7 years and more going out every day. Don't blame Barak Hussein Obama for it all he isn't even the damn president yet. You all are bitc*ing about Obama, what about the billions & trillions we owe right NOW WTF, what is all the money that we owe NOW just play money??? Why dont you bitc* about all that money...Oh ya, its all Obamas fault somehow right? Silly you all are crying about 2009 and will give 2000-2008 a pass on all the money crazy chit man

  3. Didn't liberals hate Colin Powell a couple years ago? Now that he's on the Nobama bandwagon, you guys are all for him. How funny...

    Why would liberals hate Colin Powell? I have liked him since the 1st Gulf war. He has always been one of the straight talking guys who cares about the troops more than anything. I guess thats why Bush wanted him out of his admin when he was asking for more troops. Bush dumped him because he spoke up

    Some blamed him for his speach at the UN.

    Colin has always had support from both sides. Now that he's for Nobama, I guess all you right wingers hate him too. Hey Maybe Colins a Muslim too, Ha Ha Ha. Time for the right wingers to start trashing him, you guys do that stuff well if someone doesnt agree with the right wing views

    Hell I wish Powell ran for president back in 2000, He's a good man and I would of said that even if he backed McCain

  4. I have 8 pressure pros only two are hot water. They all have done well. The prices you can't beat and the machines work well. The 8gpm I have runs well just regular maint stuff. I have a 5.5 gpm hot too and thats 3 years old its a work horse. I had some problems with pressure switch I up graded that for about $100 and havent had a problem since

    Several cold water machines 4gpm, several 5.5 gpm and a 8gpm, never any problems. They all got good Honda engines, good general pumps.

    We work all these machines 8-13 hours a day 5-6 days a week for a good 9-10 months a year. They work hard and I don't always keep right up with maint as good as I should all the time. I have very little down time.

    I will buy more of them as needed and like I said the prices I don't think can be beat

  5. Man yer smokin somethin over there aren't you? Anyone can see that yer reading too much into what I have said.

    LOL My Joe Six Pack. I just stole it from you all's girlfriend Ms. Palin. I figured she shouldn't have all the rights to that

    Kev, we all should be very mad, this really all could of been avoided from the get go. They threw good biz/bank practices to the wind and let it roll which was just wrong. Sure I blame the damn homeowners but if you go back 20-25+ years the banks/lenders never would of given out these s**t loans. So thats why I throw it back on the lenders and big biz the reaped all the benefits for years and now you and I pay

    I dont defend the dumb homeowners i was just countering what I hear out of the right often, that its all the homeowners fault

  6. Well Jeff you forgot about one theory. Maybe they let you dance inbetween them because you pose no serious threat!!!!!!!

    :lgsidewaySorry brother but you set yourself up way too easy on that one!!


    But I'll tell you I wasnt doing much dancing those nights:lgbounces Oh to be young again

  7. I'm going to hell. I have been in the middle at times of a couple of hot ladies that were Bi . At the time I didnt think it was wrong anything but wrong oops. But they didnt want to get married so its OK right LOL?. Its the past, am I still going to Hell:kiss:

    Man now I'm bummed out, I'm going to Hell arent I?

    According to all my right winger buddies out here I'm a goner any way

  8. Great post Scott.

    Jeff....great to see you have finally come around :D

    I hear you Ant, but you know me I'll probably flip flop a couple more times before the election, old habits are hard to break

    but for now - Go Old War hero guy and Hot Milf Babe McCain/Palin 2008

    Hey its like that other thread. Maybe we could see that Milf Palin in a little Lezbo action as long as she didnt marry the lezbo LOL

    Ohhhhhhh I'm so confused

  9. I think Obama and Biden are both jokes!!!!!! Obama is a TRUE socialist pig...

    I would never vote Democrat.. Cause I would never support higher taxes to be patriotic,

    I would NEVER NEVER support any types of abortion especially partial birth! I would never agree with gay marriage... I dont care about the polar bears we need some more oil.. I want to keep my guns...these are just a VERY few reasons I would never vote Democrat!!! If you are thinking of voting for Obama you are supporting Gays, Higher taxes, Killing babies, Terrorist, (you could be supporting the Rapist or the Murderer that could attack one of your friends or family members, Drug Dealer selling to one of your friends or family members How would you be supporting them you ask? Democrats appoints pansy azz judges!) If you vote Democrat even you dont agree with all these things listed above, you are voting this way wanting "CHANGE" you are still guilty of supporting it!!!!!! There is no middle ground!!! VOTE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN !!!!! where is Reagan when we need him!!!!

    RIGHT on brother!

  10. Come people who realy cares if they get marrie or not marriege is joke in this country anyway devorce rates are higher in this country then any other country. Gays are humans wanting the same rights to be married as everyone else but you can not see that church has brain washed you thinking that it is wrong hate to tell you that gays were around long time. Have you read marriege licesence does not say man and women on it it is simple contract. If the christains want there marriege back so bad take away from goverment

    You are right marriage is a joke to many people, people getting married 4,5, 6 times, get married for a month or two and end it. BUT Marriage is NOT A JOKE to me and as long as I can go back in history its been between MAN & WOMEN.

    I am far from religious, not a great christain at all, its just how I feel about marriage I do take it seriously. Why can't they just leave it alone and take the damn civil union or something.

  11. Jeff I wonder what caused the problem? Hmmmm. I can't see where Bush created Fannie and Freddie. Hmmmmm...could it have been DEMOCRATS??? Yeap. That would be your party that thought it would be a good idea for banks to lend to people who could not pay for their houses. It is fundamental for the Democrat party to survive. Keep everyone under the thumb of government so they have to come to the government for everything. Government-The new Wal-Mart except it's all free to those who don't deserve it! That's a great idea! Why don't we just all bury our money and jump on the welfare wagon. Wouldn't that be great!!

    Man don't you understand, its not just Fannie & Freddie mac, its WORLD WIDE all kinds of big biz is being bailed out. NOT just Freddie & Fannie. It was made easier and suggested to give loans to lower income people that yes shouldn't have gotten the loans. BUT the banks DID NOT HAVE to give those loans, they weren't told they had to. There are MANY MANY banks that did not give loans to lower income, these banks that did choose to give them, so don't give me that party line bulls**T. The banks saw the quick easy money and they went for it and they made trillions, CEO's made 100'ss of millions and WE ARE NOW paying them in bailout money. You want party line the major bailout was George Bushes & Paulsons idea

    The NEW WALMART is AIG, Wachovia, Goldman Sachs etc etc and they are getting billions each of yours & my money, what so when this economic crisis is over they can go back to their same old ways, WHY NOT Government YOU & I Will just bail them out, Sound like WELFARE FOR BIG BIZ...Say all you want but its the truth any way you try to spin it:juggle::thinking:

  12. What we got now Obama calling for a 3 mon. hold on foreclosure procedures? how smart is that? Surely there is small biz involved in making money off all that goes with foreclosing and remarketing a house. There goes the free market/low market that relies on letting the chips fall where they may. Yup just let those that aren't paying stay that much longer in ripping off the banks. Look at it this way..nothing in way of some magical income gain is going to befall those folks that are facing their mortgage balloons or interest rate hikes.It's not like all those specialty loans have them just on the edge of being able to afford them. They way out their league. One problem with the call for a hold is that it doesn't recognize your standard everyday foreclosures. Everwhere has a certain avg percentage figure for foreclosures per month.

    So also, what are all these programs Obama is planning to do away with?

    There goes free market, :lgbugeyesDUH, free market went out the fricking door one of the 1st bailouts Bush & Paulson did and now every other bailout they are doing. McCain wants to bailout everyone. So by the way you say it its OK to throw free market out the door as long as we are bailing out banks, investment companies, insurance companies all big biz or corporations to the tune of over a trillion dollars+? That OK in your eyes obviously? Right?:lgbow::lgbonk:

    But bailout a single home owner and THERE GOES FREE MARKET, you are so funny:banghead:

    So its alright if Bush & Paulson bailout the very businesses that caused this whole economic crisis? But if Obama puts a hold on a foreclosure for a few months...Not even a bailout, its the end of the world & free market in your eyes because why? Oh thats right because Obama did it not GW. I really thought you were smarter to see through the partisanship BS

    I don't like any of it, there is no more free market as we knew it. I don't like bailing out homeowners that made bad moves and sure in hell hate that we will spend over 2 trillion + bailing out big biz. I guess thats the problem liberal Jeff thinks none of this bailout crap should be going on no matter who proposes it, you just dont like bailing out when Obama proposes it:applause::lolsign:. HELLL Obama isnt even saying bail them out, he's saying put the foreclosure on hold

    Please Kev explain why its OK for Bush & everyone else to bailout these banks , insurance companies etc etc but put a hold on foreclosures to JOE SIX PACKits not OK, Please define and defend this in your right wing ways. can't wait to hear this bulls**t

    What is it you just don't like JOE SIX PACK average American?:lgwave:

    Total joke:lglolly:

  13. Marriage is sacred between man & women. I take it very seriously. I waited 40 years to get married. I almost married 2 other times, but I felt it wasn't right and I didn't want to do it just to get divorced a few years later. I wanted to get married once and have that partner forever. Whether its sacred in god, common practice or in the billions of peoples eyes over the centuries its always been sacred between & man & women. Not two of the same *** relationship

    Courts quite often go by past cases to make decisions, go back thousands of years and Marriage has been between man & women.

    As for the business crap, thats BS, they want bennies, they want some legal document give them one, just not a marriage license.

    You know something people/gays just have to push & push on this, why not go against the grain of millions & billions of people. Give me a break everyone knows marriage is between MAN & WOMEN

    I say the hell with them. I f you make it alright for them to marry it makes it alright in many eyes. What about our children, its like telling our children its OK to be gay and it isn't, its not normal. If one of my children ended up gay I would love them but doesn't mean I would want them to try to convert my other children. We make everything alright in this country its not alright its all wrong for two same *** people to be Married.

    Its like what if in a thousand years every one is gay......in a hundred plus years there would be population because no children will be born

    I know I am going a little extreme but MARRIAGE is a very important thing. in MY eyes, leave it alone and they the gays would have a better shot at getting civil unions

    Just a shame, it really is

  14. Civics lesson 101. The president is not the person that sets the tax rates. Congress does.

    Civic Lesson 102, The president does not define spending. Congress does.

    In reality, the president only ratifies any measures that Congress proposes. If he wants to get legislation proposed in congress, he needs to find a sympathetic congressman. Of course, that usually comes with a cost.

    I cannot think of a single president in recent history that has even accomplished one half of what he proposed to get elected. That means, the world is going to hell in a handbasket, and if we want to even try and have a semblance of success in accomplishing something, it needs to be a president that has experience in talking to both sides of the aisle in congress. Obama is very much a party line type of guy, though, in reality, his congressional experience is about as minimal as it could get, and still run for president as a congressman, or senator. McCain at least has a record of working both sides of the street.

    Personally, I don't like either one, and do not even think that McCain was the best choice from the Arizona congressional delegation. But the guy I would have preferred run said no way.

    BTW, I do not understand how in the world Obama, or McCain, can do all that they are proposing without raising taxes astronomically, on everyone. I also do not understand how in the world they can even think of raising any taxes with the economy in the current state.

    I'm pretty sue no president has ever done a 1/4 of what they say during campaigning.

    I have always said pick one or two things and go for that. Work hard at it and get it done. No way dozens of things. Fix Education, health care, spending, taxes, IRS, SS, Economy, defense etc etc pick a few and make them work. They would be known for actually accomplishing something instead of proposing a lot and getting very little actually done

  15. Important stuff coming up in the election. We have a proposition here in Cali that defines "Marriage between a man and a woman"; It's proposition 8 which I will be voting YES to.

    61% of California's voted said YES to these exact words on a measure a couple years ago, but 4 San Fransisco judges decided that we were all wrong and overturned it. This time it will be put into our constitution here and they can't overturn it.

    Vote "YES" on prop 8 if you are in California. Check your state and see if there is a similar measure. Let's restore and protect Marriage once and for all.

    Its a shame that states even have to through this stuff. Leave marriage alone. I am married and its very special to me that I am. I'm proud of the word married. They should not mess with it at all. Its how its been from the beginning...Man & Women

    Maybe give them cival union at most, just leave marraige alone

  16. Election thread closed down due to fighting and off topic discussion.

    In case any want to contunue the discussion here is some the last speak presented:

    Jeff that smells of entitlement. All your saying is you want want want with no recognition whatsoever that we the American people own and are the corps. Fine, you can change the regs for corps to keep them more at home and so they don't fail as they been doing but why double tax yourself both personal and corp?

    I've changed my mind. The republicans got it right. Its the Dems that screw everything up and tax us all.

    VOTE McCain he's the man. Vote Palin, instead of the Dems screwing us maybe Palin can blow all us Joe Six Packs:lglolly::lgbounces:lildevil:! Go Palin in 2008

    I'm turning over a new leaf. I am going straight republican line

  17. When taxes are increased on the "Big Guys" who actually pays? Take a minute and go look in the mirror. Hello! Increase tax on corporations and they just smile and tack it right on our butts. Kind of like the minimum wage being increased all the stupid time. It's not a living wage and can never be one unless you buckle to full blown socialism!! Same people on minimum wage will be screaming about their hamburger or box of chicken costing them 15 bucks. Who pays for that...Go look in the mirror again! It's that simple.

    One post you say the Big Guy pays and then the next post you say the average American will pay....NEWS FLASH...we pay no matter what

    Another NEWS FLASH who's paying for all the corp greed and poor management now, $700,000,000,000 bail out the other Billions of dollars already given away already to big corps. We are bailing them all out Joe Six Pack

    When is enough, enough, we in the past years under Republican prez all the way back to Reagan up to Bush have given big corps, tax breaks, corp welfare, loop holes, less or no regulations and what has it got us? A lot of pain, bailouts, companies going overseas, less benefits, more corp greed, poor management, lay offs we give corp welfare they still go overseas, stagnant or lower wages, the list goes on and on. We have given them and given to them, they have taken & taken more and more and all we get is the shaft and now we get to bailout all kinds of corps. What more should we give them before we say ENOUGH is ENOUGH

    Clamp down on corps, regulate them, tell them if they go overseas they get no tax breaks, better yet tell them if they go they can't sell anything in the USA at all. What you think they will all go, NO. Instead of making $10,000,000,000 of us they only make $9,000,000,000. Poor them I feel sooooo bad for them, I hope they don't go bankrupt, ah that wont happen, we'll just bail them out

    I am not against corps, but it has gotten out of hand and this economy and bailout proves that. We are going to PAY & PAY we just got a big tax its called bailout & the deficit. I don't know why you worry so much about big corps when YOU are paying for their mistakes now after they have made huge profits and CEO's have made millions every year. How much of this bailout & deficit are you and your children going to pay 10's of thousands of dollars is your part. Let them pay their part finally

    I'm not worried about taxing them a little more, they will find a loop hole and work it out and still charge us. Its all part of business and the game they play

    Go Barak Hussien Obama... Lets be for the American people Joe Six Pack and have big corps pay for their own bailout

  18. Technically this is name calling and I believe Kirk is a member of this board. Jeff if you get a 30 day spanking you won't be able to post here until after the election. I have read that someplace....or maybe that just applies to Rog and Trey.

    Ya but I didnt call him a stupid a hole and I'm a radical left wing communist too, so its OK

  19. Kev, go look at the pork in the $700,000,000 bailout, much of it was to get house republicans to vote with the bill finally. It was republican pork Ha Ha Ha. Kind of funny they voted for the bill when they said they wouldnt. Pork buys republican votes. Its a shame & a scam that there is one cent of pork in the bill. The dems & reps should be kicked right out of office. For the most part they are all theives at our expense

    Who's right who's wrong only history will tell. I hope America will have a long long history
