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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Just a quick story about a PITA homeowner

    Last week I did about 10,000 sq ft of concrete walkways around a clubhouse of a very rich neighborhood. At the clubhouse was a large cooldeck coated pooldeck. I was almost finished with concrete and I had one of the homeowners come up to me and ask about several rust stains bleading up through the pool deck. It was about an area 20x30 and it was only at the seems in the concrete. He started complaining about this rust, it wasnt much. He was a real jerk how he talked to me. He kept saying rudely that why arent I cleaning these ruust stains and I told him, I wasnt asked to(The pool deck was other wise clean) He started bitching about this is the first thing his guest will see and I should do it now, I told him to talk to his Property Management Co. He complaining more, He said cant I just hit it with a little pressure. I told him pressure wont remove it, I need rust remover. I had rust remover OX, but none mixed up and I didnt feel like mixing it, to help this jerk out and I wasnt going to do it for free, and I wanted to get out of there and go home. Just to prove to him pressure wasnt going to do it, I brought my hose over and applied pressure to rust. This jerk said he pressure washed plenty and he KNOWS it will come off with pressure, I didnt say anything, I was getting pissed, I wanted to turn the gun on him!!

    So i take gun and apply pressure, NOTHING, didnt really touch the rust and I pointed out to him it actually started to remove the coating. this jerk basically called me a liar and said it wasnt removing the coating, he once again said he's done plenty of PWing, and he could get it up with pressure. I asked this jerk" How long did you own a pressure washing company" He said he didnt. I told him I have for years and I know what I'm talking about, he was pissy and said it wasnt taking the coating off. I looked right at him and said you must be blind and I'm done here. He started to complain about the property manager and why I wouldnt take this rust off. I told him sir Ive been very patient with you, but the way you are talking to me I dont like and if you want this rust taken care of, i suggest you cal Prop mang. and I walked away as he was still bitching.

    Well I get back to my truck and this jerk comes over and asked me to come to his house, he has a brick patio with rust all over it. well I told Mr. know it all. Im backed up with work and I no longer do residential. He said could i just check it out. I told him straight out, NO, I dont want to work for him, he looked stunned and mad, I closed the truck door and drove off. Some people I wish I could just punch!

    Well I talked to the property manager a couple days ago to tell him, everything was finished and I mentioned about this homeowner Frank, who was a PITA and he said the guys a jerk. He also said Frank had called him that day and wanted the rust removed and he wanted me to do it , because as Frank the PITA said I know what I'm talking about(Go Figure). Prop mang asked how much to remove it, I told him $100 because it was a little bit of a distance from my area. I told him, the rust will just keep coming back. Prop mang. said do it and do it once a month.

    Thanks Frank the know it all PITA homeowner

    Whats your PITA homeowner story?

  2. It will happen everytime, Id put a little mix in a 5 and put at the top of ladder and then Xjet, It cant draw at certain heights

    If its on an extension you aim it down the bring it up as chem starts coming out, it a PITA, and your wasting a little chem, but its just something you have to work at or use chem injector and you wont have that problem

  3. Dont know much about generators. I was thinking of getting one to do some of my banks at nights. Id want to run a few lights. whats are some good generators and how big should I get, how are they rated. I also would want it for back up at my house in case of emergency, run frig & some lights

    Are there any other uses I need it for in PWing



  4. My Daytime job is working for a d/r co., and my boss is a member of boma. Alot of networking involved, being as motivated as u are, Jeff, u would prob. benefit from it. They have like monthly get-togethers, i.e.: dinners, bowling nites, etc. Hope that helps I will ask him tommorrow if he likes it or not.

    Thanks, maybe you could ask him if its good for service (PWers)contractors or is it basically just for or better for prop. managers & owners. Thanks


  5. Does anyone belong to BOMA, I am just starting to read about it. I was wondering if anyone had any info on it and if its worth it for a PW company.

    There is no local chapter in Myrtle Beach and I was wondering if its worth it and how I would find out how many properties in my area my belong to BOMA



  6. I havent even given the guy the quote yet so I dont know if I'm even going to get the job and he may want to wait once he has the quote because of all the thousands he has to pump out for various odd repairs inside the house. He wants to replace the hardwood floors in his living room because the family dog has ruined them. He told me the lowest quote he has had on the floors was 3 grand and he didnt look to happy about that.

    I will use my standard of Emulsifier+. Chlorine and water. But that mix will not get the gutter stains out. I need to talk to Ken about his suggested mixture for the gutters and facia that he posted earlier.

    I like the idea of writing down the addresses of houses that really need the cleaning. I was thinking of a flyer saying something about last chance before the holidays to give your property "Visual Appeal" and then put on the door handle or actually knock on the door. Even the homeowner told me this development was a gold mine. Lots of vinyl siding that is moldy and dirty. I just get the impression that he thinks 250-300 for the entire house and I dont want to go that low. Five hundred is more then fair for the size of the house and all I am going to do. All four sides and the foundation to make it shine.

    I should just stick to my $500.00, tell him what I am going to do for that and then let the chips fall where they may.

    Lou, do you use Gutter Shock or Gutter Zap or simular product. these products are worth yhe money

    As for your price, all I'm saying is if you normally would charge $500, I would drop it $50 and tell hime you are dropping to get the work in that neighborhood, you might have a better chance to get the job if he hears discount. Andyou still get good money, but most of all you might get seen and get more work.

    You havent done alot of homes correct and this home you may need 8 hours like the last home you wrote about. But this is tops a 3-4 hour job and you should charge accordingly. Should a customer have to pay more because of your inexperience. Im not putting you down, but do you see what I mean.

    As for knocking on peoples doors, just my personal observation, i cant stand having anyone bother me to sell me something. I also prefer mailers to every house not just the dirty ones and I'll mail to same houses 2 times. The more they see your name the better chance they will call. But this is a tough time of year to be getting PW work when its cold. save those addresses for thesprin time

    Good luck, I hope you get it

  7. Put your X-Jet on an extension want. I have a sixteen foot extension wand that I will have to use if I get this job.

    When I was walking the property with the customer he was telling me about all the money he has to shell out for various repairs in the house. I dont think he's going to like my quote, which is probably going to be in the $500 range.

    I was thinking about doing a two tier quote. One that would include the gutters and facia, and one that doesnt. I want this job, it will get me in this neighborhood where there are a lot of houses like this that need cleaning worse then this one. Pic's don't show it, but the vinly is fairly dirty on the sides and the back of the house.

    Lou, I would give him one price only, and tell him you have to basically have to clean the whole house and explain why. If you give him 2 prices, he'll go for the lower price probably and you still have to do the same amount of work or more. i just wouldnt give 2 prices

    If you really want this house job, tell him your giving him a discounted price because you want the neighbors to see you working and doing a great job. What ever your price tell him its discounted. Ive done homes n gated communities for less to get my foot in the door and then I also drive around and write all the addresses down for mailers.

    Also I noiced a deck, I dont know if you know, but wet the deck goodand dont put a house wash bucket directly on the wood. it can & will leave a ring on the deck where the bucket sits.

    Xjet & 4'extension shouldget most of it and maybe a little step ladder & ladder work to get everything.

    Good luck with it. Whats going to be your house wash mix

  8. I agree with doing it in sections and Lou dont be super worrierd about the brick, wet it down apply chems where needed and rinse chems from brick. Ive never had problem with brick as long as it wet and a couple times it was dry and all I did was rinse chem real well

    Never do partial cleaning, unless your hand washing facia, gutters etc. and that way I would charge them dearly.

    House $500 and up , there are a few PITA factors on that house it looks like

    Good luck, dont be nervous about this one just wash it and collect the $$$

  9. This was an upsell today. I did the ladies house & patio and I mentioned that I could clean up her little bridge, she said she was thinking of have it ripped out and a new one built. Needless to say she was happy with the cleaning. I usually use RPC Roof magic, but didnt have any on trailer, so i used RPC 911 & Ox

    It was nice easy money!!! until I got lazy and didnt want to go get a small extension pole to reach one little spot I missed. Yes, I was reaching on the edge of the water and slipped almost up to my knees in water. Glad I had extra socks & shoes in truck.

  10. Thanks Jeff..:cool:

    I use my shurflo for spraying all my chems.This job i mixed my chems 3:2 but only had surface mildew.Now this is Choice Decking not Trex, they are 2 different products and i like Choice decking much better.

    I have been staining this same job for the past 6 yrs or so.My customer just loves the look of the stain that keeps his deck looking just like they built it.

    Shane, Ive never seen choice decking, what is it, whats it made out of?

  11. Some great stories so far and I wish best of luck to all off you guys. Im no oldtimer as in experience, but I'll tell you from my experiences and all I see on this board, this is a great business to be in. I never would of thought there would be enough work in areas up north, just because the climate. But I see so many doing so much quality work and have plenty of it, You northern guys just keep educating everyone up there. Us damn yankees down south have it a little easier, because everything gets moldy quick.

    Once again I wish everyone best of luck, If I can do well , Im sure most of you can also. Its a great biz and a great life ENJOY IT!!

  12. Injured by a drunk driver in spring of 04, lost much use of my right arm.(my strong side) While recuperating found that I was never going to be hirable in my old industry at anything like what I used to make. The local vocrehab suggested that I go to college. I suggested something unprintable, and they suggested that I look into self-employment.

    I had hired mobile washer to clean my rigs before, and thought it looked easy. I was a fool. I did some research and was astounded by what I found could be done as a pwer. I wrote (with a consultant) a business plan and applied for a grant that I recieved in March. I wish I had come across these boards earlier as they have been invaluable tools, and would probably have led me to make some small changes in how I spent my original grant.

    I've been mostly part-timing this year as the industry is almost unknown here, so customer interest is low. I spend a lot of time educating people about what is possible with the tools and chems I have access to.

    I enjoy the wood work quite a bit, but here in NE people at first don't even realize it is a good idea to treat cedar decks and fences, and then they think I can raise Lazarus with chems and Ready-Seal. I'd rather they believed something in between those two extremes.

    I thought I'd be doing a lot of fleetwashing, but really haven't and don't mind. I'm doin some flatwork, and roof and house washes. These I really enjoy, partly from the challenge involved in explaining that roof fungus exists and can be removed safely. This is an absolutely foriegn concept to most home-owners here. They often think I'm a shyster trying to pull a fast one, until they see the pics, or small samples.

    What I really have come to specialize in, is removal of lichen from just about any substrate you can name. People always think I'm going to just blast it away, when I explain how I will actually do the work, they start mystified, then they convert.

    I'm loving this business, it hasn't been easy, but it is looking up. I'm happy just to be working. Sorry so long, I just get so excited.:)

    Stainless, what were you a trucker?

    Since no one really knows about PWing in your area, you probably dont have much compitition either, thats a good thing, I bet in a few years or less, you'll have tons of work. Good luck

    When I had my injury , they said college, I passed, I couldnt stand the thought, I wish I thought of this biz back then and went for some of the money I could have got.

    Good luck to you and keep on cleaning stuff. I hate that lichen

  13. That rack is probably stronger than anything you could buy too. nice work. The Rhino liner is great stuff, I had Line X put in the back of my pick up and Ive carried all kinds of stuff, including 12% and other chems and its indestructable stuff. Good Stuff. Any other ideas-check out Mels ( PW KID )trailer, he has a great open trailer set up might give you some ideas

  14. Jeff, how do you get them to commit to a yearly cleaning. Do they sign a contract for x amount of years?

    Im not great with contracts, as trying to secure work. No written long term contract. But what I did with them and Ive told other property managers is if they do it the next year within a12 month period, I'll charge them the same as the year before. I already have done this one 2 times and I toldthem Id have to raise the price $ 4.00 a unit. it cover increases in gas and other things, I was already getting a good price on this job. This complex is great its fairly new and they want to keep it that way

    Large gutter cleaning jobs I do have them sign for 2 years what ever it is 1/4ly, biannually etc

    Some of the other complexes I do wont sign, Most dont want to do it every 12 months, they will wait until they start seeing green mold & mildew , I get several within 16 -19 months and some wait even longer and will put bids out.

    Some have it in thier budget some dont. I'll get better at doing contracts for regular cleaning, but quite often the HOA just doesnt have the money

  15. Jeff,

    If you reduce the price by 10%/year, you will eventually have to pay them to do the work! lol

    Nah, heck the concrete is at least 3 1/2 years old and not really dirty at all, cleaning it every year we'll be able to fly through it. Driveways are real small and the walkways are 6-10' long. Piece of cake, easy $$$

    OHHH, I get it, 10% every year. just 10% of original price, derrr

  16. Does everybody try to upsell, when you are looking at a job?

    Do you give customer a price/estimate for what they ask to be cleaned and then do you automatically add the surrounding areas to the estimate

    I just got a good upsell on a condo complex I do every June, its 35 buildings, 181 units. The complex is 3 1/2 years old. I noticed the small concrete walkways & driveways were starting to get dirty. I called the property manager and mentioned this, she said give her a price. I priced the small drive and walk at $24 a unit, then I also added $10.00 a unit and we will clean the curbing and a couple other common areas of concrete. The curbing is low and can be done with a surface cleaner for the most part, The concrete isnt bad at all. I also told them if its done every year I'll reduce the price by 10%.

    I got the upsell, I really didnt think I would , but you dont know until you ask!

    I try to upsell all the time, Id say I get something extra 15-25% of the time. Even if it just something little, its money in the pocket

    What are some of your best UPSELLS

    This is the complex

  17. I was just wondering how you all got started in the PW biz and why.

    What kinds of work you do, what would you say is your specialty, if any and why.

    What are your goals for your biz.

    A short history of you and your biz, might help me and others, think about what we want out of our business

    My history in short - Started PWing part time in 2000 after work accident in 1996 took me out of my trade of Union Steelpainter/sandblaster. Moved to Myrtle Beach in 2000, worked night at a resort and PW during the days , residential. Started getting busy in 2002 and early 2003 landed a couple big condo complexes. Quit fulltime job in March 2003, Past couple years have worked mostly with Property management companies, doing small & large condo complexes and surrounding surfaces. about 10-20% of our work is residential.

    My goal is to have a couple/few rigs working with a minimium of 2 fulltime workers or more, busy year round. To better manage paper work, and have my wife quit her job and work our office. Want to work this biz and within the next 3-6 years reach the above goals.

    Whats your history???
