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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. You can also try to get into the post construction stuff AFTER the "Post Construction Cleanup." I've found out here that there aren't too many PW companies that know how to clean up a driveway properly. Many use high pressure and no chems... peel the layer of cream right off the top of the newly poured concrete. I just landed a contract with a builder out here that has two tracts of 4000+ homes built in the last couple of years. They are building other tracts too and would like my services. Get in touch with the customer relations managers and give them a demo, but be ready to put on your best show. Sometimes you may have 10 or more people watching you! :^) What I am doing with this company is handling their service calls on the houses already built.. like paint in driveway from other contractors, oil spills, rust and other contaminants. I washed a house the other day because the lady thought her siding was stained... made it look like new. There's a lot of work to keep you busy in the construction business, but be careful. New construction concrete takes precise dwell times and technique if you're using chems and don't use much pressure. The rest of it is cake!

    Hey Craig. New concrete Im well aware of the precautions, but what chems are you using and whats the main chem in it .



  2. Jeff.....seven? your a machine !!! keep it up !!!!!

    We had another we could of done, but I had enough for 1 day. My 1 guy did 3 houses and a drive and me and my helper did 4 and a drive. Like I said enough for 1 day. We have to get everything done we had scheduled for this week and everything we got rained out on last week. Got the big job starting next week. My helper can only work thursday & friday for me, he has a full time job. plus i have a lazy river to clean &remove iron stains next week. Its getting busy for me again. Got to love it!

  3. No snow in MB??? Bummer for you..lol.

    Hey, Jeff, did you get into the CETA show? I looked for you. Saw SR yakking with the Pressure Pro guys.

    Russ, where were you Me , Jim carroll and one of my guys went there with Steve also. We were there for over a couple hours. Sorry we missed you

  4. Quite a few years back, a storage area near my place of business was constantly getting broken into. Just small, easy things got taken, but it all costs, so... an employee at the place I worked had trapped a 40# bobcat in a live-trap and then found out he was out of season without a permit, etc. He decided to solve both problems by leaving the cat in an old guitar amp case next to a bus owned by a local band. They had been robbed of some equipment earlier, an were unable to afford a different lot. The case didn't even sit out one night. The breakins stopped immediately. Guess they were just looking for a pet!:) Maybe a wolverine inside the trailer would be a deterant to the "help yourself" crowd. It could be part of the ad campaigns, like a mascot and theft prevention system in one.

    Thats Funny, there is a guy around here that has signs on his truck Bobcats Pressure Washing

    Thanks guys I like those locks you posted Scott Thanks

  5. I have one gentleman that I will not deal with. a few years ago I had given him an estimate to clean his house, driveway and he complained about my prices. I told him my prices are very fair and thats what I charge. Well he went on & on about being retired and doesnt have the money. He then asked me to give a price to clean his gutter. Well there was only one gutter around his entry way about 15 ft long. I was a sucker and felt bad so I told him give me $5.00 for that. Now I do a ton of houses on his street and he has seen me before, so we set up a date. I always tell a customer if there the 1st job of the day, that I'll be there between 7:30 & 8:30.

    The day of the job my wife calls me as Im on the way to the job. This guy calls yelling at her saying that I'm suppose to be at his house now. It was 7:40 when he called. My wife knows how to handle people and she said she'd have me call. I called him and told him I'll be there soon. I get there and he starts with me. I told him, sir I told you Id be here 7:30; to 8:30 and it was now about 8:10. This fool starts saying I said 7:30. I told him he was wrong. because I ALWAYS say 7:30 - 8:30. He goes an & on. Finally I ask him does he want me to do the job or not. He said yes and he started agin about time and I better do a good job. That was it, I told him if he has a problem he can get another contractor. I also told him. the way he spoke to my wife/secratary was unexceptable and I dont like the way he's talking to me. I started to walk away to set up and he said something else. So I got in my truck to leave. He came to the truck and asked where I was going. I told him my next job. He just looked amazed at 1st then he said he's telling everybody that Im unreliable. I drove off

    Well last year when I was cleaning 4 houses next to him, he came over and asked me to give him an estimate. I told him sir you had a problem with me a couple years ago and are you sure, you want me to clean your house. He said whats the price and we'll see. Well being the nice guy that I am (sucker for old people) I gave him the price and it was $10.00 more than a couple years ago. This fool says thats to much and he tells me what he wants to pay. I lost it and told him I wont do his cleaning and I dont like how he is talking to me and I just turned my back on him and left

    Well guess who called me and asked to give him an estimate about a month ago YUP him. I told him sir You yelled at my wife a few years ago and a couple years ago you didnt like my price. He said he just kidding. I told him, I will never work for him and call who ever did his house the other years. He said he cant get ahold of them. I told him I wonder why and please dont call me again. He called a week ago and I didnt return his call and never will. Unreal!

  6. I'm new to this BBS and I visit another one often and I was for sometime argueing quite abit on that one and it has gotten old to me and I promised myself not to anymore and I wont. I like to learn on these BBS's and help when I can.

    I have to say the week Ive been on this BBS, Ive learned alot and the volume of people & infomation is great!!!! These boards are such a great resource. Before I ever found these boards, I was doing things the hard or wrong way, now I have a question, stupid or not I can get an informed answer. The BS is useless, but these bbs's arent. Thanks for a great board and all the knowledge that can be learned here!!!!

  7. Im no machanic, unfortunitly far from it. My new tandem 16' trailer has a brake locking up. I think? Its the rear passenger side wheel/brake. when I stop, it will lock up and when its wet out you will hear & see it lock up. I have an appointment next tuesday to have it checked out.

    What could cause this and what will need to be done



  8. Im lucky, I have a company down the road JBS Industries and he gets me 55lb bags for $42.00, I also buy a citrus cleaner of him in 55 gallon drum and they deliver free to my house on Fridays.

    Theres also a JBS in ohio, I think. They dont carry OX but he gets it for me.

    Last year I used over 300lbs, this year less

  9. I do quite abit of work for prop. managers (condo complexes & neighborhoods) & commercial properties (banks & retail props), but I have never done any new construction work at all.

    I know nothing about what needs to be done on new construction. Myrtle Beach is going through a building boom, residential (homes & condo complexes)and commercial(New hotel, high-rises& all sorts of commercial & retail properties)

    What is to be cleaned on these types of projects, both residential & commercial. I would like to target some of this work. Residential is crazy around here, there is new nieghborhoods going up EVERYWHERE,

    Any help please, I'd like to get some idea of what is required to be cleaned usually and some ideas on how to do the actual work


  10. Carlos, nice letter.

    I send letters and do a ton of follow up calls & letters and it has paid off several times for my company. I send to companies Ive never worked for and all the companies I have done work for. The ones I have done work for is just thank you letters and to ask for more work. Ive had property managers tell me they got my letter and/or call and thats why they called.

    What ever you can do to keep your name out there! It works.

    Thanks for the example


  11. Jeff,

    You might consider moving swapping the location of the tank and skid to make fueling easier.

    You can build a shelf near the machine and use something like this.You'll still have to remove these to fill.


    Does the rig pull to the right with the tank,machine and hose reels all on one side?

    No it rides real sweet, Tanks in the middle over they axle, plus my 55 gallon,, 12% drum is on the oppisite side along with my cold water machines.

    Scott, I like that fuel tank , I think thats a go. If I mount it to the rear or side door, I might not have to remove it to fill, THANKS!!!

  12. These BBS's are one of the best tools and a valuable resource for everything you ever want to know. I use to do things the hard/wrong way until I found BBS's. Take Don up on his offer, nothing like hands on training. I can teach a guy the basics in a few days & if he has wants to learn, I can have a guy out in fe weeks doing some jobs/work by himself. If I tried to explain with no hands on , who know how long it would take

    Good luck with your biz & family

  13. Has anyone used those 5 gallon gas cans that have the hose, pump and a nozzle like at a gas station, but alot cheaper looking. The nozzles look real cheap, but the idea is good. Im have problems filling my skid unit out of a 5 gallon gas can. Getting some spillage in trailer and its just a difficult angle. No major problem.

    Any other suggestions on making filling tanks easier?
