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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Like cake work aren't they Jeff. We usually don't use extensions til we get to 4 stories and lifts after 5 stories.

    Ya my guys usually don't see an extension unless its something kind of funky. We use lift on a lot of 3 stories, because they often have some funky roof dormer or something you just can't get, we have some 4 stories coming up, all will be from the ground an extension pole and maybe a step ladder. Right on the waterway, can't get a lift around them

    Got to love PWing, Mold is $$$$$$

  2. How's everyone doing with business this year?

    I am up a little but got real slow this August. I project I will be up maybe 10-15K this year unless we get swamped with work, which would be nice. We historically have added about 50- 80 K each year, but I don't think that will happen this year

    If you are up or down, what do you think the reason are for your increase, decline or staying the same

    Us, I know there are a few reasons for our kind of stay the same year.

    I know its part due to the economy, many properties are shopping price, many are waiting longer to do the work and spend the money. We have a ton of start up companies and yes many are subpar and doing washing sometimes/often at half the price

  3. I'm winning the skid :) !!!!

    Hey I saw Ron posted that Randy from Intercoastal Pressure Washing is the main host for this event. For those of you that don't know Randy, he's a great guy. In a short period of time (a couple years), his biz has taken off. Randy has a huge background in sales and thats a plus for any RT, just a smart easy going guy

    Great choice to help run the Myrtle Beach RT

  4. Regular BLUE Dawn can/does put off a strong chemical odor when mived with SH, Apple Blossum (green) Dawn has very little if any odorwith SH, I use TONS of Apple Blossum, it helps on the windows too. I dont like the Blue Dawn. I clear the shelves at 2 Walmarts all the time

    I use to use other chems detergents, but on vinyl theres no need for anything else

    I love MY Apple Blossum Dawn

    I love My Xjet

    I love my PM's

    I love PWing

    I love my wife

    I love RT's

    I love condos


    GO *****

  5. I just joined that board today.

    I have a very special announcement to make soon that (I hope) everyone will be glad to hear. No, it is not a baby You were the last! HaHa, I haven't forgot that remark at Hooters in NJ. I still would love to have another NY Fireman's shirt (XL) even though I am down about 20 lbs. since yoy saw me last. I gave up Hooters, that was the weight issue I guess. The original got lost when I moved a few years back

    Lost 20lbs, what you do cut off the beard LOL

  6. No - it's business. But the likelihood of us deciding to miss it, is slim. It's tempting, but......


    To bad. As you are an industry leader, I just know many would like to meet you, I know you dont get to many of the RT's, other than ACR. I was just hoping you guys could make it to the convention.

    Business is business. I know I thought I had another convention to go to on the same date as the ***** convention. I almost died until I found out it was a week before the ***** event. Cool for me

  7. I am still around even though this is not what I do now. Everyone is invited to email me anytime.

    HOLY CRA* Its Steve (ZZ TOP) Rowlett.

    Hey Steve I hope all is well for you. The trailer you set up for me almost 4years ago is still going strong. I wish they still made Titan reels as good as they did back then. that trailer is a rolling supply house and has the original machine and another one now

    Hey you should go to a round Table someday just to say hello to some of us. I would make sure I am there and I am sure many others would too

    Take care


  8. Know what? its the crazy internet, it drives us all nuts, every BB is going nutsy, we are all flipping BB wack jobs LOL LOL . I wonder what the other 20,000 plus pressure washing contractors that dont post on the BB's DO. Oh what they are missing....... NOT

    Silly internet

  9. The internet is just one flipping crazy place. I think Beth does a great job 98% of the time. I don't agree with infracting Mods thou, other than that Beth you do great job and offer a great BB to all and you are allowed to screw up too

    Mel was always a great Mod, Scott too. I wish they wouldnt leave as mods but I undertsand how they feel. I'm a mod on a couple BB's its not always fun and games thats for sure

    Crazy flipping internet. I really get sick of all the cr*p on the BB's sometimes, but over all thet are a good resource

  10. People need to grow up or shut up. Scott can't blame you at all, BS is BS. Scott its alway been a pleasure reading your posts, talking to you and seeing you at RT's and being a Team member with you on the *****, your insight and how you say it is always is always right on.

  11. I do a health check yearly. Its not as complete as a physical but they do run a through blood work, Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, Thyroid etc. My goal is to grow old and not be on any meds. As I get older my joints seem to talk to me more. ( know what I mean , old guys? ).

    ohhh ya I know what you mean

    I get checked yearly. A regular check up saved my mothers life. They caught lung cancer in her early and took care of it. She's close to 4 years cancer free. I rather get checked than die any day

    Get checked everyone
