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About Babyjon

  • Rank
    TGS Newbie
  • Birthday 07/26/1973

Profile Information

  • Company Name
    Family Lawnscapes
  • First & Last Name
    Jon Ward
  • City & State
    Hixson TN
  • Occupation
    Self Employed
  1. Who actually votes

    You are absolutely correct you must vote no matter what so every Election. I write my High School English Teacher in for whatever office I cant decide between the Brain damaged drunk, The Rapist Murderer, or the Corporate Puppet because you must Vote even if you dont like the person or they are unfit or inappropriate for the job No Morals OK Never read our Constitution OK Involved with Foreign Governments OK It doesnt matter just VOTE Whats Better Coke or PEPSI VOTE!!! SHOULD J LO cut her Hair VOTE!!! What should be the Color of the new M&Ms VOTE!!!! Which Pampers do you prefer VOTE!!!!! Rock the Vote Man!!!! Just Remember You have no one to blame but Yourself!!!! I AM LOCKED AND LOADED. READY TO VOTE JUST PLEASE GIVE ME SOMEONE WORTH A D@#$ TO VOTE FOR. PLEASE!!! BECAUSE I CONSIDER MY VOTE WORTH SOMETHING MEN DIED TO SECURE THAT RIGHT AND I WONT THROW IT AWAY!! ON SOME PIECE OF TRASH AND THEN SAY WEEL I THINK HE IS DOING A PRETTY GOOD JOB, NOT WHAT I EXPECTED BUT HE WAS THE ONLY (INSERT PARTY HERE) TO VOTE FOR.
  2. Bush is soaking the rich!

    Your Governmnent Loves you!!! So Do Corporations that take jobs and Send them overseas, and also pollute puposely and our Government which "Hates" pollution fines them your kid has leukemia and they get a "fine" sounds like the EPA is really on your side how many millions can they lose??? How many kids you got?? The EPA loves putting the stick to the little guy we cant afford it!! Kennedy Shot himself He felt so bad about wanting to end the Federal Reserve and have Congress Coin Money and Do away with the CIA Pearl Harbor Was a Complete Surprise? No Syphilis was handed out in Tuskegee!! The numbers might never lie But people do all the Time. The Economy is good on Paper but the Dollar is Losing Value.. The world Bank expects to devalue it to Equal the average World currency. before 2010 Money is moving makes the Economy look good It is all pennies not Dollars. Is all this True??? Weel I didint hears it on Fox. Owned by Rupert Murdock Look up this guy and what his world view is!! I dont think Fox is really all that fair and balanced!! I read books, some were printed before color television and then compared it to todays events and guess what?? same players same results. There are those who will make it no matter what they will switch sides sell out or sabotage others do whatever it takes to win. Bush isnt Soaking the rich only the semi rich the wealthy the Rich will be Just fine I worry about the guy down the road. Whose job closed up and went to Mexico what happens when all the jobs go to Mexico or some other country. We Will find other job but what about the in between what baout the things you lose because to some corporation money is more important than his nation and countrymen and what about the government who allows this to happen freely with no consequences. We buy more junk than anyone else in the World. why doesnt our Government stop the coming in so our businesses can compete. One reason is it isnt about competition Its about power and control. Its about who controls the money controls. People within our Government benefit is this so new we act like this has never happened in before it is our History. Corruption and evil is the Norm. No way will the government step in they put corporate interest over the interest of the people which I believe Mussolini called that fascism or better he thought to call that Corporatism.
  3. Bush is soaking the rich!

    I wonder if the Rich people I mean the Ultra rich The ones who dont pay taxes because all their money is in foundations and trusts. And politicians have discussions like this. In the late seventies my Dad made 350 per week.When I was still"employed" my employer spent at least one hour a month convincing me 375 a week was good money. Also The income tax is a illegal tax that goes to pay the interest to the Federal Reserve Which is private bank not a federal anything except in name. The people that own it dont pay taxes either. I will vote for Ron Paul if he gets the nomination otherwise I didnt do too bad under Clinton Except for stupid Gun Laws So it is a trade off Ever wonder why It keeps getting worse no matter who is in office. Id say they are all pretty buddy buddy.
  4. Get Some to Make Some...

    Get out of debt move to the country raise goats
  5. They TRIED To Warn Us !

    Read Aldus Huxleys book "A Brave New World"
  6. Full time or part time?

    Im not making it!! I went to see about a job today. I will winter and pick up what I can. Then, Hit it hard in the spring. Never Quit, never Give up Retreat reorganize then attack again
  7. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    I agree, but whoo should we get rid of first which countries,tribes,ethnic groups are superfluous maybe we should have a poll to decide Im new here, but I have to interject. I offer myself to be first, If my death will help to stop Global Warming I will give it. Who will join me???
  8. NFL Playoffs poll

  9. Global Warming - YOUR Vote Please ?

    Everything Changes including the weather I even remember when scientists said that we were headung for another Ice Age I think Science is extremely Subjective kind of like politicians
  10. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    I am a Constitutionalist and I have no none to vote for.
  11. I want hose reels I was told the type sold at northern would not hold up well $300 is steep for me right now but I am not against hose reels just not in my budget. does anyone know who or where I can get a Quality reel when I do buy them?
  12. Welcome New Members! ..Introduce yourself

    Hi ! My name is Jon I have a small business ,in Chattanooga Tn, called Family Lawnscapes. I found myself unemployed due to scheduling problems. I was given a couple of mowers by Family, and I went to work. It didnt last long due to the drought we are suffering here and so I am in the process of looking for another job. I thought I could make a living mowing but not this year! I used to clean heavy equipment, trucks, and anything else that needed to be cleaned on a construction site as part of my job. I started studying pwing again on another forum more geared to lawn work.I have learned alot and purchased a hot water unit, hose, x jet, trailer, videos, brushes, wands, and another small unit just for houses. I have been reading on this forum for awhile just reading post by post. I intend to go "pro" and am not afraid to work. I am insured and ready to go. I am open to help criticism and oppurtunity. All my Equipment is paid for so I dont eat much. I have a Simpson Water Shotgun 3000 psi and 4.0 gpm Hot I also have B&S 2250psi 2.5 gpm also 150 feet of hose 100 ft of supply hose 2 wands 1 3ft and one 5 ft a telescoper, xjet adding a downstreamer when I get my trailer finished with reels I have a 5 by 8 dual axle trailer with a box on the front. I know its not everything I need But I hope It will get me rolling