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Everything posted by mobilewow

  1. Guys check this out!

    I came across this last week. Its called the gutterball and it is great. I got mine the other day and yesterday I cleaned my first set of gutters and it was the easiest tool i have ever used on gutters. Anyway just thought I would pass along.http://www.gutterballpro.com
  2. I've won a major award!

    Great Job!
  3. 32ft ladder???

    Does anyone know how to carry a 32ft ladder on a regular full size shortbed truck or on a 5x10ft trailer safely? By the way it's only 32ft when extended.
  4. YOUR Opinion On This ?

    Chris, It seems like theres no end in sight. The gas situation has hurt alot of people and it trickles down to everyone and everything. It's not fair but what can we do. The only thing you can do is try and do the best you can, find new ways to get business, sometimes you have to think outside the box! We are spending over $500.00 a week easy here and yes it hurts. Everyone keep pushing and maybe soon it will turn around. Remember a closed mouth doesn't get fed. Like you told me a while back get out and talk to anyone who will listen.
  5. New Flyer for the Summer Season

    Pat I just got some full color flyers from uprinting.com total for 1000 copies was 213.00 this included 2 day turnaround and 2 day air for shipping. They did a great job and they printed on 100lb gloss text paper. They had a nice shine.