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Joe Ortiz

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Posts posted by Joe Ortiz

  1. with a 100 gal tank you will be pushing the trailer to its limits.(8lbs x 100 gal.) does the trailer have 10" rims? i recomend a trailer with atleast 2500-3500 lbs. rating. but it depends on what you will be doing. checkout a tractor supply store for the trailer HD & Lowes are overpriced too. hose reels make a big diff. you might be replacing swives real quick. and fill out your signature so we can know who you are bro. good luck!

  2. either one will work but depending on how often you use it i dont think you will get 3-4 years out of it. invest in the belt drive, its worth the money and scrap the marketing if you are doing resi work go door to door and sell yourself. then save money and invest in marketing as you go. if you save $ on your PW and have all these clients lined up...then your PW breaks down where will you stand if you have to buy another one?

  3. The way I see it Being a pro reflects on you work and the way you represent yourself & co. and some people may have a higher overhead than others so they have to charge more sor the service. i am one of the guys that will go into a subdivision and target the cheapest guy on the block. give him my price and he says its to high!. I say i will clean your house for $125.00 if you can get me 5 other houses in your subdivision. before you know it they all want it at $125.00 so now you have about ,lets say 9 houses.@ $125. in one day thats money. then comes the up sell!driveway,roof,deck, etc.

  4. one more thing alot of those peolpe cant afford their houses and barely make the payments. I even call the bank owned ones and had a house or two. what i did that worked was befriend a realtor (1 of the biggest down here)and set up contracts with him on cleaning a few houses. for free untill the house would get sold then i would get the check. and i would mark the price way up. still working out good.

  5. I ask what else they have planned for their property and what there looking to spend. that gives me an idea of how much they wanna spend on a total project.also ask if they have started looking for contractors."Why" they ask? I tell them throughout the years I've made good friends with cotractors and i can recomend for one to come out and give you an estimate. that will give me an idea of how much to charge for the job. but most times they wanna build a house for $10k. a lil trick i learnned working as a sales coach @ best buy. works most of the time for me,+ the contractor gives me 10% for the job leed.

  6. well my opinion is...to make the machine cheaper you have to cut corners just as any thing else and when you cut corners you may get smaller gas tanks, no filter here ,no filter there,cheap hose n wand,etc,etc.get what im trying to say. and most of all you need to beable to count on them for service.the expensive machines that have been manufactured for10+years are still in buisness today. alot of those guys come and go

  7. No worries, you dont want to have a customer with that attitude, it will just be problems and if you were helping them out in the price!!! some people think we only have their job to do that day. we are on a schedule just like them. we try to acomidate each other but sometimes its just not in the cards. good luck!

  8. Just thought it was weird that white smoke started to come out the vent atop the burnner then about 2hrs. later the reset button kept popping out. Cant figure what is wrong. It'll work for about 5min then resets. Its a Landa SLX model 8gpm. theres bubling in the clear filter cap, when reset you hear the fan start. just wanted suggestions before i start to take it appart. any help will do. thanks
