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Mike Williamson

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Everything posted by Mike Williamson

  1. Right, and unethical (or even seemingly unethical) practices will keep recruitment and retention down. People like me who have been on the fence about PWNA for quite a while, who come here and read what's going on (or even just what some think is going on), will choose to stay away. There may be nothing unethical going on, I really don't know. Some things look funny to me, but they may be totally innocent. However, even the appearance of shady or unethical practices ought to be avoided. If something could possibly be taken or misunderstood in that manner, then it ought to be avoided, or at least openly explained up front.
  2. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    I used to feel as you do, I believed in God, but I sure didn't want anyone pushing their religious crap on me! Until I was ready to listen, and God sent a man to push his religious "crap" on me. LOL! What a ride it's been since then!!! Jesus was perfectly willing to allow those not interested in Him to walk away...He's a gentleman, and will not force Himself on anyone who is unwilling to hear. The thing is, He has a way of making us willing to hear! Don't be offended when someone wants to share their faith with you. They're simply doing what Jesus told them to do..."Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...." And in most cases, it is done with a spirit of love and concern, not self-righteousness. Just be glad someone cares enough to take the time, even if you feel you don't need what they're offering.
  3. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Upon what do you base your belief in the divity of Jesus Christ, and upon what do you base your belief in Him as your Lord and Savior? How do you even know you need saving? I just don't understand the concept that we can take parts of the bible (usually the parts that don't make us uncomfortable, or that don't contradict our worldview) and reject other parts of it. Either God gave us His word, and preserved it, or He didn't. If He didn't, then as far as I'm concerned, toss the entire thing in the trash, it isn't worth the paper it is written on. And without it, how do we know anything about Him, about our need of Him? How do we know anything about what He expects of us?
  4. Well that nails it. She IS the owner of NAB, Inc, and NAB, Inc, DOES own Sunbrite Supply of Maryland. Who knows why he'd want to hide it. I agree with Mel that if Bockman is teaching roof cleaning, getting paid for it, and promoting products he sells, something stinks. I can say from personal experience that the roof cleaner Sunbrite sells doesn't work well, at least in my experience. That's the first, and last, roof I ever cleaned with SH. Thank GOD I had chlorine on the trailer that day. After two hours of applying chems as instructed, and blasting the crap out of the roof and getting mediocre results, I cleaned the last 2/3 of it with chlorine in an hour. The problem with chlorine is that companies can't very easily package it and sell it as a miracle cleaner.
  5. That's the first thing I thought when I read that press release. I think it is safe to say that virtually no one here in Gainesville even knows what PWNA is...There may be a small handful of very internet active folks who have done enough searching for PW information before hiring a contractor that they may have run across the organization, but I've never met one. Given the antics surrounding both this issue and the questions many had months ago about the process for selecting education curriculums, I think it is safe to say that they are NOT the leaders in developing and communicating the highest standards in ethical business practices. And yes, I looked at the documents for Sunbrite Supply of Maryland, and you are correct...so if Henry denied any connection, he's a liar, plain and simple.
  6. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Wow...now THAT'S a great point!!!
  7. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Do you believe the Bible to be the inerrant word of God?
  8. Well that's reassuring. Glad to hear it!!!
  9. Good thing there are some experienced roof cleaners here in FL who are willing to hold free "training classes" showing folks the proper way to clean a shingle or tiled roof!
  10. I'd really really like to see what method the PWNA calls "approved" for roof cleaning! Do any PWNA members sell Sodium Hydroxide products? If so, I'd be willing to be that's the approved method.
  11. Now that's interesting. The more I hear, the less I like the idea of joining.
  12. Remember the education classes thread that Ron started here? It seemed then that certain BOD members were very uneasy with some of the questions being asked. I'd be curious to hear what things are causing Matthew to abandon ship.
  13. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Thanks for clearing that up. My question is, why should it matter whether Darwin recanted or not? Whether he became a Christian or not? It isn't as if his belief, or lack of belief, in creation, the bible, or God, has any bearing whatsoever on what is true and what is not. Saying "Darwin recanted" means nothing, whether it were true or not.
  14. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Good point! And everyone knows there were no short men in those days...I know from reading Louis L'Amour novels that all the men in the old west were well over 6' tall!
  15. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Yes. Simply his acceptance that laws are designed indicates his acceptance of a designer. He may not have accepted the creation account of the first chapters of Genesis as literally accurate, but he accepted the existence of a designer.
  16. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    That's NOT the evolution most creationists are arguing against. We argue against the evolution from one speciest to another...the concept that once, millions of years ago, man's ancestors were fish or fishlike creatures living in the water...the concept that even longer ago, all life evolved from single celled creatures... I doubt that anyone with any ability to think or comprehend disagrees that animals and humans adapt through survival of the fittest, and even develop traits and abilities to deal with their surroundings.
  17. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Right, I believe that's what the book says... :rolleyes:
  18. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Does it really matter who wrote what??? Is this thread about proving Paul can think for himself and write a paper on creation, or is it about creation/evolution?
  19. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    True, but that doesn't mean God can't use him. God can use anyone, or anything, He chooses, and it is not contingent upon the tool being perfect.
  20. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Amen to that. The saving of a soul is the greatest miracle of all.
  21. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    No doubt there have been, are, and will be false prophets. Does that mean we discount ALL miracles? And who says God CAN'T manifest himself through Pat or Benny? I'm not saying He does, but I'm certainly not going to say He never does. Does one have to be perfect, or even right, for God to use them? If Benny Hinn lays hands on someone and they're healed, do I doubt the healing, or do I praise God for answering that person's faith? I've seen people healed. Miraculously, with no other explanation than just that God did it. Right then. I've been healed in this manner, not of anything major, but of minor things. My wife has been healed. I've never seen anyone raised from the dead, but I know people who have. It usually happens elsewhere, in dirt poor 3rd world countries where they have NOTHING but God. It doesn't happen here much, because here in America, we really don't have the faith. We don't believe God can REALLY do it. But in other places, that's ALL they have...and they believe God really CAN do it. They walk for days to attend a worship service or to get prayed for. I've learned never to doubt what God can do. He's as much a miracle worker today as He was 2000 years ago. If people choose to reject that, well, that's their loss, not mine.
  22. Attaching pictures

    I use a program called FastStone...It's a great program for viewing, resizing, renaming, etc. http://www.faststone.org/FSViewerDetail.htm It is a free program.
  23. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Because, like you, the folks at CNN and Fox don't believe it. And of course, since these things didn't happen in the middle of Times Square with hundreds of credible, "intelligent" witnesses to verify them, there is no "proof". That, and Fox, CNN, and all the rest of the news outlets report what people want to hear. People for the most part don't want to hear about this kind of stuff. It makes most people uncomfortable, even those who claim to be Christians. For those of us who believe the bible to be God's word, and accurate in its accounts of God's interaction with man, stories like this are very credible. Jesus raised people from the dead when he was here on earth, and did so through the actions of His apostles after He ascended...So why is it so hard to believe He still does those things today? Just because in this nation of people who put more faith in doctors things like that don't happen here much doesn't mean God doesn't respond to faith and desperate need where He does find it. Is God different today than He was 2000 years ago?
  24. How to close the doors?

    Where are you headed?
  25. 3/8th vs. 1/2

    You mean when I start rinsing? Nope, I just put in a 2520 tip (for an 8gpm machine) and start rinsing. The injector only works at lower pressures.