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Mike Williamson

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Everything posted by Mike Williamson

  1. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Here's another interesting site....I followed this site pretty closely for the 2000 and 2004 elections Electoral-vote.com: President, Senate, House Updated Daily The guy is pretty liberal so a lot of commentary is skewed that way, but I believe he stays true to the combined polls.
  2. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Here's a great resource for checking the truth of claims made by both sides... FactCheck.org
  3. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Excellent!! I love McCain's plan...let's give the biggest tax savings to the people who are out there stimulating the economy and creating new jobs with that money, rather than the lower middle class/poverty sector who are going to buy lottery tickets and beer with that money... Or we could make it fair for all... Americans For Fair Taxation: Americans for Fair Taxation
  4. Your Opinions On Rebuilding New Orleans ?

    I don't live there, so it really isn't my call...though I don't think Federal funds should be used...
  5. Sarah Palin In Tampa

    And I heard Obama isn't even a citizen!
  6. Sarah Palin In Tampa

    Yeah, I heard Obama was a muslim too.
  7. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    You're kidding, right? You'd rather have national health care than national defense?? Right. The point is, charity belongs to the individual...It isn't the government's job to take from those who have and give to those who don't.
  8. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    I never pegged you for a socialist, but the more I read your posts, the more it becomes clear. If something is broken (in your opinion) then get the government to fix it. The government is the answer. Wow. This entire thread has really surprised me...I thought some of you were really smarter than that. Wow.
  9. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

  10. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Maybe people need to live in smaller houses and forget the car payments, and then they can afford health care. I hope I don't find myself in that situation either. Should we have regulation in the pressurewashing industry so that greed doesn't take over? Shouldn't EVERYONE be able to afford a housewash?
  11. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    YOu can buy Nexium over the counter, it is now even generic. Prilosec OTC is nexium at 1/2 the strength...so take two pills. With insurance, nexium cost me $25.00/month. It costs me $21.00 for a 21 day regimen of the generic Prilosec. Sure, that's not the case with every drug, but in many cases, there are ways to get what you need without paying through the nose. It doesn't take being "upper class" to afford insurance. It isn't the government's job to fix health care...no more than it is the government's job to fix gas prices or grocery prices or housing prices.
  12. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Yeah, dude...she ran Alaska...a state filled with very independant, no-nonsense people. That says a hell of a lot.
  13. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    From The Weekly Standard Interesting stuff. What Palin Does 1. Steps on the story of Obama’s speech (and convention), and possibly the bounce coming from them, and wipes them off the news cycle. The Sunday news shows will be all-Palin, all of the time. 2. Sends Republicans into their convention on a huge head of steam. 3. Wipes out the image of McCain as the crotchety elder and brings back that of the fly-boy and gambler, which is much more appealing, and the genuine person. 4. Revs up the base AND excites independents, which no one else in the party, or perhaps in the world, could have accomplished. 5. Puts youth, change, and history on both of the tickets. 6. May detach some young people, especially women. 7. May attach some women pissed off about Hillary. 8. As a pro-life super-achiever, puts feminists in a tizzy. 9. Revives some of the double-edged nature of the Democratic primary, which featured a black vs. a female trail-blazer, and put both sides on notice on sensitivity issues. Democrats used to raising charges of racism against Obama’s critics may face charges of sexism and/or condescension if they try to diss her. 10. Steps on Obama’s claims to have been a reformer, as he reformed nothing (much less the corrupt mare’s nest of Chicago arrangements), while she was a dragon-slayer up in Alaska. 11. As a mother of five, one a Down Syndrome baby, helps her side take on the Democrats on abortion extremism and the Born Alive bill. 12. Reignites the deep and unhealed stresses inside the Democrats, some of whom will now wonder more loudly than ever why they didn't pick Hillary. 13. Counters Michelle in a way Cindy couldn’t. 14. Counter-intuitively, makes the issue of Obama’s light resume more potent than ever. Her lack of experience is no more than his is. And he’s--to use a term from Alaska, and the Iditarod--their lead dog
  14. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Yeah, but hang in there...Obama is coming to socialize everything and stick for you underdogs against the rich evil Republicans!
  15. Unloader problem

    That's right! He already knew without having to ask!
  16. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Why a younger woman? Because all other things being equal, a younger (conservative) woman will garner the support of those who wouldn't necessarily support McCain by himself. Amen to that.
  17. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Sure he can still use the no-experience thing with Obama. She's not running for President...Though I agree, the VP is a heartbeat away...but then again, the Speaker is two heartbeats away. I'd much rather have an experienced President with an inexperienced VP than an inexperienced President with an experienced VP.
  18. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    I don't know anything about her, other than that she's governor of Alaska, and was Mayor of another small town before that, has 5 kids, one of whom is disabled, is pro-life, and is AOG (well, that I don't know, but so I've heard.) I don't think McCain is stupid, and I'm sure his choice is well thought out, and I'm sure there are many reasons for it that we're simply unaware of. I like the idea of a younger woman on the ticket, if it is the right woman. I don't know enough about her to say if she is that woman or not!
  19. Unloader problem

    If that's the case, he may need to replace the orifice inside the bypass outlet, or replace it with one size smaller...I've had that happen twice, where the hole gets worn slightly larger. The first time, I actually fixed it by cutting the end off a nylon hosebarb and sticking that in behind the bypass outlet fitting. Restricted the flow enough to stop the constant cycling. I didn't have a replacement orifice, and I needed to work! Try crimping the bypass hose with a pair of pliars a little, maybe 1/2 way. If the cycling stops, that's your problem.
  20. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    I don't care what's "derived" from the first amendment. I wasn't really looking for a cut and paste, I was hoping for more intellectual thought. The first amendment says nothing about prohibiting direct connections. It is intended to prevent a government-forced religion, and to prevent the church from using the government to force religion on the people. Allowing someone to pray, or even providing a time and/or place for them to pray is not forcing religion on anyone, nor is it creating a government-forced religion. If I want to pray, I'll do it where I want to. If that offends you, sorry. Some things about you offend me, but I don't expect the government to force you to go away. Very true.
  21. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Agreed. I don't wear flag jewelery either. But if I were running for President, and someone gave me a flag pin to wear, I probably wouldn't refuse. Why? Because while Patriotism IS in your heart, when you're trying to convince others that you're the right candidate for President, you need to make every effort to display what's in your heart...refusing to wear the pin doesn't necessarily mean you aren't Patriotic in your heart, it COULD mean that...
  22. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Do you have a problem with displaying a flag as a show of patriotism? Of course hanging/wearing/displaying a flag doesn't make one a patriot, no more than wearing a cross or going to church makes one a Christian.
  23. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    There is no separation of church and state. Where does the constitution say THAT?? Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
  24. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    And I agree that there are a lot of falsehoods out there about Obama...as there are about McCain, GW, etc etc. Wouldn't it be nice if campaigns ran on the issues and the truth, and no on smear and inuendo? They all do it. Look at the comments Obama made about McCain not remembering (or not knowing) how many houses he has. Who cares? He's a rich man, and has a lot of assets. Big deal.
  25. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    I just made this point, agreed. Of course, I don't think anyone in their right mind would think a lack of a flag on McCain's plane indicates a lack of love of this country and what it stands for. It is several of these types of things relating to Obama that might make one question his patriotism. Sure, but a refusal to wear a flag pin COULD be an indication of one's view of this country. Yep, just made this point also...agreed.