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Mike Williamson

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Everything posted by Mike Williamson

  1. Possible FL Job Lead

    I got an email today from the person who is replacing Javier, stating the contracts are still valid, and that their CEO and President are in meetings today to decide how to proceed with things. That indicates to me that CB hasn't dropped Commercial. Where'd you hear this?
  2. Possible FL Job Lead

    Have you heard anything new? Check your mailbox, I sent you a PM.
  3. Am I that overpriced?

    How many hours do you figure that roof will take? Two story 7000 square foot house means the equivalent roof size of a 3500sf house (if it is all two story). How long can that take? Even if you had $100.00 in chlorine, you'd still have $700.00 left... Even if it took you 5 hours, you're still making damned near $150.00/hour. If I'm clearing close to $150.00/hour after the cost of the chlorine, I'm certainly not killing my pocket...and if I can make things work at $150.00/hour, so can anyone else. Which means if that kills the roof market, then the roof market needed some adjusting.
  4. I am so sick of the Gas whiners

    I don't think we have enough farmland to grow both food AND enough crops to supply our fuel needs. A combination of different technologies is likely our best bet. There are so many options, but most are years away from realistic implementation.
  5. Who has Worker's Comp?

    Yep, you know how us exempt, beer money guys are!
  6. The X-Jet debate

    Wherever is most convenient closest to the unloader. Definitely between the unloader and your pressure hose somewhere. If it is adjustable, make it accessible so you can shut it off if you need to do any low pressure rinsing without chem. If not, put a small ball valve in the feed line somewhere so you can shut it off that way. Sometimes I use the gun with no tip to rinse the house down after doing the driveway, expecially if there is a lot of light-weight landscaping that would blow around if I rinsed with pressure. In that case, I just shut off the downstreamer.
  7. For bleach heads only

    Well, it will certainly leave a stain....:eek:
  8. Sales Tax

    In Florida, if you provide a service only, no sales tax. If you provide a product, you have to charge tax on both the product AND the service. If you use the customer's materials, you still have to charge tax on the service. Just make sure that if you DO have to charge tax, you make sure you report it ALL and send it in! People have gone to jail for charging sales tax and not reporting it.
  9. Who has Worker's Comp?

    Ahh, maybe I'm thinking of a different state. I know someone posted earlier that owners could not be covered, and I thought I remembered them being from GA. My apologies!
  10. I am so sick of the Gas whiners

    The customers' gas costs are insignificant, in most cases, to what we deal with. Joe Homeowner might fill his 14 gallon tank once a week. I fill my 30 gallon tank twice/week, and my 10 gallon tanks several times/week.
  11. Who has Worker's Comp?

    In some states (yours included, I believe) the owner of the company cannot receive benefits from the WC policy...I assume to prevent WC fraud. Stupid rules, the bottom line is, they're there. So, when you tell a customer that they're more protected by using you, because you have WC insurance, you're misleading them (though apparently unintentionally.)
  12. I am so sick of the Gas whiners

    I know about ANWR, and from what I understand, there isn't enough oil there to make a significant difference. As far as drilling off the coast of CA, they already do. They want to drill off FL, but FL says no way. I don't see that changing, and I hope it doesn't. I'd rather pay $3.00+/gallon than see oil rigs off the coast every time I go to the beach.
  13. Homebrew

    If I were downstreaming from a 5 gallon bucket, I'd use 4.5 gallons of 10.5% and 1/2 gallon of citracleen/citrus cleaner
  14. I am so sick of the Gas whiners

    Yep. It isn't so much that people have that much less disposable income, it is that they perceived they have a lot less...they see themselves paying $60.00 to fill the car up rather than the $25 it took 3 years or so ago and they feel like they can barely afford to drive to work...nevermind that they only fill the car up 3 times/month and they spend more at Starbucks that month than they did on increased gas prices. It's all perception. And as you said, the economy softens...which is one reason I believe things are so slow right now for so many. It's never been this slow this long, at least for me. Two calls in two weeks.
  15. I am so sick of the Gas whiners

    Where is this oil?
  16. Homebrew

    OOps, sorry! Can't tell the difference!
  17. Where do I put all this stuff?

    I have lots of cleaning chems in the house. I have bleach, laundry soap, dish soap, windex, degreaser, odo-ban, carpet cleaner, oxyclean, etc etc. I also have some PW chems in the house, but nothing of any danger to anyone. I have some stuff on the carport too. Nothing flammible. Most chems are in the enclosed trailer.
  18. House washes slow?!!?

    VERY slow! Don't know what the deal is, it's never been THIS slow...I know July is slow, at least here in FL, but this is just ridiculous.
  19. How can I make my own X-jet?

    From what I've heard from those who have bought and used them, the CAT nozzle doesn't work nearly as well. According to the catalog, it has a maximum 1/2gpm draw. http://www.dultmeier.com/catpages.asp?page=E083
  20. Downstreaming Question..

    If I have to do that, why not just Xjet? I just ordered a 3-5gpm injector to try on the 8gpm machine. The 5-8gpm injector works fine, but I'm hoping for a slightly better draw.
  21. Downstreaming Question..

    On the 5.6gpm machine, I use a regular black soap tip, or a home-made zero degree (a 3/8" hose barb screwed into a 1/4" plug) for soaping, and a 2515 and 0010 for rinsing. It only takes a few seconds to clear the line. I've heard guys use that as a reason not to downstream, but it doesn't make sense. I've not had luck downstreaming with more than 200' of hose, but I use 200' regularly with no problems. I keep a pump sprayer with 50/50 10.5% and water for times when the algae is REALLY heavy, typically on the gutters, foundation, or window ledges/horizontal trim on acrocrete. Even when I have to use the sprayer, it is faster than having to Xjet the entire house.
  22. How can I make my own X-jet?

    I've got several myself...and if you drill a hole in the side, attach a fitting and a hose, you'll simply shoot water out of the hose AND the tip. Why not just spend the money on the correct equipment?
  23. How can I make my own X-jet?

    The "make your own Xjet" stuff I believe was started by a guy named Chuck Richard who doesn't frequent the boards anymore. He claimed to have figured out how to make one using home depot fittings, but never would explain exactly how. I don't think he ever really did it. The original Xjet has a close-range fan tip, and the M5 is adjustable for closer work.
  24. Let's pick a location for the Grime Scene Round Table

    Where in FL is Williamsburg? :lgsideway
  25. Possible FL Job Lead

    I don't have a problem with the price, $200-250 for a 2 hour job isn't bad money......I'm just waiting to see what happens.