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Mike Williamson

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Everything posted by Mike Williamson

  1. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Oh man that's funny. Deer in the headlights. I will say regarding the flag/plane issue that he DOES still have a flag on the plan, though it is certainly small and not very noticable. Then again, McCain doesn't appear to have a flag on his plan either. I like both GW's and Kerry's plane... To be fair, from the snopes website, it shows Obama placing his hand over his heart on other occasions during the national anthem. I'm less interested in his plane than I am in what he's accomplished that makes him so highly qualified to lead this nation. Yes, I'm sure he's smart. So are millions of others. Yes, he's accomplished in his personal life...so are millions of others. What makes him stand out among 300 million people that makes him someone I'd want leading our nation?
  2. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Funny...I hadn't heard most of those. I do question why he won't wear a flag pin, put his hand over his heard during the pledge, and why he removed the flag from his plane.
  3. Unloader problem

    Again, what type of unloader?
  4. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    I don't care what his middle name is, and I don't care that he's black. I care that he hasn't accomplished anything in his political life. I care that while he may be qualified under the constitution to be President, he hasn't shown or done anything that qualifies him, in my mind, to lead this nation. I haven't seen anyone here even suggest that being black makes him a poor choice. You think your wallet is hurting now? Wait until we have 4 or 8 years of a socialistic President trying to push through his socialistic agenda. There are so so many reasons not to vote for this guy...give me one good reason TO vote for him? Change? What change? Pulling out of Iraq? We're already planning that.
  5. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Hannitize the vote?
  6. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    LOL! I had the same experience...I thought it was just the cold I have been fighting...
  7. Unloader problem

    What kind of unloader?
  8. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    He's not running for President. Are you hoping Obama wins? C'mon, Jeff...I know you're smarter than that... You pulling for Obama doesn't surprise me.
  9. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Don't be so sure. I sure hope so, but I'm not convinced.
  10. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    I'm curious what Jeff thinks...
  11. Teachers with Guns?

    I disagree with you here... Where does it say we're given the right by God to keep and bear arms? We're given that right by the constitution, not God. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying God wants us to lay down and not defend our families, or the defenseless, from evil, but carrying a gun certainly isn't a God-given right, at least I don't think it is. Can you show me otherwise? I'm certainly willing to learn!
  12. Teachers with Guns?

    True, but they're much less likely in a small, Christian school, and completely unheard of in a homeschool setting. Michael will either be homeschooled, or will attend a small Christian academy. We still have a couple years to make that choice.
  13. Teachers with Guns?

    Years ago, kids brought guns to school (at least in rural areas) for target shooting after school...Didn't have school shootings then, despite many guns on campus. These days, the only ones with guns on campus are the ones doing the school shootings. I recall a story a year or two ago about a school shooting where a coach or teacher had to run to where his car was parked off campus to get his gun. I don't recall if he shot the kid doing the shooting or just used the gun to convince the kid to give up. How many would have been saved if he'd not had to run the 1/2 mile to his car and back? True. And I can teach my son responsibility and right and wrong, but the problem is the parents who won't. I'm not going to have my son shot because some other parent isn't a parent. That's why he'll never go to a public school.
  14. Teachers with Guns?

    I would hope that would be the case with anyone carrying, unless they have mental issues....I have several guns...hope I never need to use any of them on another person. But if the day ever comes where I need to protect my family or myself, I'll be glad I have them.
  15. Teachers with Guns?

    Hey, you're the one who said people have no business carrying guns at work. Why does someone who carries a gun have to be stereotyped as a "cowboy"? I know quite a few people who carry day in and day out...none of them fits that stereotype...
  16. Teachers with Guns?

    The problem is that a store doesn't have to be "that bad" for some scumbag to decide it is an easy target...You don't have to be carrying a large amount of money to be a target...People are killed for a few dollars just so some scumbag can get his next fix. Maybe you're not the clerk making 7/hour...maybe you're the owner...
  17. Teachers with Guns?

    Yes, like Columbine, or any other school where this stuff has happened. And amen to getting more parents to take ownership and responsibility rather than leaving that to the government.
  18. Teachers with Guns?

    I'm sure those clerks who have been injured or killed during a convenience store robbery wished they had a gun....Not ridiculous at all to carry a weapon at work if you work where violence may happen...
  19. Teachers with Guns?

    Having worked in the subsidized housing industry for years, I can say that though it may not seem right to you, it is certainly common in certain demographics...It becomes an entitlement, and these people learn to work the system. Well, the ones who aren't willing, sure. The ones who aren't capable are the ones for whom the system was put into place
  20. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    And it's none of your business if Roger Gothorpe wants to teach his son to fry ants with a magnifying glass...but you had to go and open your mouth there...I guess that only goes one way, eh?
  21. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    Sorry, killing bees or hunting isn't necessary. You can fill your freezer much faster working a couple extra jobs each week during hunting season. That's such a BS excuse. I've met ONE hunter in my life who truly hunted to feed his family. And if you want to take it further, eating meat isn't necessary, so what you're saying is that the lives of the animals you eat are expendable simply because you enjoy hunting and eating meat, not because you need the meat to survive. And as far as worrying about your own damned self, maybe you should have done that in your first post in this thread. If you want to use "needy people" as your justification to chase injured and scared animals around the woods, be my guest...seems a bit intellectually dishonest to me... You think I'm a city boy because I don't hunt? LOL
  22. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    So ant lives (or bees or deer) are only expendable when it suits our selfish purposes?
  23. Boy's Rite of Passage?

    Oh gimme a break...You can't afford to buy meat so you hunt? Maybe spend that time washing a couple houses and you could buy meat rather than chasing it, wounded, through the woods? Or are you one of those hunters whose every shot is a kill shot?
  24. Is this a joke ? Who is washing houses for $39 ????

    There's a local guy here who actually has that entire price list cut and pasted into his website as his list of services/prices. Crazy.
  25. Favorite Fast Food?

    Like a Krystal's burger, but greasier and a bit nastier. I LOVE their sirloin and the garlic spinach!!! Ahhhhh....Jack in the Box....I sure miss them.