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Mike Williamson

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Everything posted by Mike Williamson

  1. How's this for clean gutters?

    rob: What's the name of this cleaner?
  2. Pump question

    Thanks, Michael!
  3. BIG Job...Have a question

    Alan: My apologies, I didn't see that you were referring to a driveway! :) I was thinking a much larger area, as in commercial flatwork. I agree with what you said, and I just set a minimum charge to deal with those smaller jobs.
  4. Pump question

    Alan: I'll check it tomorrow. I have a few spare guns, so I'll swap with one of the new ones and see if that changes anything. Thanks!
  5. Masking Non-Working Areas.

    Beautiful job, Paul!
  6. BIG Job...Have a question

    How can you go broke charging .05 per square foot on flatwork, especially if you have a lot of it in one area??? I could see if you were doing small areas where you had to do a lot of detail work, moving equipment, etc, but aside from that, I can't see how that would break you. I'd love to get $0.10 per square foot, but no one here is going to pay that...let alone $0.25. Residential OR commercial.
  7. should i buy the x-jet????????

    I use the XJet to apply chems to a house, along with a zero degree .20 tip to rinse. I think I already said this once, but keep in mind that the XJ is only a delivery system for chems, and for some, and rinsing system. The chems do the cleaning. Maybe you need to try some new chems?
  8. Pump question

    Will do...I'll check the pulleys tomorrow. The belts are in new condition, no wear/cracks. So you're saying that the pump could be turning at around 1400rpm and would give me the 100 psi drop? Another issue that I've noticed today. I have the flow type unloader, and normally when the gun is closed the pressure in the pump drops to zero. However, today I noticed a few times that the pump is showing around 250 psi with the gun closed, no leaks in the hoses or gun. What made me notice this is I kept hearing the engine kicking in as it does when I pull the trigger/open the ball valve...but only for a second. Is this a sign of problems with the unloader? I have a spare, and if so, I may change it out and see if that changes anything. Does anyone know of an online how-to source for troubleshooting/repairing engine/pump/burner problems? I'm pretty good with tools and fixing things, but this is a whole new animal to me...... thanks for all the help!
  9. Pump question

    Thanks, guys! First step is to feed the pump directly from a water supply I know is putting out at least 6gpm, bypassing the tank. That will answer if I have any leaks in the plumbing that are sucking air. If I'm still losing gpm, I'll get a tach and hook that up to the engine. If the engine is turning as it should, I'll check the pully sizes and make sure I'm running the pump at 1450 rpm (what it is intended to be run at). If all that checks out, I have to assume I have some internal problems with the pump, and we'll deal with that. Here's another question...what would happen if I put a slightly larger pulley on the pump, enough to give me, say, 6 gpm and whatever corresponding psi? I realize the pump is designed to give X psi and Y gpm at Z rpm, but if the rpm was increased, say, 20%, that should give me 6.6gpm and 3480 psi...Would this damage the pump, and if so, why?
  10. Winterizing

    Bob: That makes sense to me! I can't see why sythetic would hurt after break-in....
  11. Cleaning Windows

    CCHSNC: I agree, speed is the key. You need to us a squeegee and a good window cleaner, nothing with ammonia in it. If you're running DI water, you can wash with a sponge and rinse with the pw'er.
  12. Winterizing

    Also, I have to say that I disagree, old dirty broken down oil isn't going to lubricate anything better than fresh oil. That's why we change the oil, because it loses it's lubricating capability. I can see no need to re-change the oil after it sits up for a few months....Just check your levels and you're ready to go. It isn't like sitting in the crankcase is going to break it down.
  13. Winterizing

    Tony: I learned one trick about changing your oil with Mobile1 the other day...Prior to draining the old oil from the engine, you should make sure you bought the Mobile1 oil, and not the Mobile1 ATF...the bottles are identical. Had to pour the old dirty oil right back into the machine so I could work. Anyone need two bottles of Mobile1 ATF? :)
  14. Full time or part time?

    As far as I know we don't have any plans to leave town...if so, it would only be for a day or so. We'll definitely have time to hook up, barring any unforeseen events. Seeya then!
  15. Full time or part time?

    Ernie: Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not cutting my prices nor my hours just because I am saving on certain expenses! I absolutely agree with you. And yes, it is a good life! I'll be thinking of you northern folks around January when I can still wear a flannel shirt to work, and still take it off by 10 or 11 in the morning. :)
  16. Winterizing

    run antifreeze through the pump, cap off the hoses, and put it away. If you don't already use it, get some gas stabilizer and run the engine for a bit. Keeps the gas from going bad and screwing up your fuel system.
  17. Cold Calling

    That's my take on it also...the legal battle certainly isn't over, but the FCC is enforcing it as of today. The ony concern I have with it from a consumer standpoint is whether companies will honor it, or risk fines in defiance of the FCC because they feel they have backing by the courts. I certainly hope it stands...You can't imagine how I hate getting those calls, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
  18. Full time or part time?

    Robert: Keep in mind with those numbers that what I need to make to succeed will not necessarily be what you need to succeed. There are too many factors that come into play. The first is the area in which you live. It's relatively cheap to live where I do...my mortgage is only $54k, and that's for 2000sf on a lake. There are no state taxes in Florida. Gas prices are relatively low here, though they are some of the highest in the state. Another factor is very simply your lifestyle. While one person's goal is to live in an expensive house in a nice subdivision, drive brand new cars and trucks, have all the latest toys, etc, another person's goal may be to live in a cheaper rural home, they may not need or even want a new car or truck every couple years, they may not desire all the newest and latest toys, etc. Also, some of us have wives/husbands who work, and some of us don't. For example, my wife works a job that provides us with health insurance, provides her with a nice 401k plan, an excellent retirement plan, and lots of other benefits. Therefore, I don't need to factor in those expenses into what I need to make. The bottom line is, what it takes for each person to succeed long term can't be pinned down so easily.
  19. Full time or part time?

    Ernie: Great points. Robert: I agree, too many people fail to look ahead. They think that if they're making $30.00/hour, they're doing great because their other option is a $10.00/hour job...But they don't think about things like those you mentioned...retirement, kids college, health insurance, etc etc. That's the problem with lowballers and fly-by-night operators...They're perfectly happy working 20 or so hours a week making $25-$40.00/hour...they're making more than they ever have, and they're not working 40 hours/week. They're perfectly happy to wash a house for $69.00, because they don't use any chems, they may use up $3.00 in gas, and they're done in a couple hours, if that...$35.00/hour is good money to someone used to making $10.00. They make in a couple hours what they used to make in a full day working.
  20. should i buy the x-jet????????

    I'll give you $3.00... BTW, the XJ doesn't clean...the chems clean...the XJ is simply a way to apply (and for some, to rinse) the chemicals. Personally, I don't rinse with the XJ most of the time...I use a zero degree 20 or 30 tip. It has at least as much range as the XJ, and gives a more concentrated pattern. I love the XJ, I just hate dragging buckets around. I've seen where some folks place their buckets strategically around the house so they don't drag buckets, but that doesn't work for me, as I have my hose clamped to my bucket...keeps the hose from pulling out, and keeps the strainer sitting on the bottom of the bucket. That, and a lot of my work is condos, so you're not just washing a 2000 sf rectangular home where you can place buckets at the corners of the house. It's also a pain dragging the bucket the wand, and the hose through some of the wooded areas behind some of these buildings. Enough griping, I still love the XJ. However, I'm debating going to a shur-flo pump on a hand truck, or at the very least, mixing my chems in a 15 gallon container on a handtruck and using the XJ with that.
  21. Robert: It appears a lot of the pictures got screwed up in the transition from one server to another...that's how I understand it, anyway. Not sure what the fix for it is... Nice fence, BTW...I wish more folks here cared about the appearance of their fences...for the most part, people are perfectly happy to build a fence and let it weather and grey...
  22. Cold Calling

    Paradise: Damn good point! Does anyone know if the new law (if it actually takes effect) applies to an individual calling businesses (or homeowners) trying to generate business? I am certainly not the person to do cold calling...I tried a job as a telemarketer years ago...I lasted 20 minutes.
  23. Hose in the House

    Rick: Depends on where you're at in Florida, and who your customers are.
  24. Full time or part time?

    Ernie: Those stats are fine, and I don't doubt them. However, I'd be curious to see how the stats for the pressure washing industry compare to the overall stats. Every industry is different, and what may kill a business in on industry may have little effect in another. I do agree that you typically get out what you put into it. However, as I said, even with proper planning there's no guarantee. My whole point in my earlier post was that there are different types of people, some who are driven to succeed, some who aren't, and some in the middle...A vast advantage in the road to success is possessed by the small business owner who is driven to excel. Where some find a way to fail, others find a way to succeed. That's not harsh, nor cold, it is simple fact.
  25. should i buy the x-jet????????

    What kind of acid are you using, and what are you cleaning from the concrete?