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M Hinderliter

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Everything posted by M Hinderliter

  1. Thanks for the kind words John.
  2. Delco price list hurting the industry,

    Robert was asking for input at the PWNA convention held this past weekend so the more feedback he gets the better it will be.
  3. I am curious, if Michael Beaudry is the Executive Vice-President (EVP), who is the Executive President (EP)?
  4. I originally asked the question to find out if the title to the position had changed or if a new position had been created or did someone really not understand the bylaws of the association and refer to the position incorrectly. The title is confusing. Why have two vice presidents? There is or was an Executive BOD and this would mean Michael and Everett both hold the same title. I think they should stick with Executive Chairman as it has always been, changing the name now makes no since unless they just want to jazz things up for marketing with fancy titles. I can't really object to being fancy it just should not be confusing. I know that many changes have been made to the bylaws in the past couple of years. And for the life of me a don't remember getting an updated version. It would be nice to see one. I looked on the PWNA website and there is no place for members to download it. With all the changes over last few years this would be a cost effective way to get it to the membership. Mathew, Your post on the PWNA TBS was right on the money. I just wonder why Henry feels the BOD can't or shouldn't communicate to the member ship through their forum. If you notice they have closed that thread on the PWNA TBS. From what I read, Henry is basically refusing to answer your question in a public. You must call PWNA HQ or call a BOD member. It make no sense to me why it can't be answered publically. If you choose to do so please let us know what the response is.
  5. Pretty cool article. Nice job guys!!! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/17/AR2006051700554.html
  6. This year’s first ***** Convention was well received with high accolades despite the short notice for planning the event and the time of year. They came from as far away as Canada, Mexico, California, Maryland, Montana, New York and Michigan. Participants were excited about the networking opportunities that were available through meeting people in various trades and were not disappointed. Numerous comments received after the show, confirmed and exceeded our expectations. The show enabled opportunities for various trades to network within the confines of one show in this unique setting. Exhibitors commented on how the attendees were serious about their business and were there to purchase both in and out of their own personal trade. The opening keynote speaker, Vicki LaPlant of Vital Learning Experiences (http://www.vitallearningexperiences.com/ ) got things rolling with a presentation on paradigm shifting and thinking outside the box. The group was motivated to analyze different ways to grow their business and to improve their personal life. Vicky LaPlant was more than just a motivational speaker, she was outstanding! Every attendee was fixated on the her every word and the relationship of her presentation to the formation of the *****. During the presentation, Vicky asked for a volunteer to present a particular situation where changing paradigms would enhance their business. Robert Hinderliter then explained how paradigm change was the key initiative to creating the *****. This began an extremely informative discussion that captured all in attendance. Training and education was the main stay for the show. The following classes were presented on Thursday and Friday: air duct cleaning, awning cleaning, carpet cleaning, environmental power washing, financing equipment, janitorial business, marketing, pressure washing, pressure washer maintenance, pure water technologies, target marketing, truck washing, water damage restoration, water stain removal, window cleaning, wood restoration as well as writing contract and bids. Attendees also received certification for Air Duct Cleaning, Environmental Power Washing, Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning and Carpet Cleaning. Friday, May 5th was our Dinner Banquet. Keeping in step with the celebration of Cinco de Mayo, a fine selection of Mexican cuisine was served and an authentic mariachi singer serenaded diners. Donna Griffin, A.C.O.R.N. Coordinator, gave a presentation on positive thinking and five ways to implement it into your life. The demonstrations were on Saturday from 9:00 am to Noon. Lunch was served and the exhibit hall was open for trade from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Following are quotes from a few of the attendees: “This was a great 1st time convention and trade show. All of the instructors were very informative on the areas they were teaching. I would definitely recommend to anyone in our business that they should attend next year’s show. I know I can’t wait. Thanks again to everyone at the ***** for the knowledge I have learned from you.” Rob Huffman Aspen Contractors “The Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning School was a very informative and enlightening coverage of OSHA and NFPA 96 standards regarding kitchen exhaust systems.” Thomas A Brown, Sr., Dept. of Air Force, Andrews AFB, MD “A vital part in the industry ( networking – education – opportunities)” B. A. Autery Dallas, TX AUWC – Association of United Window Cleaners “The ***** was not what I thought it was but a whole lot more” Anthony Quintino, Pleasanton, CA J & T WOW (Wash on Wheels) We hope to see you all there next year!
  7. Thanks John, It was good seeing you at the PWNA Show. I wish we would have had more time to visit. I got a good pic of you enjoying some BBQ
  8. Seminars that will be at the show 5 Power Washing Seminars 1 Awning Cleaning Seminar 2 Marketing Seminars 3 Air Duct Cleaning Seminars 3 Carpet Cleaning Seminars 1 Natural Tile & Natural Stone Cleaning Seminar 5 Window Cleaning Seminars 2 Water Blasting Seminars 1 Equipment Financing Seminar 1 Insurance Seminar for Contract Cleaners 3 Janitorial Seminars! For Complete information go to: www.*****.org or call 800-211-0290.
  9. New Organization Formed

    Good Morning, I wanted to take this opportunity to inform the industry about the formation of *****, United Association of Mobile Contract Cleaners. *****, was formed because we believe there is a growing demand from mobile contractor cleaners to expand their services into other markets. We envision this to be an excellent venue for contractors to: 1) Network to create other trade affiliation, for example a power washer can find a widow cleaner, carpet cleaner, janitorial service, etc. and they refer work back and forth to each other. 2) Receive education 3) Expand into new service areas. ***** is not an industry specific trade association. We welcome all mobile contract cleaners and the trade association for those industries. We expect to create alliance with the all the trade groups that will beneficial to their growth. Specifically, we view ***** to be a complementary association to all the trade groups, including PWNA. Michael Hinderliter