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Everything posted by CCPC

  1. Shurflo or Xjet?

    For roofs, I would always recommend to go with a shurflo pump vs. x-jet. The x-jet can work, but you have less control while applying the chem, added difficulty getting the proper lift on taller roofs, and a lot less flexibility in strength of chem. As for shurflo's breaking down quick, I strongly disagree. Shurflo's will ware out just like anything else, but if you're using the right kind (i.e. equiped for use with strong corrosive chems), you'll get more than your share of life from it. I've had shurflo's last well over a year with almost daily use cleaning roofs and what not. I've even forgot to clean them out with chem left in them for days at a time, and still no problems. The other good thing that I've found is that when they do start to fail they seem to lose strength slowly, so you see its starting to fail, and you have time to order a replacement before total failure (at leat this is how its been in my experience). Actually, my shurflo pumps tend to last longer than my M-5 xjets. The plastic end of the M-5 seems to fail in some way within as little as 4 months.
  2. Pick for NFL playoff weekend of 14-15

    Wow! Am I really that good? I guess so.
  3. Better Business Bureau

    Apparently there's already such a site like you described. It was recently metioned in another post, but I'm not sure where.
  4. Here is one I rather enjoyed doing. Its a lot to read, but it's it's kinda funny. I tried to play the senile old man act, a perfect fit for leading on a potential scamer. Notice my ramblings that have nothing to do with the subject at hand. I left the photos and other images out. Anyone that hasn't tried this, you should, it can be a lot fun. (also, notice the name I used) FROM: WILLIAM LANSANA JNR. ABIDJAN, COTE D'IVOIRE WEST-AFRICA ATTN: THE RESPECTFUL ONE, Permit me to inform you of my desire of going into business relationship with you. I got to know of you courtesy of International Business Bureau here in Abidjan (Ivory Coast). I am William Lansana Jnr, the only son of late MR and MRS GEORGE LANSANA of the blessed memory. My father was a very wealthy GOLD and COCOA merchant who who based in ACCRA, GHANA and ABIDJAN respectively, the economic capital of COTE D'IVOIRE. He was poisoned to death by his business associate on one of their business outings. When my mother died on the 21st octomber, 1994, my father took me and my sister Janet so precious because we are motherless. Before the death of my father on the 30th November, 2000 in a private hospital here in ABIDJAN, he sincerely called me on his bed side and told me that he had a sum of $7 Million US DOLLARS (SEVEN MILLION US DOLLARS) deposited in a Private Security Company here in ABIDJAN, COTE D' IVOIRE and he told me that he deposited and declared the box as an African Actifacts and that he deposited the box under his name and made me his next of kin. He further explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his business associate, that I should seek for a foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will transfer this money to and use it for investment purposes. In a nutshell, I am honourably seeking for your assistant in the following ways below: ()I want you to assist me in clearing this fund into your account Overseas as a beneficiary of the fund, and also to use it for investment purposes. (2)To serve as the guardian of this fund since I am only 21 years old. (3)To make arrangement for me and my sister Janet to come over to your country to further my EDUCATION and to secure a residential permit in your country. More over, I am willing to offer you 22% of the total sum as compensation for your assistance, after the successful transfer of this fund to your nominated account, while 3% has been mapped out for any expenses that may be made during the course of this transaction. Furthermore, you can indicate your option towards assisting me as I believe that this transaction would be concluded within 14 working days, from the day you signify interest to assist me. Awaiting to hear from you soonest. Conclusively, keep this transaction strickly confidential. Thanks and God bless you for your anticipated co-operation. Best Regards, William Lansana Jnr. WOW!! I really feel lucky! I would love to assist you in this transaction. What must I do? Jack B. Nimble Dear Jack, I must thank you very much for your response and consideration to give attention to our proposal, hoping that this will mark the beginning of a long lasting family relationship with you. We wish to inform you that we are very serious and are ready in whatever way to seal up this transaction with you as it is our dreams to have this aspiration achieved. Considering the fact that we have not met and the funds are in cash, safely deposited in the vault of a private Security Company, ready to be lodged in an account, which shall be opened by you here in Abidjan. May we inform you that it will be appreciated if you could come down here to assist in opening / floating of an account where the fund will be lodged for subsequent transfer to your account upon which we shall go back with you and to workout modalities for proper investment prior to the transfer of the fund to an account which shall be nominated by you. This is very imperative, as we are not allowed by the authority here to operate in banking owing to our refugee status. As per the % Percentage for your kind assistance, it is my pleasure to inform you that my sister and I have agreed to give you 22% of the total sum for your kind assistance, 3% has been mapped out to cover local and international expenses that may be incurred by bothparties either as a result of telephone bill, flight ticket e.t.c. While the remaining 75% shall be for me and my sister which shall be used for investment and our studies according to your advice. It will be appreciated if you could give us a detail break down on the kind of education and investment opportunities in and around your country as we rely so much on your advice in this regard. I shall be transmitting copies of the Deposit Certificate and Agreement our late father entered with the Security Company where the funds are lodged pending the time we receive your response. Ps provide a private telephone and fax numbers where you can be reached and the above documents can be faxed for your kind perusal. Do revert to us, thanking you for your co-operation in advance. Best Regards, William & Janet. Dear William & Janet, That sounds fantastic! I would love to receive 1,540,000.00 (ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND US DOLLARS) for assisting you in these proceedings. Step one, send me your contact information so I can contact you to iron out the details. Step two, after we discuss the details, you will send me a cashiers check for the 7,000,000.00 ( SEVEN MILLION US DOLLARS) and I will personally handle all of the arrangements. As luck would have it, I am an investment banker, so I think you and Janet really did your homework while trying to find a worthy business partner. I'll tell you, I would have never dreamed that I could be so lucky to be offered such a wonderful oportunity. P.S. I am really sorry to here about your mother and father that has to be a tough loss. : ( Sincerely, Jack B. Nimble Dear Jack, First, I would like to thank you very much on behalf of my sister for your email and your continuous interest to be of a greater assistance to us in the realization of this transaction. In fact, I do not know how to manifest my joy over your readiness to help us in this transaction. Note, that we are very very serious in pursuing further this goaln with you provided you will be sincere and plain with us as this is where our fears lies. Unfortunately, we can not commence by immediate provision of a cashier's cheque on the whole amount until we have meet to complete the formalities necesarry to bringing this transaction to Fruition. This is why it is important I emphasize on the need for you to come here to assist us as described in my last email as this will give us the opportunity of meeting to aquaint ourselves and also for you to assisting in opening up of a bank account here in Abidjan where the funds will be lodged for the onward transfer to your account in your country as the governmental constitutions guiding this country does not permitted refugee to participate in banking operations. This is very imperative as We have nobody we can rely on here to assist on this subject. Though our intention is to come to your country but not until the consignment containing the funds are released and funds secured in a bank account as our eyes are on the consignment making sure the funds are not tampered. In the meantime, find herewith copy of the deposit certificate and agreement as entered by my late Father with the security company where the consignment containing the funds are lodged for safekeeping. Also enclose is a copy of the drug clearance certificate obtained on the funds abstaining the funds from any liens such as Drug/money laundry. May I remind you of the need to keep the transaction very confidential until we are through as you never can predict who might be against your success in life. We can be reached at +225-07421063. Please provide a private telephone number where you can be reached directly. William Lansana Tel:+225-07421063. Dear Jack, First, I would like to thank you very much on behalf of my sister for your email and your continuous interest to be of a greater assistance to us in the realization of this transaction. In fact, I do not know how to manifest my joy over your readiness to help us in this transaction. Note, that we are very very serious in pursuing further this goaln with you provided you will be sincere and plain with us as this is where our fears lies. Unfortunately, we can not commence by immediate provision of a cashier's cheque on the whole amount until we have meet to complete the formalities necesarry to bringing this transaction to Fruition. This is why it is important I emphasize on the need for you to come here to assist us as described in my last email as this will give us the opportunity of meeting to aquaint ourselves and also for you to assisting in opening up of a bank account here in Abidjan where the funds will be lodged for the onward transfer to your account in your country as the governmental constitutions guiding this country does not permitted refugee to participate in banking operations. This is very imperative as We have nobody we can rely on here to assist on this subject. Though our intention is to come to your country but not until the consignment containing the funds are released and funds secured in a bank account as our eyes are on the consignment making sure the funds are not tampered. In the meantime, find herewith copy of the deposit certificate and agreement as entered by my late Father with the security company where the consignment containing the funds are lodged for safekeeping. Also enclose is a copy of the drug clearance certificate obtained on the funds abstaining the funds from any liens such as Drug/money laundry. May I remind you of the need to keep the transaction very confidential until we are through as you never can predict who might be against your success in life. We can be reached at +225-07421063. Please provide a private telephone number where you can be reached directly. William Lansana Tel:+225-07421063. Attached are the documents, pls confirm. william William, I was informed by my Son that this might be some sort of scam. So I am a little hesitant in proceeding. I want to do business, but I need some assurance from you that this is a legitimate offer. I personally have faith that you and your sister are in need of my help, so I am certain you will come through with further proof to support this proposal. I look forward to hearing form you soon. Jack B. Nimble Dear Jack, Thanks for being intouch. If you would not mind, Please elaborate deeply the sort of proof you want from us so that it can be addressed accordingly. Where is Son? How would he imagine that this is a scam? I do not understand how someone can be spoiling the images of others because he/she is in a good condition as such does not help. Tell your Son not to mention such as nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. If he is living fine and does not have any problem, he should give thanks and glory to God than spoiling others. I look forward to your response. William William, I am an elderly man whose time left on this earth is probably somewhat limited. In the old days, it was common to finalize business deals in a face to face meeting with a hand shake. Because of my current condition, that would not be possible, but I still believe we can make this thing happen. I think that if you could maybe send a picture of you and your sister it would definitely make this whole thing much more personal which, in turn, would make me feel more comfortable. P.S. After reading your last message, I told my son to butt out and mind his own affairs. Jack B. Nimble Hello Daddy Jack, I hope you will not find it upset for us to call you our father. Anyway, Many thanks for your email, the content was well noted. We are happy that you are still willing to proceed in helping us, however, as you know this is a financial issue and very sensitive as such needs to be handled with carefulness ensuring no mistake will be made. Under this perspective we had suggested that it would have been appreciated you come to Abidjan where we are currently residing for us to initiate and complete the first stage of the transaction by assiting us in securing the funds in a bank account before our coming to your country as we are not permitted to participate in any banking operation owing to our refugee status. But since you can not come due to the reason outlined we can understand and would be exploring other possibilities to finalize the transaction. What if we make arrangement with the help of security company to move via diplomatic channels the consignment containing the funds to your location so that we can meet there to finalize the operation? let me know if this is acceptable by you. May I remind you once again of the need to keep the transaction very confidential until we are true, as you never can predict who might be against your success in life. I look forward to hearing from you as per my suggestion above so that we can initiate the process. Please do send us a private telephone number where you can be reached Wiliam Lansana Tel:+225-07421063 NB/ I shall be sending you the photos requested later on today. Yours will also be appreciated. Dear William Son, How lovely Janet is. She reminds me of my granddaughter Edith down in Alabama. Your photo, however, did not come through for some reason, but nevermind that, lets talk business. What is the next step? I am very excited about getting this process underway. Should I send you my bank account information? I'm sure I can find it somewhere around this old house. My dear wife Jessica passed away last fall and it seems everything around me has been falling apart ever since. I have a horse named Bo and he keeps me company on the days when I just wish it would all end. Those damn ungrateful children of mine, they'll get none of my money once I go to join the lord!! I'm sorry, I'm rambling on and on. I look foward to hearing from you. Daddy Jack Daddy Jack, Many thanking for your email but you have still failed to send us your telephone number. Please do in your next response. It was shocken to learn the death of your wife, please accept from the bottom our hearts our sincere condolence over this lost. Presently we do not need the account until the funds have entered the banking system. As expatiated in our previous correspondences, the funds are here in cash; concealed in trunk box and deposited by our late father in a private security, we have requested time and again that you come to Abidjan to assist us initiate the first stage of the transaction by opening up a bank account where the funds will be lodged for the onward transfer to your account as we are not allowed by the authorities here to operate a bank account of our own owing to our refugee status. This will give us the opportunity of knowing ourselves, however, our intention is to go back with you once the funds are successfully secured in a bank account and transfer completed. Having once again elucidated the above, we do hope to have a more explicit response from you to this effect enabling us know the next direction to take. William & Janet. Dear Son, I have recently heard of some very disturbing news. earlier today, I was having lunch at the club with some of my friends when I overheard one of them telling Bert of an e-mail that he had received which was of the exact same content as the one you sent me! Now William, you promised me that this transaction was going to be just between the three of us and now I find out you are trying to seek out another partner. Of all the nerve, and one of my friends no less. How did you get his information anyway? I assure you William their is no need to bring others into this partnership. If there's more than the 7 million you originally claimed I'm confident that I can handle the whole amount on my own. William, I'm starting to really feel a little funny about all this craziness that has taken place today. I think I am going to need some sort of explanation regarding this situation before I can proceed with this partnership. I really trusted you all. I hope we can still find a way to make this happen. P.S. I did not tell my friends of our correspondence because I wanted to speak to you and find out what was going on. Daddy Jack Daddy Jack, What is your Friend's name? You see; you have not really been upright with me and I am not sure of your real intention. Let me know if actually you want to help by responding to my last mail in details. I do not mean to get others involve but your reactions are not telling me your really intentions which might prompt me seeking helps from others. However, I don't remember sending mails to another person on this subject, you can find out from your friend if it was me. Let me have your telephone number, this is 5th time I have requested for this. William William, I want this thing to happen, but for you to say I have not been upfront with you? What a joke. I bring a situation to your attention that can totaly negate the senserity of your intentions and you say I am not being upfront. The question is, should I give you some of my personal information when I am uncertain of your intentions. P.S. I'm still awaiting your photo Daddy Jack Daddy Jack, Please read carefully the forwarded mail as sent before and let us know what your plans are. We have been waiting for your reaction on this so that we would know the directive to take. Also forward your telephone number, this is the 6th Time I am requesting for this. William Daddy Jack, Once again Here is copy of my international passport hoping that you will receive it this time arround. I do not really know what you are up to, I have requested your photo, your private telephone number and non of this information was sent. We keep meeting your demands but you have been adamant in coming back to us with more explicit details. Please read carefully two mails of this mail forwarded and get back to us. William I am confused. There is not a photo attached to this email. What kind of game are you trying to play? I don't think a simple photograph is to much to ask before we proceed. My grandson is visting from out of town. We must have played parchese for the entire afternoon. Oh how I miss my Jessica. I wish she was here to help me with all of these exciting things that we are in the process of doing. William, I just want to think you again for bringing me in on this deal I can't wait to get this underway. How is Janet doing? How come she never takes part in all of the wonderful things that are happening in this partnership. Outback Steakhouse here I come! P.S. What kind of information do you need from me anyway? Just ask and yuo shall recieve. Daddy Jack B. Nimbe Daddy Jack, Here are the pictures again, please provide us with your telephone number as we will like to have telephone conversation with you one of these days. Anxiously waiting for the number. William. Jack, This wiil be the last time, I will send this photo and I will now wait for you to reciprocate. I do not really know what you are up to, I have requested your photo, your private telephone number but you have been playing around. Also, are you coming to Abidjan to help as requested or you are not coming? Please be plain or we forget it. William William, I really don't like the tone your using with me young man - learn to respect your elders. Oh, by the way, this is the first time I have actually recieved your photo. I told you in a previous e-mail that in my frail condion traveling to Abidjan will not be possible. What information do you need from me make this thing happen? I am starting to lose my patients. At this rate I will surley be dead before all of my efforts have paid off. Please tell your sister I need to speak with her immediately. Daddy Jack
  5. This is great! I must confess that I'm somewhat of an Internet scam artist enthusist myself. I have a special mail folder I call "scam mail" where I keep some of my scam mail correspondence. Mine might not be quite as good as the ones on that site, but there kinda funny, and they provide me with some mild entertainment. I try to lead them as long as possible, but eventually they give up. I'm going to edit one of mine and post it here.
  6. that seems like it could be pretty effective. My concern would be the fact that its made of steal, Stainless or not? if not I see major rusting problems down the road.
  7. insurance

    My liability insurance is with American Vehicle Insurance Company. My policy covers flatwork, exteriors up to 3 stories and roof cleaning. 1M, 2M agg. I pay around $850 a year.
  8. Need some help please :)

    That's great Celeste! I'm glad you like my choice, she's always been my favorite dancer at the club........just kidding. The good news is, I'm offering a discount on my name consulting services right now through the end of Feb, so my fee will only be $150.00 :lgkeyboar
  9. Payroll?

    I was wondering how you all handle your payroll. I use Quick Books and (because I'm currently the only employee) was planning on not using one of their payroll options, and instead, using their payroll manually. Their bottom of the barrel option (Standard payroll) is still a whopping $400 a year (hard to justify for only one employee). Does anyone use any of Quick Books payroll options? If so, how do you like it? Does anyone have any other ideas on how to handle payroll?
  10. Need some help please :)

    Go with Lexi because it's got a good meaning - "Protector of mankind"
  11. Need some help please :)

    Tess Cheyenne Remy Aspen Lexi
  12. Just curious, that sounds like a lot of hp for a 5.6 gpm pump, what's the psi?
  13. Got answers? I need 'em.

    You'll have to teach me that because I still get soaked on most house washes. There's always an overhead porch, or crevices under the eaves or gutters that can't be reached without getting underneath them, and if that doesn't do it, murphy's law will always make sure the wind is blowing towards me when cleaning. I've actually changed directions while cleaning and the wind miraculously changes direction as well (I hate when that happens).
  14. more gpm

    I've seen a 13hp, 5gpm machine at 3,000 psi.
  15. Residential/Commercial??

    I always thought that Florida was the land of low ballers, but from what you described, Myrtle beach sounds much worse.
  16. Where do you draw the line

    They may be informed, but not about the details that most homeowners would know about their own home. I disagree further (at least in my experience). Most of the fishing newbies I get, seem to be at the very begining stages of thinking about a pressure washing business, and are very uninformed. In a lot of ways, less informed than my authentic potential customers. Now established competitors is another story, I've had a few of these, and have actually been sent a wild goose chase to boot (long story with this one so I won't go into detail).
  17. Where do you draw the line

    Don't you just love these calls. It's kinda funny how you can always tell it's a new guy trying to gather some information. I get one of these calls almost once a month. First sign: "yeah, I was just wondering what you charge to wash a house?" (most real customers never ask like that, they almost always start out with) "Yes, I was interested in getting a quote on having my house pressure washed" Second sign: I do have some younger customers, but if had to profile, I would definitely have to say that a 20 somthing male, that sounds like he's from the back woods of Middleburg, does not fit the profile of my usuall cliental. By this time, I'm a little suspious, but not sure enough to call him out. third sign: This is when I quickly start asking a lot of questions about the house and location (it's funny how these guys never think to have a little info lined up just in case I might actually want some details) Me:"Sure I'd love to give you a quote on a house wash. Mr.......? (they never have a fake name ready either) "So, is this your house that you're looking to have cleaned? Where is located? What kind of exterior? Just the house, or will you be interested in the driveway and roof as well? How many interior sqft ft?" By this time it's a done deal. The've given themselves away with at least half a dozen slip ups. That's when I call them out, and of course they either just hang up or deny it. It happens so often that somtimes I get fooled, where a caller shows all of the regular signs of being a fishing newbie, but turns out to be a real customer.
  18. Sunblock?

    Not to shabby Jon. I'll be 31 in May. Oh, but the folks in my picture are actually my mom and dad. just kidding. I'll have to try the bull Frog stuff, where do you buy it.
  19. Sunblock?

    I posted a thread about this some time ago, but no one seemd interested enough to post. I'm not sure wether that's because they either don't care about skin protection, or don't care about discussing it (which I find kinda funny because of how many people push the importance of wearing the proper PPE). I pretty much always wear sunblock when I work from the months of March-October, and allthough I should, I tend not to wear it much during the Winter months. I Don't use any kind of special brand just your basic Coppertone, spf 45 or above. -begin vanity- It still amazes me how fast your skin can go to crap in just a few years of working out doors, protection or not. I've always looked a little young for my age, but in the course of a couple of years I'm catching up pretty quick. -end vanity-
  20. Are you talking to me??

    how bout a deck stripper and turbo nozzle shower? That'll do the trick.
  21. Where do you draw the line

    I have a pretty good relashinship with a couple of locals. We pass jobs to one another every once in an while. We also discuss many aspects of this business, but I still watch my words when discussing some of the finer details about how I adver. and what not. I've also had many non-washers, and part timers approach me and ask about my equipment, chemicals and other aspects of the business. Some are even so bold as to go up and inspect and handle my equipment without permission, such as looking under my surface cleaners to see how they operate. I've never had a problem with helping anyone that has questions regarding what I would consider basic, common Knowledge questions about equipment, or how to properlly clean somthing. I guess I feel that it's far better to help them to do the job right, vs. potenially tarnishing the image of my trade.
  22. Ball Valves

    Sounds like one that I got from Pressure tek, which is by far the best one I've ever used. The only problem I've had with mine is the cap on the knob came off and the screw that holds it on tends to come loss every once and a while.
  23. Wish List

    Jeff, I have to ask, why did you edit your post? It was very inspiring. In any case, congrats to your success.
  24. LOL!! Like a kid at Christmas time! I must admit, that is a pretty cool tool.
  25. Wish List

    Set up a new rig bring in enough new business to support my plans of hiring my first employee Stay as organized as possible, and learn the in's and out's of my new corporate structure put a plan in place to market too more of the greater Jacksonville area and finally to do some soul searching, and decide on how commited I am to this line of work before going full throttle into the above agenda.