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Everything posted by CCPC

  1. Favorite Fast Food?

    Larry's Giant Subs.. Best subs anywhere. Franchised locally so I'm not sure if anyone else has had the pleasure. I've actually thought about looking into a franchise.
  2. Exterior Gutter Cleaning

    I started using it about a month ago and love the results. cheap and works as good as any of the other products you will pay twice as much for over the internet.
  3. A World meeting for all Powerwashers

    Maybe everyone should start thinking of whats best for the masses instead of just thinking of whats the most convienent for themselves. This is a good idea. think in terms of cheap airfair.
  4. Rock'n & Scrubb'n

    Smashing pumpkins, NIN, Tool, House of Pain, Beastie Boys.
  5. A World meeting for all Powerwashers

    North Carolina. Its the most central location to most on this bbs and on the others.
  6. I'm in the process of setting up a new trailer and I'm looking at hose reels. My question is, most of the hose reels I'm running across state a 3000 psi working pressure. Does this mean that I should not consider these for a 3500psi machine? Or are they designed for a higher max pressure? Side note: I belive the Steal Eagle hose reel I'm using now is 3000psi and I have not had any problems for the past 2 years, but I want to set this new one up right. Any coments or suggestions, bring em.
  7. Spending the money

    70's hear, but an a$$ load of humidity. :club:
  8. House Washing Techniques

    Precisely. Interior is extra. Yes. They make many chems that are specific for cleaning gutters. Usually the regular house wash mix will not be sufficient. Extension poles and ladders.
  9. House Washing Techniques

    I always use it to apply the chems to houses, but usually don't use it for rinsing. I usually use a 9510 tip to rinse.
  10. House Washing Techniques

    I always include the exterior of the gutters as part of the house wash and price accordingly. As far as the process of applying the chem, I always use my M-5 to apply chem to houses. I apply my house wash to a given area (usually a side at a time) then I brush on my gutter cleaner (I've found that brushing it on is easier and more cost effective) then rinse the gutters, then rinse the rest of that side of the house, and lastly, I rinse the windows on that side. Oh yeah, I'm also rinsing the plants during this process.
  11. Gloves??

    the only time I wear gloves is when cleaning roofs because I always seem to contact an accessive amount of chlorine and when cleaning gutters for obvious reasons. I think the most important piece of PPE that I wear is my respirator with full face mask which I wear just about the entire time while cleaning.
  12. So whats wrong with that? sounds like someone who's taking advantage of an opportunity. Nothing wrong with that in my book. He said a free SITE with good information, if he has a book that one can purchase if they so choose, good for him. Keep up the good work Joshua.
  13. House Washing Techniques

    do a thourgh inspection of the exterior walls, windows, exterior outlets, etc. Keep your eye out for red flags such as: no cover on exterior porch outlet or any other exposed electrical device, open windows, cracked glass on windows (you don't want to be blamed for somthing you didn't do). When using gutter cleaners, be very carful not to get the cleaner on the siding, stucco, or any painted finish because if it dwells there for more than minute and can, and will, alter the color. There's rarely a need to use high pressure on home exteriors. I use mild pressure myself, just enough to speed up the rinse process. When cleaning around doors that have brass handles and locks always rinse them immediatley and very thourghly to prevent corrision. Of course, always use low pressure when rinsing double paned windows to avoid blowing the seals out.
  14. My mind is in the Gutter

    I also finally dedided to give purple power a try and after using it about a half dozen times I'm also convinced. The stuff works great! I use it full strength and the black crap practically jumps off the gutter.
  15. How much money you can make in the first few months after start up is totally dependent on how much time and capitiol you have available to market your business. It should be pretty easy to make enough starting out to at least cover your expenses and then some.
  16. ideal job

    Yeah, but are you a big, bright, shining, shooting star?:banana:
  17. Do you get an annual physical?

    Spoken like a true 20 somthing. I've been living by the same code, but in May I will be turning the dreaded 30 and feel that now that I'm crossing over the hump in this journey called life I should start getting poked and prodded regularly. Oh what fun. :rolleyes2
  18. Bad News :(

    Ryan, there's a lot of truth to that, and even more so for things that others simply can't do themselves. I believe that's one reason why roof cleaning is one of the most profitable services that I offer. Most, not only don't want to do it, they physicaly can't do it.
  19. I perfer my Ferrari with installed tow package. Talk about impressing the ladies.:cool:
  20. You guys gonna call me crazy!!

    Just wondering, why did the structure have to be completely stripped of the current coat of paint?
  21. Pssssst!! Guess what?

    your gonna start selling See Dirt Run! franchises :bouncy: your gonna take all the members of this bbs on a business/pleasure cruise to the Bahamas.:cheers: Your getting out of the business and want to give all of your equipment away to your favorite Grime Scene members.:banana: Your gonna write and publish and new powerwashing handbook and want to make it a collaborative effort of which we will all reap the rewards. :nerd:
  22. Concerning PWNA

    The PWNA closed their bbs to non members, and I still don't care. :banana: bannana man's cool!!!
  23. Higher Learning or not?

    82 views and only 13 responces? I didn't realize that a persons education was such a big secret.
  24. Caustics Safety

    definitely some good information. Allthough I think a lot of the personal saftey issues are a little unrealistic. I believe that everyone should adhere to the basics like: wearing a respirator, eye protection, and appropriate clothing, but lets face it, if I tried to follow the steps to ensure that I never make contact with any chemicals It would take me a week to finish what can now do in a day. I get chlorine in on my arms, hands and somtimes everywhere else on almost a daily basis and I can't see any reasonable way to prevent that from happening.
  25. It had never occured to me either until I was there talking to a employee about something else and had metioned how I had bought the a sprayer and I was allready having some problems and he's the one that told me to just bring it in and they will replace it. I said "really" he said "sure buddy!" I said "Cool, thanks" that was four sprayers ago.