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John Doherty

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Everything posted by John Doherty

  1. Finance

    I just picked up a contract with a builder for new const. flatwork, 800 a yr, will bring my total to over 2000 for next yr. I NEED MONEY!!!! I can handle this myself until we lose daylight in Oct. (with the help of some good subcontractors when it gets too crazy). Tweaking my business plan, and went to an SBA workshop last week, will be hitting a few banks this week. My bank only lends money to people who don't need it! I'm going to concentrate on banks that are based in my state, I like the idea of local service and understanding of the local business climate. Some quick history, bought the biz existing in April 02, was a part time venture w/1 builder project, built it to 12 by late 03 and now about 25 projects (worked a full time night job the first year). I've turned a healthy profit every year, I have zero debt, paid cash for my truck and the biz in 02. Anyone with any experience getting any type of biz finance who would like to share their experience would be appreciated. JD
  2. Is Steve Rowlett Around?

    Anybody know if Steve is still around and how to get in touch with him?
  3. Chris Tucker your needed.

    That's him, deserves a lot of credit, put soft washing in lots of people's minds around 05. I think he's the one who kicked it off.
  4. Chris Tucker your needed.

    Tim I don't remember his last name Hazelton, maybe? Wasn't specifically a roof guy as I recall.
  5. Can it be done without amping up the drama? It can go to 5000 but if half the people are pissed off is it really a good thing?
  6. Too tough to pick just one. The thing I like the most is what you pick up from guys you hardly ever see on the boards, just answering and asking questions. The guys who always post 'look at me' stuff and feel they have to prop up the boards with inane garbage can learn a lot from those guys.
  7. 2013 makes it how many yrs in this business??

    12 years here, 4 in Colorado and 1 year off taking care of my Dad and 7 here in NJ.
  8. Hey everyone, as always TGS is my go to source for wood related questions. We start this powerwash project for these 88 bldgs on Monday. They just asked me to quote cleaning these decks too, they are 8x8 and 8x16, there are 400 of them. What would be the best and most economical way to clean them and how would you price them?
  9. Those sizes sound fine for a 4 gpm machine, I'd put a filter between the tank and the machine.
  10. A strange thing happened yesterday...

    Rick I've seen this before too. We have lots of turkey buzzards around here and it's their poop.
  11. Hey guys working on a bid that includes about 500 linear feet of split rail fence. They want it cleaned and (their words) 'waterproofed'. This is part of a bid for about 40 buildings, wash, roof and gutters. I don't do wood, but need to in this case, any ideas for a method and any help on pricing would really be appreciated.
  12. Split Rail Fence

    Thanks for the info Mike!
  13. Non Pressure Washing Related Help

    I have some friends who have an awesome little boy. This kid is sweet and kindhearted. He's also tough as nails, he has Crohns and he never ever complains. He's a bit shorter then other kids his age but he doesn't let anything hold him back. If you have a couple bucks to donate in his name for a Crohns and Colitis Association walk coming up I'm sure he'd be really excited. Use this link and then click on make a gift under the thermometer. Take Steps, Be Heard for Crohn's and Colitis: Thanks for taking the time and if you can find it in your heart to make a donation it will be greatly appreciated!
  14. Customer had a painter who used H&C Acrylic concrete stain on a kids basketball court in her backyard. It failed immediately, to the point the painter wouldn't even collect on the job. It looks like a typical failure 'flaking off' probably due to poor prep. I'm going to hot water wash the surface to remove as much of the old stain as possible (we're going to be there doing her roof), she is going to wait about 2 weeks for the last of the pollen to drop and then do an acid etch with muriatic. Any suggestions for a good concrete stain for a kids basketball court (it's a blue color now)? Also any ideas on prep, are we going about it in the right way?
  15. Concrete Basketball Court Stain Failure

    Celeste do you think a hot water wash/removal of as much of the of the failing stain as possible followed by an acid wash will be sufficient prep? Or will it just fail if all the prior stain isn't removed?
  16. Good so far you'll find out real quick you'll want 8-10gpm for speed, probably won't need an extension wand but you'll need a few 100 feet more pressure hose. I'm very impressed with the 140 jobs booked for a new co and before the season has started, how did you guys manage that?
  17. Rust on Vinyl

    Oxcalic acid
  18. Attention Painters!

    I need an idea of a price to paint these shudders, they are vinyl and all are 2nd story. They need to be removed, cleaned, painted and put back up. This is volume pricing there are 250 pairs (500 individual shutters). I'm also looking for as many reason as possible to replace them vs painting them.
  19. Attention Painters!

    Thanks everyone!
  20. Attention Painters!

    If they are painted how long until they need to be repainted?
  21. That's funny Adrian, good thing she took it as a compliment! I was talking about roof cleaning with a very attractive lady and for some reason I said orgasm when I meant to say organism!
  22. Basics to start

    You need equipment, customers and some employees.