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Everything posted by badger11

  1. Same Old Story

    Looks to me that rfitz has it down!!!!! I am an admitted newbie and if I am able to out sell my services over a well extablished company than that company does not deserve the job. A big part of selling is trust. Make the customer trust (yourself and services) you and feel comfortable having you do work on their property. No one wants a scum bag they can't trust on their property.
  2. When applying bleach related house washes, what type of protective gear do you guys wear. I can see using eye protection but not sure if a respirator is needed also.
  3. Gutter Zap

    I am going to start a house washing business this spring. I am looking for the best chemicals to use for vinyl siding and gutters. From my research I am trying to choose between using 1 1/2 gallons of clorox bleach {ultra} approx 2-3 cups of Liquid Tide or Limonene. I am also looking for the best gutter cleaner available. I have heard gutter zap is very good. What are your thoughts. Thanks!!!!
  4. Gutter Zap

    It seems that there is a lot of discrepancy in the power washing business as to the chemicals used and application of them. I can only assume that there are some that offer advice on chemicals that are not qualified to offer good advice. Either a chemical or combination of chemicals work or they don’t. I have seen on forum posts where multiple people say that they use a product and that it is the best for a job and that they have tried other products that do not work well or at all. Then I see on other forum posts the opposite opinions on the same products. Does not make sense to me. I will simply have to try multiple products and see with my own eyes as to what products to use. Ronald Reagan once said, “Trust but verify”
  5. Gutter Zap

    Thanks for the info. I sure do appreciate you guys sharing your knowledge with me. For those of you in Ohio what time of year do you start to advertise. I am thinking the middle of April would be the time to start advertising for house washing work.