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Everything posted by RevMichaelReece

  1. I read your recipe for the house cleaner, you said its not the best. What would you say was the best?

  2. Arkansas

    Hello, I work a job four days a week at a Christian School. I make very little money so I have been doing some pressure washing on the side. I really dont know very much about pressure washing, but would like to learn. Is there anyone in the central Arkansas region that I could help on some jobs to try to learn? Maybe wouldnt mind showing me the ropes or giving some advice? I cant ask folks in the phone book, because they consider me competition. Thanks
  3. Arkansas

    OK what would be a good time?
  4. Arkansas

    Thanks Mike, I may take you up on that.
  5. Arkansas

    My washer is the basic Honda 4gpm direct drive from Lowe's, I am wondering about a X jet, and where I should buy chemicals?
  6. Arkansas

    I have been to Myrtle Beach before, but was not a Christian at the time, Christian Education is great. Thanks for sending your daughter.
  7. Arkansas

    If not, could anyone reccomend any books?