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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. I just made my 1000th post

    jon chapman, congratulations! You just made your 1000th post on The Grime Scene. Thank you for your contributions to the forums! except when I was at 999 I started looking at some other of my posts and they were all #999. So Im really at like 1009 or 1025. cant really tell! Is there a prize? Dang it, why not. I'm really bored tonight.
  2. I just made my 1000th post

    thats all the prize I needed. I can go to bed happy now. I just have to find a way to get my teenagers to think that!
  3. Do You Guys Like It ?

    Chris, you must be really slow. You are spending a lot of time and effort on this. But I'm sure you'll get bettter page rankings right?
  4. Any Smokers Out There?

    Be careful Don, The Libs will be after you soon if you smoke in your back yard! Do you buy carbon offsets when you cook out?
  5. Heres another paver seal job done in one day. The customer sprayed all the weeds last week, but it was still a chore to get rid of them all . The Product is Seal N Lock- natural luster. It doesnt give much color to the pavers though. The HO didnt want any shine. PS Thanks KJ for the good word. It helped sell the job.
  6. St. Petersburg, FL paver seal

    One thing I did find out is it never goes as far as the label says. (but what does?) And yes you really can do it in one day. Just let the pavers dry enough after cleaning to see if you missed any spots, wash the sand in- the most time consuming part- and flood with the sealNlock. Give it a second coat for a little more shine. The Natural luster mixes 1-1 with water and gets about 750-1000sf per 10gal mixed. The 2 part Super wet mixes 2-1 and gets about 1000-1500sf per 15 gal mixed. estimate on the low side or have extra handy. The super wet looks better with 2 coats.
  7. I like the warm honey as it seems to bring out the colors in the Ipe. where as the brown sugar tends to hide them more as the pigment is darker. you will get a more even look with brown sugar. If you want to see what the warm honey looks like just wet the ipe. that will give you a close representation of the end result.
  8. looks good Dan. Hey, I get a chance next to test your mix again. I have a failing solid to look at.
  9. heres a dock that I finished today. 10 year old dock treated 3 times with Flood spa-n deck. Last time only 3 years ago. you can see how bad its peeling in the 1st pic. I just gave it a light cleaning to remove any more peeling areas and then flood it with 2 coats of Flood. It did come out nice, but Its almost impossible to get the bare areas to blend in.
  10. Just wanted you to see what you missed out on when you didnt come down and help me. Would your office really have missed you for a couple days? But to me its just another day at the beach.
  11. Fl. sucks until about January when you realize all our brothers are freezing their hind ends off, and its in the low 70s here. and were working. and getting sunburned.
  12. After replacing several boards on a deck (used #2 pt 2x6) the customer called to say one is producing a lot of sap. What causes this and how to stop it. Wood was cleaned and stained immediatly with WTW.
  13. sap

    I wanted to bump this since I didnt get an answer. The one board in question had only spots of sap coming up, which came up with rubbing alchohol without removing any stain. But what causes a board to sap anyway? It was #2 lumber from HD. It was from a very young log. the cut was from the center of the log and pretty widely spaced rings if that makes any difference. I had always thought the sap wood was the outside of the tree.
  14. Personally I hate florida! I'm a mountain boy through and through. Dont like salt water, Hate flat land, dont like the beach much. But I married a native so I'm stuck. Gotta admit, being able to work year round is a plus. By the way, thats wood tux, warm honey gold. ( I did enhance the colors of that first pic just a little.)
  15. Perfect. My wife wont even wash my clothes with the family's wash anymore. just pile them up and wait. I even have to keep them in the garage after thier clean.
  16. Down Payments

    I collect 25% on deck jobs over $750 to schedule. Never had anyone balk.
  17. Stupid question but what is a Butyl product as opposed to a non butyl product. Is sodium metasylicate Butyl? and sodium hydrox non butyl?
  18. Stripped this deck yesterday. you can see on the step, edge (in shade) and verticles what remained. I used HD80 at 10oz per gallon and applied straight. It wouldnt touch it. HO has no idea as the guy that maintained it EVERY YEAR cant be reached any more. Spa N Deck by flood is the most common acrylic used down here. But I can usually get that off better than this. I charged accordingly for extra sanding work, but Id still like to get more off before sanding. Any Idea what it is?
  19. I talked to Barbara today. She wasnt sure you could use the 633 with HD80. Your saying its OK? I asked about the 760, but man was that stuff expensive.
  20. Tony, I dont see anything on V-Seal site about a product for composites. Care to elaborate? Also what is the Chomp pro site?
  21. Ipe Deck Complete

    Thats purdy. I love the way the stain makes the grain pop.
  22. Sorry Beth. I didnt mean to take away from the issue at hand, but as you might have gathered, I feel pretty strongly about this. It is a serious subject and if it was addressed with out all the the liberal demagoging I think more conservatives would take it more seriously. Unfortunately, I don't think the demagoging is going to stop. It has become a fad that more and more people are biting into to the detriment of real change for the better.
  23. Deck Help

    That looks just like tha Behr Sylicone stain. Prepare for lots of sanding.