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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Sorry that didnt work. I'll try again later after I've picked myself up from the floor and the blue tint is gone from my skin.
  2. Heres what Im going to do to prove Im Green. I am going to reduce my carbon footprint by not exhaling for the next hour.
  3. You mean like the scientific data that 'proves' global warming? The scientists that have data showing opposite data are marginalized and ignored- but we have a 'consensus' on global warming. Good stewardship of the land is our Biblical responsibility. But this Green stuff is agenda driven. And the agenda is going to lead to more taxes, higher costs and bankrupcies for many.
  4. done in a day

    expound on the Olympic on wet wood.
  5. I drove around and wasted some $4.15/gallon diesel. I'm sorry but I'm sick of earth day. I'm sick of the rediculous promotions that go with it. Granted we need to conserve and clean up our waters, but the U.S. (us) have made major strides in cleaning up the environment and continue to make strides. Something the rest of the world can not even hope to match. This "green" bandwagon that everyone is jumping on is causing this country to make Fuel of Food. People around the world are going to starve to Death- Thats STARVE TO DEATH because of this 'Green' garbage! And I for one am sick of it.
  6. Jeff is the perfect parent. Perfect parents get perfect kids.
  7. Pressure Pro 8GPM 3500 PSI

    Keep it for a spare. Ive had many problems with my 8gpm Pressure Pro. and It always gives me trouble when Im on an overnight job.
  8. i am better off in all ways. 5 years ago I was bouncing around sales jobs after many years in management, trying to find myself. I realized the reason I sucked in management was I needed to be the owner. I sucked in sales cause I could sell myself better than selling a product. I make more money, work less, am less stressed,(except in areas involving my 2 teenage boys,) I am starting to really slow down and the slow times bother me more than they used to because of the higher prices Im seeing and the uncertainty of the economy. But, I believe wholeheartedly in this country and its ability to surpass problems. THe future is bright and my kids will be better off. (provided I don't kill them first.)
  9. This will make me a True Mobile contracter cleaner
  10. Democrat pres. new tax form

    This is what we'll have with our new pres. 2008 1040 EZ.doc
  11. A guy told me once after getting a $4000 deck estimate (for a mess of a deck) that My materials should cost about $300, the wood another 200 and would take me only about 8 hours to complete the entire job. He said his lawyer doesnt get that much. My reply: 'I used to be a lawyer until I realized how lucrative this business is." I aggree with the above statements. Most people arent trying to find how much you charging per hour, just to see how long the inconvience is going to be.
  12. I havn't talked to shane in a while, But I here what your saying Daniel.
  13. This is a recent job I did. Wicker furniture with teak accents. Cleaned with efc and WTW warm honey gold.
  14. no! Just kidding. I used the osborne brush to sand and som 60 grit paper for minor spots. 1st coat was brushed on the wiped completely dry. She wasnt happy with the way it looked pluss there were some spots completly bare, (I think her husband sanded a couple spots 'cause my pics after I was done the first coat showed no missed spots.) Any way I did 3 more coats several days later. An hour or two between coats and just wiped it in with a rag, just like wiping a stain on interior furniture.
  15. chlorine lung burns

    I learned my lesson on my first roof cleaning. I wasnt that bad off but it will never happen again
  16. personal home. on several acres on a lake. Next door to that Ipe dock I did last year. Its funny when you talk to "the richest 1 percent" how decent, down to earth they are and most are self made. But we should make them pay their fair share, doggonnit!
  17. this table was made of rough hewn Balinese Teak and had an unknown sealer on it. It had to be stripped with paint stripper, sanded to remove really rough spots and furrs and then WTW applied. I did several coats, rubbed in each coat to give it the shiny appearance. the last pic was just at a different light level and its not really that dark. The second pic is best
  18. New Here

    No body was banned from Bobs board. Its a matter of not playing well with others.
  19. How Sick ?

    Sick son of a >>> But let me add a little bit of what I believe. We have spent 30 years in this country telling young people its OK to kill babies, even if it means partially delivering them and sticking a pair of scissors in the skull and sucking out the brains, and then calling it reproductive rights so its OK to do. And then we wonder why someone like this sick sob would do this? Any wonder why we have a disregard for life in this country?
  20. This is one nasty deck. I strenuously advised to have the deck re-build, especially around the pool, and re-skinned on the elevated portion. I cant even replace some of the rotted boards because of frame rot. Check out the trim around the pool! Its at the water line. I asked the cust. if he just purchased the house. No, he just hasnt gotten to it. I told him I wouldnt let my kids out there, and especially company. Im gonna clean it next week and he said he'll replace it next year.
  21. 2008 Sealer Poll

    Wow, I havnt seen the price increase yet. Makes me wish i had ordered a bunch at the end of the year! I'll stick with WT because of ease of use and tintability. I like not having a bunch of different colors around just waiting for the next guy who I talk into Warm Honey Gold anyway. Im selling Sikkens but havnt had any bites as I price it almost double. The only way I'll use Flood is when the deck has the spa n deck on it already and customer doesnt want to pay extra to strip it and put a decent product on it. I cant believe the way the wood looks after a couple years of not keeping it maintained, which is the typical customer of course. I think the acrylic actually promotes rot, splintering, cracking and all the other problems you see on a never finished deck.
  22. Flagstone washing video

    i bet they didnt even know the flagstone was colored like that
  23. For all you Bush haters

    Obama's total for new gov't programs- $287Billion Clintons total for new gov't programs-$257Billion McCains total for new gov't programs- $7 Billion That says all I need to know
  24. amature harmonica player

    I love playing the harp and keep several in my truck (5) just so I can play along when I hear a good tune. I only wish I could play like this guy!!