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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Pressure Washer Saves Life

    "Yuhasz sprayed the men in the face, a move car wash manager Rick Maddock said helped Yuhasz escape a dangerous situation. "The lady had to be pretty safe because this thing is about 1000 pounds of pressure," Maddock said." Must have had the zero tip in. I always knew there was a reason to keep the red tip.
  2. This is a deck I looked at yesterday. its a 3/4 of a million dollar IPE deck. The pool cleaning contractor dripped SH across the entire deck from one side to the other. The cost to replace the affected boards is over $50k. Better to pay the insurance cost per year than have something like this happen to you.
  3. Jim, I gave them all the options. The builder was pretty smart too. He had really thought through all the options like flipping boards (very labor intensive-taking down railings, moldings on columns plus lots of angle cuts) then still having to clean and he maintained the customer would not accept that. Or just bring the whole deck back with a good bleaching. I dont know if the adjuster talked to the customer or not, or just through the lawyer and builder, but if they want to write the check they can go right ahead. I may call the builder and see if he'll donate the boards though.
  4. I never got to talk to the HO. Just the builder and adjuster. Since I wouldnt guarantee that the spots would not come back, (I mean how do you guarantee that) and the HO liked the silver look of the weathered IPE, the best option would be to replace the boards. Even though the new boards would take time to weather. If they wanted it finished with an oil I would have given that guarantee, but the builder was pretty adamant and the insurance co will probably just go with replacement. This deck was unbeleivable. the pics dont do it justice. I didnt take any since it was pouring rain when we were there. This was an entire shipment of IPE. He said he did $1 mil or exterior work for the customer and the majority was the deck.
  5. New arrivals

    Holy cow. I didnt think you were old enough to have grandkids! now you get to dote over the little squirts.
  6. President

    I told you I was running, now I have the T-shirts to prove it.
  7. '08 Economy Poll

    I am the eternal optimist. I get tired of the doom and gloom portrayed in the media no matter how well things really are. That being said, I am beginning to be very concerned. But I dont beleive were in a recession. You read all the time about the current recession, the coming recession etc., but by definition a recession is 2 quarters of negative growth in GDP and that hasnt happened yet, nor do I beleive it will. But we are having a definate slow down, and the economy will probably slow further. I kind of hope for a democrat president so they will be blamed if we do slip into recession. As we all know its the president in office that gets blamed for downturns and the previous occupant that gets credit for upturns.
  8. Sending bypass water to grass?

    it doesnt take a big tank, you can even rig a 5 gal bucket with a float and bypass to it.
  9. Who is Barack Obama?

    Wow, what a statement. So God has saved your life, etc. but you dont believe that God should have a place in our country's discourse. Keep Him out of politics, Seperation of Church and State, and all that horse pucky. If you believe God has a place in our everyday lives, why shouldnt He have a place in the everyday lives of the people who lead us? Christians-Evengelical Christians anyway-believe that the social fabric of this country is coming apart. Ever since the rediculous assertion that the Seperation of Church and State is enshrined in the Constitution. When a liberal supreme court found that right in the constitution, along with the right to abortion,(that freedom of speech means that a woman can kill her baby) the majority of the country was againt those rulings. Now they have been so enshrined in our country's psyche, that when a canditate running for public office says their for Christian values, every one gets up in arms that he will turn the country into a Christian caliphate and overturn all the liberal rulings of liberal judges and liberal supreme court. Thats the problem with the modern democratic party, No person with strong faith gets far up in the party, Robert Casey for instance. The Democrats wouldnt even let him speak at the convention. They have to be completely non religious. The republican base is conservative, religiously inclined. We want a Christian that will at least talk about his faith, that will talk about the values that made this country great-Christian values. (by the way, polls show that the vast majority of religious conservatives voted for Romney in Michigan. )
  10. Who is Barack Obama?

    So, your saying Beth, that the President should be more politically correct. So we dont lose allies. Let me tell you as one who spent a lot of my formative years overseas. Governments or other countries have always disliked us because of our power, until we dont show our power. Then they ask us for help when they need it. People around the world love us. they want to be here because they economic opportunities here are much better than there. When the press interviews citizens of other countries, who do you think they interview, the ones who like us or the ones who hate us. When Pres. Reagan asserted power the world thanked us. WHen he withdrew the Marines from lebenon, the world lost respect for us. When Jimmy Carter sat there and waffled about what to do, the world lost respect for us. Then Reagan built our power again up again. I could go on and on. Ive lived Overseas. I have seen the respect and the hatred people have for the US. and in my experience, the more power we assert, the more people respect and love the USA.
  11. Who is Barack Obama?

    You sexist pig you. One thing you cant say about GW is that he is trying to be politically correct with the rest of the world. what I hear over and over again, is that the rest of the world hates us. GW TREATS the US as the most powerful country in the world and THAT is why they hate us. The rest of the world is a bunch of cowering sissies that wont back up their words with force because their affraid of what the rest of the world will say about them. (I love going off topic.)
  12. Who is Barack Obama?

    Here is the link to Snopes about these claims: Urban Legends Reference Pages: Search Engine The first one on the page is the one about the pledge but you have to go to the bottom of the page to find it. the second one has the bit on the flag picture. Watch the embedded video. He may have been showing his lack of respect for the completly crappy singer. look at the end of the video. only John Edwards and the guy on the end are actually facing the flag. I'm willing to bet since he was facing left, he was facing the singer, and was enthralled with her and since he could not see the others, just spaced it out. I have been at many national anthems singings, and watch the crowd. Many people dont know what to do. You have military, even exmilitary out of uniform, saluting, some remove and hold thier hats-some behind thier backs, some in front and some over thier hearts. Some people look around and see what others are doing and follow what ever they think might be right. Give the guy a break, I'm sure no disrespect was intended and it wasnt at a pledge of alliegance. But still dont vote for him. vote Hillary.
  13. Who is Barack Obama?

    Ditto on everything Doug said. What I dont get is that-as many here have pointed out in the past-is the belief that evangelical Christians have a lock on the direction of the republican party even when the party goes against us, but most dont beleive that the secular left (leftists in my opinion) dont have lock on the Democrat party platforms. I think Obama is a leftist. I dont know about his own faith. I dont think any one really knows because he doesnt talk about it. He may well be a believer in Christ. Or allah for that mater, But unlike us evangelical Republicans, His core followers dont care or just dont want to know. He also doesnt talk about any of his policies either, just this vague notion of change. Pretty soon he is going to have to change that and talk about his policies or is going to get creamed by a republican. come to think of it he'll get creamed by a republican when he talks about his policies anyway, 'cause I can guarantee they'll be leftist in nature and Americans dont want higher taxes, more protectionism and more liberal judges.
  14. Who is Barack Obama?

    I want my 72 Virgins. Insha'Allah! Jerry Garcia for President!
  15. Who is Barack Obama?

    I am absolutely not going to vote for Barak Obama or any democratic candidate for that matter. But some of these rumors and emails are just plain rediculous. Most of them have been completely disproven, like Obama wont pledge alliegance or that he used a Koran during swearing in-that was Kieth Ellison. If your going to hold him accountable for not placing his hand over his heart during the national anthem, you should hold the rest of them accountable for not facing the flag. Hold all the Idiots at the football games accountable when they dont place their hands over the heart during the national anthem or just keep talking through it. I bet most of them are Good red blooded christians! How about the men that dont take their hats off in church. These rumors have gotten to be rediculous and you should be ashamed for even posting them here. I would not want this man leading this country-but for his social policies, not because he's black or even Muslim (which I dont think he is.)
  16. A&A, Id love to have you up but business is slow until mid Febuary, nor could I help you with the high rise stuff. If I could Id help a Panamanian brother, ( I was born in Ancon at Balboa hospital into a long time Canal Zone family.) Why dont you send me a PM with your phone # and if anything comes up that would be worth you coming up for, I'll call you.
  17. MY one Question?

    ron, I dont know if I can take you doing a personal video every time you want to respond to a question. You are just way too tech savvy!
  18. MY one Question?

    With most houses you will have 4-5 gpm flow from the faucet. If you have a 100 gal tank you can start half full, hook up at the house and fill up while you're pulling lines and setting up then go at it. Remember that you will stop periodically and the tank will keep filling then, while you're working it will be filling at half the rate you are draining it. However, if you dont already have an 8gpm unit and you're plannning on doing mostly resi., you really should stick with 5.5 or lower. You will not see that much increase in productivity unless you are doing commercial work.
  19. Thanks for the nice comments about the web site, Tmrrptr. Actually that method came from Russell, just get the excess off before it dries to a film. The WTW really absorbs quickly into the wood, so it you have a filmy area and wipe lightly with Min spirits, you know your just getting what hasnt absorbed.
  20. The Latest Hot Movies

    I just saw 'Beowulf'. Pretty good, but it took a while to get used to the 3D. Will Smiths 'I am Legand' was really good.
  21. i just finished applying Wood tux to a deck today in 40-50 deg weather.(man was it cold!!!) anyway, I had a lot of shiny spots when done and had to wipe with min spirits. Ive never had to do that on a warm day.
  22. Does anyone have an HSA? If so what are the pros and cons that you see
  23. The closest thing to an acid trip...

    that would have been better accompanied with a little Brain Ticket.
  24. Read this through. If your not laughing out loud by the end Ill refund your money. The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5-year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English." In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c." Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k." This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter. There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" w! ill be replaced with "f." This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter. In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away. By the 4th yer people wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v." During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining ou". Efter ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensibl riten styl. Zer vil! be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru. Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas. If zis mad you smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.
  25. or how low can you go on price.