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Everything posted by Chappy

  1. Sell TGS to a new org??

    With so many of the ex-members of this free, non-affiliated BB, that regularly go to other BBs and bash the moderator of this one because she doesnt take any gruff or allow stupidity, do you seriously think that would work? Too many people to easily get thier panties in a wad and go cry somewhere esle about any little slight.
  2. professionalism

    this is the only other company that advertizes against me in the YP under Deck Cleaning and Waterproofing. They showed up at this house 4 doors down from me at about noon and are still there. Roof pressure washed, house washed, and driveway clean. I have to compete against beer money guys all day long, but at least I dont have to worry about competing on professionalism! their name? A 1st Class
  3. professionalism

    well said.
  4. Here is an IPE dock I estimated yesterday. I didnt know that IPE could get this bad. Notice the lichen growth. I hope I land this one.
  5. IPE Dock

    One thing you dont need Ken is more beer. That belly is getting away from you already. you want to look like the guys from A 1st class?
  6. IPE Dock

    I talked to Carl about 6 months ago. Couldnt remember him at all, but he was in my little brothers grade, 4 years behind me. Mike, I Went to BE elem in '72-'74. Lived directly behind the Holiday Inn. Could hear the snow blowers on Sugar mountain all night long in winter. Beautiful country but when I got out of the army I realized that there really werent much in the way of career opportunities, so I left for florida. College was cheaper here too. Really wish now that I had found a way to stay. But my wife is a native here and she hates it when it gets below 70Deg. Carl tells me BE elem is getting torn down. Shame, but that place was like a dungeon. Cant believe any one could be educated in that environment. Built in the 30s.
  7. professionalism

    Its funny cause me and Ken (KJ) were just talking about these guys the night before.
  8. IPE Dock

    Hey Christian, You related to Carl? My dad is Dr. Chapman. Just left Banner Elk for warmer pastures in sebring.
  9. IPE Dock

    thanks jeff. Im Sure i'll be calling you soon. The lichen cleanes right off with EFC38 and some scrubbing. This is one that I priced fair and still dont expect to get the job! $2 million home, $50000 dock and you should have seen the look on her face when I gave her the esimate. Oh well. Seems the richer they are the less they want to spend. Its this damn Bush economy, thats what Im blaming everything on now. Right Jeff?
  10. IPE Dock

    This is the lichen pic
  11. Dock!

    Travis, did you do this, and how did it end up?
  12. they make this great stuff called 'gasoline' That and a match will work wonders. just move the boat first.
  13. Heading to Canada

    Ive lived on 4 continents and the prettiest place in the world by far is the pacific northwest, Truly Gods country. If only it wasnt filled with liberal democrats!
  14. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

  15. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    I this thread had died. Sorry but I have to respond. 1st.) I absolutely fault Bush for his immigration policy. But if it wasnt for the republicans the last effort by Bush would have passed. The Republican base screamed bloody murder and got it killed. (you can thank talk radio for that.) the mainstream media was all for it. 2) Absolutely no constitutional ammendment on gay marriage. That is a moral issue but in no way can be equated with the moral issue that was slavery. However, you personally feel that homosexuality is immoral, why shouldnt it part of the public discourse. Why shouldnt there be public figures that speak out against it and get your votes because of thier stance on the issue. In the last 10 years or so the issue has been shoved in our faces by the Liberals and the gay lobby. The Media, especially TV has been doing everything to make it look normal. Not just so we would ACCEPT it but EMBRACE it. I think that if you ask your conservative friends, the majority believe that gays are good people and should be left alone. However if the issue is marriage, then no, we dont want gays to marry. Even if you dont believe that marriage is ordained by God and it should be between 1man and 1 woman, you cant argue the facts that society benefits from this tradition and should be upheld. Civil unions-go for it. I think that my gay next door neighbors should have many of the rights that are inferred by marriage, but dont call it marriage! But this should be left to the states to decide. That is what Federalism was all about. 3) My views and yours are almost identical on abortion. except I dont have a daughter. It should not be up to the congress to decide. It should not be decided by the courts. The laws should be decided by the states as they were before 1973. Roe v Wade took away the right for the people in the individual states to govern themselves on that issue. The Supreme Court FOUND the RIGHT to abortion in the Constitution. (However, see point 4 below.) If I want my state to ban abortion then I have every right to elect people that will pass laws banning abortion. If you want it legal then you have the right to elect people to pass laws making it legal. If you live in a state that does not allow it, you can move if you want to live in a state that allows it. I cant remember how many states had banned abortion prior to 1973 but it was a majority. but The polls prior to the decision showed more than 60% of the public was for banning abortion. (remember this was during the free love era and well prior to the Christian right and Moral Majority.) The Supreme court overrode the will of the people. So why shouldnt we the people take back our rights to have the laws that we believe are correct and override the Supreme court. However, again, I beleive it should be up to the states, not the federal goverment. 4) Many in politics are hypocrites- Unfortunately many individuals that I see in business and church and everyday life are hypocrites. The government has every right to tell you who you can sleep with just like the government has the right to set taxes to influence social policy. But it should be the states (or local) gvt's that do it just like the local school boards say its ok to allow gay clubs in schools. In the Preamble to the US Constitution, the statement, "to promote the general welfare" has allowed solcial legislation that was not inummerated in the constition. Liberal social legislation has been upheld just as conservative social legislation has. That is why even though the constition is concise it is also general in its statement of principles and allows LEGISLATORS elected by THE PEOPLE to make laws. This country has gone from conservative to liberal to inbetween and back again. I vote for the people that reflect my beliefs. Yes some of them are hypocrites. that is human nature. But that is also part of democracy. I vote. I will continue to vote and and continue to try to influence the public discourse to reflect what I believe. This is what makes our country great. Because I can do just that.
  16. for those of you that want universal health coverage. You really want to pay to cover these idiots? YouTube - Stupid Stunts
  17. stupid humans or natural selection at work

    Wait Chris, Did I just read what I thought I read? You were for universal health care a week ago. Universal HC means government control. There is no in between. YOu are right that if the govt stayed out the market would work. The govt tells companies that they have to cover certain things, or in some states, all things, and the prices go up. This is the reason costs have risen no much and some cant afford it, and some just wont pay to get it. Get the govt out of health care. let the market work. Maybe people that make stupid decisions like these guys wouldnt make those stupid decisions and cost the system so much.
  18. Hey BBS surfers

    i banned myself from TCN. Maybe Ill de-ban myself and check it out again.
  19. not to mention the hearing loss after a couple decks, I had a headeach just watching this from the high piched noise.
  20. Here is a dock I did recently. It had latex solid over acrylic. Stripped as much as possible with HD 80. Sanded off splinters and any loose latex. Pic #2 is after stripping 2x. thats all I could get off with boosted HD80. Primed with Cabots problem solver and applied Cabots solid alkyd stain. all sprayed with an airless. Some of the wood is in pretty bad shape but he didnt want it replaced.
  21. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    So basically what your saying Chris, is that as a christian, I have no rights. I shouldnt be able to vote for the person who believes in what I do. But you should. And the people you vote for (Presumably) can make all the rules but the people I vote for have no right to make the rules. Dont we live in a republic? Where I vote for someone who makes the rules based on his beliefs? and what I think He'll do when in office. If his beliefs were so far out of the mainstream, do you think he would really get elected? If you want to impose your ideas you have to get your guy into office. But then you also have to get a majority of congress and the presidency. Wait, your almost there. just need the presidency and you get to impose all of Pelosi's San Francisco liberalism on all of us. Abortion any time, anywhere. allowing Illegals to vote. " .I am not anti christian, and believe all should have the right to worship/not worship as they choose." Who is taking these freedoms away? not conservatives "A TRUE Conservative will recognize that the State needs to stay the heck OUT of a persons decision to do what they WANT to their own bodies." Its the liberals that want to ban smoking and charge a fat tax. and then you want universal health care? You have some serious animosity toward Christians, bro. Were just people like you, we just believe in something better than whats here. Do you consider me holier than thou. a hypocrite? Have I ever preached to you or condemned you for what you do(Which I dont even know,) or how you do it. But I do believe what I believe and will vote that way every time.
  22. Go on the cruise or head to cancun. Because we can work year round, were saturated with PW companies. There is always room for good companies, but be prepared to be shocked at the difference in rates. Shocked I say. and a little dismayed.
  23. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    now Ive heard it all. Show me in the constitution where it says 'seperation of church and state.' Have you even read the constitution? Does that mean its ok to appoint anti christion or anti religious bigots to the supreme court? The supreme court justices who made up the right in the constitution to abortion, do you think they were defending the rights of those unborn citizens to thier pursuit of happiness? It was Christians who fought for and got slavery abolished. EVERY major university that was found before 1900 was founded by christians and was for the advancement of christianity. Most, not all, of the founding fathers were christian. The democratic party used to be a party of the faithful, now the faithful have turned to the republicans because the democrats turned so far away from faith. Chris, you know I like you, but in all honesty, that was the most uneducated, ill-informed rant I have ever heard. Your smarter than that.
  24. Democrat ? Republican ? Independent ?

    I feel very much the same way about the partys. The Democrats seem to believe in every thing I dont and are bound and determined to ruin this country by big govmt., illegal immigration, gay rights, abortion anywhere/anytime, and of course thier anti-military bias. The Republicans have totally lost thier way on thier conservative principles and are ruining the country because of thier timidness in pursuing conservativism. Conservativism is about small government, and low taxes, letting people help themselves and getting out of the way to allow people and businesses to thrive, a strong national defense and that all life is sacred even if its not convenient. I think we built Bush into something he's not because the alternative was too scary too imagine. He was never really a conservative and he definately isnt a communicator. I do believe he has good ideas though, and the hatred the dems show him is what is pulling this country apart. Most conservatives disliked Clinton. But after he was elected, I didnt see bumper stickers saying 'He's not MY president' like you still see today about bush. the abject hatred just wasnt there, and dont bring up talk radio as an axample of hatred of clinton, Because with a few exeptions, no one spewed real hatred, just dislike and he opened himself up to it because of his behavior not his policies. I am one that think he did well domestically, but terribly on foreign policy. I believe a third party could work if you get a strong conservative, with extremely good communication skills. But even with that, He wont get past the media bias, and will just pull votes away from either party he is most closely related to. And even if he wins, he has to still lead one or the other of the parties to get his ideas through to legislation. A moderate just wont cut it this time. It will either be Hillary on the far left or a strong conservative who can get his message out. The most profound thing a president can do is in his appointments to the judiciary and his promotion of defense of the country. Do you really want a democrat in that position. Even Bush will be seen by history as strong on both those counts.